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Where oh Where has my Little base gone?


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Ok, This is a problem I have always had.


GM: Hmm need to create the villians base. no problem lets see..

where to locate it. It would have to be someplace that the agents can come and go with out causing to much attention, and be fairly large.



How about.. in a warehouse.. nahh done to much..


(hours later)



(Still later)

Ok..so the base is in an old warehouse.



So...where else can the bad guys locate thier evil little base?



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Re: Where oh Where has my Little base gone?


Originally posted by Tamashii2000

Ok, This is a problem I have always had.


GM: Hmm need to create the villians base. no problem lets see..

where to locate it. It would have to be someplace that the agents can come and go with out causing to much attention, and be fairly large.



How about.. in a warehouse.. nahh done to much..


(hours later)



(Still later)

Ok..so the base is in an old warehouse.



So...where else can the bad guys locate thier evil little base?




A lot depends on "location, location, location." ;)


If the city is located near mountains, caves are always good: secluded, usually a lot of foliage nearby for cover, and easy to defend. If near a sizeable body of water, an underwater base with a tunnel connecting to the shore has many of the same benefits, plus you can flood it to trap the heroes while you make your escape.


Many older large cities have abandoned subway or train tunnels - great for labyrinthian villain-hunts. Another staple is the "legitimate" office building, manufacturing plant etc. with the secret sub-basement. It provides cover and a good location, plus many handy innocents for the villains to threaten should the heroes attack.

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I thought to myself, wow, a lot of good places that might vary on the nature of the villains, etc. But you don't want to hear that, you want ideas. This would require me to think- I could do that, but even better is ...uhm borrowing. :) I so happen to have a copy of Captain America #322 (it's the one where he saves AND captures Flagsmasher if you must know). So what, you say? Well, it also has some of the results from the "Design the Serpent Society's Headquarters Contest" The runners up (while sometimes redundant) range from funny to pretty good, and might be used for other villain teams in your campaigns:


A silo nestled in the Adirondack Mountians of New York...


A midtown Manhatten pet store selling exotic animals...


An Abandoned movie set near a swamp, with the Serpent Citadel at the bottom of the swamp...


A huge laboratory complex...


A ranch house with a suberranean fortress located in Windsor, Connecticute...


A serpent headed edifice in a State Park in New Jersey...


Beneath the Reptile House at the Central Park Zoo in New York...


A fortress under Central Park with a hollow tree for an entrance...


An undgerground base under Central Park with a small waterfall as an entrance...


A cave in a jungle in New Mexico...


An anti-venom factory, location unspecified...


Beneath a high-rise apartment building in upper Manhatten...


An underwater base in Long Island Sound with a sunken ship as an entrance....


A factory somewhere in Brooklyn Heights...


A castle in Death Valley, NV...


A citadel beneath an artificial island floating in the Atlantic...


The 11th floor of 387 Park Avenue South, New York City...


The old barber shop front for SHIELD's former Manhatten HQ...


A hotel in an unpopulated area of New York...


A supposedly deserted factory in NJ...


The floors above and below a nightclub called "The Cobra Club" ....


Beneath an abandoned WW2 aireship in upstate NY...


A building near Coney Island amusement park...


An underground base beneath the root system of a giant tree...


An underground base beneath a small house in a small town like that once used by the Viper....


In the building that used to be Bernie Roesenthal's Glass Menagerie shop...


An undersea base in the Atlantic Ocean....


An underground city 3.2 miles beneath the Earth...


A huge building with a dome and tower that is saidd to be the international Botanical Gardens outside NYC...


The basement beneath an amusement arcade with a photo-taking booth as the entrance...


A permanent suite in the posh midtown hotel that the Serpents had their organization meeting in Cap #310...


A researh facility in Brazil...


A palace on a hydraulic lift making it possible to sink beneath the ground...


An underground citadel with an undersea entrance near Anchorage, Alaska...


A private airbase with the HQ in the hangar buildings...


A weapons factory...


On a beached pirate ship on an abandoned island in NY Harbor...


A 3 story building supposedly owned by a security company...


A scientific research center somewhere in NM...


Under the governor's mansion in NYC...


In Al Capone's underground vault...



The winner was An abandoned hospital for the criminally insane, which would have the medical facilities for the bionic grafting done to various members, private rooms, and the shock treatment device Sidewinder used on Princess Python, located in upper New York state...

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Originally posted by Hermit

I thought to myself, wow, a lot of good places that might vary on the nature of the villains, etc. But you don't want to hear that, you want ideas.[/i]

Thanks Hermit.


One place I put a base was under a freeway Rest Stop. Traffic going in and out is expected. ;)

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Take a page from S.H.I.E.L.D., vehicle as base. Came up in my game last night, High-Tech Mercs had broken into Avenger's Mansion while the Avengers were out, ran afoul of the PC's. Prisoners refused to divulge any details about their base. PC's checked the submarine pen twice before someone said "Wait a second, do the Avengers have a submarine?" Villian base parked inside hero base.

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If i remember correctly in the old GiJoe comics Cobra usta have an entire small town as a cover for its center of operations. Everyone there was a part of cobra. If i where a villian i would do something like this i would find a small town with very little traffic in or out and i would but it up and slowly remove the native population transplating my own personnel. After that i would install an entire underground complex hidden under the town to train, house, equip, and turn out my Evil Commandos. of course everyone on the surface would be the people i feel can be trusted to act normal and spy on anyone who comes and goes. :D

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Of course, the ultimate hidden HQ for villainry is a small Role Playing Game company. People can come and go, and you claim it's just "giving the fans tours". If someone is seen in an odd costume, claim it's just some marketting related gimick. And , of course, because the industry tends to draw from various sources for personel, no one will be suspicious on why you have people from all walks of life (business, law, computer programming, wet works, etc.) on the payroll.


Really play your cards right, and you can even get a sizable fan base that fanatically feeds you data on the goings ons with super heroes etc in their own cities/areas, and sometimes theorizes on their strengths and weaknesses. An unknown massive think-tank at your disposal, that may yet yield the seed of genius that will grow into your fruits of conquest and... dare I say it? World domination!


I'd give an example, but ..hmm none are coming to mind

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Originally posted by Hermit

Of course, the ultimate hidden HQ for villainry is a small Role Playing Game company. People can come and go, and you claim it's just "giving the fans tours". If someone is seen in an odd costume, claim it's just some marketting related gimick. And , of course, because the industry tends to draw from various sources for personel, no one will be suspicious on why you have people from all walks of life (business, law, computer programming, wet works, etc.) on the payroll.


Really play your cards right, and you can even get a sizable fan base that fanatically feeds you data on the goings ons with super heroes etc in their own cities/areas, and sometimes theorizes on their strengths and weaknesses. An unknown massive think-tank at your disposal, that may yet yield the seed of genius that will grow into your fruits of conquest and... dare I say it? World domination!


I'd give an example, but ..hmm none are coming to mind


In my prior campaign, "Fury Toys", a huge, successful toy company in Canada, was Nick Fury's base of operations for SHIELD. They made high-tech children's toys, so most of the raw materials went unnoticed, and it was easy to hide the other stuff.

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To disguise agents' coming and going, I've put the base under a building abutting a parking structure. The agent and vehicle entrances were through the parking structure, not the building overhead. I also put bases under a strip mall, in a half-sunk WWI navy ship, and in a mobile island.


My personal favorite was in a section of the Maginot Line, for several reasons. (1) Most of the work was already done for the villains and required just cleaning up and upgrading, (2) No real reason to hide the base (the surrounding land was bought by Montgomery Int'l. to use as an executive retreat), and (3) for months, the players kept saying "We go to Paris, France" every time I asked them what they were going to do next, so I finally made them go there, enroute to the Maginot base.

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