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What would your character do?


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Pop Quiz Hot Shot ( ;) ):


(Answer In Character) You're married and your brother-in-law is a second-rate metahuman criminal with a rapsheet of petty offenses. You've often found yourself thwarting his criminal exploits in the past, but have been pulling your punches with him for the sake of your spouse. Then comes a day that the little idiot crosses that moral line you've warned him not to cross; he kills a bank security gaurd in a robbery attempt gone wrong. The question: what do you do when you catch up to him and how do you explain what has happened that day to your spouse?

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Depending on how you meant the phrase, none of my characters would have 'pulled my punches' wth him in the first place.


Use minimum force? OK. Refrain from asking the DA and the judge to go 'Maximum Bob' on his ass? Probably. But actually let the little shitbird go scott-free? Not happening.


If he was one of the tragically misguided villains, sympathy might come into play for some of my characters... but as you described him, he's just a thug in a mask.


And if my spouse doesn't like that -- uhhh, honey, *YOU MARRIED A SUPERHERO*. You'd be going through the exact same process if you'd married an ordinary honest cop and your brother was an ordinary mugger.


Then again, if any character of mine marries, they're going to marry somebody who knew exactly what they were getting into, so the issue shouldn't come up.


(Granted, few of my characters are the marrying type anyway.)

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Depends on the character I was running at the time.


Quasar would have hauled his butt off to the police the first time they crossed paths.


Mind Maiden would have done an INT and EGO drain and left him next to the dead body for the cops to find.


Shadowhunter would have blamed himself for the cop's death because he was soft the first few times, and would have beaten the brother-in-law to a bloody pulp and hand delivered his broken body to the local police station for "further processing" (cop killers don't last long in my Champs universe).

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Re: What would your character do?


Originally posted by Wormhole

Pop Quiz Hot Shot ( ;) ):


(Answer In Character) You're married and your brother-in-law is a second-rate metahuman criminal with a rapsheet of petty offenses. You've often found yourself thwarting his criminal exploits in the past, but have been pulling your punches with him for the sake of your spouse. Then comes a day that the little idiot crosses that moral line you've warned him not to cross; he kills a bank security gaurd in a robbery attempt gone wrong. The question: what do you do when you catch up to him and how do you explain what has happened that day to your spouse?


In character eh? :)


APEX: My second wife... well, it had been a few years since my first's death (it would have to be). She'd have to understand he has to be brought to justice. That her brother in law just took the life of a man who may have a family of his own. However tempted I would be for his betrayal of my wife's trust in him, I'd just bring him to justice , no more force than I have to.


LONE STAR: "Uhm, Darhlin...Ah'm afraid your brother in law shot a man in a bank robbery today. Now, Ah know Ah shouldn't have gotten mad, but AH beat the tar out of that boy, and Ah'd do it again ifn' Ah had to. He's in custody now, and ...Ah'm a sleeping on the couch, ain't I?"


RECLUSE: Oh crap, more people hurt because of my ignorance. Great, just great. WHy'd I get married in the first place if I'm just going to make the woman I love miserable AND deprive some family of it's father? I suck. I quit. Oh, wait, Grandmother Spider won't let me. This whole THING Sucks.

(Mope, Angst, etc, then try to redeem self)


SLAMMER: Married....whoooah. Well, considering the girl he married is likely a mentalist... hey, if she says he wouldn't do it, I'd check for a frame up. I'd make excuses to the press after checking iwth my agent for the best line... but secretly I'd be blaming myself. Damn it, why do I always have to think with my ####?


SURGE: I get angry, angry at myself, angry at my wife (and feeling guilty for that anger) angry at the idiot bro in law (Who's going to get his hair standing up funny), but since I can't really direct that anger at folks I love... I'm going to look for whoever he was pulling the heist for. I'm going to bust their whole #$#$ing cartel or organization.


WILDCARD: Who told my wife I was a super hero? You mean she didn't buy the "It's a fetish" excuse? Dang. FIrst, I wouldn't have gone easy on him in the first place. Being nearly killed puts the whole 'soft on crime thing' in perspective. Mind you, I might have just knocked him out and mailed him to Bangkok in the first place, but no no no... letting criminals go leads to the drowning and the hurting and the bullets and the hey hey hey... we're the monkeys.

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Well, I can't do it in character voice, as neither of my main characters is married or likely to be married at any time in the foreseeable future. :)


(One's an amnesiac 18-year-old girl who's channelling Year One Kitty Pryde. The other one is a centuries-old master vampire, who makes Batman look like Billy Batson.)


Edit -- I just remembered Dr. Pain(*), my ex-championship-pro-wrestler brick. He *might* get married.


Dr. Pain's answer to the above hypothetical question -- 'Honey, I told you this durin' the engagement, I told you this at the reception, I've told you this all along -- your brother's a bum. I tried to give him a chance, I tried to not hurt him too bad, and now he's gone and *killed* somebody.


So I am gonna go out there, find him, and drop the Pain Injection on his head until he stops fighting, and then I'm gonna drop off what's left of him at the prison hospital and let them patch him up until it's time for his trial... and his eventual date with Jack the Dripper.


And if you don't like that, I'm still gonna do it. This isn't fake like my old job. Somebody *really died* tonight. And the guy who kiled him is gonna pay for it.''



(*) Yes, inspired by the character in Ninja Hero 5e, admitted. Although I made him a hero and not a villain.

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Mayday 's husband's two brothers (and himself) were sucked into a Hell Dimension and so this is not an unlikely scenario, assuming the two got back after their Corruption.


When she catches them she Ego Blasts them into a pile of goo as quickly as possible, neutralizes them, removing any Foci and consults with her husband on the jurisdiction of Hell vs Heaven vs local and international criminal tribunals that may hold jurisdiction claims as well, to defer to his wisdom on this.


I estimate the Vatican, holy rituals and possible Exorcism Rites will take place depending on the Church's place in all this. If the Pope (or his representative) has the power to return the boys to their pre-demonic state that is the obvious way to go.


ShadowCross hates her husband and criminals both so she would take great pleasure in capturing the guy with as much force as necessary and exposing him and their ties of blood to the Press. Her husband is the DA, and very politically inclined. This would not do his Mayoral bid any good.


T.R.A.C.E.'s husband is a brilliant scientist confined to a wheelchair. He designed the Tactical Recon And Combat suit for her and both are law abiding even if she is wanted for 'questionning' over certain events that happened while she was in the area.


They would attempt to contact the brother in law by normal channels and talk to him about the problem. Try to help him turn himself in and provide legal assistance and support. When communication fails or the rat makes a run for it, T.R.A.C.E. will try to apprehend using minimal force. Would consider calling in other heroes (she works solo by choice and because other heroes don't trust her much) but would not unless absolutely necessary and caution them to not harm him.


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Anthem: "I'm too young to be married".


Uncle Slam: "My wife died back in '65. She was one of the greats. Back in those days I would have upheld the letter of the law, and she would expect no less. These days I'd be more likely to appraise his crime and react accordingly. The world is less black-and-white to me now. But he's still likley to be hauled in regardless; I just might make a recommendation to the prosecutor."


Audra Blue: "I'm not the marrying kind."

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Hmmm, well my characters are single but I'll pretend their married for the sake of this exercise:


Black Arrow (female martial artist)- Why is this my fault? I gave the punk several chances to change. I "counseled" him like you wanted. Tried to get him to reform. And he spat on it. Now somebody's dead, and those kids will never get their parent back. So as far as I'm concerned, your brother can spend the next 20 years in jail!


Bolt (male speedster) - No, honey. He's not getting off this time, he killed somebody. Where is he? Ummm, well ... he's at Mass. General Hospital. Well, I sort of lost my cool and took him out pretty hard. The way he was always bragging about his powered armor, I thought he'd take the 200mph slam into the wall better than that...

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jamie justice (patriotic, post-adolescent, powerpuff girl)


1. she would pound him into the ground like a nail, all the time making comments like the following--"you traitor!!" "you bastard!", "you Scum!" "how could you?!"


2. since jamie has a public id, her bringing the scum in should have been taken as a given--however if it did come up, she'd probably say something along these lines:


"honey, i love you, and would never do anything to hurt you, but you knew when we got married that i was a super-person--this is what super-people do!"


"i'm sorry that your brother got involved. if i could have waved a magical, pink fairy wand (with a unicorn on the end, and pink ribbons and sparkles) and made this all go away i would have--then i would do the same for all the other brother-in-laws out there--and sister-in-laws, too, if they needed it--and the skunks--especially the skunks, because if anyone needs to know that they're special in the eyes of lord, it's the poor, unloved, misbegotten, skunk."


"we will get through this!--as long as we have our love, we can make it through anything--no matter what adversity life may choose to throw at us, we can lick it and make it beg, beg like a skunk at a kissing booth--our love will see us through!!!


....and my billions and billions of dollars won't hurt much on that accord either....!"

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  • 10 months later...

Re: What would your character do?


Pop Quiz Hot Shot ( ;) ):


(Answer In Character) You're married and your brother-in-law is a second-rate metahuman criminal with a rapsheet of petty offenses. You've often found yourself thwarting his criminal exploits in the past, but have been pulling your punches with him for the sake of your spouse. Then comes a day that the little idiot crosses that moral line you've warned him not to cross; he kills a bank security gaurd in a robbery attempt gone wrong. The question: what do you do when you catch up to him and how do you explain what has happened that day to your spouse?


The one that started it all


Interesting question:


The Marksman is an archer who's SI is a cop, even though he is unmaried we will assume he is.


First he is going to be going to jail. Sorry some lines will not be crossed. However I would plead for lenancy (As much as possible under the circumstances).


The sticky bit is what do I tell the wife: The truth, I also tell her that this is the best thing for him, that maybe afterwards he will be able to use his gifts for less dishonest gains (lets face facts most superpowers can be turned to make a profit legaly)

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