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Freedom from the Reich


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Hi everyone. I'm new to these boards and could use a little help.


I'm coming up with a campaign and need a little help. The idea of the campaign is that in 1942 Germany unleashed its Ubermensch(Super men), people who had taken a super soldier serum similar to the one from the TV show Heroes(random powers to whoever takes it). They quickly overcame the Allies and most of the world fell to Germany and her Allies(which now include Argentina) over the next 10-12 years. Now the only remaining unconquered places are the United States and South Africa. The Allies managed to steal the serum from the germans but it was to little to late to stop the march of the Germans.


The Campaign takes place in the early 60s and the players are supers from the various allied powers(can be from any of the nations that fought the germans or their allies).


What I need is any kind of concept of super powered character that would fit in a Facist army to throw against my players. Don't need actual builds just ideas. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Freedom from the Reich


You're more than welcome to mine my Nazi organization for ideas. They've been in my campaign since the 80's :)


The New Reich!!!


Probably one of the most dangerous organizations existing today is a possible descendant of the Third Reich, one of the worlds greatest and most feared military institutions of the 20th century.

Believed by INSEC to have been formed out of South Africa and containing many of the purist beliefs of the Nazi regime of World War 2, the New Reich has slowly built its powerful global foundation on horrific hate crimes and fear. The only difference between this New Reich and Hitler's military practices and beliefs is it's covert nature.

While the world watched in horror the armies under Hitler's command overtly invaded it's neighbors in Europe while disseminating views of racial superiority and genocide. Much in contrast the New Reich has used the confusion left behind by the war, subtle propaganda and a complex web of hate mongering to spread it's influence across the globe.

New Reich followers come in as many shapes and sizes as those they deem inferior. Within the U.S. organizations from the poles of society, including the reformed paramilitary group the Black Panthers, the revitalized Skinhead movement to the influentially backed "rich boy" and racially diverse organization called the SNT,s (Societies Next Threat) have all, at one time or another, been affiliated with the New Reich. The New Reich ability to use the fears and prejudices, whatever they may be, of many different groups has allowed them to spread their influence across the globe in a very short time.

The New Reich's primary operatives still cling to the military garb of W.W.II, preferring the look of the insipid SS espionage divisions. Long black leather jackets hiding uniforms are common among local leaders and red Stormtrooper like uniforms are worn by operatives in open battle. The New Reich has even adopted the three pronged swastika as it's symbol.

Little is know about the leadership of this organization, except that there is evidence that it was the pre-war brain child of living W.W.II Nazi survivors hiding in South Africa and that their offspring may finally be putting their plans into action.

The New Reich largest threat to the world is it's incorporation of paranormals into its overt fighting force:


The New Reich -


Rommel: (Erich Rommel - assumed to be a direct descendant)

The leader of the US based New Reich. Rommel's primary responsibility is to act as decision maker and overseer of everything the New Reich does state side. Incredibly intelligent and devilishly clever he has concocted some of the most successful terrorist actions since the War itself.

Rommel will never be found without his personal transportation device. Comprised of unknown technology and assumed to have been made by enslaved paranormals it has attained near relic stature and has saved Rommel's life on more than one occasion.


Swastika: (Heinrich Schmidt)

Believe it or not, he's only human. However, Swastika is perhaps the greatest field general alive. Combined with his superior martial and firearm abilities, covert operations skills and natural charisma this 6'2" blond haired, blue eyed military expert is the most formidable villain of this age. (think: Captain Nazi)



Evil incarnate! It is rumored that Totenkopf is died during a W.W.II Nazi chemical experiment on death camp captives when the camp was destroyed and he buried alive. One of the worlds few true fliers, he sullies the sky, his death's head of bone frightening to glimpse.

Totenkopf's powers are not as yet understood but it is known that, beyond his ability to fly, he is virtually impervious to harm and may bring to bear a dark force that may be directed at his victims, sapping them unto death.

Totenkopf has no regard for life as he believes himself already dead.



Tiger is an ex-war creation of German construction. His entire sub-epidermal surface has been reinforced with polycarbonate armor plating, his size and strength increased through a series of operations and intense steroid therapy and his left hand amputated and replaced with a high intensity plasma mortar. His strength ranks in the top 5 percent of known beings.


Panzermensch: (Johan Grubner)

Johan Grubner is a great if misguided scientist. His knowledge of robotics and cybernetics is unsurpassed by any peer. He has developed one of the premier armored suits in existence. Wearing it and calling himself Panzermensch he works with the New Reich to achieve their shared goal of global purification.

The Panzermensch armor is a secret highly guarded by the paranoid Grubner. However, he has allowed New Reich leadership to incorporate several of his innovations into their shock troop's weaponry and is responsible for creating the armor worn by his team mates Sturmtrupper and Bismarck. While controlling the Panzermensch armor Grubner is able to bring to bear several abilities including assisted flight, an extremely damaging release of electricity which he has learned how to direct at great distances and may be diverted to the epidermis of his armor causing grievous damage to anyone touching him, and heightened strength.



The Bismarck armor has been worn by many different shock troopers and is considered, by Grubner, a work in progress. Huge, standing over 13' tall and impressive, the Bismarck armor is near impervious. It also wields a projectile firing mortar of incredible power. Unfortunately, the Bismarck armor is slow to the point of standing still and requires a full 30 seconds before refiring it's weapon to prevent overheating. The strength of the Bismarck armor is in the top 1 percent of known paranormals. It is believed only Thunderfist is stronger.



Another creation of Grubner's the Sturmtrupper armor and weaponry is the highest rank to which a shock trooper may ascend.


Festung: (Hermann Mueller)

Never far from Rommel's side is his trusted body guard Festung. His ability to congeal ambient energy into impervious invisible walls of pure force make him the best defense against almost any attempt against Rommel.



A being of pure elemental fire and entropy! His power is off the scope! Luckily, he has never been seen within the United Stated and only rarely in Europe.


There is another group under the umbrella of the New Reich that has just recently arrived in the U.S. They are designated The Aces:


Mengele: (Frans Mengele)

Mengele's duties and skills are equivalent to his peer Rommel, with one exception. It appears that this apparent offspring of the "Angel of Death" has continued his grandfather's research on the Noma virus. Somehow, Mengele has created a tactile transference of an enhanced version of Noma which immediately causes gangrene of the face and mouth of his victims.

Mengele is newer at the New Reich game than Rommel but believes his elder peer should, shall we say, step down, leaving Mengele as sole leader of the New Reich.



A unique cellular structure allows Zeppelin to increase his size and strength at will. As he grows his body, strangely enough, produces a hydrogen byproduct. The result is that when he gets large enough he can float on air. When wearing his personal turbines he is able to maneuver through the skies, though sluggishly, over great distances.

To once again achieve his regular, though extremely obese, stature Zeppelin must release his hydrogen byproduct. Exhalation is his preferred method. Zeppelin has been fitted with electrodes at either side of his mouth that will produce a small arch of electricity upon command. Normally harmless, this arch is the trigger to a gigantic gout of fire as Zeppelin exhales. Zeppelin's elastic cellular structure has reduced the possibility of personal damage to next to nothing.




The Flying Aces Ascension Armor Project:

Each of these armor types was made to fill a hole in air support for the New Reich. They so mimicked the roles of W.W.II German war planes that they were given their names.


Messershmidt (FAAA Mark I):

Budabudabudabudabudabudabudabudabudabudabudabuda... Need I say more?


Stuka (FAAA Mark II):

Big, Big guns, big engines, anti tank! (It's a German A10 hog!)


Folke Wolfe (FAAA Mark III):

Can do almost anything flying armor can be asked to do. Quick, Good sized gun, smaller autofire guns, etc



Actually begun as the next generation of the FAAA project the creation dubbed Luftwaffe soon evolved into it's own entity.

Under normal circumstances this construct, for it is nothing more than a robot, looks very similar to the other FAAA successes. However, it is it's ability to separate into 12 smaller attack vehicles that gives Luftwaffe it's name.



His ability to control great amounts of bioelectrical power make Blitzkrieg a very powerful opponent. He's a little crazy

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Re: Freedom from the Reich


Well, my old game group, which took turns GMing, collectively came up with the Infinite Reich, a group of time and dimension-hopping Nazis who attempt to assimilate as many Earths as possible into their ever-growing empire. They tend to rely upon the use of elite forces rather than sheer numbers. The IR's tech tends to be a strange mix of old WW2 tech, futuristic weapons and devices with an "old school" (pulp, space opera) look and feel to it, and the odd piece of "techno-wizardry". The special group assigned to be the lead units for infiltration, reconnaisance and conquest is referred to as the UberSturmGruppen, or OverStormGroup. The current commander of the group--the "UberSturmGruppenFuhrer", is Karlheinz Ravenhoff, aka Karl Raven. He is a mentalist with a variety of genetic enhancements and cybernetic implants, a product of eugenics and superscience and an attempt to create an Ubersoldat. He's also, as one might expect of a Nazi special forces leader, a complete and utter ruthless bastard with no redeeming human value whatsoever.

Among the superhumans on his "special squad" are:

Oktoberfist, an ersatz Superman--superficially affable brick who can become a really mean drunk

Blitz, a speedster

Uberfraulein, basically your typical tall muscular buxom blonde PG ripoff--though handsome "Aryan" heroes may set off her biological clock

Woden, a powerful mage, watch out for that spear, too!

Donar, brick/energy projector, the hammer is technological

Zerstorer, an armored villain with powerful weaponry

Panzerjager, a "brick-buster", uses a variety of attacks to take down superstrong opponents

Walkure, female brick with a nasty sword


The USG also tends to make use of a variety of superweapons such as submersible battleships, genetically engineered and cybernetically enhanced predatory animals such as oversized dire wolfs, megalodons and T-Rexes(thank you, Samurai Cat), giant tanks and airships, and even the occasional starship.

The IR's home dimension is (spoilered for anyone who might play in my campaign setting someday)


also known as the ReichSphare, because it is essentially a big Nazi Dyson Sphere, filled with all of the assimilated alternate Earth populations wherever the IR conquered and/or the victorious "Nazis" of that setting (be they Caucasian Germans, Gnomes, Asians, Africans, Elves, clones of Ann Coulter or whatever) joined with them.

Security is heaviest, of course, around the massive Wolfsschanze/Fuhrerbunker complex, which is home to...


(minutes of maniacal laughter follows)




If there's simultaneous dimensional invasions by Demons from H*ll and the Infinite Reich, it's probably best to ally with the Demons to repel the Nazis. The Demons generally see it that way, too.

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Re: Freedom from the Reich


I the campaign I'm in my character is "Divine Wind", a 3rd generation Japanese-American descendant from the samauri. The GM sent us to Nazi World where he dressed up like his counterpart "Kamakazi" and made his life miserable by operating in the open as his counterpart. He has a non-focus energy sword (KA or stun-only HA) and some wind based powers. Presently he's playing the part of a Jedi knight. (He may be Japanese by blood, but his soul is an American teenage slacker.)

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Re: Freedom from the Reich


Interesting that you should mention Japan related paranormals...


In Epic City there is a corporation called KIRIKOBUSHI INTL., a Rising Sun Hegemony bio-tech corp that functions within the US. They (like many Rising Sun corporations) has ties to the Yakuza. Long story short... Kirikobushi (translation: Multi-faceted Corporate Warriors Or Fog Business Warriors) employes a paranormal group:

Nihon and the 5 Winds (yah, I know, it sounds like a 70's musical group - But they've been a part of my campaign since the 80's) :)


Nihon (Basically a Captain America for Japan, complete with Rising Sun shield)

Kamikazi (Divine Wind)

Kitakazi (North Wind)

Minamikaze (South Wind)

Higashikazi (East Wind)

Nishikazi (West Wind)

The 5 Winds are all speedsters of some sort or another with a secondary (unique) power shtick + Teamwork!!! They're a VERY challenging team to face. They usually go first and more often than the heroes. Very scary!!!

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Re: Freedom from the Reich


Well, constructive feedback is always welcome, of course. My German is both rusty and limited, and my keyboard lacks an umlaut. :) I suppose it's akin to you writing up an American super team with a bunch of cliched names and concepts--"Uncle Sam, All American Girl, Quick Draw, GI Jane, etc."


I have noticed a lot of films who want modern Euro-villains seem to go with either Russians or Serbians...in the States British and French villains have made quite a comeback...

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Re: Freedom from the Reich


Well, constructive feedback is always welcome, of course. My German is both rusty and limited, and my keyboard lacks an umlaut. :) I suppose it's akin to you writing up an American super team with a bunch of cliched names and concepts--"Uncle Sam, All American Girl, Quick Draw, GI Jane, etc."


I have noticed a lot of films who want modern Euro-villains seem to go with either Russians or Serbians...in the States British and French villains have made quite a comeback...



To be honest most of the time I read the name of a German Villain I get the urge to say things that would make my grammar teacher blush. But when I say something about how to correct it I get promptly ignored. So I try to keep quiet. ( Sometimes I am not successful. Apologies to all.)

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Re: Freedom from the Reich


You could be helpful (like so many others here on the forums) and suggest some changes or refinements. I' date=' for one, would absolutely welcome some help where foreign names and concepts are concerned. Please, feel free to help! :thumbup:[/quote']




Why Panzermensch ? I think Panzer is enough since it means Armor.

Sturmtrupper would be correctly Sturmtruppler. ( It sounds like Sturmtupper, the Wind resistant kitchen utensil )

Franz Mengele not Frans. (Frans is dutch)

Focke Wulf not Focke Wolfe

Why Luftwaffe? Thats the name of the entire german Air force.

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Re: Freedom from the Reich



Why Panzermensch ? I think Panzer is enough since it means Armor.

Sturmtrupper would be correctly Sturmtruppler. ( It sounds like Sturmtupper, the Wind resistant kitchen utensil )

Franz Mengele not Frans. (Frans is dutch)

Focke Wulf not Focke Wolfe

Why Luftwaffe? Thats the name of the entire german Air force.

Panzermensch was supposed to be Armor Man. It's not just the armor y'know.

Luftwaffe has duplication and can become an entire "air force" all by himself. :)



Thanks for the other corrections!

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Re: Freedom from the Reich


Dudes! We need more visual aids!





the Axis superteam:


Nietzschemann (Kal-L landed in Bavaria in this universe), Die Fledermaus (Batman), La Furia (Wonder Woman, Italian-style), 隼 (Hayabusa-San, or Japanese Hawkman), and 精神の孤 (Spirit-fox or Kitsune, a semi-human sorceress).*












More here, here, here, and here.

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Re: Freedom from the Reich


Nihon (Basically a Captain America for Japan, complete with Rising Sun shield)

Kamikazi (Divine Wind)

Kitakazi (North Wind)

Minamikaze (South Wind)

Higashikazi (East Wind)

Nishikazi (West Wind)


You could be helpful (like so many others here on the forums) and suggest some changes or refinements. I' date=' for one, would absolutely welcome some help where foreign names and concepts are concerned. Please, feel free to help! :thumbup:[/quote']


If you are welcoming issues with spelling foreign words, then I do have a few things I can add.


First, if this Japanese group is to come off as being rather nationalistic, then I might suggest using the name "Nippon" rather than "Nihon." It is the exact same word but "Nippon" does have a slightly (depending on who you ask) more nationalistic tone to it.


Also, the word for wind is "Kaze," not "Kazi." Indeed, there is no Zi sound in the Japanese language (the closest being a Ji sound - as in the same sound that starts in the name Jesus). The Japanese characters for all those names are below.


日本 - Nihon / Nippon - Japan (which is Chinese and means "Origin of the Sun")

神風 - Kamikaze - Divine wind

北風 - Kitakaze / Hokufuu - North(ern) Wind

南風 - Minamikaze / Nanpou - South(ern) Wind

東風 - Higashikaze / Toufuu - East(ern) Wind

西風 - NishiKaze/ Seifuu - West(ern) Wind



Sounds interesting, GoldenAge, and I hope this helps.


La Rose.

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Re: Freedom from the Reich


If you are welcoming issues with spelling foreign words, then I do have a few things I can add.


First, if this Japanese group is to come off as being rather nationalistic, then I might suggest using the name "Nippon" rather than "Nihon." It is the exact same word but "Nippon" does have a slightly (depending on who you ask) more nationalistic tone to it.


Also, the word for wind is "Kaze," not "Kazi." Indeed, there is no Zi sound in the Japanese language (the closest being a Ji sound - as in the same sound that starts in the name Jesus). The Japanese characters for all those names are below.


日本 - Nihon / Nippon - Japan (which is Chinese and means "Origin of the Sun")

神風 - Kamikaze - Divine wind

北風 - Kitakaze / Hokufuu - North(ern) Wind

南風 - Minamikaze / Nanpou - South(ern) Wind

東風 - Higashikaze / Toufuu - East(ern) Wind

西風 - NishiKaze/ Seifuu - West(ern) Wind



Sounds interesting, GoldenAge, and I hope this helps.


La Rose.


I chose Nihon over Nippon because it was less obvious. :)


Thanks so much for the help (Actually, the names on the character sheets have correct spelling - I just screwed it up here) :rolleyes:


Hokofuu (et al) are really helpful! Thanks!!!

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