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Modular Heroic Design


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Based on a recent conversation in Eisenford's thread (I didn't want to hijack it), I thought I'd start a little project for HERO, and ask if anyone wanted to be involved.


The idea is this - Modular Character Packages for Heroic level characters, similar to the one listed in the Champions 5th book.


The way it works is, there are packages in a number of groups, and every package within each group fulfills a need and is exactly a certain number of points. You pick a package from each category, and voila - instant character.


The five package categories would be as such:


  1. Characteristics Package (75 Points): This is exactly what it sounds like - 75 points worth of Characteristics.
  2. Action Package (50 Points): This is what the character does. Be it sword combat, stealth and critical strike, magic, whatever. It's not all combat, but it's all action.
  3. Theme Package (30 Points): This reflects a lot of non-combat skills, maybe some combat skills as well, but mostly, how the character fits into a group. Examples:
    A group of mercenaries all take the Strong and Fast Characteristic Package, and the Fast Sword Action Package, but they're all differentiated a little.
    • Hampton, the leader, takes the Commander Package.
    • Brutus, the lieutenant, takes the Intimidator Package,
    • Trillum, the chiurgeon, takes the Combat Medic.
    • Rat, the sneakiest of the bunch, takes the Burglar Package.
    • And Gilly, the youngest, takes the Scout Package.

[*]Background Package (20 Points): This is a collection of background skills and perks to represent where a character came from.

[*]Complications Package (50 Points): Exactly what it sounds like. Examples could include . . .

  • Haunted and Hunted: You've done something horrible, and someone wants you to pay.
  • Gentle Giant: You're not that bright, and you're horribly clumsy.
  • Aged Hero: Years of adventuring have taxed your body. Your mind is as strong as ever, but the years are taking their toll.


Example: My noble paladin dies in an act of valiant sacrifice. The group's got all night to go, so I want to get back in, but I don't want to spend all evening working on a new character. I open up the PDF, and I pull out . . . the Fast and Tough Characteristic Package, the Defensive Sword Action Package, the Tactician Theme Package, the Gladiator Background Package, and the Haunted and Hunted Complication Package. Give me a name and a sword, and I've got a new character, ready to roll, in minutes.


Now, there's some flexibility in the packages. A classic fantasy wizard might not need much more in the way of characteristics than INT, OMCV, DMCV, OCV, END and EGO. That won't necessarily eat up your 75 points for characteristics, so, in that case, the package could have 20 Points set aside for "Magic," since a wizard is often needs more points for its "Action."


Some general guidelines, I was thinking:

  1. I love Fred as much as the next guy, but let's do it in 6th.
  2. All genres, please.
  3. However, no campaign specifics, please. I'd like this to be just as "toolkittey" as the books. So, for things like magic or psionics, instead of creating spells, just assign 35 points to "Magic" or what not.
  4. That doesn't mean no powers. There can definitely be some Powers, and some Super Skills and new Talents.


I'd love some help, so before I start posting my ideas, I wanted to get some feedback. Do the point spreads for each category sound right? Any thoughts?

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Re: Modular Heroic Design


The system in 6th is much improved, while the basics of it were in 5th. The 6th edition does start with the characters archtype, then has about 3-4 sets per archtype, them options on top of that...

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Re: Modular Heroic Design


Thanks. I'll look into it, though I'm planning on getting a few other 6th books before I buy Champs.


Any thoughts on this project?




I think you should give us examples of what you mean.


Like this:


Innocent Bystander Action Package

Useful for

Princesses and other Damsels in Distress

Scholars and Contemplatives


Others who get caught up in adventures or hang out with dangerous people without usualy actually fighting.


Miraculously Unharmed: Combat Luck (6 PD/6 ED) 12 pts


Casual Dodge: +3 DCV (15 Active Points); Limited Power Cannot use while attacking or making a full move (-1), Costs Endurance (-1/2) 6 pts


Not the target: Damage Negation (-1 DCs Physical, -1 DCs Energy) (10 Active Points); Limited Power Not vs attacks aimed specifically, deliberately, and uniquely at the character (i.e. protects against Area Effects, "Sweeps" and Multiple Attacks, accidental or environmental damage, etc) (-1) 5 pts


Look Out! He has a....: Danger Sense (immediate vicinity, in combat, Function as a Sense, Intuitional, Telescopic (+1)) (18 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2), 2 Recoverable Charges (-1) <=11 4 pts


When it counts: (Total: 38 Active Cost, 5 Real Cost)

Surprise Attack: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6-1, +4 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1) (20 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x5 END; -2), 1 Charge (-2), Limited Power Must be attacking from behind, by surprise, and attacking a target already engaged with a foe. (Usually right when a villain is about to finish a hero off.; -1), Costs Endurance (-1/2), OIF (Object of Opportunity; -1/2), No STR Bonus (-1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) (Real Cost: 2)

plus Distraction: Change Environment (-2 INT Roll to take an action) (6 Active Points); 1 Charge (-2), Limited Power Must be attacking from behind, by surprise, and attacking a target already engaged with a foe. (Usually right when a villain is about to finish a hero off.; -1), Instant (-1/2), Linked (Surprise Attack; Lesser Power need not be used proportionally to Power with which it is Linked; -1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) (Real Cost: 1)

plus Don't Miss!: +1 OCV (5 Active Points); 1 Charge (-2), Limited Power Must be attacking from behind, by surprise, and attacking a target already engaged with a foe. (Usually right when a villain is about to finish a hero off.; -1), Instant (-1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Nonpersistent (-1/4), Linked (Surprise Attack; Lesser Power need not be used proportionally to Power with which it is Linked; -1/4) (Real Cost: 1)

plus Hit him right NOW? : Lightning Reflexes (+35 DEX to act first with A Single Action) (7 Active Points); 1 Charge (-2), Limited Power Must be attacking from behind, by surprise, and attacking a target already engaged with a foe. (Usually right when a villain is about to finish a hero off.; -1), Instant (-1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) (Real Cost: 1)

total 5 pts


Luck 3d6 15 pts


+3 with Dex Roll (6 Active Points); Limited Power Only for Dive for Cover (-1 1/2) 2 pts


Choose one from list (1 pt) :


WF: Staff, Knives, or other appropriate


"Yes! RIght! NOW!": Teamwork (Custom Adder) 12-, Usable Simultaneously (up to 2 people at once; +1/2) (7 Active Points); 1 Charge (-2), Limited Power Must be attacking from behind, by surprise (-1), Linked (Surprise Attack; Lesser Power can only be used when character uses greater Power at full value; -3/4), Instant (-1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4)



Getting in the Way / Have a Nice Trip: Change Environment (-1 to DEX Roll or fall), Area Of Effect (3m Radius; +1/4), Invisible Power Effects (It's not obvious the character is doing it deliberately; +1/4) (4 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Costs END To Maintain (Full END Cost; -1/2), Lockout (Incompatible with Casual Dodge and When it Counts; -1/2), Two-Dimensional (-1/4)




Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary thinks I need a new computer

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Re: Modular Heroic Design


Cool. How's this?


Basic Spell Book (Action, 50pts)

Cost  Skill/Talent/Perk/Power/Framework
----  ---------------------------------
        VPP: wizard cantrips
  4        Pool: 4 Real
  4        Control: 6 Active
              Powers Can be Changed as a Zero-Phase Action (+1);
              No Skill Roll Required (+1);
              Cantrip Effects Only (-1/2)
              Common Limitations on All Slots:
                 Spell* (-1/4);
                 Concentration: 1/2 DCV to activate (-1/4);

     Spell Memorization
        VPP: wizard spells
 18        Pool: 18 Real
  5        Control: 30 Active
              Powers Can be Changed Only with Spellbook (-1/2);
              Learned Spells Only (-1/2);
              Common Limitations on All Slots:
                 Spell* (-1/4);
                 Concentration: 1/2 DCV to activate (-1/4);
                 At Least -1/4 in Gestures, Incantations, and/or Focus (-1/4)
  3  Power Skill: Combat Memorization

     Mana Pool (Second Endurance/Recovery Characteristics)
  8     End Reserve: 16 End, 4 Rec

  3     Analyze: Magic

  5  Detect Magic
        Enhanced Senses: Detect magic (10pt, Sight Group)
           Costs End (-1/2);
           Spell* (-1/4);
           Concentration: 1/2 DCV to activate (-1/4)
        [ 10 active; 5 real; 1 End/Phase ]

* NOTE: "Spell (-1/4)" represents whatever common disadvantages a magical spell
might suffer in your particular campaign.  This may be as simple as a form of
[i]Restrainable[/i], or it may represent limitations such as not being able to
use the ability in metal armor.  Think of it like [i]Real Weapon[/i] but on
magic.  In some campaigns the limitation may well be worth more than -1/4, but
that value is probably a good safe minimum for a generic package.


EDIT: Buffed up from the feedback that "Action" packages should be 50 points. Note that the "Cantrip" pool is very small and limited to appropriate spells (examples: weak TK, Cosmetic Transforms, 1 DC attack that's enough to catch things on fire, etc.), but doesn't require a spellbook or Gestures/Incantations/Focus.

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Re: Modular Heroic Design




I think you should give us examples of what you mean.


Will do. I will post some when I get home from work. However, infra.


Cool. How's this?


Basic Spellbook (Action, 30pts)

Cost  Skill/Talent/Perk/Power/Framework
----  ---------------------------------
  3  Analyze (Skill): Magic

     Spell Memorization
        VPP: wizard spells
 10        Pool: 10 Real
  4        Control: 20 Active
              Powers Can be Changed Only with Spellbook (-1/2);
              Learned Spells Only (-1/2);
              Common Limitations on All Slots:
                 Spell* (-1/4);
                 Concentration: 1/2 DCV to activate (-1/4);
                 At Least -1/4 in Gestures, Incantations, and/or Focus (-1/4)

  8 Mana Pool
       End Reserve: 16 End, 6 Rec

  5  Detect Magic
        Enhanced Senses: Detect magic (10pt, Sight Group)
           Costs End (-1/2);
           Spell* (-1/4);
           Concentration: 1/2 DCV to activate (-1/4)
        [ 10 active; 5 real; 1 End/Phase ]

* NOTE: "Spell (-1/4)" represents whatever common disadvantages a magical spell
might suffer in your particular campaign.  This may be as simple as a form of
[i]Restrainable[/i], or it may represent limitations such as not being able to
use the ability in metal armor.  Think of it like [i]Real Weapon[/i] but on
magic.  In some campaigns the limitation may well be worth more than -1/4, but
that value is probably a good safe minimum for a generic package.


This is pretty much exactly what I was thinking, though I would buff the VPP a little, since "Action" is supposed to be 50 points, not 30. :P


But otherwise, yes, exactly.

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Re: Modular Heroic Design


This is pretty much exactly what I was thinking' date=' though I would buff the VPP a little, since "Action" is supposed to be 50 points, not 30. :P[/quote']


Oh! Oops. I think I was looking at the theme package for a different purpose, then switched to that one without noticing the size difference. I'll buff it up a bit; I think I have some other things to throw in too. (EDIT: Done.)

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Re: Modular Heroic Design


I think it is a great idea. The only part I don't agree with is the generic approach. Generic games, such as Hero and GURPS, receive a lot of flack for not being more connected to setting, thus bland. Say what you will of class systems, the mechanics are directly tied to the setting. Consider RIFTS. Virtually the whole setting is told through the class system. HERO has the flexibility to do the same through your modular design. I'm going to attempt a similar structure for an alien invasion game I'm working on, although I'm calling it Lifepath. So yeah, modular design sounds fantastic; generic modules, however, don't grab me. Just my 2 cents.

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Re: Modular Heroic Design


I think it is a great idea. The only part I don't agree with is the generic approach. Generic games' date=' such as Hero and GURPS, receive a lot of flack for not being more connected to setting, thus bland. Say what you will of class systems, the mechanics are directly tied to the setting. Consider RIFTS. Virtually the whole setting is told through the class system. HERO has the flexibility to do the same through your modular design. I'm going to attempt a similar structure for an alien invasion game I'm working on, although I'm calling it Lifepath. So yeah, modular design sounds fantastic; generic modules, however, don't grab me. Just my 2 cents.[/quote']


I don't think the idea is to be completely generic. Not being tied to particular campaign rules doesn't mean being neutral as far as genre or setting goes. Some packages will be inappropriate for some games, without a doubt.

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Re: Modular Heroic Design


I think it is a great idea. The only part I don't agree with is the generic approach. Generic games' date=' such as Hero and GURPS, receive a lot of flack for not being more connected to setting, thus bland. Say what you will of class systems, the mechanics are directly tied to the setting. Consider RIFTS. Virtually the whole setting is told through the class system. HERO has the flexibility to do the same through your modular design. I'm going to attempt a similar structure for an alien invasion game I'm working on, although I'm calling it Lifepath. So yeah, modular design sounds fantastic; generic modules, however, don't grab me. Just my 2 cents.[/quote']


Well, my thought was to offer a PDF that would allow for most Heroic campaigns to include.


The Characteristics Package is easy - strong, tough characters in one campaign look a lot like strong, tough characters in another.

The Action Package, with the exception of magic, should be easy, too. Martial characters are martial characters, sneaky characters are sneaky. It's only characters with a lot of magic, which is usually campaign dependent, that is tough.

The Theme package will likely be the most impacted by the setbacks of genericness. That being said, a Combat Medic or an Intimidator would be the same in almost any campaign.

Background would also be easy - Gladiators and Colonists and Street Urchins and Nobles are pretty much the same wherever you go, be it in the future or in fantasy.

Complications is the easiest, since there are so few to choose from, and they usually wouldn't be defined except by the player. (You might have a Hunted, MoPOW, NCI, Infrequently, but it's up to the player to decide who is hunting him.)


And of course, a GM can easily define 3 or 4 packages of his/her own, and suddenly, there're campaign specific options. All it takes is 1 or 2 Backgrounds and 1 or 2 Themes, any maybe a special Action Package for the Cyberkinetic concept that features heavily in your campaign, and boom.


The other option, allowing for an infinite number of campaign specific packages, could lead to fifteen to thirty "Wizard" packages, and so forth, each utilizing the specific rules of each campaign. That, I think, undermines the usefulness of the speedy nature of the PDF. ("Okay, Frank's dead. Need a new character. Nope, can't use that package. Nope, can't use that package. That package also doesn't work," etc.)


It's going to have to be Toolkitted by a GM for almost any campaign, but I think it's good to have the generic base set out as a starting point. Perhaps, once the PDF is uploaded, we can open it up to more campaign specific ones.


And heck, why not now. I guess I could be open to including any campaigns supported by DOJ. Turakian, Valdorian and Tuala Morn wizards should apply, I guess?

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Re: Modular Heroic Design


Oh, I agree: specific packages are less useful than generic ones. You should pursue your PDF idea soley as a generic genre product. It is either that or come up with your own setting idea. Those are the only viable options for marketing. I bring it up only because people use products outside of the core items as guidance for play. While generic products for Hero help with the mechanical side of things, they don't do anything for the "generic games are bland" perspective. Perhaps an alternative is a setting sampler book with modules that are unique to that setting. That would really show off how Hero could flex it's muscles while being not so generic/bland. So instead of the strong template, it may be Barbarian of Cimmeria. That is a lot more telling.


However, I'm not looking to thread jack. Excuse my intrusion. I really do mean when I say I like modular design.

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Re: Modular Heroic Design


I did this kinda thing with my Special Forces game from back in 4th edition.... Essentially I'd start with a "basic training" package, and then it would get modified by each training school that the character went through (Basic, Infantry, Indirect fire specialist, Airborne, Ranger tab, SERE school, Jump master, etc) to create the character they wanted. I included officer training courses, A-noc, B-noc (NCO training courses). That worked for me for a good 8 years or so, until the game was done. I revised them for 5th ed, and added a Stargate package for a SG-5 style game I was going to run, but it never got off the ground... I think I'll work on making the packages for HD for 6th... if the need ever comes.


I found and added my work. I need to re-do much of it, long ago Vondy pointed out some problems with it, and I think it was just me not working inside the system, and I want to change some things up... but it's an idea of what I was working on.

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Re: Modular Heroic Design


What did you do for civilian specialists?


I really didn't expect them to be played in my game... lol. Na, seriously though, you could really just take the collegiate packages and not give them the Military packages. I think I've got some of the non-military packages on there, but it's been a while (something like '05... wow, it has been a while) so I really should look at it. But this was based off my special operation forces game, and we really didn't have non SoF in that game.

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Re: Modular Heroic Design


Combat Medic theme package


Paramedics (or First Aid, Corpsman, Chirurgeon, or other campaign appropriate name) +1 to roll 5 pts


Combat Medic: +2 with Paramedics (4 Active Points); Limited Power Only to negate penalties for being in combat, rushed, distracted, lack of tools, etc (-1/2) 3 pts


Diagnosis/Triage: Analyze: Medical Condition 3 pts


PS: Medic, Cleric, Leech, or other campaign appropriate name 11- 2 pts


Forensic Medicine 8- 1 pt


Hoist/Fireman's Carry: +5 STR (5 Active Points); Limited Power Only to calculate encumbrance penalties, only while carrying a casualty (-1) 2 pts


He's coming around...: +10 STUN, Usable As Attack (+1 1/4) (11 Active Points); Limited Power Only to move up the Recovery Time Table (-1), Costs Endurance (-1/2) 4 pts


Stop Bleeding: +5 BODY, Usable As Attack (+1 1/4) (11 Active Points); Requires A Roll (Paramedics Skill roll, -1 per 5 Active Points modifier; -1), Limited Power Only to stop bleeding (-1), OIF (Bandages of opportunity; -1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) 2 pts


Treat shock, field asepsis, etc: Life Support (Immunity: Assorted forms of harm: shock, infection, aggravation of injuries while being moved, etc), Usable As Attack (+1 1/4) (11 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 1/4), Requires A Roll (Paramedics Skill roll, -1 per 5 Active Points modifier; -1), Limited Power "Real Medic." May need to travel very slowly and carefully or risk harm to the patient, may need extra time to clean wounds, may not be able to counter poison or an infection without proper supplies, etc (-1/4) 3 pts


Assist RECovery: +5 REC, Usable As Attack (+1 1/4) (11 Active Points); Requires A Roll (Paramedics Skill roll, -1 per 5 Active Points modifier; Must be made each Phase/use; -1 1/2), Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 1/4), Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (1/2 DCV; -1/2) 2 pts


+1 with Paramedics/1st Aid, Diagnosis/Triage, and medical Profession Skill 3 pts


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary notes that Lucius stopped only because he ran out of points

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Re: Modular Heroic Design


Combat Medic theme package


Paramedics (or First Aid, Corpsman, Chirurgeon, or other campaign appropriate name) +1 to roll 5 pts


Combat Medic: +2 with Paramedics (4 Active Points); Limited Power Only to negate penalties for being in combat, rushed, distracted, lack of tools, etc (-1/2) 3 pts


Diagnosis/Triage: Analyze: Medical Condition 3 pts


PS: Medic, Cleric, Leech, or other campaign appropriate name 11- 2 pts


Forensic Medicine 8- 1 pt


Hoist/Fireman's Carry: +5 STR (5 Active Points); Limited Power Only to calculate encumbrance penalties, only while carrying a casualty (-1) 2 pts


He's coming around...: +10 STUN, Usable As Attack (+1 1/4) (11 Active Points); Limited Power Only to move up the Recovery Time Table (-1), Costs Endurance (-1/2) 4 pts


Stop Bleeding: +5 BODY, Usable As Attack (+1 1/4) (11 Active Points); Requires A Roll (Paramedics Skill roll, -1 per 5 Active Points modifier; -1), Limited Power Only to stop bleeding (-1), OIF (Bandages of opportunity; -1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) 2 pts


Treat shock, field asepsis, etc: Life Support (Immunity: Assorted forms of harm: shock, infection, aggravation of injuries while being moved, etc), Usable As Attack (+1 1/4) (11 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 1/4), Requires A Roll (Paramedics Skill roll, -1 per 5 Active Points modifier; -1), Limited Power "Real Medic." May need to travel very slowly and carefully or risk harm to the patient, may need extra time to clean wounds, may not be able to counter poison or an infection without proper supplies, etc (-1/4) 3 pts


Assist RECovery: +5 REC, Usable As Attack (+1 1/4) (11 Active Points); Requires A Roll (Paramedics Skill roll, -1 per 5 Active Points modifier; Must be made each Phase/use; -1 1/2), Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 1/4), Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (1/2 DCV; -1/2) 2 pts


+1 with Paramedics/1st Aid, Diagnosis/Triage, and medical Profession Skill 3 pts


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary notes that Lucius stopped only because he ran out of points


This is perfect! Thank you.


But may I ask - why UAA, instead of Healing/Aid?

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Re: Modular Heroic Design


This is perfect! Thank you.


But may I ask - why UAA, instead of Healing/Aid?


1. You're welcome.


2. ? Can you be more specifici? I use Usable as Attack on, I think, three different things there...


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary still thinks "Stop Bleeding" is overkill since that's something the Paramedics skill should logically do anyway....

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Re: Modular Heroic Design


The palindromedary still thinks "Stop Bleeding" is overkill since that's something the Paramedics skill should logically do anyway....


It does.


Characters with Paramedics (even just the Everyman 8- roll) may attempt to stop Bleeding. Appropriate tools (bandages' date=' pressure packs, antiseptics) can add up to +3 to the roll, as can taking additional time. Extremely poor conditions or medical techniques (“bleeding’s good for you”) may warrant a penalty (-1 to -3). The Bleeding stops if the character succeeds with a Paramedics roll, per the rules in the section Death, above.[/quote']
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Re: Modular Heroic Design


With racial packages, profession packages and environmental packages, a character design can be filled out pretty quickly already. If you came up with standardized characteristic packages (Burly Hero, Intellectual Hero, etc) on top of that for a given campaign setting, you can cut down on the amount of decision making in character design pretty quickly. Rather than trying to nail down every point into a module, maybe do 75%-90% in modules and leave the rest to individual customization?

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Re: Modular Heroic Design


1. You're welcome.


2. ? Can you be more specifici? I use Usable as Attack on, I think, three different things there...


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary still thinks "Stop Bleeding" is overkill since that's something the Paramedics skill should logically do anyway....


I was just curious why the UAA on the characteristics, instead of Aid. I'm not a total expert in 6E yet, but I was just interested in why that route?


With racial packages' date=' profession packages and environmental packages, a character design can be filled out pretty quickly already. If you came up with standardized characteristic packages (Burly Hero, Intellectual Hero, etc) on top of that for a given campaign setting, you can cut down on the amount of decision making in character design pretty quickly. Rather than trying to nail down every point into a module, maybe do 75%-90% in modules and leave the rest to individual customization?[/quote']


My plan with this plan is to place the greatest value on time. There's always room for customization. ("Well, I think my character would only have 15 STR, instead of 17, even though he's a Burly Hero, but he'd have one more point of DEX," or "Well, I don't see him as much of a Climber. He's afraid of heights, even though he's a Burglar, so I'll put those three points from Climbing into Languages.") My plan is to make this a quick process.


Also, it'd allow for some randomization. I might make a page at the end of the PDF that's a random chart with the more common packages. ("Roll 1d6 on Characteristics. Got Burly. Roll 1d6 on Burly Action Packages. Roll 1d6 for Theme, 1d6 for Background, and 1d6 for Complications. BAM. NPC.")


Expect the first packages to go up this weekend.

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