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Martial Arts Question(s) - is it really this simple?


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On page 82 of 6E1 it states: "3-5 Character Points per Martial Maneuver, with a minimum expenditure of 10 Character Points."

I understand that and can match those Maneuvers in 6E2.


So when I get to 6th Edition Hero System Marital Arts book - is it as simple as saying "I want to be a master of Aikido" so I take all the maneuvers of Aikido and pay the cost associated? I know that the skills listed are associated with Aikido except for those with an "*" are required.

Is it that simple? I have a tendency to over think this game and it leads me into trouble (such as thinking I needed the Summon Power for a magical set of armor - see my other post :confused: )


I am still working my way through the Elements aspect...


Additionally the Martial Arts Abilities listed in Chapter 3 - I assume you purchase just like Powers? Right?


Like I have said before - any help is appreciated!


Thanks in advance.



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Re: Martial Arts Question(s) - is it really this simple?


I would usually require a 1 point perk as well, but yes...however read the description carefully, sometimes they list superskills that for a true master you should buy depending on setting (Champions is a definite for these)

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Re: Martial Arts Question(s) - is it really this simple?


Thanks IndianaJoe3 and JmOz - where is this perk located - I don't see it in 6E1 (but I easily could have missed it...)


I did miss it - found it in the Marital Arts book! I swear to God if I had half a brain I would be dangerous!!!!


Thanks again!

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Re: Martial Arts Question(s) - is it really this simple?


The elements just let you use different weapons with the martial art. Karate is generally a bare-handed martial art, but you can use it with weapons if you buy appropriate elements. Most empty handed martial arts have a few weapons you can use with them. Occasionally, you'll get a weapon based martial art that allows you to use at least a few maneuvers bare-handed.

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Re: Martial Arts Question(s) - is it really this simple?


Yes-its that easy. As said before though what constitute a master is left up to an individual Gm. As for weapon elements to add onto capt. Obvious, each martial art has adefault element. For example Boxing is barehanded whereas fencing has sword for free. To use an element though you must have the appropriate wf to use an weapon element (exception for this is superheroic cause you don't need to pay for wf for weapons that are paid for with your character points.) Now if you by an extra weapon element and weapon fam then you can use appropriate martial manuevers with the different weapon. For example, the Boxing character buys bladesto use a punch-dagger the gm approves and now the boxer can use his martial strike defined as punch with the weapons damage. But say that the Boxer was a kickboxer and his offensive strike is defined as a kick, then he can't add the blade damage with this manuever.

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Re: Martial Arts Question(s) - is it really this simple?


The other thing you can do (at least in 5th ed) is buy manuvers and lets say you define them as karate. Your manuvers are:


Martial Strike


Offensive Strike


You can then buy KS: Kung Fu, and any manuvers that are in both Karate and Kung Fu, can be defined as either Art.


For example, since Martial Strike appears in both Karate and Kung Fu maneuver list, the first time you use it in a fight, you define it as a Karate reverse punch. The second time you use the same manuver, you can define it as a Kung Fu snap kick.

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Re: Martial Arts Question(s) - is it really this simple?


While you could make such a perk' date=' I suspect it would not be very expensive.[/quote']


Very true. I was thinking that Blackbelt is 1pt. Then Master would be 2pts and Grandmaster is 3pts., and Founder of a new system would be maybe 4pts? Btw I use the blackbelt perk for my characters, if for nothing else than flavour (even Superheroes). Does anyone else?

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Re: Martial Arts Question(s) - is it really this simple?


Very true. I was thinking that Blackbelt is 1pt. Then Master would be 2pts and Grandmaster is 3pts.' date=' and Founder of a new system would be maybe 4pts? Btw I use the blackbelt perk for my characters, if for nothing else than flavour (even Superheroes). Does anyone else?[/quote']


This would depend on the campaign in question and how beneficial being a master or grandmaster is in the campaign.


In a typical modern setting, they would be worth 1 or 2 points at most. Probably the same in a scifi game but possibly more if there are a lot of alien cultures that revere and respect martial masters.


In a fantasy game it might be worth a little more since melee/martial mastery is king and a highly regarded skill, the character would probably command lots of respect and be able to find plenty of work. Same goes for a Dark Champions/Street level supers game where martial arts type characters are very common and martial styles and schools and their drama/rivalries can come into play.


In a Ninja Hero game, the perk becomes quite beneficial, being worth 5 points or more as school masters are afforded a ton of priveledges. They tend to be local celebrities and treated as such bybthe local populace. They get free meals, free room and board, income by training students and offers of marriage out the wazoo.


Grandmasters have even more benefits. They gain the ears of politicians, kings and emperors. People go on pilgramages for hundreds of miles to see them for their wisdom. Wealthy individuals will pay a king's ransom to receive training from them.


Yes, the cost of those perks are very campaign dependent.

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