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Has anyone built The Doctor from Doctor Who?


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I have tried very hard to search for it but I am finding it very difficult with so many established "Doctors" from the superhero genre. I have taken a look at the books and we are using 5th edition. I will admit that I am not a very experienced Champions player. We mostly use Mutants and Masterminds. Anyway, I am trying to build a character very similar to The Doctor without the whole code against violence really and basically an energy blast (gun), also the "sonic screwdriver" is not needed. Problem I am having is the fact that we have to have a 350 point character and I am not entirely certain how the whole power frame thing works. Anyone able to help?

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Re: Has anyone built The Doctor from Doctor Who?


So, you're building The Master then..... Or the Valeyard heh ..... it's actually not to hard of a build. A Lot of us can walk you through it if you know kind of what you really want to be able to do.


Rex ... There's a good lower point Doctor on Surbrooks Stuff site .... Working on a few other Incarnations of the Doctor for a friend of mine this week anyway who wants to do a whole Timelord sorta campaign......hopefully work doesn't interfere to much this week. It's been pretty good at that lately....

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Re: Has anyone built The Doctor from Doctor Who?


I guess the Master is more accurate. I did want to know how you could make a TARDIS. One of the few things I am having a lot of trouble with is allocating stats and the whole regen/resurrection thing. The reason I was looking at getting rid of the Psychic Paper and Sonic Screwdriver was to save a few points. The detective skills are the most important since that is what our group is REALLY missing, I just wanted the blast for protection. Not sure if you could think of something better. I mean I know The Doctor is able to hold is own. Otherwise he wouldn't have been able to "knock out" that android in the WWII Dalek episode.


So basically looking for time travel, regeneration/resurrection, higher intelligence with plenty of skills to boot, and something for moderate protection. I realize I won't be much help in a fight but our group doesn't need any more power hitters. We are missing the utility characters.

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Re: Has anyone built The Doctor from Doctor Who?


I have tried very hard to search for it but I am finding it very difficult with so many established "Doctors" from the superhero genre. I have taken a look at the books and we are using 5th edition. I will admit that I am not a very experienced Champions player. We mostly use Mutants and Masterminds. Anyway' date=' I am trying to build a character very similar to The Doctor without the whole code against violence really and basically an energy blast (gun), also the "sonic screwdriver" is not needed. Problem I am having is the fact that we have to have a 350 point character and I am not entirely certain how the whole power frame thing works. Anyone able to help?[/quote']


You are trying to build the Doctor without a code versus violence and the sonic screw driver?? Obviously a total rewrite to the Doctor so you need to define actually what you want to do.


Have you seen any of the recent Dr Who TV series? You will realise that the "sonic screw driver" is more than a screw driver that uses sound to remove screws. It is possibly more of a cosmic VPP with lots of options from scanners with multiple detects, dispels, drains etc (what ever is needed for that episode of Doctor Who).


Also the TARDIS is a combined mobile base and time travel device with a mind of its own which I would say was a GM built plot device and not in control of the player.


Do you also want regeneration but only to resurect but you have a random personality complications and fashion style thrown in whenever the regeneration is used?


If you remove all that you are looking at something that is nothing like the Doctor but is an imortal with lots of skills and running around with a MP energy blast.

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Re: Has anyone built The Doctor from Doctor Who?


Does your current game have time travel?


If it does not the GM may not want time travel.


A non time traveling TARDIS could be modelled on a vehicle with increased mass teleport. But the TARDIS has a lot more than just increased mass teleport as is infinite in size which can build things.


So possibly a base with increased mass teleport?


I think you may need lots of GM input in this character build.

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Re: Has anyone built The Doctor from Doctor Who?


I don't know the series, so I am mostly guessing.



If you want the "looks bigger on inside than outside thing", there are a few ways:

1. The base is extradimensional Space. The Tardis is actually just a EDM Gate on a Focus. Or maybe not even a Focus, if you can just relocate it on the worldmap (but I think you can buy EMD in a way that allows you to choose where in the target dimension you come out). The base will propably need a big "Location" Power, to simulate that it is not easy to infiltrate - you need to find the entry point or be able to use EDM.

2. Shrinking. Just buy the base on the Inside, then apply the effects for permanently Shrunken Characters to said base - enough to bring the OCV/Mass Values down to the percieved value.


Doctor without Screwdriver:

As far as I heard asking this is equivialent to "Iron man without the Armor" or "Hulk without the Green Rage Monster".

What usually works is define one archetype: Gadgeteer, Blaster, Martial Artists



There is a Resurrection Adder for both Healing and Regeneration. Regeneration (actually an advantaged/limited version of Healing in 5E) sound like the better option in most cases, as it is automatic and has no maximum effect. There is a "only to Resurrect" Limitation, that means the Regen will bring him at 1 positive Body tops (the point where he is in no direct danger of bleeding).

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Re: Has anyone built The Doctor from Doctor Who?


For the TARDIS, I usually build that kind of thing as a Base, Location: Other Dimension, with this power:

Time/Space Gateway - EDM (Any Dimension, Any Location), Usable by Others, Continuous, Gate, Physical Manifestation (at target location)


Depending on how durable the "phone box" is, Physical Manifestation might only be worth -0, as the default version is pretty fragile.



It doesn't seem like the concept would be too hard on 350p; the TARDIS benefits from the lower Vehicle/Base rate and Regeneration isn't too expensive. The only sticking points are the screwdriver (a small VPP is affordable, but you may not be able to get one large enough for everything it does on the show; Transform and Cumulative are your friends here), and the skills (consider Overall levels if you're buying more than a couple past the base value).

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Re: Has anyone built The Doctor from Doctor Who?


Triggered Duplication creates a living (Otherwise Exact sans look and personality) Duplicate upon the Death of the Original, "Regenerations" Number of Difficult to Recover Charges/Non Recoverable ranging from 12 to 507 (Depending...) and or Infinite etc etc .......... works for Dr. Who-esque Come back from the dead



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Re: Has anyone built The Doctor from Doctor Who?


Somewhere, in a prior post, I saw a copy of a "Gallifreyan package deal" that was (I believe) built back in the 4th edition days. It should be easy to transcribe to 5th.....If I could find it.....Ah HA!! Here it is:




Pretty basic by the look of it. But, I think, a decent starting point.


The package has such things as the 'respiratory bypass' and such that showed up in the Pertwee era.....


There is also this thread from the boards about TARDIS building:




And, as someone else already mentioned, there is a reasonable build for the Tennant era Dr at Surbrook's Stuff at this page:




and the TARDIS at this page:





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Re: Has anyone built The Doctor from Doctor Who?


Ok' date=' so HOW do the power frameworks actually work? I cant speak the leagalese required with the book and our game is on Thursday.[/quote']

What do you mean?


You can only use a certain amount of powers at the same time, but you get a big disscount (30-70%, dependign on size).


How many powers you can use at once depends on the Framework:

VPP: As many as your can fit into your Pool at once. No power can have more active points than controll.

Multipower: As many as you can fit into you Reserve, counting the active points vs. Reserve. Fixed slots (1/10 costs per slot) can be used at less power, but you still have to allocate the full Amount of Active Points to use them. Variable ones can be used at less power and then only need the Reserve amount you use them at.

Elemental Controlls: All of them, but a drain that affects one power affects all (but never more than once per use) and it is the most expensive framework.

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Re: Has anyone built The Doctor from Doctor Who?


Maybe buy some extra END and REC for having two hearts. Also some Self-Contained Breathing with a 10min charge if I recall. LS: Safe Environment in at least Intense Cold, Zero-G, and Low Pressure/Vacuum.


You might want to ask your GM if they will allow you to take Universal Scientist (that's in HERO System Skills, isn't it? It was in TUS). The Doctor is a doctor of "everything" after all.


Luck is a must; At least 3d6.


Um... Mind Link with Any Willing Mind (at least 2 minds) - "Contact" (commence rapid camera cutting)


Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant seems appropriate to modern Doctors, but I'm not sure how much or if there should be any limitations.


That's off the top of my head, but there's definitely more to it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Has anyone built The Doctor from Doctor Who?


Build is done.....making a 5e version as well and tweaking some equipment but I should have something postable by the next break from work and recovery that I get....


~Rex..... Not really much of a difference between versions though.....but so much fun to build multipurpose equipment/bases/vehicles. :D

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Re: Has anyone built The Doctor from Doctor Who?


I'm not sure if this is part of the Links that QM posted or not but an old poster named Dr. Anomally tried to show how he built Dr. Who in 5th ed. Not much changes on its convert to sixth.




La Rose.

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Re: Has anyone built The Doctor from Doctor Who?


The "Regeneration" could be regen, 12 non recoverable charges, trigger (1 body from death), linked to uncontrolled shapeshift. So when he gets to nearly dead, he recovers and looks different. Do any of the doctors really have characteristic? Or are those just quirks?

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Re: Has anyone built The Doctor from Doctor Who?


The "Regeneration" could be regen' date=' 12 non recoverable charges, trigger (1 body from death), linked to uncontrolled shapeshift. So when he gets to nearly dead, he recovers and looks different. Do any of the doctors really have characteristic? Or are those just quirks?[/quote']


Why 12 charges?


I think Dr Who has broken all the rules about limits to the number of regeneration times (he has broken every other rule, I think and when it all started was it once 7 regenerations?).


The BBC will not kill of Dr Who when all they have to do is once an actor is fed up with playing Dr Who they just bring in a new actor. They have to just retired him for a number of years if they have lack of funding before bringing him back. I am surprised a number of other TV shows have not thought of the same idea of actor recycling. :)


So if you are modeling a character on The Doctor why the number of charges?

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Re: Has anyone built The Doctor from Doctor Who?


Well... Regeneration seems to be limited by the Time Lords. The Master suffered for burning through all of his, until he received a new set for The Time War with the Daleks. The Doctor locked away the Time Lords, so I guess it's a question of chronology. The first eight Doctors probably should have Charges (each one more than the next) but the 9th Doctor and on might not have Charges.

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Re: Has anyone built The Doctor from Doctor Who?


Well... Regeneration seems to be limited by the Time Lords. The Master suffered for burning through all of his' date=' until he received a new set for The Time War with the Daleks. The Doctor locked away the Time Lords, so I guess it's a question of chronology. The first eight Doctors probably should have Charges (each one more than the next) but the 9th Doctor and on might not have Charges.[/quote']

So it is limited. Unless the story demands that the limit does not counts.

I would just built it without the charges. Never recovering charges are difficulty in superheroics - they are designed for things like Scrolls in Heroic Fantasy. And what is the real chance to die for your character in a superheroic game?

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Re: Has anyone built The Doctor from Doctor Who?


Well when the current series started up one of the first things they mentioned was, a lot of the old rules simply aren't rules anymore. That's been combined with a few other classic cannon statements as well so in the end....


Dr. Who can go on forever..... :D


I went with a triggered charge based duplication myself since that let's you shuffle things around a bit.... If I can free up some time other then an hour before and after work I'll get the guy posted (5th and 6th though I feel funky shilling for 5th ed, I can find That book on the shelves in the stores around here yet)....


I did a base Doctor build as well, then took a run at the OP's Character idea for another. Still need a tweak or two on some of the equipment and going through the novels for that to boot.



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