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And Lo...I came reeeeeeeeally close to 10,000 posts.


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And I'd have to say since NGD don't count ( I might have 10k there alone) this has been my primary stomping ground.


So I thought I'd make a 10k point character.


*waits for his friends to stop giggling*


Ok kidding.


now 10 1000+ would be pretty likely.



I have more character threads than you can shake a stick at, but this will probably be one more.


I've considered (once I buy 6e) to convert my vast collection (4500+) but...that makes vessels in my brain throb. And many aren't all that impressive.


So I'm going to clean my Characters file out. See who is complete and who is not. I have a bit of time before next term starts. let's see how far I can get, eh?

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Re: And Lo...I came reeeeeeeeally close to 10,000 posts.


One of my idiosyncrasies, going back to my earliest gaming days, is to use my friends as the npc's in the world somehow. Usually as superbeings. The Villains and Vigilantes effect so to speak.


I still do that, but my friends have come and gone and changed and stuff. I'm changing the names to protect the innocent (and myself) but these A-listers (1000pts) are the product of that part of my brain


Scion - (who I have posted a rough build of elsewhere, but will be finishing him here soon) is a "Big Red S" style hero who's powers come from his parents. He's the product of a genetic cocktail of a deceased superteam - created by one of their nemesis to be the instrument of their destruction. Things fell apart quickly. Scion has an arsenal of abilities but tends to rely on his brute strength and durability.


Angel - a gifted empath stolen as an infant by the Hyperion Institute due to her vast psionic potential. Taken from the Institute by a nascant Operation Bastion soon thereafter she is raised to be an agent of justice instead. Her psionic powers a curious mix of Empathic Mastery and Ectoplasmic Creation and control have lead to her double life. Night Angel is the agent of Operation Bastion, a superspy who's empathic powers are generally guided towards enhancing her acting/disguise skills and carries a number of spy gadgets her assignment is to monitor the superhero game from the inside. To that end Guardian Angel is a member of that community, eschewing her gadgets for an ectoplasmic armor and set of wings she's larger than life, and uses her abilities more overtly, calming the bystanders, inciting enemy agents to rash actions and inspiring her fellow heroes to new heights, all the while hoping none find out she's spying on them.


Scrapyard - a one time "Boy-Genius", Scrapyard loves technology and it loves him back. He claims to be able to communicate with scientific principals and receives inspiration from them. Not only is he a master at adapting existing technology to heights unimagined by the original designers, he can create science fantasy-esque technologies from scratch. He tends to lose interest in a device once it leaves prototype stage, his gear looks hurried or kit-bashed. A near fatal attack by one of his nemesis caused him to transform his consciousness into a series of more and more intricate android bodies.


Sovereign - a refuge from a fantasy world "stranded" in the modern Earth. Sovereign is a shape-changing druid. A powerful user of nature-based magic he actually prefers his shapeshifting to get things done. Appears like a tall elven being.


Kiiara - Lovely alien being with power over the classic elements.


Silvermane - a former collegiate athlete who's DNA was altered and re-encoded with that of a lion and...something else.


Blackbird - flying speedster and metahuman medical expert.

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Re: And Lo...I came reeeeeeeeally close to 10,000 posts.


I've considered (once I buy 6e) to convert my vast collection (4500+) but...that makes vessels in my brain throb. And many aren't all that impressive.


What aren't all that impressive: many of those characters, or many of the vessels in your brain? :winkgrin:


I kid, I kid. I've seen some of your characters, and they're just fine. So you must be talking about boring ol' blood vessels. :)

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Send me an Angel.


So the Else Earth Campaign is set in the recent past; the new Millennium is barely a year old and it's a very different landscape. This is one of my A listers.






"She's beautiful," Agent Nelson said as she cradled the infant. Though she couldn't understand the words, the child beamed in delight at the compliment.


"Agent Nelson! We are not here to coddle infants. Keep the mission in mind!" Agent Taggart barked.

Katyanna Nelson regarded him with an icy glare and he took a step back. "This is the mission, idiot. This child is an active PSI."


"Seriously?" Lt. Price looked intrigued; he then turned to Taggart and the other combat veterans. “Secure the hall, stay out of sight. Kowalski, get the computer up and running, see if we can crack their security. Nelson, can you assess the child's potential?"


The combat agents made haste to the hall and Kowalski took out the 15lb Portable Computer, a technological wonder that the nascent Operation Bastion had created for them by the paranormal genius Dr. Aiden O'Connell. Agent Nelson reached out with her telepathic abilities, the child sought only to please her, to receive more positive emotions. An empath, that was clear at least.


"Well she's teeming with potential, but hard to say. She's empathic at least."


"We'll take her with us. No doubt the Hyperion Institute had plans for her, think she's a clone?"


"This is the Hyperion Institute, not Artifex," Agent Nelson said, “No, she was probably stolen from her family, poor thing." The infant squirmed and gurgled.


"Price! We have some combat PSI's heading this way!" Taggart bellowed as he ran back inside.

"Kowalski? Any luck?" Price called over his shoulder as Nelson and the others secured their surveillance bugs and the child.


"Heh, you're not going to believe this Lieutenant, they had hard copies of most of their files locked under the computer bank," Kowalski lugged the portable computer and the pilfered records on his back.


"Ok, let's go!" Price yelled and the Bastion operatives stole away into the night.



“Director Matthews, that’s unacceptable!” Agent Nelson fumed. She was pacing in the lushly furnished office; Lt Price was standing to the side, outside of her route, looking just as upset.


“Agent Nelson,” The Director said in his rumbling, no-nonsense voice, “The child has more raw psionic potential than any we’ve seen at her age. There is no doubt that the Hyperion Institute was planning on turning her into a weapon to subjugate man-kind.”


“That’s bull! And you know it – and what are WE doing that’s any different then?” Lt Price interjected. He and Director Matthews rarely saw eye to eye.


“Why we’re going to turn her into an agent of peace.” Matthews was unapologetic, “Do you think she’ll be safer in an adoption agency? The Bastion can keep the Institute away.” He turned to Agent Nelson, “You are in a far better position to train and keep her than anyone else on the planet I’d dare say. Once she is old enough she can decide what she wants to do with her life, but I think we are her best chance of having a choice.”


Price and Nelson exchanged glances.


“Katyanna, you’re one of my best field agents, and this isn’t an easy decision, but you’re obviously protective of her, I think you’re the most qualified agent we have for this task.”


“Because I’m a woman?” Agent Nelson said through clenched teeth.


“And a teacher, and a telepath.” Director Matthews finished. “Besides, it’s not up for debate. When you’re boss, you can do this.”


Price glared daggers at his superior, but Nelson had turned thoughtful.


That night, she held the infant in her arms, the child was being extremely fussy. Katyanna frowned, she didn’t like implication that as a woman she’d been the “only” choice. There were a few other telepaths in Operation Bastion, but she had to admit she had bonded with the child. In fact, she hated to see the girl crying.


She touched the undeveloped mind with her own and realized it was her own feelings of disappointment that were causing the baby’s fussing. Feeling instantly guilty, she tried to sooth her.


“I’m sorry, little angel,” she cooed. “We need to give you a name, don’t we? Superspy agencies are big on classification but not so much on development. I think “Infant Psi-Potential” is a poor choice for one with your pretty eyes and voice.” Katyanna beamed at the little girl.


The child giggled.


“I think you should be Carol, a song of joy.”


Carol beamed up at her.




"Carol you're letting your guard down. Don't lose sight of your opponent’s actions," Director Price said, as his aspiring agent sparred with Commander Katyanna Nelson. The girl was only 17, but progressing rapidly. Her empathic abilities were beyond anything they’d ever seen for that classification, but there were hints that she had other powers waiting to surface.


Commander Nelson, who had named and raised the child, serving has her mentor and surrogate parent, smiled inwardly at Carol's continued advancement. Price's criticism was on target, but only in combat did Carol lag behind the other agents. And that was forgivable since the girl was 4 years the junior of the next youngest trainee. She nodded at her prodigy and they again began their sparring session.


Afterwards, Carol and Katyanna sat in the cafeteria, drinking Pepsis and discussing the "foundling."


"Why is he still in that Isolation Room? He's been here almost four months." Carol asked. She was insanely curious about the boy she'd only seen briefly as he'd been brought in. She'd picked up strong emotional projections from him, fear, loss, and hope. But no one had seen him since and the Isolation Room had required almost constant repair and upgrades since then.


"His powers are still woefully out of control, Carol. He can't help himself, Dr. Matsui's meditation training his helping. You are still getting the strong projections from him?"


"He's bored and lonely and he's scared all the time - always worried."


"Well he's extremely powerful and volatile, until we can get his abilities completely under control he'll be a danger to everyone."


“Mother…” Carol hesitated. Commander Nelson felt the color drain from her face, she could feel her adopted daughter’s feelings wash over her, she knew what was coming. “What was my father like?”


“Carol,” she said slowly, making sure her own shields were up so that the girl wouldn’t feel her own anxiety. “Let’s go home.”


They arrived at their shared apartment, and the tension was palpable.


“Mother, what is it?”


Katyanna sighed, “Carol, you know I hate to keep things from you,” the girl nodded, but Katyanna saw something in her expression, “…you know don’t you?”


Carol bit her lip. She nodded, and tried to stem the tears welling in her eyes. It was so easy normally…


Katyanna sighed and seemed to deflate. “I didn’t tell you before because I have so little to tell you, I had hoped to find your real mother and father and then tell you; but we never managed to find another way into the Institute.” Her voice caught, “And by the time you were old enough to know, I was no longer willing to be just the woman who raised you.”


“You’ll always be my mother,” the girl said softly, “but I had a right to know.”


Katyanna nodded. She walked to her desk and got the file. Sitting next to Carol she opened it and began sharing what she knew of her daughter’s origins.




"What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be in here!" The boy ...well...he was a little older than her...they had named him Daniel after Director Price's older brother, looked startled to see her. His eyes widened and he took a step back, "I - you can't be here! I'm not stable!"


"Yes you are," she said calmly, "you have been feeling very proud of yourself lately. Only you seem afraid of being out of this room."


"That's not true. I almost destroyed the control center yesterday!"


"But you didn't. You did that on purpose. I could feel your anxiety before the "accident” and then relief when it worked. You were completely in control. It's been harder to read you lately." She sat down in the chair next to his bed and motioned for him to sit. He looked at her defiantly for a moment and then sat.


"Read me?"


"Yes, I'm an empath, like you."


"I'm not."


"You are, well you project at the very least."


He frowned, "I do? Oh, man. Uhm...so what can you see? Have you read my mind, like Commander Nelson? I'm sorry..."


She cocked her head and regarded him quizzically. He blushed furiously she suddenly understood, "No, I'm empathic, not telepathic, I can get your emotional state but that's it."


He was visibly relieved, but she found him harder to read after that. They talked for most of the afternoon.


When she got up to leave, Carol smiled, "Don't tell anyone I was here. I'm supposed to be at the Library."


"Really? We've been talking for a while usually they'd have checked up on me."


"I disabled the surveillance."


"Ah. Why?"


"I was curious; you've been here over a year and never leave. You've been lonely for a long time. I thought I'd introduce myself."


He smiled, "But you didn't."


"Oh!" She blushed slightly, "My name is Carol."


"Daniel," he held out his hand and they shook. His grip was exceedingly gentle.



It was the dumbest thing she had ever done. Carol pushed her will to its limits trying to evade detection. Concentration playing on her features, she slipped down a corridor and made her way to the window. It was the dumbest thing she had ever done, but she had the file in her hands. Her past would no longer be a mystery.


“There she is!” shouted a rough-edged voice behind her.


Carol cursed and kicked the window with all her might - and bounced back. She hissed in frustration. If she hadn’t had to do this on her own, Daniel could have broken the window, heck he could rip the building of its foundation. However, this mission had required subtlety, not his strongest suit; that and she was breaking the rules. Carol applied her all purpose club to the window and activated a sonic charge causing it to shatter.


The Hyperion Institute security forces reached her before she could evacuate. She concentrated a burst of fear at them and they came to a stop – hesitating only a moment before coming after her again. She cursed the Institute’s psionic defenses, not for the first time this day.


Grimly, she went about a more physical deterrent. Carol was not a huge fan of violence; she preferred the espionage aspects of her soon-to-be career. But her combat training had been more than a means to a nice figure, and the agents she faced found that the little girl carried a big kick.


After they had been incapacitated, she turned to leave. Attaching her mini grapple to the wall she began making her way down, it was only seven stories up so things should be…Carol screamed as she started to fly upwards.


“Not so fast little spy.” A voice whispered in her mind, a voice laced with cruelty.


Carol held on to her club grip with all her might, the swing-line stretched to its limit and telekinetic pull continued. Something was going to give, and Carol was pretty sure it would be something on her end. The grapple slipped and she rocketed into the air and then all at once, the feeling of the telekinetic grip as gone - she was now in the grip of gravity.


“Happy landings,” the voice chuckled.


Carol watched the streets below rising to meet her and wondered if she would have time to see her true name before she died.


"Director Nelson!" the aide was breathless, "It's Carol! We found her! You - you're gonna want to see this!"


Katyanna Nelson was out of her office in seconds, impatiently following the aide. If something had happened to Carol, she would kill someone – and if nothing had happened, she’d kill her adopted daughter herself for being so friggin' stupid. Where did she get the idea to try to infiltrate the Hyperion Institute on her own? What did she need to know so badly? A sharp pain in her heart reminded her exactly what Carol had needed to know. The one thing she’d not been able to provide her – Carol’s true past.


Reaching out with her mind she could feel powerful emotions emanating from up ahead, but they were not anguish, fear, or sorrow. She felt awe - and joy. And then they burst into the infirmary, Katyanna stared; Carol was…flying…flying! On glowing white wings.


Katyanna stared at her, Carol was giggling and swooping around the room with Daniel orbiting her and excitedly cheering her on. The other agents just kept looking from their commander to their fellow agent, bemused concern playing on their faces.


When she finally landed, Carol explained to her shocked mentor how the wings had appeared shortly before her impact. Director Katyanna Nelson sobbed and grabbed her adopted daughter in the most relieved embrace ever and the others in the room slowly filed out so that the mother of all lectures could begin.


Subsequent tests found the feathers to be real...but made of gossamer like ectoplasm. Carol could summon and dismiss them at will. It was surmised that she could eventually summon the ectoplasm for other purposes.



“Hello beautiful,“ Daniel said as he loaded the last bit of his life into the hatchback. She looked serious and his smile died on his lips. “So… are you coming with me or are you coming to see me off?”


“Daniel…” she began but he cut her off.


“It’s ok, you have plans.” He had stopped looking at her, she didn’t need her powers to know that he was upset with her and her heart pounded. She almost jumped in and followed him – almost.


“You need to find your past like I did. The records about them aren’t enough. Besides, you should meet someone you can have a real –“


“Would you stop that already?” He let his shields down and she could feel everything, Carol took a step back. She lost her voice for a moment, “There’s no “meeting someone like me,” there’s no “I’ll meet someone else my age,” that’s all bullcrap and you know it. You know I love you.”


“I’m not…” she tried to clear her head of his outpouring of emotion.


“You know I can control myself now.”


“You’re still afraid. I don’t want you to be afraid.” She avoided his gaze.


“Everyone’s afraid. You’re afraid. Don’t put this on me. I’m not going to find someone like you and certainly no one better.” He sighed. “But I can’t tell you to leave your dreams. You save the world with Operation Bastion. When I’m done with my journey I think I’ll be living the hero dream myself.”


She stood on her toes and kissed his cheek, “You’ll be great.”


He nodded and then got in the car and drove off before they started crying.



"It is with great pride and delight that I promote you to active agent." Director Nelson smiled at her adopted daughter, "Now let's go save the world."


With a giggle, Agent Angel -- ok, just Angel -- summoned her wings and flew off into the skies.


GM notes:



After a year of primarily undercover work; Angel had developed certain other ectoplasmic abilities in times of stress. She summoned a protective suit of armor in a battle against the powerful empathic strong-woman Discord, and a gleaming “soul sword” while battling the Lords of the Wasteland in July of 2000.


Seeing the great potential in her ectoplasmic constructs, she was ordered by her superiors to become a public super heroine. To this end, she joined a team of young heroes known as the Legacy.


Joining a super team has been something of a revalation. Just being so public was hard. She was a performer by nature, and enjoyed an audience - it was why she sang at the Prohibition, but being front and center at major metahuman battles was something else entirely.

And then there was Aslan, the lion-headed master hunter and combatant. He wasn’t even a member of her team. But he was well known among the costumed circles as being an alpha male in more ways than one, and he seemed keenly interested in her.


Then, of course, Scion came back into her life, and he IS on her team. He knows she’s a plant but he’s kept her secret. He’s changed too; calmer, more comfortable with himself, and he fits in so much better. He’s been kind of avoiding her outside of the “job” but the rumors of her and Aslan obviously have him on edge.



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Re: Send me an Angel.


The Character Sheet(s)


[b]Night Angel - Unknown, "Carol", uses many aliases[/b]

[b][u]VAL[/u]   [u]CHA[/u]   [u]Cost[/u]   [u]Total[/u]   [u]Roll[/u]      [u]Notes[/u][/b]
15    STR     5   15      12-       HTH Damage 3d6  END [1]
18    DEX     24   18      13-       OCV 6 DCV 6
18    CON     16   18      13-
10    BODY    0   10      11-
20    INT     10   20      13-       PER Roll 13-
23    EGO     26   23      14-       ECV: 8
20    PRE     10   20      13-       PRE Attack: 4d6
20    COM     5   20      13-
7    PD      4   7/16             7/16 PD (0/9 rPD)
7    ED      3   7/16             7/16 ED (0/9 rED)
5    SPD     22   5                 Phases:  3, 5, 8, 10, 12
10    REC     6   10
50    END     7   50
30    STUN    3   30
7    RUN      2   7"                END [1]
3    SWIM     1   3"                END [1]
4    LEAP     1   4"                4" forward, 2" upward

[b]CHA Cost: 145[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]POWERS[/u][/b]
117     [b][i]Apothesis (Ectoplasmic )[/i][/b]: Multiform (880 Character Points in the most expensive form) (176 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only To Change; -1/2) - END=18
15     [b][i]Billy Club[/i][/b]: Multipower, 30-point reserve,  (30 Active Points); all slots OAF (-1) - END=
1u     1)  [b][i]Club[/i][/b]: Hand-To-Hand Attack +3d6 (15 Active Points); OAF (-1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) - END=1
1u     2)  [b][i]Hanging onto Projections[/i][/b]: Clinging (normal STR) (10 Active Points); OAF (-1), No Movement Allowed (-1/2), Requires A STR Roll (No Active Point penalty to Skill Roll; -1/4), Cannot Resist Knockback (-1/4) - END=0
1u     3)  [b][i]Hurled Club[/i][/b]: Energy Blast 6d6 (30 Active Points); 1 Recoverable Charge (-1 1/4), OAF (-1), Lockout (cannot use any slot in Multipower until Charge is recovered; -1/2), Range Based On Strength (-1/4) - END=[1 rc]
1u     4)  [b][i]Swingline[/i][/b]: Swinging 10" (10 Active Points); OAF (-1), Lockout (cannot use any other slot in same Phase in which Swinging is used; -1/2) - END=1
1u     5)  [b][i]Window Shatterer (sonic)[/i][/b]: Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6 (30 Active Points); 4 Charges (-1), Only vs crystaline surfaces (-1), OAF (-1), No Range (-1/2), No Knockback (-1/4) - END=[4]
137     [b][i]Empathic Projection[/i][/b]: Multipower, 137-point reserve - END=
2u     1)  [b][i]Empathic Healing[/i][/b]: Simplified Healing BODY, STUN 6d6 (60 Active Points); Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (character automatically takes damage identical to the damage healed; -1), Others Only (-1/2) - END=6
4u     2)  [b][i]Empathic Manipulation Field[/i][/b]: Mind Control 10d6 (Human class of minds), Personal Immunity (+1/4), Telepathic (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Explosion (+1/2) (112 Active Points); Only To Alter/Inflict Emotional States (-1), No Range (-1/2) - END=5
4u     3)  [b][i]Empathic Manipulation[/i][/b]: Mind Control 12d6 (Human class of minds), Telepathic (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (90 Active Points); Only To Alter/Inflict Emotional States (-1) - END=3
5u     4)  [b][i]Empathic Projection Field[/i][/b]: Mind Control 10d6 (Human class of minds), Telepathic (+1/4), Personal Immunity (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Explosion (-1 DC/2"; +3/4) (137 Active Points); Only To Alter/Inflict Emotional States (-1), No Range (-1/2), Limited Set Of Commands (only whatever emotion the user feels at the time; -1/2) - END=0
1u     5)  [b][i]Empathic Psychometry[/i][/b]: Retrocognitive Clairsentience (Mental Group) (40 Active Points); Retrocognition Only (-1), Emotions Only (-1), No Range (-1/2), Psychometry (-1/2) - END=4
6u     6)  [b][i]Pleasure Center Overload[/i][/b]: Ego Attack 5d6 (Human class of minds), Invisible Power Effects, Source Only (Fully Invisible; +1/4) (62 Active Points) - END=6
3u     7)  [b][i]Touch Of Inspiration[/i][/b]: Aid 4d6, any emotion-related Characteristic one at a time (+1/4) (50 Active Points); Others Only (-1/2) - END=0
15     [b][i]Empathy[/i][/b]: Elemental Control, 30-point powers - END=
7     1)  [b][i]Calm Demeanor[/i][/b]: Succor  PRE 6d6 (30 Active Points); Only To Resist Presence Attacks And Other Attacks Based On Fear (-1) - END=3
30     2)  [b][i]True Emotion Reading[/i][/b]: Telepathy 12d6 (Human class of minds) (60 Active Points); Empathy:  All Emotions (-1/2) - END=6
    Esoteric Empathic Abilities - END=
16     1)  [b][i]Background Mind[/i][/b]: Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) for up to 40 Active Points of EGO (20 Active Points); Only To Hide From Mind Scan (-1/4) - END=0
19     2)  [b][i]Detect Emotions[/i][/b]: Detect Emotions A Class Of Things 17- (Mental Group), Discriminatory, Analyze - END=0
15     3)  [b][i]Emotion Sculpting/Role Immersion[/i][/b]: Shape Shift  (Mental Group, any shape), Costs END Only To Change Shape (+1/4) (31 Active Points); Emotional State Only (-1) - END=2
7     4)  [b][i]Emotional Bastion[/i][/b]: Mental Defense (40 points total) (15 Active Points); Only Works Against Emotion Based Attacks (-1) - END=0
20     5)  [b][i]Iron Will[/i][/b]: +20 Mental Defense (40 points total) - END=0
13     6)  [b][i]Social Chameleon[/i][/b]: +4 with Interaction Skills (20 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2) - END=2
    Gear and Weapons - END=
9     1)  [b][i].380A (Walther PPK S)[/i][/b]: (Total: 23 Active Cost, 9 Real Cost) Killing Attack - Ranged 1d6 (15 Active Points); OAF (-1), 7 Charges (-1/2) (Real Cost: 6) [b]plus[/b] +1 OCV (5 Active Points); OAF (-1) (Real Cost: 2) [b]plus[/b] +1 vs Range (3 Active Points); OAF (-1) (Real Cost: 1) - END=[7]
23     2)  [b][i]Dynamic Immobilizing Spheres[/i][/b]: Entangle 4d6, 4 DEF, Indirect (Any origin, any direction; +3/4) (70 Active Points); OAF (-1), 4 Boostable Charges (-3/4), Limited Range (30"; -1/4) - END=[4 bc]
7     3)  [b][i]Laser Cutter[/i][/b]: Killing Attack - Ranged 1 point, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Penetrating (+1/2), Armor Piercing (+1/2), Continuous (+1) (17 Active Points); OAF (-1), No Range (-1/2) - END=0
    H.A.L.O. Sunglasses, all slots OAF (-1) - END=
6     1)  [b][i]Comlink[/i][/b]: High Range Radio Perception (Radio Group) (12 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Sense Affected As Hearing Group As Well As Radio Group [any other Sense] (-1/4), Does Not Receive Or Transmit On Visual Wavelengths (-1/4) - END=0
7     2)  [b][i]Enhanced Thermal Vision[/i][/b]: Infrared Perception (Sight Group), Discriminatory, Tracking (15 Active Points); OAF (-1), 8 Continuing Charges lasting 5 Minutes each (-0) - END=[8 cc]
7     3)  [b][i]Microscopic Vision[/i][/b]: Microscopic ( x1,000) with Sight Group (15 Active Points); OAF (-1) - END=0
2     4)  [b][i]Nightsight[/i][/b]: Nightvision (5 Active Points); OAF (-1) - END=0
10     5)  [b][i]Shades from Heaven[/i][/b]: Sight Group Flash Defense (10 points), Hearing Group, Radio Group (20 Active Points); OAF (-1) - END=0
10     6)  [b][i]Stealth Radar[/i][/b]: Radar (Radio Group), Concealed (-5 with Radar PER Rolls), Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees) (25 Active Points); OAF (-1), Sense Affected As Sight Group As Well As Radio Group [very common Sense] (-1/2) - END=0
6     7)  [b][i]Telescopic[/i][/b]: +8 versus Range Modifier for Sight Group (12 Active Points); OAF (-1) - END=0
    Sexy Spy Suit - END=
16     1)  [b][i]Audio Dampeners[/i][/b]: Invisibility to Hearing Group , No Fringe (20 Active Points); IIF (-1/4) - END=2
7     2)  [b][i]Cling-Boots[/i][/b]: Clinging (normal STR) (10 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) - END=0
5     3)  [b][i]Distracting Costume[/i][/b]: +20 PRE (20 Active Points); Only To Make Seductive/Friendly Presence Attacks Solely For Purposes Of Causing Target To Delay His Action In Combat (-1), Only Versus Targets Of Appropriate Sexual Orientation (-1), OIF (-1/2), Only Works Once Per Target Per Scene (-1/2) - END=
4     4)  [b][i]Rebreather[/i][/b]: Life Support  (Self-Contained Breathing) (10 Active Points); OAF (-1), 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Hour (-1/4) - END=[1 cc]
18     5)  [b][i]Reinforced black catsuit[/i][/b]: Armor (9 PD/9 ED) (27 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) - END=0

[b]POWERS Cost: 578[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]MARTIAL ARTS[/u][/b]
4      1)  +1 HTH Damage Class(es)
4      2)  Disarm:  1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, Disarm; 30 STR to Disarm roll
4      3)  Dodge:  1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort
4      4)  Escape:  1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 35 STR vs. Grabs
3      5)  Hold:  1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Grab Two Limbs, 30 STR for holding on
4      6)  Joint Lock/Throw:  1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, Grab One Limb; 1 1/2d6 NND ; Target Falls
3      7)  Legsweep:  1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, -1 DCV, 5d6 Strike, Target Falls
4      8)  Punch/Snap Kick:  1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 6d6 Strike
5      9)  Redirect:  1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +3 DCV, Block, Abort
5      10) Side/Spin Kick:  1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, 8d6 Strike
5      11) Strike:  1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +3 DCV, 4d6 Strike
3      12) Takedown:  1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +1 DCV, 4d6 Strike; Target Falls
3      13) Throw:  1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, 4d6 +v/5, Target Falls
1      14) Weapon Element:  Blades
1      15) Weapon Element:  Staffs

[b]MARTIAL ARTS Cost: 53[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]SKILLS[/u][/b]
12      +2 with HTH and Mental Combat
15      +3 with Mental Combat
3      +2 with Security Systems (4 Active Points); Only Versus Computer Security Systems (-1/2)
3      Acrobatics 13-
3      Acting 13-
3      Breakfall 13-
3      Bribery 13-
3      Bugging 13-
3      Bureaucratics 13-
3      Combat Driving 13-
1      Computer Programming 8-
3      Concealment 13-
3      Contortionist 13-
3      Conversation 13-
3      Cryptography 13-
3      Deduction 13-
3      Demolitions 13-
3      Disguise 13-
1      Electronics 8-
3      Forgery 13-
3      High Society 13-
3      Interrogation 13-
3      Jack of All Trades
2      1)  PS: Appraise (3 Active Points) 13-
1      2)  PS: Courier (2 Active Points) 11-
2      3)  PS: Dance (3 Active Points) 13-
1      4)  PS: Photographer (2 Active Points) 11-
3      5)  PS: Sing (4 Active Points) 14-
2      6)  PS: Writing (Journalism) (3 Active Points) 13-
3      Linguist
2      1)  Language:  Arabic (Modern) (completely fluent) (3 Active Points)
0      2)  Language:  English (imitate dialects) (5 Active Points)
3      3)  Language:  French (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)
2      4)  Language:  Japanese (completely fluent) (3 Active Points)
2      5)  Language:  Russian (completely fluent) (3 Active Points)
3      Lipreading 13-
3      Lockpicking 13-
3      Paramedics 13-
3      Persuasion 13-
3      Research 13-
3      Riding 13-
2      SS:  Computer Sciences 11-
3      Scholar
1      1)  KS: Akido (2 Active Points) 11-
1      2)  KS: Dance Styles (2 Active Points) 11-
1      3)  KS: Karate (2 Active Points) 11-
2      4)  KS: Music (3 Active Points) 13-
1      5)  KS: Sports (2 Active Points) 11-
2      6)  KS: The Espionage World (3 Active Points) 13-
2      7)  KS: The Fincancial World (3 Active Points) 13-
2      8)  KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World (3 Active Points) 13-
2      9)  KS: The Political World (3 Active Points) 13-
2      10)  KS: The Psionics World (3 Active Points) 13-
2      11)  KS: The Superhuman World (3 Active Points) 13-
3      Security Systems 13-
3      Seduction 13-
3      Shadowing 13-
3      Sleight Of Hand 13-
3      Stealth 13-
3      Streetwise 13-
3      Systems Operation 13-
2      TF:  Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Equines, Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles
3      Trading 13-
5      WF:  Common Melee Weapons, Small Arms, Off Hand

[b]SKILLS Cost: 181[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]PERKS[/u][/b]
5      Money:  Well Off
3      Anonymity: True Identity is believed died at birth. 
     Cover Identities
2      1)  Deep Cover
2      2)  Deep Cover
2      3)  Deep Cover
3      Fringe Benefit:  Security Clearance
5      Fringe Benefit:  International Driver's License, Membership: Operation Bastion (Field Agent), Passport
3      Well-Connected
1      1)  Contact:  Drucilla Fender, Antique Dealer (Contact limited by identity) (2 Active Points) 12-
2      2)  Contact:  Jeff Reece, Owner of The Phrohibited (night club) (Contact limited by identity, Good relationship with Contact) (3 Active Points) 12-
6      3)  Contact:  Katyanna Jennings, Director (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has useful Skills or resources, Very Good relationship with Contact) (7 Active Points) 11-

[b]PERKS Cost: 34[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]TALENTS[/u][/b]
3      Perfect Pitch
6      Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)

[b]TALENTS Cost: 9[/b]
[b][u]Value[/u]  [u]DISADVANTAGES[/u][/b]
20     Dependent NPC:  Birth-Mother and Sister 8- (Normal; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID; Group DNPC: x2 DNPCs)
20     Hunted:  Hyperion Institute 8- (Mo Pow; NCI; Capture)
20     Hunted:  Iron Crusade 8- (Mo Pow; NCI; Harshly Punish)
10     Hunted:  Operation Bastion 8- (Mo Pow; NCI; Watching)
10     Psychological Limitation:  Can't take a compliment, mild self-image distortion (Common; Moderate)
15     Psychological Limitation:  Code vs Killing (Common; Strong)
10     Psychological Limitation:  Dislikes violence (Common; Moderate)
15     Psychological Limitation:  In love with Scion (Common; Strong)
15     Psychological Limitation:  Thrillseeker (Common; Strong)
15     Social Limitation:  Secret Identity (Frequently; Major)

[b]DISADVANTAGES Points: 150[/b]

Base Pts: 600
Exp Required: 250
Total Exp Available: 250
Exp Unspent: 0
Total Character Cost: 1000

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Re: Send me an Angel.


[b]Angel, Guardian Angel - Unknown, "Carol", uses many aliases[/b]

[b][u]VAL[/u]   [u]CHA[/u]   [u]Cost[/u]   [u]Total[/u]   [u]Roll[/u]      [u]Notes[/u][/b]
15    STR     5   15      12-       HTH Damage 3d6  END [1]
18    DEX     24   18      13-       OCV 6 DCV 6
18    CON     16   18      13-
10    BODY    0   10      11-
20    INT     10   20      13-       PER Roll 13-
23    EGO     26   23      14-       ECV: 8
30    PRE     10   30      15-       PRE Attack: 6d6
22    COM     6   22      13-
7    PD      4   7/26             7/26 PD (0/19 rPD)
7    ED      3   7/26             7/26 ED (0/19 rED)
5    SPD     22   5                 Phases:  3, 5, 8, 10, 12
10    REC     6   10
50    END     7   50
30    STUN    3   30
7    RUN      2   7"                END [1]
3    SWIM     1   3"                END [1]
4    LEAP     1   4"                4" forward, 2" upward

[b]CHA Cost: 146[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]POWERS[/u][/b]
15     [b][i]Ectoplasmic Manipulation[/i][/b]: Elemental Control, 30-point powers - END=
12     1)  [b][i]Ectoplasmic Armor[/i][/b]: Armor (10 PD/10 ED) (30 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) - END=3
36     2)  [b][i]Soul Blade[/i][/b]: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1 1/2d6 (2d6 w/STR), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Attack Versus Limited Defense (Mental Defense; +1 1/2) (69 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2) - END=3
23     [b][i]Ectoplasmic Wings[/i][/b]: Multipower, 40-point reserve,  (40 Active Points); all slots Restrainable (-1/2), Visible (-1/4) - END=
2u     1)  [b][i]Ectoplasmic Wings I[/i][/b]: Flight 15", Position Shift, x4 Noncombat (40 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2), Visible (-1/4) - END=4
1u     2)  [b][i]Ectoplasmic Wings II[/i][/b]: Gliding 15", x4 Noncombat (20 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2), Visible (-1/4) - END=0
137     [b][i]Empathic Projection[/i][/b]: Multipower, 137-point reserve - END=
2u     1)  [b][i]Empathic Healing[/i][/b]: Simplified Healing 6d6 (60 Active Points); Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (character automatically takes damage identical to the damage healed; -1), Others Only (-1/2) - END=6
4u     2)  [b][i]Empathic Manipulation Field[/i][/b]: Mind Control 10d6 (Human class of minds), Personal Immunity (+1/4), Telepathic (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4), Explosion (+1/2) (112 Active Points); Only To Alter/Inflict Emotional States (-1), No Range (-1/2) - END=5
4u     3)  [b][i]Empathic Manipulation[/i][/b]: Mind Control 12d6 (Human class of minds), Telepathic (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (90 Active Points); Only To Alter/Inflict Emotional States (-1) - END=3
5u     4)  [b][i]Empathic Projection Field[/i][/b]: Mind Control 10d6 (Human class of minds), Telepathic (+1/4), Personal Immunity (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Explosion (-1 DC/2"; +3/4) (137 Active Points); Only To Alter/Inflict Emotional States (-1), No Range (-1/2), Limited Set Of Commands (only whatever emotion the user feels at the time; -1/2) - END=0
1u     5)  [b][i]Empathic Psychometry[/i][/b]: Retrocognitive Clairsentience (Mental Group) (40 Active Points); Retrocognition Only (-1), Emotions Only (-1), No Range (-1/2), Psychometry (-1/2) - END=4
6u     6)  [b][i]Pleasure Center Overload[/i][/b]: Ego Attack 5d6 (Human class of minds), Invisible Power Effects, Source Only (Fully Invisible; +1/4) (62 Active Points) - END=6
3u     7)  [b][i]Touch Of Inspiration[/i][/b]: Aid 4d6, any emotion-related Characteristic one at a time (+1/4) (50 Active Points); Others Only (-1/2) - END=0
15     [b][i]Empathy[/i][/b]: Elemental Control, 30-point powers - END=
7     1)  [b][i]Calm Demeanor[/i][/b]: Succor  PRE 6d6 (30 Active Points); Only To Resist Presence Attacks And Other Attacks Based On Fear (-1) - END=3
30     2)  [b][i]True Emotion Reading[/i][/b]: Telepathy 12d6 (Human class of minds) (60 Active Points); Empathy All Emotions (-1/2) - END=6
    Esoteric Empathic Abilities - END=
9     1)  [b][i]Background Mind[/i][/b]: Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) for up to 23 Active Points of EGO (11 Active Points); Only To Hide From Mind Scan (-1/4) - END=0
19     2)  [b][i]Detect Emotions[/i][/b]: Detect Emotions A Class Of Things 17- (Mental Group), Discriminatory, Analyze - END=0
15     3)  [b][i]Emotion Sculpting/Role Immersion[/i][/b]: Shape Shift  (Mental Group, any shape), Costs END Only To Change Shape (+1/4) (31 Active Points); Emotional State Only (-1) - END=2
7     4)  [b][i]Emotional Bastion[/i][/b]: Mental Defense (40 points total) (15 Active Points); Only Works Against Emotion Based Attacks (-1) - END=0
10     5)  [b][i]Heroic Presence[/i][/b]: +10 PRE - END=
20     6)  [b][i]Iron Will[/i][/b]: +20 Mental Defense (40 points total) - END=0
13     7)  [b][i]Social Chameleon[/i][/b]: +4 with Interaction Skills (20 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2) - END=2
    H.A.L.O., all slots OAF (personal focus; -1) - END=
5     1)  [b][i]Comlink[/i][/b]: High Range Radio Perception (Radio Group) (12 Active Points); OAF (personal focus; -1), Sense Affected As Hearing Group As Well As Radio Group [any other Sense] (-1/4), Does Not Receive Or Transmit On Visual Wavelengths (-1/4) - END=0
7     2)  [b][i]Enhanced Thermal Vision[/i][/b]: Infrared Perception (Sight Group), Discriminatory, Tracking (15 Active Points); OAF (personal focus; -1) - END=0
10     3)  [b][i]Hearing Augmentation[/i][/b]: Discriminatory with Hearing Group and Analyze for Hearing Group (20 Active Points); OAF (personal focus; -1) - END=0
7     4)  [b][i]Microscopic Vision[/i][/b]: Microscopic ( x1,000) with Sight Group (15 Active Points); OAF (personal focus; -1) - END=0
2     5)  [b][i]Nightsight[/i][/b]: Nightvision (5 Active Points); OAF (personal focus; -1) - END=0
4     6)  [b][i]Parabolic Hearing Sensors[/i][/b]: +6 versus Range Modifier for Hearing Group (9 Active Points); OAF (personal focus; -1) - END=0
10     7)  [b][i]Stealth Radar[/i][/b]: Radar (Radio Group), Concealed (-5 with Radar PER Rolls), Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees) (25 Active Points); OAF (personal focus; -1), Sense Affected As Sight Group As Well As Radio Group [very common Sense] (-1/2) - END=0
6     8)  [b][i]Telescopic Vision[/i][/b]: +8 versus Range Modifier for Sight Group (12 Active Points); OAF (personal focus; -1) - END=0
1     9)  [b][i]Ultrasonic Hearing[/i][/b]: Ultrasonic Perception (Hearing Group) (3 Active Points); OAF (personal focus; -1) - END=0
    Inspiring Superheroic Costume - END=
18     1)  [b][i]Reinforced Costume[/i][/b]: Armor (9 PD/9 ED) (27 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) - END=0

[b]POWERS Cost: 466[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]MARTIAL ARTS[/u][/b]
4      1)  +1 HTH Damage Class(es)
4      2)  Disarm:  1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, Disarm; 30 STR to Disarm roll
4      3)  Dodge:  1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort
4      4)  Escape:  1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 35 STR vs. Grabs
3      5)  Hold:  1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Grab Two Limbs, 30 STR for holding on
4      6)  Joint Lock/Throw:  1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, Grab One Limb; 1 1/2d6 NND ; Target Falls
3      7)  Legsweep:  1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, -1 DCV, 5d6 Strike, Target Falls
4      8)  Punch/Snap Kick:  1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 6d6 Strike
5      9)  Redirect:  1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +3 DCV, Block, Abort
5      10) Side/Spin Kick:  1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, 8d6 Strike
5      11) Strike:  1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +3 DCV, 4d6 Strike
3      12) Takedown:  1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +1 DCV, 4d6 Strike; Target Falls
3      13) Throw:  1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, 4d6 +v/5, Target Falls
1      14) Weapon Element:  Blades
1      15) Weapon Element:  Staffs

[b]MARTIAL ARTS Cost: 53[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]SKILLS[/u][/b]
12      +2 with HTH and Mental Combat
15      +3 with Mental Combat
3      +2 with Security Systems (4 Active Points); Only Versus Computer Security Systems (-1/2)
3      Acrobatics 13-
3      Acting 15-
3      Breakfall 13-
3      Bribery 15-
3      Bugging 13-
3      Bureaucratics 15-
3      Combat Driving 13-
1      Computer Programming 8-
3      Concealment 13-
3      Contortionist 13-
3      Conversation 15-
3      Cryptography 13-
3      Deduction 13-
3      Demolitions 13-
3      Disguise 13-
1      Electronics 8-
3      Forgery 13-
3      High Society 15-
3      Interrogation 15-
3      Jack of All Trades
2      1)  PS: Appraise (3 Active Points) 13-
1      2)  PS: Courier (2 Active Points) 11-
2      3)  PS: Dance (3 Active Points) 13-
1      4)  PS: Photographer (2 Active Points) 11-
2      5)  PS: Sing (3 Active Points) 15-
2      6)  PS: Writing (Journalism) (3 Active Points) 13-
3      Linguist
2      1)  Language:  Arabic (Modern) (completely fluent) (3 Active Points)
0      2)  Language:  English (imitate dialects) (5 Active Points)
3      3)  Language:  French (idiomatic) (4 Active Points)
2      4)  Language:  Japanese (completely fluent) (3 Active Points)
2      5)  Language:  Russian (completely fluent) (3 Active Points)
3      Lipreading 13-
3      Lockpicking 13-
3      Paramedics 13-
3      Persuasion 15-
3      Research 13-
3      Riding 13-
2      SS:  Computer Sciences 11-
3      Scholar
1      1)  KS: Akido (2 Active Points) 11-
1      2)  KS: Dance Styles (2 Active Points) 11-
1      3)  KS: Karate (2 Active Points) 11-
1      4)  KS: Music (2 Active Points) 11-
2      5)  KS: Sports (3 Active Points) 13-
2      6)  KS: The Espionage World (3 Active Points) 13-
2      7)  KS: The Fincancial World (3 Active Points) 13-
2      8)  KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World (3 Active Points) 13-
2      9)  KS: The Political World (3 Active Points) 13-
2      10)  KS: The Psionics World (3 Active Points) 13-
2      11)  KS: The Superhuman World (3 Active Points) 13-
3      Security Systems 13-
3      Seduction 15-
3      Shadowing 13-
3      Sleight Of Hand 13-
3      Stealth 13-
3      Streetwise 15-
3      Systems Operation 13-
2      TF:  Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Equines, Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles
3      Trading 15-
5      WF:  Common Melee Weapons, Small Arms, Off Hand

[b]SKILLS Cost: 180[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]PERKS[/u][/b]
5      Money:  Well Off
3      Anonymity: True Identity is believed died at birth. 
6      Reputation:  Popular Superheroine (A large group) 14-, +2/+2d6
3      Fringe Benefit:  Security Clearance
3      Well-Connected
6      1)  Contact:  Katyanna Jennings, Director (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has useful Skills or resources, Very Good relationship with Contact) (7 Active Points) 11-

[b]PERKS Cost: 26[/b]

[b][u]Cost[/u]   [u]TALENTS[/u][/b]
3      Perfect Pitch
6      Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)

[b]TALENTS Cost: 9[/b]
[b][u]Value[/u]  [u]DISADVANTAGES[/u][/b]
20     Dependent NPC:  Birth-Mother and Sister 8- (Normal; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID; Group DNPC: x2 DNPCs)
20     Hunted:  Hyperion Institute 8- (Mo Pow; NCI; Capture)
20     Hunted:  Iron Crusade 8- (Mo Pow; NCI; Harshly Punish)
10     Hunted:  Operation Bastion 8- (Mo Pow; NCI; Watching)
10     Psychological Limitation:  Can't take a compliment, mild self-image distortion (Common; Moderate)
15     Psychological Limitation:  Code vs Killing (Common; Strong)
10     Psychological Limitation:  Dislikes violence (Common; Moderate)
15     Psychological Limitation:  In love with Scion (Common; Strong)
15     Psychological Limitation:  Thrillseeker (Common; Strong)
15     Social Limitation:  Secret Identity (Frequently; Major)

[b]DISADVANTAGES Points: 150[/b]

Base Pts: 600
Exp Required: 130
Total Exp Available: 130
Exp Unspent: 0
Total Character Cost: 880

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Re: And Lo...I came reeeeeeeeally close to 10,000 posts.


HD will let you write up a "balanced" character of up to 29,997 points(base points, complications and experience can all be up to 9999 points), but it has a hard time with any stat over 998. Within those limits, though, there's still a lot of head and legroom. ;)

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Re: And Lo...I came reeeeeeeeally close to 10,000 posts.


Nice writeup. I liked the background in particular. :D


One thing that puzzled me though:

Background Mind: Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) for up to 40 Active Points of EGO (20 Active Points); Only To Hide From Mind Scan (-1/4) - END=0
Is there a rule I'm forgetting about this? I wasn't aware it cost END to use your EGO, except with a Mental Entangle.
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Re: And Lo...I came reeeeeeeeally close to 10,000 posts.


Nice writeup. I liked the background in particular. :D


One thing that puzzled me though:Is there a rule I'm forgetting about this? I wasn't aware it cost END to use your EGO, except with a Mental Entangle.


It's a power from the Ultimate Mentalist. I believe optional rules. It fit the character and I liked it. My campaign guide (should I ever formalize it will include many of the optional rules from the Ultimate books.

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