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What do speedsters do in 6E?


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Re: What do speedsters do in 6E?


So, there's not some "I retain full DCV when making multiple attacks" thingie you can buy?


Doesn't seem like the kind of thing that requires a hard fix like that. You can blast a bunch of agents with an AE. You should be able to bop a bunch of agents with Multiple Move-by. Oh, or you could just buy an AE with that F/X, of course.

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Re: What do speedsters do in 6E?


In some ways, Bricks do have an edge in the Multiple Attack department. When your DCV is only 2 or 3 to begin with, you lose almost nothing by doing a multiple attack. Now traditionally, Bricks have low OCV. But they don't have to. Consider:


Agent 51

Gray who landed in Area 51 back in the 50s, he possesses heightened reflexes and accuracy from his extremely dense nervous system. However, in Earth's heavier gravity, any large movements are sluggish - he's only fast with very small gestures. Luckily, he's got a heavy duty force field to keep him safe.

DCV very low, OCV high (at least w/ energy weapons), brick-strength force field. The king of Multiple Attack.

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Re: What do speedsters do in 6E?


That sucks. Most RPGs nerf them' date=' but I thought HERO would be different...[/quote']

Hmm...Perhaps to explain more:


A Speedster built with high speed and combat abilities is going to be more powerful than most builds.

A Speedster built with high speed being a power SFX is not.


That's my understanding.

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Re: What do speedsters do in 6E?


For a speedster to truly be able to stand out (at least in a supers setting) there needs to be a certain level of schtick enforcement on the part of the GM (especially if they also plan on enforcing any other types of caps). That way someone wanting to play a dedicated speedster doesn't need to get into a bidding war with other players over top DEX and SPD. The actual value of those characteristics is not so important as their comparative value in the game world.

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Re: What do speedsters do in 6E?


Yeah, I think there may be a misunderstanding there. The only thing that got weakened in 6E is Multiple Move-by attacks (and the cost of Dex-based characters went up, but so did Strength and Ego-based characters).

Having a high SPD is still pretty much always a good idea, and in fact, can be overwhelmingly strong if some kind of "rule of X" trade-off is not in place.


If you really want a "hit a ton of mooks with no loss in DCV" attack, I suggest an AoE HtH Attack. Selective Radius covers the general "run through a big crowd and smack a lot of people", and there's a "Trail" AoE in APG for a more precise path.

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