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Escapist reviews CO.


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Not flattering.




Best quote: "Subverting a farce setting is like trying to humiliate a clown."


I personally have not been enticed by CO to play, even though I've played Champions since 1992, and have ran adventures at Cons for several years now. First, from a MMO stand point they give too much character customization at creation point-- from the Con preview and reviews I've read.


Second, the power set up lacks a lot of customization-- I know they didn't want to recreate the Hero System, but it's a system based on flexibility, so more effort should have been made. Oh-- and leave out crafting :(


Lastly, I love Fox Bat, however our campaign has never seen him more than once a year-- twice one time. B/c he is a joke, and while it's fun to break up an on going campaign with him, he has to be used sparingly unless it's a slapstick group. And why did Cryptic downgrade Defender's (and Mindslayer's) look to vanilla?

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Re: Escapist reviews CO.


Heh... downgraded Mindslayer's look to vanilla? Scott Heine (the creator of the character) has a very different take on that...


I thought highly customizeable characters was a draw, not a let down?


Just goes to show that everyone is looking for something different. :)

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Re: Escapist reviews CO.


I thought highly customizeable characters was a draw' date=' not a let down?[/quote']


I said at creation. If I get a MMO, I want to start playing quickly. I'd love for more body, costume, and armor options to unlock at a later level. Other than coming at a point where I have more time to choose these things, it also forces a low powered alt to look less powerful than an epic level character.


I would like more, many more, power options. I was trying to recreate my Hero character that started his career based on a 1 hex accurate EB, and was unable to get that one power. The Attribute presets also felt very limiting to me.

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Re: Escapist reviews CO.




Without reading the review (I'm at work and the internet police are watching... ), I say that this is just another case of personal taste. I guess I'm just happy to have a fun, quality superhero themed MMO to play.


As for the character customization, it would be really stupid of Cryptic to NOT allow people to create a hero to look like they want it to. Now whether or not he plays or has the powers you wanted him to... that's another story all together.


As for unlockables, there are some in the way of powers, items, titles, and pets. But costumes doesn't make sense for this game.

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Re: Escapist reviews CO.




Superman's costume hasn't changed all that much since 1938...


I like the ability to update my costume as time goes by, which the game has. I'm just not interested in having the character designer dumbed down at chargen. If someone doesn't want to do an in depth design at the start, they can already do a fairly generic character to start with, that they can then change later as they level up. I'd just rather not have everyone forced to do it that way.

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Re: Escapist reviews CO.


I guess.... everyone I talked to raved about the at creation options being one of the best parts...


Heh. Well, I'm sure a lot of people were happy to get another character picture generator to use for illustrating their PnP characters. :)


As someone who has not played the game, I ask: are the reviewer's descriptions of the zones and missions accurate? Because if so, I have to admit they don't sound that, shall we say, superheroic. I mean, tracking down a deadbeat robot cowboy for alimony payments? :doi:


There were certainly a few missions in CoX that were presented with tongue firmly in cheek, but there were also ones that really gave you that "dammit, I'm a hero" feel. Did Cryptic perhaps lean too much on the nyuk-nyuk dispenser for CO?

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Re: Escapist reviews CO.


Some of the missions go against Menton, Teleios and Dr. Destroyer... not seeing the nyuk in that.


Though, I haven't played either, so I may be off the mark.


I don't know. Looking at what they made Menton look like, one could argue the point... ;)


Anyone with actual game experience want to chime in?

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Re: Escapist reviews CO.


I don't know. Looking at what they made Menton look like, one could argue the point... ;)


Anyone with actual game experience want to chime in?


Yes! I have felt VERY Super-Heroic many times playing CO. Picking up a Truck and throwing it at a distant Crook, Zombie, Alien, Demon, or yes... even a Cowboy Robot, makes me feel heroic. Not to mention then Flying in, fist first, and begin to lay a serious smack-down on whatever unsuspecting mob I choose to unleash my Fists of Freedom on.


To be sure, there are a few things that I could quibble about, (sometimes I feel, unless totally out numbered, a little too super-powered) but all in all, I'm having a blast.


And I have to say also, having played CoX, this game kicks it's ASCII. Those missions were soooooo redundant I was bored to tears after a week. This game has at least quadruple the number of enemy types, not to mention mission types. Not to mention a PvP element that can be fun (as long as your build doesn't blow). Not to mention it looks far better (and for you non-comic book fans who don't like the outline, you CAN turn it off). The Environments are far more detailed. It is just better.

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Re: Escapist reviews CO.


Some parts of the game are a bit more Silver-Age-Silliness than others, but it's definitely Silver Age in tone. If you were going in expecting a more Bronze Age feel, as apparently the reviewer was, you're going to be a bit disappointed in that aspect. That said, I'd expect upcoming expansions to look at adding a helping or two of darker-and-grittier to the mix.

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Re: Escapist reviews CO.


Yes! I have felt VERY Super-Heroic many times playing CO. Picking up a Truck and throwing it at a distant Crook, Zombie, Alien, Demon, or yes... even a Cowboy Robot, makes me feel heroic. Not to mention then Flying in, fist first, and begin to lay a serious smack-down on whatever unsuspecting mob I choose to unleash my Fists of Freedom on.


To be sure, there are a few things that I could quibble about, (sometimes I feel, unless totally out numbered, a little too super-powered) but all in all, I'm having a blast.


And I have to say also, having played CoX, this game kicks it's ASCII. Those missions were soooooo redundant I was bored to tears after a week. This game has at least quadruple the number of enemy types, not to mention mission types. Not to mention a PvP element that can be fun (as long as your build doesn't blow). Not to mention it looks far better (and for you non-comic book fans who don't like the outline, you CAN turn it off). The Environments are far more detailed. It is just better.


Some parts of the game are a bit more Silver-Age-Silliness than others' date=' but it's definitely Silver Age in tone. If you were going in expecting a more Bronze Age feel, as apparently the reviewer was, you're going to be a bit disappointed in that aspect. That said, I'd expect upcoming expansions to look at adding a helping or two of darker-and-grittier to the mix.[/quote']


Thanks for the info, guys.


My finances are such that CO is just not a feasible investment for me right now, but I have been trying to follow its development and state. I appreciate the feedback. :thumbup:

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Re: Escapist reviews CO.


For me, I find it to be CoX 2.0 with a Champions Universe mod applied. I liked CoX, still do really, and I like the improvements that Cryptic has made over it. The combat is much more dynamic. The look and feel works for me. I love a lot of the animations. I like how my characters feel.


However, I think CoX does still do some things better. The breadth and diversity of powers in CoX is not (yet) matched by CO. On the otherhand, CO doesn't force you (or allow you) to get a lot of partial coverage defenses either so some of CoX's "diversity" gets boiled away as repetitious. On the other hand, CoX still has a lot more utility powers whereas CO has a whole bunch of attacks.


I think CoX has better teaming. For now.


I like the CO energy-builder / END spending scheme but I do wish that there were more energy-builder power options.


I wish the point buy system were more open-ended so that I might have control over whether I want more powers or if I want my existing powers to be better or if I want to be a stat-gawd. I know this would require more sophisticated balancing, but more useful things would simply cost more points.


And so forth. Realistically speaking however, these are all comparisons I'm making to CoX as it stands now. When I think back to what CoX was like when it released, its a different story.



From a Champions IP perspective, I'm still enjoying running around and seeing some familiar characters in the game. And I guess I'm just a unrepentant HERO Games fanboy, but seeing the Hex Man logo in-game still makes me smile. So sue me ;)

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Re: Escapist reviews CO.


There are only a few games Zero Punctuation likes - Portal, HL2, Thief, psychonauts, Saints Row 2. Of the ones I know he likes, it's only Portal that has never been heavily insulted and critiqued.

I generally like the ones he likes, but not all the genres he likes - especially not the console games.


Ack, sorry - skip all that. I always associate Escapist with Zero Punctuation these days, and Zero Punctuation rarely ever reviews MMOs.

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Re: Escapist reviews CO.


Random thoughts on this thread:


1. Yes, the game is very humorous in tone most of the time. But it's nice-looking, actiony-fun to play, and lets you create a very wide variety of personalized heroes. So I like it.


2. Would I like a dark-themed superhero game? Hell yeah. I'd like it more than this, all else being equal. But that doesn't mean this isn't still quite enjoyable.


3. Mind Slayer looks great. I just got to the point where I found her in-game, and I thought she looked awesome!


4. Zero Punctuation is hilarious. I love it.

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Re: Escapist reviews CO.


Champions Online is schizophrenic.


In the tutorial, you have an alien invasion.


In the desert crisis, you have individuals turned into monsters by radiation, with little to no hope of recovery.


In the canada crisis, you have zombies.


Once you're in the regular zones, you progress through a combination of the above, plus the following:

* Sinister ghosts

* Not so sinister cowboy ghosts

* Gun-toting secessionists

* A sinister group of mentalists, at least one of which is a murderer several times over.

* A costumed supervillain wielding a ping-pong gun, and his army of foam-fingered fanboys.

* A deadly serpent-themed organization...with silly costumes.

* Wacky robot cowboys

* A prison with a bunch of rioting criminals and villains, many under the control of the most powerful mentalist on the planet.

* Aliens that are either engaged in the most inept invasion ever conceived, or so utterly xenophobic that they shoot anything they see instead of asking for help to fix their downed spaceships.

* The most powerful supervillain on the planet, who destroyed a city and many of its most valiant defenders.

* ...and, coming soon, a lich that walks his way across the country, killing anyone in his path and raising them as undead.


So, is Champions Online a Silver-Age game? Bronze Age? Iron Age? Or did someone just throw everything into a blender and serve it up as a milkshake?

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Re: Escapist reviews CO.


I really prefer Mindslayer's updated looks. She's attractive, very attractive, now.


I equally hate Menton's updated looks. He went from someone I actually envied to Erkel.


Still, they own the IP, and I am still a fan. :)


Plus Mindslayer is delicious! Was tempted to say hi to her when I was in Stronghold, might go back and do so later.

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