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WWYCD- Body Rental


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One day when out on patrol you notice that whenever you pass a reflective surface you see a hard to make out form. Or if not by a reflective surface it appears very faintly in the air. Once you notice it, it makes itself into a vaugly human face and speaks in a strange voice.


"Greetings designate earthling subset human. I am designate  Qarngjfakfekm. I was using the fjieahgohg when I discovered your dimension. Having found it acceptable I have decided to visit. Though from what I have been able to determine my intended activites will be what subset human designates as subset bad. Which gives me an idea. I am intrigued by what subset human designates subset superheros code of self sacrifice for others. So I wish to  make a proposal. If you will agree to allow me to use your body for my visit, I will limit it to 24 hours an refrain somewhat from designate bad. Refuse and I will make use of some important official for my visit. I will remain a week, and restrict myself in no fashion. I understand designate humans are a distrustful sort. But I assure you I am a being of my word and will leave at exactly the agreed time."


You guess the smile it forms is supposed to be ingratiating. It isn't.


"A quick reply is needed. My visit starts at jgriejgioag."

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None of my cahracters would contemplate going along with this for a moment.


Darkstar would freak out and try to blast the image, then throw darkness across himself and run, run, run. When the big bad showed up, "aimin' to misbehave" he would get over his shock and come out all guns blazing. He has issues with other-worldy stuff in general.


Knight Sabre would find the whole thing very rape-y. She would refuse absolutely and tell the what ever it is she's rady for it. She would also alert the Tokyo Super Squad since she's no idiot and this being is potentially very dangerous.

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Badger- Hell, bleeping, no. No body hijacking on my watch. (note: I saw that episode where those disembodied aliens wanted to borrow Kirk, Spock, and the female of the week's bodies to build android bodies for themselves. Next thing you know the evil one is going all grand theft auto with Spock's body. Not for me.)

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Snap-Back: *Thinks on it for a moment* "Let me get this straight, you start out real nice with the 'can I borrow a cup of body? THEN you say that IF I say no, you'll highjack someone else's body whether they like it or not for a full week and won't restrain yourself? Tell you what, you stay right here. I'll be right back." *Time to call in smarter guys than himself to see if they can use science or magic to hash this guy's mojo, barring that....* "Okay, I can't give you my body. Whatever you do, Briar Alien, please don't take over our beloved icon and leader: Stephen Hawking."


Should said alien actually take over Stephen Hawking, Snap Back will be amused as the alien discovers his limited mobility, and call his team up again, "Guys, I did something funny...but wrong. And i wouldn't pay any credit to the physics theories that are going to come out in the next week. Help."

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Snap-Back: *Thinks on it for a moment* "Let me get this straight, you start out real nice with the 'can I borrow a cup of body? THEN you say that IF I say no, you'll highjack someone else's body whether they like it or not for a full week and won't restrain yourself? Tell you what, you stay right here. I'll be right back." *Time to call in smarter guys than himself to see if they can use science or magic to hash this guy's mojo, barring that....* "Okay, I can't give you my body. Whatever you do, Briar Alien, please don't take over our beloved icon and leader: Stephen Hawking."


Should said alien actually take over Stephen Hawking, Snap Back will be amused as the alien discovers his limited mobility, and call his team up again, "Guys, I did something funny...but wrong. And i wouldn't pay any credit to the physics theories that are going to come out in the next week. Help."


Alternately, you tell him to inhabit the body of, say, your least-favorite Talking Head (Rush Limbaugh, Rachel Maddow, take your pick.)


Then take bets to see if anyone notices the difference :D

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One character would say yes - Quetzlcoatl.


He has Mental and Power Defenses with Side Effects. The entity can almost surely get past the defenses, but then it finds itself in Possession of a raging berserker for a phase or two, then in possession of an unconscious lump and if it sticks around long enough, perhaps eventually a corpse (Susceptibility damage.)


The Team Mentalist once knocked Quetzalcoatl out while trying to establish communication because being compulsively secretive, Quetzalcoatl had not revealed anything about the nature of his psychic defenses.


Lucius Alexander


You can learn a lot from a palindromedary

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One other character might agree.


Can Opener would be recording and broadcasting the conversation and programming its internal power supply to shut down one second after the second in which it gives consent. In fact, it would probably use one of its force blades to sever the most vital cables. Have fun possessing a de-activated robot.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary thinks I should do Foxbatmite's reaction next

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Foxbatmite: I am obviously small and insignificant, but if you set your fjieahgohg to these coordinates you can access the most important, powerful, and interesting being in the Foxbat Dimension: Foxbat himself!


Once the entity had possessed Foxbat, Foxbatmite would activate the fjiehgswornj to trap its consciousness but deny it the power to do other than communicate with its host, and explain to Foxbat that the new voice in his head is one of the most notorious criminals in 24 and a 1/2 dimensions. Eventually, Foxbatmite would report to the proper interdimensional authorities and let them pick up their fugitive, but only after the villain had been exposed to the "beneficial influence" of Foxbat's mind for a significant time....


Lucius Alexander


The most important, powerful, and interesting being in the Palindromedary Dimension

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