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Hypersonic, 450 points speedster


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i wanted to do a flying speedster with a large quantity of abilities since a moment.

I wasn't able to make her at 400 points, if I wanted her to have sufficient bunch of skills alas.


Feel free to criticize of course.




Running to her oven as it seems it smells like something is burning, oops.



Val Char Cost Roll Notes

14 STR 4 12- Lift 174.1kg; 2 1/2d6 [1]

20 DEX 20 13- OCV: 10/DCV: 10

20 CON 10 13-

12 BODY 2

12 INT 2 11- PER Roll 11-/17-

11 EGO 1 11- ECV: 3 - 3

12 PRE 2 11- PRE Attack: 2d6

15 PD 13 Total: 15 PD (15 rPD)

20 ED 18 Total: 20 ED (20 rED)

8 SPD 60 Phases: 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12

12 REC 8

60 END 8

32 STUN 6 Total Characteristic Cost: 224

Movement: Running: 12m/24m

Flight: 80m/160m

Leaping: 4m/8m

Swimming: 4m/8m

Teleportation: 0m/10m/0m/20m

Tunneling: 8m/16m

Cost Powers END

54 Speed Zone Control: Variable Power Pool, 30 base + 60 control cost, (60 Active Points); all slots Limited Power Only "Speedster" Tricks Powers based on Physical Quickness and Velocity (-1/4)

0 1) Afterimages: +8 DCV (40 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2), Requires A Roll (13- roll; -1/4), Do Not Apply Against Attackers with Physical Targeting Senses (see text; -1/4) Real Cost: 20 4

0 2) Can't Hit Me: Desolidification (affected by affected by any area-affecting attack that hits the character or that misses him by less than the radius in meters of the area) (40 Active Points); Only to Protect Against Damage (-1/2), Only Works if Character Moves at NonCombat Velocities (-1/2) Real Cost: 20 4

0 3) Dodging Bullets: +8 DCV (40 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2), Limited Power Only "Speedster" Tricks Powers based on Physical Quickness and Velocity (-1/4) Real Cost: 23 4

0 4) Impact Resistance: +20 PD (20 Active Points); Only Protects Against Damage from Move Bys/Throughs the Character Performs (-1) Real Cost: 10

0 5) Impact Resistance Variant: Energy Damage Reduction, 50% (20 Active Points); Only Protects Against Damage from Move Bys/Throughs the Character Performs (-1) Real Cost: 10

0 6) Slow Missles: +10 with Block (20 Active Points); Only to Block Physical Ranged Attacks (-1), Costs Endurance (-1/2) Real Cost: 8 2

0 7) Speed Trap: Telekinesis (40 STR) (60 Active Points); Only to Catch Falling Items/Persons (-1), No Range (-1/2) Real Cost: 24 6

0 8) Strong Spinning Dodge: +8 DCV (40 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2), Only Works if Character Moved at Least 2m Using Whirlwind Travel in His Most Recent Phase (-1/2) Real Cost: 20 4

0 9) Quicker Than the Eye: Invisibility to Sight Group , Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (30 Active Points); Linked to Movement Power (-1/2) Real Cost: 20

0 10) Super-Accelerated Thought: +30 INT (30 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2), Limited Power Only "Speedster" Tricks Powers based on Physical Quickness and Velocity (-1/4) Real Cost: 17 3

0 11) Tougher Whirlwind Drill: Tunneling 8m through 15 PD material (38 Active Points); Only Straight Down (-1/2) Real Cost: 25 4

0 12) Jackhammer Punch: Blast 6d6, Autofire (5 shots; +1/2) (45 Active Points); Limited Range (20m; -1/4), Limited Power Only "Speedster" Tricks Powers based on Physical Quickness and Velocity (-1/4) Real Cost: 30 4

0 13) Not Quite So Dizzying Spin: Drain DEX 4d6 (40 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Limited Power Only "Speedster" Tricks Powers based on Physical Quickness and Velocity (-1/4) Real Cost: 23 4

0 14) Strong Grab-and-Drop: +12 with Move Throw (36 Active Points); Limited Power Only "Speedster" Tricks Powers based on Physical Quickness and Velocity (-1/4) Real Cost: 29

0 15) Hostage Rescue: Teleportation 10m, Position Shift, Limited Range (10m; +1/4), Usable As Attack (defense is Teleportation Powers or Power Defense; +1 1/4) (37 Active Points); Must Pass Through Intervening Space (-1/4) Real Cost: 30 4

0 16) Weak Spinning: +30 STR (30 Active Points); Only to Escape Entangles and Grabs (-1 1/2) Real Cost: 12 3

0 17) Deadly G-Force: RKA 1d6, Constant (+1/2), NND (Life Support: Safe Environment [immune to High Pressure]; All Or Nothing; +1), Does BODY (+1) (52 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Must Follow Grab (-1/2) Real Cost: 26 5

0 18) Whirlwind Punch: HA +6d6, Area Of Effect (2m Radius; +1/4), Personal Immunity (+1/4) (45 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/4), Limited Power Only "Speedster" Tricks Powers based on Physical Quickness and Velocity (-1/4) Real Cost: 30 4

0 19) Strong Whirlwind Throw: +40 STR (40 Active Points); Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Only for Throwing (-1/2), Must Follow Grab (-1/2) Real Cost: 16 4

0 20) Speedster Studiousness: Speed Reading (x1,000) (8 Active Points); Limited Power Only "Speedster" Tricks Powers based on Physical Quickness and Velocity (-1/4) Real Cost: 6

0 21) Whirlwind Vision: Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees) with Sight Group (10 Active Points); Only When Using Another Whirling Power (-1/4) Real Cost: 8

0 22) Strong Compressed Air Punch: Blast 9d6 (45 Active Points); Limited Range (20m; -1/4), Limited Power Only "Speedster" Tricks Powers based on Physical Quickness and Velocity (-1/4) Real Cost: 30 4

7 Anti-Friction Protection: (Total: 17 Active Cost, 7 Real Cost) Resistant (+1/2) (7 Active Points); Only When Moving (-1/4) applied to PD (Real Cost: 3) plus Resistant (+1/2) (10 Active Points); Only When Moving (-1/4) applied to ED (Real Cost: 4)

8 Swift Observation: +6 PER with Sight Group (12 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2) 1

20 Me First!: Lightning Reflexes (+20 DEX to act first with All Actions)

3 Quick Change: Cosmetic Transform 1d6 (any set of clothing into one costume), Trigger (Activating the Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action, Trigger resets automatically, immediately after it activates; +3/4) (5 Active Points); Limited Target the clothes currently worn by character (-1/2) 1

62 Hypersonic Speed Movements: Multipower, 62-point reserve

6f 1) Super-Flight: Flight 50m, No Turn Mode (+1/4) (62 Active Points) 6

6f 2) Machspeed Flight: Flight 30m, MegaScale (1m = 1 km; +1) (60 Active Points) 6


2 +1/+1d6 Striking Appearance (vs. [People sexually attracted to her])


3 Speedster Tricks: Power 13-

12 +9 with Power (18 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Only to counter Active Point penalties for changing powers in VPP; -1/2)

3 Bribery 11-

3 Bureaucratics 11-

3 Charm 11-

3 Conversation 11-

5 Cramming

3 Criminology 11-

3 Deduction 11-

3 High Society 11-

3 Interrogation 11-

2 KS: The Law 11-

2 KS: The Mafia 11-

2 KS: Speed Zone 11-

3 Oratory 11-

2 PS: Attorney 11-

3 Trading 11-

Total Powers & Skill Cost: 226

Total Cost: 450

450+ Disadvantages

15 Dependent NPC: Boyfriend Infrequently (Incompetent)

10 Enraged: When someone threathen the ones she loves (Uncommon), go 11-, recover 14-

20 Hunted: The Mafia Infrequently (Mo Pow; NCI; Harshly Punish)

15 Social Complication: Harmful Dark Secret (see background) Infrequently, Severe

20 Psychological Complication: Redeemer; Must do the Right thing (Very Common; Strong)

Total Disadvantage Points: 80

Background/History: Stephanie Stanton had a brilliant future and a life that anyone would have been jealous of. She had an happy childhood, been the only girl of a three children family, and brothers that cherrished her sister as much as her parents did. Nature gave her beauty and intelligence, and been the daughter of an important attorney permitted her to choose her path, as she became herself a legist and advocate.

She joined soon a firm that offered her to work with fiscality problems, with wealthy clients.

She had a boyfriend she was in love with, and they had even decided of a day for their wedding, willing to make a surprise announcement to their families.

But the last difficult fiscal case she was working on, was more than she expected. Her client was member of the Marcone family, a Mafiosi clan, and soon she was confronted to the gangster himself, who threatened her to kill her family and boyfriend if she didn't setup a way to evade the Treasure.

Scared, she decided to go to the police, even if she had to break the precious customer/advocate relationship clause, to ask for protection.

The Marcone had put her under surveillance, and a killer was sent to put an end to her life.

It happened to be a casual dangerous paranormal, that used a prototype of a VIPER weapon on her and her car.

The explosion was terrible, and it seemed she was reduced to ashes.

But in fact, she happened to "slide" into the Speed Zone dimension, to come back few seconds later, seconds that seemed to be hours for her.

Rebuilt with enormous powers of a speedster, she beat the assassin ass in nanosecond, and realized what just happened to her, thinking thousand times faster than she ever did.

The following minutes, she was flying at tremendous speed in direction of the mafia house, and made herself sure that no threat would ever be sent on her or her loved ones again, killing only the mafia boss, which is still a great shame to her.

Hypersonic was born, and her fight against crime has now taken another.. speed.

Personality/Motivation: A clever young woman, who fight for justice in her both lives, with a terrible secret that would break her life if someone knew what she made to the Marcone Capo.

To redeem herself, she tries to do the better good possible in any situation, to cherrish her loved ones with an uncommon intensity.

Quote: Even speed has its limits... Just, I never found mine, gangster.

Powers/Tactics: Flying speedster with a brain, she tends to adapt herself to most situation in a blink of an eye, or faster.

Campaign Use:



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Re: Hypersonic, 450 points speedster


It looks to be a 6e character based on the power descriptions but the export format looks like one for 5e (no separate display for the various CV characteristics).


The VPP only based Limitation:

Limited Power Only "Speedster" Tricks Powers based on Physical Quickness and Velocity
should be applied as a Private Modifier within the VPP (instead of a Common Modifer). That way it doesn't limit the individual powers themselves (and skew their listed "Real Cost").


That VPP is also a strong candidate for the Unified Power Limitation (which would be a valid Common Modifier).

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Re: Hypersonic, 450 points speedster


It looks to be a 6e character based on the power descriptions but the export format looks like one for 5e (no separate display for the various CV characteristics).


The VPP only based Limitation: should be applied as a Private Modifier within the VPP (instead of a Common Modifer). That way it doesn't limit the individual powers themselves (and skew their listed "Real Cost").


That VPP is also a strong candidate for the Unified Power Limitation (which would be a valid Common Modifier).




I take notes of that ! :)


unified Opale

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Re: Hypersonic, 450 points speedster


She definitely needs a different costume. Not concerning the provocativeness, just a matter of comfort and practicality. She could probably withstand the air friction (it's very rare for characters in a writeup to actually be harmed with the normal usage of their own movement powers -- it just doesn't work that way) but that "lovely little nothing she's almost wearing" looks darned uncomfortable even standing still -- it looks like it would chafe like the dickens in places you don't want to chafe. Add to that a mask that does very little to actually conceal her facial features and that it looks like she's about to "pop out" of what there is of her top.


I would go for something more form-fitting but lets her move comfortably in all directions without fear of sudden exposure.

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Re: Hypersonic, 450 points speedster


Dissect her ? o_O




Not willing to play Horror Hero.. brrrr


I started a thread with the title "Dissecting Powers." Hypersonic has been chosen as our next fascinating subject.


Don't worry, your character will be returned unharmed....but with the secrets of all her Powers exposed!


I've been abducting her bit by bit, and this is the next piece....


3 Speedster Tricks: Power 13-

12 +9 with Power (18 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Only to counter Active Point penalties for changing powers in VPP; -1/2)


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary urges you to hurry to Lucius Alexander's secret laboratory located in another thread, in case Hypersonic needs rescue!

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Re: Hypersonic, 450 points speedster


She definitely needs a different costume. Not concerning the provocativeness, just a matter of comfort and practicality. She could probably withstand the air friction (it's very rare for characters in a writeup to actually be harmed with the normal usage of their own movement powers -- it just doesn't work that way) but that "lovely little nothing she's almost wearing" looks darned uncomfortable even standing still -- it looks like it would chafe like the dickens in places you don't want to chafe. Add to that a mask that does very little to actually conceal her facial features and that it looks like she's about to "pop out" of what there is of her top.


I would go for something more form-fitting but lets her move comfortably in all directions without fear of sudden exposure.


Sudden Exposure only happens when you want it to happen, especially when you are so fast, as you could be naked and noone one would notice :P




Never underestimate over exposure as a weapon

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Re: Hypersonic, 450 points speedster


I started a thread with the title "Dissecting Powers." Hypersonic has been chosen as our next fascinating subject.


Don't worry, your character will be returned unharmed....but with the secrets of all her Powers exposed!


I've been abducting her bit by bit, and this is the next piece....


3 Speedster Tricks: Power 13-

12 +9 with Power (18 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (Only to counter Active Point penalties for changing powers in VPP; -1/2)


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary urges you to hurry to Lucius Alexander's secret laboratory located in another thread, in case Hypersonic needs rescue!


Starts investigating to find diessected speedster !!




Picks up her chainsaw to visit the lab, in the case of...

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  • 1 year later...

Re: Hypersonic, 450 points speedster


Under 5e, speedsters are good "bang for the buck" characters. They suck a bit more under 6e, because of the need to buy CV separately.


Here are a couple of my 250 point (low-powered) 5e speedsters. I've posted them before. The notes were related to the contexts in which I posted them.


Also: yes, that costume is a bit much. Or perhaps too little.



Tracy Storm

("3 Power" Speedster)


Val Char Cost

10 STR 0

38 DEX 84

20 CON 20

10 BODY 0

10 INT 0

10 EGO 0

20 PRE 10

10 COM 0

8 PD 6

8 ED 4

5 SPD 2

6 REC 0

40 END 0

25 STUN 0

Total Characteristics Cost: 126 Points


Cost Powers

6 Combat Luck (3 rPD 3 rED, limited as per the book)


80 Multipower (80 Point base)

8 m) Flight 20"

2 u) Flight 8", Megascale [1 Km] (+1/4)

1 u) Transform: Instant Change [One Set of Clothes]

4 u) Superspeed Punch: HA +8d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); Hand-to-Hand Attack (-½)


Total Powers Cost: 101 Points


Skills and extra stuff 23


Total Cost: 250 Points


Note: this character, as written, would be horribly dull to play, unless you did something cool with the unallocated points.


The "3 powers" are:

Offensive: HA

Defensive: Extra DEX (CV), Combat Luck

Movement: Flight


END usage is a problem, best fixed by OIHID.

I've merged her HA into her Multipower, to make it easier for her to add new powers. It only costs 4 points, and the cheapness of new slots helps ease the boredom problem.


An "interesting" version of the character would trade off DEX for more MP slots, chars, skills and perks.




The Flash - Earth 2

Jay Garrick


Val Char Cost

10 STR 0

33 DEX 69

20 CON 20

10 BODY 0

13 INT 3

10 EGO 0

10 PRE 0

10 COM 0

8 PD 6

8 ED 4

8 SPD 37

6 REC 0

40 END 0

25 STUN 0

Total Characteristics Cost: 139 Points


Cost Powers

60 Superspeed: Multipower (60 Point reserve)

10m 1) Super-Running: Flight 25", x8 Noncombat; Only In Contact With A Surface (-¼)

5u 2) Full Speed: Flight 20", MegaScale (1" = 10 km; +1/2); Only In Contact With A Surface (-¼)

1u 3) Superspeed Leap: Leaping +15"

1u 4) Transform: Instant Change [One Set of Clothes]

3u 5) Superspeed Punch: HA +6d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); Hand-to-Hand Attack (-½)

Total Powers Cost: 82 Points


Cost Talents

6 Combat Luck (Armor [3 PD/ED], Hardened [+¼]; Luck-Based [-½], Nonpersistent [-¼])

Total Talents Cost: 6 Points


Cost Skills

3 Acrobatics 16-

3 Breakfall 16-

3 Power Skill: Superspeed Powers 16-

Total Skills Cost: 9 Points


Total Cost: 250 Points


190+ Disadvantages

15 DNPC: Joan, Ex-girlfriend (Normal, Unaware, Infrequently)

20 Hunted: World Army (More Powerful, NCI, Occasionally, Harshly Punish)

10 PsyL: Novice Hero, Unsure of Self (Common, Moderate)

15 SocL: Secret Identity: Jay Garrick (Frequently, Major)

Total Disadvantages Cost: 250 Points


Origin: As his final act, Mercury, last of the Roman gods, bestowed his powers upon college graduate Jay Garrick.


Note: this character is written with an eye to conversion to 6e, so his base points and disadvantages have been adjusted accordingly. This draft is based on the first 3 issues of Earth 2, and should be updated as more issues become available.


He has exhibited few skills thus far. Most of what he "should" have is covered by Everyman skills. His Acrobatics and Breakfall reflect his practice of Parkour, mentioned in issue #2. He doesn't appear to have Navigation, since he didn't know where he was when he ended up in Poland.


His Power Skill is intended to reflect the fact that he will demonstrate new powers in future issues, beyond what can be plausibly explained in Hero System terms by gained experience, and that some of these demonstrated powers will probably only appear once.


His "instant change" is debateable, since his costume seems to appear and disappear automatically, but he seems to be able to control it.

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Re: Hypersonic, 450 points speedster


Interesting character. One thing that comes to mind is that if "Hostage Rescue" represents moving past and grabbing them so fast the holder can't react - as opposed to a literal teleport - then Rapid Perception or Clinging would make more sense as defenses than the current ones.


On the VPP, I think "Speedster Tricks Only" would probably count as a -1/2 - it's definitely more narrow than "Magic".

Therefore, you could potentially go: 30 base + 45 control, Zero-Phase Change (+1), Speedster Tricks Only (-1/2), Unified Power (-1/4) => 56 real points

Which seems like it would fit as many of the examples aren't things that would need time to activate.

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Re: Hypersonic, 450 points speedster


@Ice : I didn't get what you explained about Rapid Perception and Clinging.

For the VPP, I tend to agree, but I prefer to ask for less to have more than the contrary. So it was a -1/4 limiter to me. Good if a GM accepts to increase it to -1/2.

And you are true with the costs, will do the mod :) thanks


@Ayinde : Velocity is calculated the same way for all movement modes yes. But I don't understand the sense of your question.



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