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Transformation question


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I have a player designing a transformation power described as target into slag. We are trying to determine the effects on a living being. He brings up things like turning someone into air and then using wind to scatter them across the city and asks are they still considered living beings now that their molecules are all over the place? I am figuring into slag is going to be a severe transform. However, the real question is, what does happen to a person under a transform such as when turned into wind and blown apart or turned into ice and then shattered?

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6e1 p307

Transforms cannot kill characters by Transforming them into “dead people,” unliving objects, creatures that cannot survive very long, or fragile objects that the character then breaks. Characters should use AVAD Killing Attacks and similar Powers to do that.

Unless there's a reasonably-common method of restoring the slag back to human form, I'm going to have to rate this one 3 Stop Signs.

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By "Slag" do you mean turning someone into molten metal, or the British slang for a person of low morals?


Like this?


Transform person to slag:  (Total: 34 Active Cost, 9 Real Cost) Mind Control 1d6, Telepathic (+1/4), Cumulative (96 points; +1 1/2), Damage Over Time, Target's defenses only apply once, Lock out (cannot be applied multiple times) (17-32 damage increments, damage occurs every Minute, +4) (34 Active Points); Limited Power One Set Command: copulate freely with anyone who wants to (-1 1/2), Mandatory Effect EGO +30 or Greater (-3/4), Eye Contact Required (-1/2) (Real Cost: 9)


Great power for an incubus or succubus - catch a person's eye once, and an hour later they're offering themselves carnally to anyone....


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary is safe

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Transform can not be used to kill. Period. It can be used as a special effect of a killing attack (as The Spector is a clear example, ie he turns one crook to cheese and summons a horde of rats and mice... he turns a man to wood and conjors up a chainsaw to cut him to pieces).

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Another poster child for Transform is Sailor Moon. Depending on the season, she has both a special Transform attack (Anything to Anything, Limited Target: Object Or Person Transformed Into Monster, Limited Results: Only To Restore Object/Person To Their Original Form), and a Ranged Killing Attack (with the same special effects as the transform, but with different results).

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DC in the Silver Age has some great examples of heroes being transformed into something.


Superman was turned to stone by magic.


Lois Lane and Superman were both turned to snow by a chemical formula.


Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, Aquaman, and the Martian Manhunter were all turned to wood by an alien.


Flash was turned to glass my Mirror Master.


The Atom was turned into a plant by Plant Master.


Supergirl was turned into a beam of light by Master Jailer.


The effects of Transformation in each case was the make the hero helpless.  Usually the hero would have to think their way out of the situation instead of using their powers.


The Justice League, for example, used  team work to escape their wooden condition.  Radiation from a meteor turned them into wood, and rooted them to the ground.  When the Wood Alien emerged from the meteor, he could control their wooden bodies, and had them follow him.  Aquaman managed to rub against Green Lantern's ring, allowing him to turn Martian Manhunter's head to normal.  Martian Manhunter used his martian super-breath to knock Flash into Wonder Woman, putting her in line with Green Lantern's ring.  Green Lantern used his ring to free half of Wonder Woman, who used her lasso to attack the Wood Alien, knocking him out, and returning them to normal.

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