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Project WyrmStar: What have you pre-ordered?


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I'm excited about seeing new Star Hero settings, but I wasn't able to afford pre-ordering all of them. Here are the settings that I have chosen as my picks.


Lux Aeternum

The Widening Gyre

The Wreck of Alpha Central


The rest I will wait and see what the reviews are like.


So what are your pre-order choices?

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Re: Project WyrmStar: What have you pre-ordered?


I've pre-ordered posthegemoney and am planning on pre-ordering 3rd World after my next paycheck.


I think Project Wyrmstar made a mistake doing these all at the same time. I would be willing to get all of them but don't want lay out that much money on gaming products all at once. By doing the fund drives all at the same time, they have put a bunch of worthwhile gaming projects in direct competition with each other.

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Re: Project WyrmStar: What have you pre-ordered?


I've pre-ordered posthegemoney and am planning on pre-ordering 3rd World after my next paycheck.


I think Project Wyrmstar made a mistake doing these all at the same time. I would be willing to get all of them but don't want lay out that much money on gaming products all at once. By doing the fund drives all at the same time, they have put a bunch of worthwhile gaming projects in direct competition with each other.


I've been concerned about this, as well, but OTOH these settings are all over the map, genre-wise, so I'm not sure how many potential buyers would actually be interested in every one of them. Based on what I know about them, here's how I'd classify the list: (a couple I'm not 100% certain of; YMMV)


Posthegemony = dystopia

Lux Aeturnum = old-school space opera (?)

3rd World = alien invasion

Wreck of Alpha Central = post-apocalyptic

Widening Gyre = steampunk

The Fires of Heaven = mainstream SF (?)

Terracide = modern space opera


I just noticed there's no military SF entry there, oddly enough. Aside from that, there's something from almost everyone's favorite 'sub-genre' so they can decide which one(s) to buy first -- and hopefully get the rest later if they're into the whole "completeness" thing.


I wouldn't mind seeing an "omnibus" pdf version with the whole line-up on one CD, but I'd have no idea what it would cost. I doubt that a print version of that would be feasible....

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Re: Project WyrmStar: What have you pre-ordered?


3rd World = alien invasion


Well, seeing as this is my baby, maybe I should explain the setting in a bit more detail. In 3rd World, the invasion has already happened and then some. In fact, you could say it was arguably invaded twice. Once, by a group of aliens that humanity now refers to as the "Dark Alliance". Each member race of the Dark Alliance had its own reason for wanting Earth, but it sure wasn't out of concern for the locals. Saying they ravaged the landscape is putting it mildly. Humanity surely would have become extinct if it hadn't been for the interest other alien races had in it (Not sure how much I should spoil) and the Dark Alliance severely underestimated that interest. A Co-Operative formed out of other species to come to 'protect' the Earth, again, each member species of the Co-Operative had its own reasons for doing so.


In the end, the Co-Operative won, but humanity, it could be argued, lost. To the victors went the spoils, and the prize in this case was Earth. Those interests I mentioned gave each member of the Co-Operative reason to hang around and humanity was far too weak (and in some cases too grateful) to do much about it. The nations of Earth were divided among the victors into "dominions". While the Game Master is encouraged to tinker with this set up to his/her heart's content, the default for the setting is Alien Occupation, Colonization, and Exploitation rather than invasion. The variety of dominions allows for campaigns that reflect themes of rebellion, tolerance and teamwork with the 'other', or just struggling to get by when you're down and out. I tried to borrow heavily from this or that slice of history what happens when a technologically superior culture moves in on the turf of one that isn't so advanced.


Players can play humans, or a member race of the Co-Op. Many of the 'alien' races have almost admirable reasons for being on Earth, or at least sympathetic ones. You can "take up the Blue Man's burden" and try to help the poor savages, or maybe this is your people's holy land. You might be of a species that needs the humans or some race like them just to ensure future generations prosper. And, of course, sometimes you just want to see what's in it for you.


Heck, if you think the humans have it bad, you should see what remains of the Dark Alliance races on the planet. Many of them were left behind, and some no longer even recognized by the far off worlds their grand-sires came from. And yeah, players (with GM permission) can play those too.


While the setting is rare (I won't say unique) in that it is a Sci Fi setting where you're never intended to get past orbit, it's my hope that there is something for everyone. A GM can make it as dark and gritty, or as hopeful, as he/she wants. There's lots of room for tragedy or drama, but also some humorous elements here and there. A GM can either use it so the group can explore issues of religion, bigotry, and more... or focus on the action aspects alone.


To those that do want to purchase it, and especially to those who've already ordered, you have my thanks, and, assuming all goes well, I wish you many hours of fun with it.

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Re: Project WyrmStar: What have you pre-ordered?


Regarding 3rd World' date=' I hope there are some near human-like alien races.[/quote']


Oh yes. VERY near.... the F'Trana and V'Sharl are even genetically compatable enough to have hybrid children with humans.


The Razneeth are reptilian, so forget that... and the Drugan? Well... they sure aren't human, but can look humanoid due to their unique nature.

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Re: Project WyrmStar: What have you pre-ordered?


We'd like to print them all' date=' but without each book reaching its fund-raising goal, it becomes much harder, and puts that title at risk.[/quote']


What happens with titles that don't make their goal but received money to be applied towards a print run? Do you refund the money?

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Re: Project WyrmStar: What have you pre-ordered?


What happens with titles that don't make their goal but received money to be applied towards a print run? Do you refund the money?

According to the IndieGoGo fundraising policy, we would not be obligated to do so. So go tell your friends to help fund every WyrmStar project, to guarantee printing!

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Re: Project WyrmStar: What have you pre-ordered?


Bad answer. IndieGoGo almost certainly does not have some policy forbidding refunds, and it is not the job of the customer to make sales for you.


When I donated for Hegemony that I figured probably wouldn't getting my pre-order if it didn't at least come close to making its fundraising goal. I also realized that I might not be getting my money back. However, based on the people who were involved, I also figured that you guys wouldn't be d**ks about the whole thing, and even if I didn't a physical copy of my book I would get a PDF or some store credit or something.


If your plans don't involve anything like that, then you probably should change your plans. Otherwise, in addition to being the first book published by Project Wyrmstar, Lux Aeternum will probably be the last.

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Re: Project WyrmStar: What have you pre-ordered?


Bad answer. IndieGoGo almost certainly does not have some policy forbidding refunds, and it is not the job of the customer to make sales for you.


When I donated for Hegemony that I figured probably wouldn't getting my pre-order if it didn't at least come close to making its fundraising goal. I also realized that I might not be getting my money back. However, based on the people who were involved, I also figured that you guys wouldn't be d**ks about the whole thing, and even if I didn't a physical copy of my book I would get a PDF or some store credit or something.


If your plans don't involve anything like that, then you probably should change your plans. Otherwise, in addition to being the first book published by Project Wyrmstar, Lux Aeternum will probably be the last.


It might be helpful to ask "Will I receive a pdf?" before you assume that you won't receive one and start insulting people.

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Re: Project WyrmStar: What have you pre-ordered?


According to the IndieGoGo fundraising policy' date=' we would not be obligated to do so. So go tell your friends to help fund every WyrmStar project, to guarantee printing![/quote']


Would people who pre-ordered at least get a pdf, if a hard copy doesn't get printed?

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Re: Project WyrmStar: What have you pre-ordered?


Bad answer. IndieGoGo almost certainly does not have some policy forbidding refunds' date=' and it is not the job of the customer to make sales for you. ... I also figured that you guys wouldn't be d**ks about the whole thing[/quote']

Well, we're certainly not planning on being jerks. I was just trying to point out that IndieGoGo leaves our response up to us, instead of instantly reverting the money back to the contributor, or forcing us to deliver on a product that was not funded. My apologies if I came off sounding harsher than I intended.


Our plan currently is still to produce and print every book, but it will just be more painful for us to do that in certain cases.


If nothing else, as you say, a PDF of the books and perhaps some related merchandise (based on the contribution amount) would be a righteous upstanding move.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Re: Project WyrmStar: What have you pre-ordered?


I am currently working on the layout for The Widening Gyre, Terracide, and 3rd World. They should be ready to go to the printer in a week or so, I'd guess. After that, I have no idea how long they'll take to print and/or ship.


I don't know what the timeline is for the other books.


I can tell you that the three I'm working on will look pretty freakin' fantastic when they're done, if I do say so myself. :thumbup:

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Re: Project WyrmStar: What have you pre-ordered?


So now that funding is concluded' date=' when will books be done? Do they ship before or after Gencon?[/quote']

We'll have some advance copies sent to GenCon, which will be the first time we even get to see them in print ourselves. From there, we'll have the rest shipped to us, and start sending out the preorders and goodies.


I hope the books aren't being done by the same printer that Hero is using.

Nope, we're using a small game company that has its own press and occasionally allows others to share its resources.

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