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Dr. Who Questions


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This is for any anyone who has any question dealing with our erstwhile Doctor. It could be on any incarnation from the first6 in the sixties to today, on the TARDIS, any oof his companions, devices, travels, or anything else that you would like answers to. There will be no limit to the number of questions that one can ask in one post.


Now for the forst set:

1 - Entertainment? Between adventures what does everyone on the TARDIS do to entertain themselves?

2 - Plumbing? When the beings need to use the restroom, get water, or anything else that req plumbinmg what do they do?

3 - Food? What does everyone do when they have that rumbly in the tumbly?

4 - Time? How is time measured according to Time Lord rules?


This will be all for now.

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Re: Dr. Who Questions


Well, I want to say "Edge of Destruction" (3rd story with the First Doctor) had Susan showing off some sort of food replicator to Barbara & Ian. I think that was its only televised appearance though.


There's supposedly an Olympic-sized pool in the TARDIS.

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Re: Dr. Who Questions


The Tardis is supposed to be alive and is known to move things around. It had at least two control consoles at one point. I think a library and a room sized wardrobe has been shown also



Pretty sure that's correct. I also believe that a kitchen and bathrooms have been referenced over the years, but I don't have specific cites.

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Re: Dr. Who Questions


I think I remember the episode when the Tardis was taken over by an outside entity that The Doctor had stated each incarnation gets its own controls and they are all on the TARDIS somewhere...been a bit since I've seen it though so could be wrong about the episode.

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Re: Dr. Who Questions


Here's a question (which has prevented me from getting into the show):


What is the Doctor such a jerk? Also, where does he get off judging others who mess with time when he seems to play drunken billiards with it?


Depends on the Doctor. A lot of the Doctors are just wanderers and their presence doesn't really affect anything since he is a time lord and knows how much wiggle room he has in changing events. Three worked for UNIT for most of his tenure and UNIT defended the planet. Six was a jerk. The few times he has tried to change events that were fixed in place, bad things have happened.


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Re: Dr. Who Questions


Depends on the Doctor. A lot of the Doctors are just wanderers and their presence doesn't really affect anything since he is a time lord and knows how much wiggle room he has in changing events. Three worked for UNIT for most of his tenure and UNIT defended the planet. Six was a jerk. The few times he has tried to change events that were fixed in place, bad things have happened.



The point was made by the 10th Doctor in "Fires of Pompeii": much, maybe most, of the historical flow is pretty malleable. But some events you Just. Don't. Touch. Or Else. Telling the difference is what makes a Time Lord.

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Re: Dr. Who Questions


And in the current series' date=' a lot depends on the writer in charge. Both Moffat and RTD have gone off on anvillicious soapboxes much to the show's detriment. :P[/quote']


Which bits do you mean exactly ?


The swimming pool also appeared in the Matt Baker series as he caught River Song in it when she dove off a building to avoid the Silence.

Matt Baker's Doctor hinted at the fact that the TARDIS changes when the Doctor does.

The style of Doctor depends on the actor.

Hartnell was a grumpy old man; Troughton was a clown; Pertwee was an adventurer etc

Tom Baker in Genesis of The Daleks has the opportunity sanctioned by the Time Lords themselves to alter the future of the Daleks and this leads to some of the best illustrations of what it might cost to change the future.


Trips in the TARDIS don't usually last the same time as say a car journey so a lot of the time you won't need to eat or sleep in the TARDIS. Melody Pond's conception notwithstanding.

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