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12 Months 12 Characters The Weaponsmaster

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August sees us starting the Weaponsmaster. This is a character who can be like Hawkeye and Green Arrow with the classic multi-purpose arrows or simply someone who can use a lot of different weapons including improvised ones with ease.

I am suggesting SPD 5 and DEX 23 for the character but otherwise am open to suggestions.

Principally what sort of weapons does this person use ?

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I had an idea for a Character who is the "Ultimate" Weapon master at least as far as Melee is concerned:

He can summon and morph his weapons mid attack and is also a good Bare-handed Fighter ("the body is the humans oldest weapon").

His limitatiosn inlcude that he can only handheld Weapons (he also can't throw his weapons) and that he can only make simple weapons/primitive weapons like swords, staves, Scythes, Greatswords, Battons (no Firearms, no Handtasers).


While I first thought about a approahc Like Martial Arts or a VPP for Weapons, I soon realsied it can be made simpler:

The Ultimate Weaponmaster: 60-point Multipower:

6* Surprising Offense: +6 OCV, 30 AP

6* Surprising Defense: +6 DCV, 30 AP

6* Superior Leverage: +20 STR**, 0 END, 30 AP

6* Killing Attack: 4 DC HKA, 0 END, 30 AP

5* Superior Reach: Stretching 20m, 0 END(+1/2), No-Non Combat(-1/4)***


*all Slots are flexible so he can mix&match those effects

**I choose STR over HTH-Damage as it covers more. It can be used to damage a foe, or trip a foe, or disarm a foe.

***This is "Reach" from weapons minus most of the Limitations. One thing to deal with is the Damage against his "weapon". As it doesn't have a Focus to take the damage it would be reasonable that damage refelects back to him. It's propably based on how the weapon works/morphs so fast. One alternative would be a "Telekinesis, Physical Manifestation" build to simulate "Using a weapon on distance without taking damage the weapon takes"


If he needed to disarm someone at range, he would propably create a Whip. Just enough Range to get there, a sifficient amount of extra STR and the rest +OCV. The extra OCV and STR simulate the surprise/inability to prepare to such a maneuver.

A lethal/duel version of attacking would be: A Glaive or Helbard becomes a Quarterstaff for Defense. Morph the staff he into a spear. intentionally miss the head in a thrust. When he pulls the "spear" back it is alrady a Sythe whose blade aim at the neck.

His defense could be suddenly having a shield in the main hand/offhand or just switching to a weapon that can ideally block/deflect this precise attack.

If he wants something from Really far way he makes a Lasso (much Reach+STR+OCV)

Needless to say his fighting style seems absolutely chaotic and is incredibly hard to prepare too/read (no style complication). But he uses every weapon to it's best ability, often combining maneuvers from several different weapon fighting styles (and thier weapons) into a single Attack or Block action.

He should have Martial Artist level defenses (12+ PD). He could also have slots for special attacks like a AOE Slot for attacking hordes of mooks in one go. He can also use his slots for utility (like using a Whip or Lasso Reach to "swing"). You may have to work a little bit regarding the balance of max OCV, max DCV, STR/Bonus damage and the like (the amounts in the example aren't absolutes).

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from: http://www.herogames.com/forums/forum/genres/champions/70580-the-classic-justice-league-starting-members-on-350-points?p=3078762#post3078762


Re: The Classic Justice League starting members on 350 points


Here is part of a work still in progress of updating my 5e starting version of Green Arrow to 6e.


It has always bothered me that in the past that such characters had to be built with a Multipower and Slots where each new slot required additional XP be spent.


The following is an attempt to update Green Arrow to the "Gadget/Utility-Belt VPP behaving as a Multipower" model discussed in this old thread.


64 Bow & Quiver of Arrows: Variable Power Pool (Gadget Pool), 24 base + 60 control cost, Powers Can Be Changed As A Zero-Phase Action (+1), No Skill Roll Required (+1) (114 Active Points); Conditional Power Arrow Based Gadgets Only (Limited Variety of Arrows Carried At One Time (12-24, GM discretion) Can Be Changed At Base. Effectively Operates As Multipower with Current Slot Selection; -1/2); all slots OAF (Bow & Quiver of Arrows; Requires Multiple Foci or functions at reduced effectiveness; -3/4)

[Notes: Technically, the Quiver of Arrows is OIF and the Bow is OAF. The only special quality of the Bow itself is collapsibility when not in use. If broken, a generic 'sporting good store replacement' could be used in a pinch with possible penalties to OCV and/or Range depending on its quality. All slots need an additional (-3/4) in Limitations beyond Focus (usually Range Based on STR, Charges & either Beam or Can Be Deflected). This represents that most of the arrows can still be used at no range when a bow is not available (OCV penalties may apply). ]

0 1) Broad-Head Arrow: Killing Attack - Ranged 3d6-1, Autofire (3 shots; +1/4), Invisible Power Effects (Inobvious to [Hearing Sense Group]; +1/4) (60 Active Points); 12 Charges (-1/4), Beam (-1/4), Range Based On Strength (-1/4) Real Cost: 24

0 2) Boxing-Glove Arrow: Blast 8d6, Autofire (3 shots; +1/4), Invisible Power Effects (Inobvious to [Hearing Sense Group]; +1/4) (60 Active Points); Beam (-1/4), Range Based On Strength (-1/4), 12 Charges (-1/4) Real Cost: 24

0 3) Flash-Grenade Arrow: Sight, Hearing and Touch Groups Flash 6d6, Area Of Effect (8m Radius; +1/2) (60 Active Points); Range Based On Strength (-1/4), 12 Charges (-1/4), Can Be Deflected (-1/4) Real Cost: 24



The included slots are just a small sample to illustrate the overall VPP construction. I'm not so worried about the individual slot constructions as I am the basic VPP framework since adding additional trick arrow slots* does not cost any more points using this method.


*Lists of the various trick arrows he has used can be found at:




I am also tempted to try and separate out the VPP-Only "No Skill Roll Required" Advantage from the basic VPP to better define that it is Oliver Queens' skill and training in setting up the layout of his quiver of trick arrows that allows him to use it so effectively. I'm just not sure if it's worth the extra trouble.


Comments encouraged!



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I have already done some work on a martial artist so this would need to be different.



Thanks for this.


Captain Boomerang when you think of it would also qualify as a weaponsmaster.


You're welcome.


One thing that might not be obvious with that post is that many of the slots are intended to be combined with a Ranged Martial Art. This then gets the damage back up closer to the typical campaign average and also adds the ability to trip or disarm opponents at range (a common weaponmaster tactic).


from my older 5e/350 point version of Green Arrow

Zen Archery

8 1) +2 Ranged Damage Classes

4 2) Basic Shot: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, Range +2, Strike, +4 DC

4 3) Ranged Disarm: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, Range +0, Disarm, +5 DC to Disarm

4 4) Trip: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Range +2, v/5, Target Falls


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The issue with creating a Telekinesis slot in a weapon based framework is that it implies that a particular set of weapons/charges must be used for the effect. The Martial Arts approach allows virtually any damage dealing weapon slot/charge to be retasked for those "trick shots".

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The issue with creating a Telekinesis slot in a weapon based framework is that it implies that a particular set of weapons/charges must be used for the effect. The Martial Arts approach allows virtually any damage dealing weapon slot/charge to be retasked for those "trick shots".
But the advantages is that no Martial Arts is needed. Anything that can be done in Melee with STR can be done on Range with Telekinesis.
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  • 2 weeks later...
How strong should the weaponsmaster be ? STR 10 or upto a maximum of STR 20 ?

How smart should they be INT 10 ? Higher ?

How much EGO ? Normal i.e. 10 or higher ?

Should they have a padded costume to absorb damage ?

STR: I'd put it in the middle of that range, around 15, if we're talking about muscle-powered weapons. Seems this type of character would be overall fairly athletic.


INT: I lean toward 13-18. Tactics and perception are both important to this kind of character.


EGO: Aside from a concept that calls for conditioning against mental control, I think for a weapon master, EGO is mostly an expression of willpower. Elite athletes tend to have a lot of willpower, discipline, and drive. On the other hand, the character could be a natural who's easily distracted by his psych limits. I think this one will come down to concept, so 10-15 or so EGO sounds right.


Armored costume: Either that or some combat luck. I'd base if off the visuals, probably. If you went with the field athlete approach described below, I'd probably go with Combat Luck. You could combine Combat Luck with some form of fast healing, maybe a high tech (comic book tech) first aid/trauma kit. Torn muscle? No problem, compression wrap, pain pills, steroids and off you go! Gun shot? Fast-acting coagulate, pain pills, and steroids, and back into the action! Hmm, all these pain pills and steroids (comic book tech steroids, of course, for rapid tissue repair) might lead to some complications...

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I had an idea for the artwork. How about an field athlete so that he uses discus, shot and mini javelins ?

That is different from an archer.

Well, the discus and shot would have to be light weight, possibly gimmick versions. Sonic discus (maybe the center counter spins, and generates a stunning sonic attack,that might look cool), and grenade-payload "shot" that are hollow with the usual trick grenade payloads inside (KO gas, CS gas, flash-bang, caltrop payload (for those guys who thought they could out run the hero in a car or motorcycle), explosives, net or maybe two connected to make a bola for an entangle, etc.).
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How about Chakhrams or Diski that could be Remote Directed, similar to some Interpretations for Thors Hammer?

Or Freiza's Energy Disks (youtu.be/uINqx8fyHi0?t=500)


Telekinesis, Only With Personal Weapon


Stretching, Does not Cross intervening Space

are on the top of My head.


The Problem with Stretching is that normally Thor can "let go" of his hammer - grabbing it does not hinder his movement the same way grabbing a hand through a Portal based Stretching does.


Or maybe the most simple buiild

Blast, Indirect, Restrainable


Instead of meaning that the Characters movement can be restrained, Restrainable means the thrown Diskus can be held onto - effectively disabling that power.


If he can just summon Diski, then it is simply Blast, Indirect without Limitation.

Maybe add a Slot without Indirect but Full Base Damage to the Multipower

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I honestly don't feel as geeked on Tron as other people, sorry. With the athlete approach I thought of the character having the devices in pieces on the costume which are then assembled for use. This would give the person a bit more utility as trying to carry all the stuff in one place would be unbalancing and easily targeted.

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