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hero system martial arts.


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HSMA has the rules to make your own Martial Maneuvers, as well as a expanded list of Maneuvers/combat options.

It also has several "Martial Arts based Powers" ranging from realistic (stuff that happens in the real world) to "Hame-Kame-Ha".

It also discusses reworking the entire martial arts to be based on powers isntead of the Current Martial Arts Skill.


It does not deal with "putting a Martial Arts Pricetag on non-martial Arts powers". All the maneuver building is done with a special pricing framework, designed to work with the limits of Martial Arts. Always keep in mind that Martial Arts is just OCV, DCV, DC/STR with Limitations*. A character who just buys CV and DC/STR will be better but also more expensive then someone that uses Martial Arts.



*Except for a few things not doable without MA. But HSMA also discusses how to add maneuvers to the default combat options, based on Martial Maneuver building rules.

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If  a Power is built as, or built into, a weapon, and a Martial Art is bought for that weapon or with that Weapon Element, then the Martial Art can be used with that Power.


I'm not sure how "official" it is but based on that precedent I've always thought it logically follows that a Martial Art can be bought for a Power or with a Power as an "Element."


Lucius Alexander


Weapon Element: Palindromedary Mounted Weapons

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Are you asking if a Martial Art can have Power advantages/limitations or using Powers to mimic martial arts?


If it's the former, I believe HSMA (and all the various Martial Arts supplements) has a section for doing so.  If it's the later, I'm not sure. I've never looked into it.

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I'm not sure what your looking for. Back in the "olden days" this sort of thing was most easily built as a "Multi-Fu" ie a Multi-Power with each slot standing in as a "manuver". Its easy to put powers in a slot, and use some limits to get the right "flavor"

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1: Naked Advantages:  These can be built to add to your Martial Maneuvers.  Just build them so that they can add to the total damage of your STR+Maneuvers and you are good to go.  Example: Seeker purchases a Naked Autofire Advantage (Autofire-5 +1/2).  For STR 20 (20pts) and up to +6D6 maneuver damage (+30) which is a total of 50 base points.  Thus, the Autofire advantage costs 25 points (before limitations if any) can can apply up to 10D6 damage when using his martial maneuvers. (costs 25 End, or 15 End without adding STR damage)


2: Triggered Powers:  You can build individual powers with the Trigger advantage, that Trigger when a specific Martial Maneuver is used or successfully hits it's target (depending on the effect desired).  Example, Green Dragon builds a 1/2D6k Killing Attack (10) that is Continuous (+1) NND-Does Body (+2) Triggered when his Nerve Strike successfully hits (+1/2) 45 Active, which Requires a Skill Roll (-1/2) takes a full phase to active (-1/2) and only works on living targets (-1/2).  He can now activate his Dim Mak power whenever he successfully strikes an opponent which his Nerve Strike maneuver.


3: You can build discrete powers and call them martial arts.  Lots of players do this.  This is the normal method for developing "Supernatural Martial Arts" that comic book Superheroes or high powered fantasy heroes (such as the Exalted) utilize.  They differ from standard Superpowers or Wizardry only in theme and presentation.

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What I was looking at was somerhing like this. Technically to stop a throw one is to buy clinging vs. Throws. I thought that there was an optional suggestion in digital hero whereas you could substitute STR when building a new manuever and use a power instead.

If your character has a power that can apply to his martial arts logically, by all means, make use of it.  Normally one uses their character's natural STR to resist a Throw.  They can also use a Martial Maneuver that gives a STR bonus such as Root. If the character has a power that increases his STR, that would naturally add to resist the throw, unless the STR were limited in such a way to make that impossible.  If the character had Clinging, that would also apply.  If the character had Density Increase, they could utilize that to make themselves more difficult to throw.  If a character had Desolid and a 0 phase maneuver left, they could activate that to protect them from the throw damage.  If a character had Flight, I might allow them to use their Flight velocity to resist being thrown (replace the STR roll with a Flight roll.....Movement/5 in D6 vs the STR of the throwing character) but only on a successful DEX roll (at -1 per 10 active points of Flight).  I might allow the same for Swinging with the SFX of the character catching their self with a swing line to prevent the fall (both actions would require at least a 1/2 phase action to activate the movement)


If the character had Telekinesis, I would allow them to use that instead of STR to resist being thrown (the Teke locking his opponents arms down, preventing them from lifting the character for the throw)

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