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Freedom Squad 6E Conversions


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Hello All,

Been really busy lately with life stuff, but figured I'd post these seeing I've had them done for awhile now. Here's Freedom Squad from "Champions Universe 4th, updated in my fashion to 6th.  Hope you enjoy!


American Eagle

Steve Hall


VAL    CHA   Cost    Roll     Notes

20        STR    10        13-      HTH Damage 4d6  END [2]

24        DEX    28        14-

28        CON   18        15-

13        INT      3          12-      PER Roll 12-

14        EGO   4          12-

20        PRE    10        13-      PRE Attack: 4d6

8          OCV   25

8          DCV   25

5          OMCV            6

5          DMCV            6

5          SPD    30        Phases:  3, 5, 8, 10, 12

8          PD      6          8/14 PD (0/6 rPD)

5          ED      3          5/11 ED (0/6 rED)

12        REC   8

56        END   8

13        BODY 3         

43        STUN 12


Movement     Cost    Meters            Notes

RUNNING     0          12m/24m        END [1]

SWIMMING   0          4m/8m            END [1]

LEAPING       0          4m       4m forward, 2m upward

FLIGHT                      98m/196m





Characteristics Total: 204


Cost    Powers

8          BATON:  +4d6 (20 Active Points); OAF (-1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) - END=2

32        WINGS: Multipower, 64-point reserve,  (64 Active Points); OAF (-1) - END=

4f         1)  FLYING: Flight  (not in a vacuum) 34m, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (42 Active Points) - END=1

3f         2)  GLIDING: Flight 64m (64 Active Points); Gliding (-1) - END=0

2f         3)  DEFLECTION: Missile Deflection (20 Active Points) [Notes: vs. All ranged Attacks] - END=2

              - END=

12        Bulletproof Spandex: Resistant Protection (6 PD/6 ED) (18 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) - END=0

3          MASK: Sight Group Flash Defense (5 points) (5 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) - END=0


Powers Total: 64


Cost    Martial Arts

20        Commando Training, usable barehanded, Private Adder

3          1)  Akido Throw:  1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, 6d6 +v/5, Target Falls

4          2)  Boxing Cross:  1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 8d6 Strike

4          3)  Choke:  1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +0 DCV, Grab One Limb; 3d6 NND

4          4)  Judo Disarm:  1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, Disarm; 40 STR to Disarm

5          5)  Karate Kick:  1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, 10d6 Strike

4          6)  Kung Fu Block:  1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort

1          7)  Weapon Element:  Clubs


8          +2 HTH Damage Class(es) with Martial Arts


Martial Arts Total: 53


Cost    Skills

24        +2 Overall

8          +4 with Baton

4          +2 with any use of Wings


3          Acrobatics 14-

3          Breakfall 14-

5          CK: Chicago 14-

3          Electronics 12-

3          Mechanics 12-

3          Paramedics 12-

5          Tactics 13-


Skills Total: 61


Cost    Perks

10        Vehicles & Bases

2          Fringe Benefit:  Local Police Powers


Perks Total: 12


Cost    Talents

6          Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)


Talents Total: 6


Value Complications

5          Vulnerability:  1 1/2 x STUN from gas attacks (Uncommon)

15        Psychological Limitation:  Code vs Killing (Common; Strong)

15        Psychological Limitation:  Patriotic (Common; Strong)

10        Reputation:  Patriotic Hero, 11-

15        Hunted:  by VOICE 8- (Mo Pow; NCI; Limited Geographical Area; Harshly Punish)

15        Hunted:  by La Maistre Infrequently (As Pow; NCI; Harshly Punish)

0          Social Complication:  Secret ID: Steve Hall Infrequently, Minor, Not Limiting In Some Cultures


Complications Points: 75


Base Points: 400

Experience: 0

Experience Unspent: 0

Total Character Cost: 400



Background: In 1943, Steve Hall was just another kid with stars in his eyes. He supported his country's war effort wholeheartedly, cheered for the American troops, and idolized Chicago's own masked mystery man, the American Eagle. The Eagle got around using an armored glider cape, and Steve figured he could duplicate it. He climbed to the top of the orphanage where he lived and jumped off. Fortunately for Steve, the American Eagle just happened to be passing by on patrol, and saved the lad from certain death. Impressed with Steve's foolhardiness, and because it was what superheroes did back then, the Eagle took him home. After some quick training, and some fast legal work,
 Steve became the Eagle's sidekick Winger
. Their relationship had its ups and downs, and Steve
his identity as Winger in the late 1950's. When his mentor was crippled testing his new invention, actual powered wings, Steve took up the mantle and became the new American Eagle with the perfected wings. he did quite well for the next couple of decades, briefly joining the hero group called the Minutemen. Returning to his home town of Chicago, he met up with the Black Phantom and formed the Freedom Squad.

After the death of Hardhat and Dimension Man, American Eagle stepped down from his long stint as the group's leader. He became more and more withdrawn, blaming
for his friends' deaths. After Black Holes' resignation from the team, he received word that his mentor, the original Eagle, had died of a stroke. Suddenly American Eagle felt very old, and agreed with the others to dissolve the team. Currently, Steve is in semi-retirement, concentrating on his historical illustration work, and wondering if he should turn the wings over to a younger man-in 1992 he turned 62, making him one of the oldest active superheroes left.


Quote: "E Pluribus Unum. Out of many, one. It doesn't make the many less valid, or the one less important."


Personality: Steve is a firm believer in truth, justice and the American way, particularly the American way. On the other hand, he has never allowed himself to become a blind bigot or arrogant in his beliefs. He was heavily influenced by is mentor, who always insisted that you could tell heroes from
criminals by the
ir methods. After the deaths of his fellow Squad members, he has lost much of his self-confidence, and since the death of the original Eagle, he has been cruelly reminded of his own mortality.


Powers/Tactics: American Eagle's primary powers come from his wings, which can be used for powered or non- powered flight, and to dodge missile fire by fluttering unpredictably. He also has a baton and armored costume, as well as years of training and experience in combat. While he's in better shape than most men half his age, his lungs are too quick to assimilate gasses.

The Eagle realized early on that knowing your opponent's capabilities and weaknesses is half the battle, so he keeps tabs on all the super-being information that he can get his hands on. He'll than really on his knowledge to arrange battles to his benefit. He likes to move in close to opponents
and give
them no chance to get back on balance.


Appearance: Steve Hall is a trim man in his early sixties, just under six feet tall. He has powder-blue eyes and white hair in a crew-cut, and plenty of character lines on his face. American Eagle's costume is a blue bodysuit, half-face mask and gloves, with white belt, cuffs and chest emblem in the shape of stylized wings, and red sleeves and boots. his wings are white with light blue highlights and a span of about twelve feet. American Eagle's eyes are covered by one-way white lenses.




American Eagle.hdc

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Black Phantom

Lafayette Jefferson


VAL    CHA   Cost    Roll     Notes

20       STR    10        13-      HTH Damage 4d6  END [2]

26       DEX    32        14-

23       CON   13        14-

23       INT      13        14-      PER Roll 14-

15       EGO   5          12-

23       PRE    13        14-      PRE Attack: 4 1/2d6

9          OCV   30

9          DCV   30

5          OMCV            6

5          DMCV            6

6          SPD    40        Phases:  2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

10       PD      8          10/16 PD (0/6 rPD)

10       ED      8          10/16 ED (0/6 rED)

10       REC   6

46       END   6

10       BODY 0         

40       STUN 10


Movement     Cost    Meters            Notes

RUNNING     0          15m/30m        END [2]

SWIMMING   0          4m/8m            END [1]

LEAPING      0          4m       4m forward, 2m upward


SWINGING               20m/40m




Characteristics Total: 236


Cost    Powers

14       MULTI-GUN: Multipower, 40-point reserve,  (40 Active Points); 6 per slot Charges (-3/4); all slots OAF (-1) - END=

2f        1)  (Plastic Stun Bullets): Energy Blast 8d6, STUN Only (+0) (40 Active Points); OAF (-1) - END=4

1f        2)  Energy Blast: gas vs Self-Contained breathing (gas) 4d6, Attack Versus Alternate Defense (Life Support (Self-Contained Breathing); target holds his breath (gas); +0) (20 Active Points); OAF (-1) - END=2

2f        3)  NET: Entangle 4d6, 4 PD/4 ED (40 Active Points); OAF (-1) - END=4

              - END=

12       BULLETPROOF SPANDEX: Resistant Protection (6 PD/6 ED) (18 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) - END=0

3          GOGGLES I: Sight Group Flash Defense (5 points) (5 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) - END=0

3          GOGGLES II: Ultraviolet Vision (Sight Group) (5 Active Points); OIF (-1/2) - END=0

5          BELT RADIO: High Range Radio Hearing (Radio Group) (12 Active Points); OAF (-1), Not in water (-1/4) - END=0

              - END=

3          Running +3m (15m total) - END=1

10       Swinging 20m - END=1


Powers Total: 55


Cost    Martial Arts

20       Comic Book Martial Arts, usable bare-handed, Private Adder

4          1)  Punch:  1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 6d6 Strike

5          2)  Kick:  1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, 8d6 Strike

4          3)  Martial Block:  1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort

3          4)  Martial Throw:  1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, 4d6 +v/5, Target Falls

4          5)  Martial Dodge:  1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort


Martial Arts Total: 40


Cost    Skills

36       +3 Overall


3          Acrobatics 14-

3          Deduction 14-

3          Disguise 14-

3          Security Systems 14-

3          Stealth 14-

3          Inventor 14-

3          Mechanics 14-

2          SS:  Chemistry 11-

3          Tactics 14-

1          TF:  Large Motorized Ground Vehicles


Skills Total: 63


Cost    Perks

4          Vehicles & Bases

2          Fringe Benefit:  Local Police Powers


Perks Total: 6



Value Complications

10       Vulnerability:  2 x STUN from fire attacks (Uncommon)

15       Vulnerability:  from flash attacks (Very Common)

20       Psychological Limitation:  Code vs Killing (Common; Total)

10       Physical Limitation:  Colorblind (Infrequently; Slightly Impairing)

15       Hunted:  by VOICE 8- (Mo Pow; NCI; Limited Geographical Area; Harshly Punish)

5          Social Complication:  Secret ID: Lafayette Jefferson Infrequently, Minor


Complications Points: 75


Base Points: 400

Experience: 0

Experience Unspent: 0

Total Character Cost: 400



  Background: Lafayette Jefferson was born poor in Chicago. From an early age, young Lafayette was exceptional. Not only was he a natural athlete, but a brilliant scholar as well. He won his school's science fair four years running. But this was the 1950's, and advancement opportunities for
lacks were limited. When a torn ligament kept him from getting an athletic scholarship, Lafayette took a job repairing buses to pay for college. While in physical therapy for his injury, he met a martial arts enthusiast who taught him a variety of moves. After graduation, Lafayette drove buses until he was able to work his way into a white-collar job at the company.

In the meantime, the civil rights movement grew, and so did violence. One night Lafayette woke up to a riot in his neighborhood. Despite his best efforts to help out, several people died in a fire set by looters. Lafayette had not been taking much notice of the tensions in the city, but now it looked as if Chicago needed another superhero to help it out. He created a costume and weapons, and soon the Black Phantom was making a name for himself, primarily dealing with civil rights and street crime in Chicago.

 In 1971, the Black Phantom was approached by the American Eagle about starting a team after the two had found themselves working together to defeat a VIPER nest. He decided that after years of working solo, having others to back him up and coordinate investigations and missions would be helpful.

In the attack on the Freedom Squad by VOICE, Black Phantom was put in the hospital by Dr. Photon. After getting out of the hospital he found himself elected as the new team leader. He recruited Black Hole, who turned out to be one of the major disappointments in Black Phantom's career. He still hunts his former teammate when the opportunity arises, but Black Hole is currently nowhere to be found. The rest of the time, Black Phantom resumes his one man war against street crime, although, like American Eagle (who he had a bit of a falling out with in the final days of the
Squad) he is getting old and thinking of retiring
L Black Phantom was the only member to vote against the dissolution of the Freedom Squad.


  Quote: "The dream is still alive. Never give it up." Personality: Lafayette has always had an edge over anyone else, physically, mentally or psychologically. He has not let this deteriorate into arrogance, but works hard to raise others to his level. He was raised with a strong moral code, which he will not abandon even under the most extreme circumstances. He feels strongly about civil rights issues, and donates anonymously to various good causes. Between his two careers, the Black Phantom barely has time to sleep, let alone maintain a social life, so he has few close friends and has never had a serious relationship with a woman.


  Powers / tactics: Lafayette is a top-notch athlete, a trained fighter, and extremely bright as well. He developed his own equipment, including his ingenious multigun, which shoots various sorts of chemical concoctions. One type becomes a knockout gas on contact, another expands into a tangle
of quick-drying glue, and the third standard load is a special non-penetrating plastic bullet
. On rare cases, he as used other special loads. Black Phantom's senses are some- what more acute than normal and can be easily overloaded (polarizing his goggle lenses is a recent development). He
also has a strong shock reaction to fire, possibly linked to the events that led to his career as the Black Phantom.

As he's gotten older, Black Phantom has become more fond of the subtle approach to crime-fighting, often spending days accumulating evidence before moving in on a target. he vastly prefers his multi-gun over close combat, as he has come close to killing opponents with a misjudged kick on at least two occasions. If faced with multiple opponents, he'll try to put down those known to use lethal force first.


  Appearance: Lafayette Jefferson is in his late 50's, 6'1" and 200 Ibs. He has short, curly black hair and dark brown eyes. Black Phantom's costume is grey with black boots, gloves, shorts and cape; and white belt with holster. His goggles are tinted blue, and he often wears a full head mask in black. The multigun has an oversized chamber and barrel to accommodate the special ammo



Black Phantom.hdc


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Mishio Senjaku


VAL    CHA   Cost    Roll     Notes

45       STR    20        18-      HTH Damage 9d6  END [4]

20       DEX    20        13-

40       CON   30        17-

13       INT      3          12-      PER Roll 12-/13-

17       EGO   7          12-

15       PRE    5          12-      PRE Attack: 3d6

7         OCV   20

7         DCV   20

6         OMCV            9

6         DMCV            9

5         SPD    30        Phases:  3, 5, 8, 10, 12

21       PD      19        21 PD (0 rPD)

21       ED      19        21 ED (0 rED)

12       REC   8

80       END   12

18       BODY 8         

53       STUN 17


Movement     Cost    Meters            Notes

RUNNING     0          12m/24m        END [1]

SWIMMING   0          4m/8m            END [1]

LEAPING      0          4m       4m forward, 2m upward



Characteristics Total: 256


Cost   Powers

37       DENSITY and GROWTH: (Total: 37 Active Cost, 37 Real Cost) Density Increase (900 kg mass, +15 STR, +3 PD/ED, -6m KB) (Real Cost: 12) plus Growth (+15 STR, +5 CON, +5 PRE, +3 PD, +3 ED, +3 BODY, +6 STUN, +1m Reach, +12m Running, -6m KB, 101-800 kg, +2 to OCV to hit, +2 to PER Rolls to perceive character, 2-4m tall, 1-2m wide) (Real Cost: 25) - END=3

              - END=

10       +2 OCV; with Grab only (-0) - END=

2         +1 PER with Sight Group - END=0

15       +15 STR - END=1


Powers Total: 64


Cost   Martial Arts

14       Sumo, usable bare-handed, Private Adder

3         1)  Grab:  1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -1 DCV, Grab Two Limbs, 55 STR for holding on

4         2)  Crush:  1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, 13d6 Crush, Must Follow Grab

4         3)  Slap:  1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 11d6 Strike

3         4)  Toss:  1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +1 DCV, 9d6 +v/5, Target Falls


Martial Arts Total: 28


Cost   Skills

8         +1 level with HTH Combat

4         +2 with Martial Arts


3         Breakfall 13-

3         KS: Engineering 12-

3         PS: Engineering 12-

2         KS: Sumo 11-

4         Language:  English, accented (completely fluent; literate)

3         Teamwork 13-


Skills Total: 30


Cost   Perks

4         Vehicles & Bases

2         Fringe Benefit:  Local Police Powers

1         Fringe Benefit:  Passport


Perks Total: 7


Cost   Talents

15       Combat Sense 12-


Talents Total: 15


Value Complications

15       Vulnerability:  1 1/2 x STUN from energy-basedKA's (Very Common)

15       Psychological Limitation:  Code vs Killing (Common; Strong)

10       Psychological Limitation:  Protective of women (Common; Moderate)

15       Hunted:  by VOICE 8- (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish)

15       Hunted:  by Yakuza 8- (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish)

5         Social Complication:  Public ID: Mishio Senjaku Infrequently, Minor


Complications Points: 75


Base Points: 400

Experience: 0

Experience Unspent: 0

Total Character Cost: 400


  Background: Mishio Senjaku has always been a big and beefy boy, considered rather an asset in sumo training, so at first he wasn't worried when he grew three inches in a week. Soon, however, it became evidentthat his height and weight were fluctuating wildly. After a short period of time, Mishio learned to control his powers. But by that time he had attracted the attention of certain Yakuza gamblers, who wanted him to use the more subtle effects of his powers to rig matches for them. Mishio thought it over a bit, and decided he was thoroughly disgusted by the idea. Not only did he inform the police, but. he led them on a raid on the gamblers' hideout.

  Figuring that publicity was his best defense against secretive revenge, Mishio became the superhero Jo-Tan. While the young hero did quite well, he and his family still had frequent run-ins with the Yakuza. It was agreed that Mishio would study engineering in America at the University of Illinois. He had no intention of giving up superhero life, however. As soon as he was settled, Jo- Tan sought out the local hero group, the Freedom Squad. his raw strength was appreciated and he fit right in.

After the VOICE affair, Jo-Tan soldiered on, but Black Hole's resignation convinced him that it was time to get on with his life. Mishio has nearly completed his post-graduate work, and is trying to decide whether to take a job in the US or return to Japan permanently. On his last vacation to his
homeland, Jo-Tan ran into Tsuchi of Yooso (see Ninja Hero). The two former sumatori had an impromptu bout and thoroughly enjoyed themselves, even if neither could convince the other to switch sides.



Quote: "~o, I'm not going to fall over, you are."

Personality: Mishio is a friendly, polite fellow. Originally he saw combat as a game, like sumo bouts only more varied. After the VOICE attack, he took on a harder edge and began to take life more seriously. As a Buddhist, he refuses to take a life. He's a bit nervous in high places, as a long fall
is one of the
few things that could seriously injure him.



Powers / Tactics: Jo- Tan is a superhumanly strong mutant with the ability to increase his size and mass. His enlarged body is especially vulnerable to coherent energy attacks like lasers. While concentrating on his studies, he's let his training slip a bit, resulting in a slight loss of resilience.

On his own, Jo-Tan simply grows to full size, grabs his opponent, and squeezes. Ifthis proves inadvisable, he'll try standing back and tossing large objects.


Appearance: Mishio Senjaku is a Japanese man in his mid-twenties. Normally, he's 5'11" and 240 Ibs. When his powers are fully activated he is nearly eight feet tall and weighs nearly a ton. He has curly black hair and black eyes. As Jo-Tan, he wears a black wrestler's suit, gloves and
slippers; his belt and headband a
re white





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Merilee Henry


VAL    CHA   Cost    Roll     Notes

10       STR    0          11-      HTH Damage 2d6  END [1]

18       DEX    16        13-

23       CON   13        14-

13       INT      3          12-      PER Roll 12-

15       EGO   5          12-

15       PRE    5          12-      PRE Attack: 3d6

6          OCV   15

8          DCV   20

5          OMCV            6

5          DMCV            6

4          SPD    20        Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12

5          PD      3          5/23 PD (0/18 rPD)

8          ED      6          8/18 ED (0/10 rED)

10       REC   6

60       END   8

9          BODY -1        

35       STUN 8


Movement     Cost    Meters            Notes

RUNNING     0          12m/24m        END [1]

SWIMMING   0          4m/8m            END [1]

LEAPING      0          4m       4m forward, 2m upward

FLIGHT                      34m/68m





Characteristics Total: 139


Cost    Powers

            Telekinetic Powers -

60       1)  Telekinesis (40 STR), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (75 Active Points); Unified Power (-1/4) - END=3

40       2)  Telekinetic Punch (physical): EB 10d6 (50 Active Points); Unified Power (-1/4) - END=5

42       3)  Force Field:  (18 PD/10 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (52 Active Points); Unified Power (-1/4) - END=0

41       4)  Flight 34m, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (51 Active Points); Unified Power (-1/4) - END=0

              - END=

5          Mental Defense (5 points total) - END=0

25       Spatial Awareness (TK "touch Sense") (Unusual Group), +3 to PER Roll - END=0

5          +1 DCV


Powers Total: 218



Cost    Skills

8          +2 with Telekinetic Powers


3          Charm 12-

3          High Society 12-

3          Paramedics 12-

3          Teamwork 13-


Skills Total: 20


Cost    Perks

5          Money:  Well Off

4          Vehicles & Bases

2          Fringe Benefit:  Local Police Powers


Perks Total: 11


Cost    Talents

12       +4/+4d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all characters)


Talents Total: 12


Value Complications

10       Vulnerability:  1 1/2 x STUN from RKA (Common)

15       Susceptibility:  to smoke, fumes, etc 1d6 damage per Phase (Uncommon)

0          Distinctive Features:  MUTANT (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable Only By Technology Or Major Effort; Not Distinctive In Some Cultures)

20       Psychological Limitation:  Code vs Killing (Very Common; Strong)

10       Psychological Limitation:  Claustrophobia (Uncommon; Strong)

15       Hunted:  by VOICE 8- (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish)

5          Social Complication:  Secret ID: Merilee Henry Infrequently, Minor


Complications Points: 75


Base Points: 400

Experience: 0

Experience Unspent: 0

Total Character Cost: 400



  Background: Merilee Henry was the daughter of Frank Henry, the Chicago auto parts king. Her older brother John was expected to inherit the business, and as Merilee didn't have much interest in finance, herfather indulged her minor wishes, but kept a strict eye on her, and made sure of her
moral ed
ucation. When she was sixteen, Merilee started having headaches, and objects started flying across the room for apparent reason. After a bit of nonsense about "poltergeists," Merilee figured out most of her telekinetic powers. Her father's lectures on "civic responsibilities" came back to her, and she knew what she had to become- a superhero! She revealed her powers and her plans to her father. Mr. Henry was so overjoyed to learn that Merilee was merely a mutant, and not a drug addict as he'd feared from her recent erratic and secretive behavior, that he agreed immediately. he arranged for her costume and helped her pic a name, then suggested she contact the American Eagle for help in getting started. As it happened, the Eagle was looking for another member to round out the Freedom Squad, and she quickly filled that role. She revealed her secret identity to the other members on her 18th birthday. They were chagrined to learn that the group
was being fina
nced by a minor cut of her extensive allowance.

After the VOICE incident, Victrix grew increasingly dissatisfied with the direction of the Squad, and after Black Hole's resignation, voted for ending it. Since then, she has been trying her hand at solo crime-fighting, and is now thinking of joining another group. Her brother has not been let in on her secret, and is slightly jealous of her trust fund.


  Quote: "You needn't all rush to fight me at once boys. There's enough of me to go around."


  Personality: Merilee is a reserved young woman with a strong sense of responsibility. Victrix is also a bit of a flirt, and rather enjoyed being the only woman in the Freedom Squad. She has a strong distaste for enclosed places because of being trapped in a shrinking room "deathtrap" on a early case. She spends money freely but not excessively; she may not have a head for business, but she can balance a checkbook just fine. Victrix can be a bit vain about her looks. One of her least favorite experiences was having a foe steal her looks temporarily.


  Powers / Tactics: Victrix is a mutant with significant telekinetic powers, most notably flight and the ability to probe areas she cannot see using telekinetic "fingers." She has become quite skilled with her powers. However, her mutation has made her lungs extremely sensitive to airborne
nants such as smoke. She also has never quite gotten over the shock of having lethal projectiles hit her.

Since her flight and force field cost little effort, Victrix always activates them in combat. She's more cautious than the other Squanders, preferring to keep opponents well away from her. Her favorite attack is to telekinetically grab someone without movement powers, hoist him into the air,
nd then pummel him with TK punches.


  Appearance: Merilee Henry is in her late twenties, 5'6" and 105 pounds. She has shoulder-length auburn hair and dark brown eyes. Her features are fine, with high cheekbones. Her usual Victrix costume consists of a yellow strapless one-piece, long gloves and boots; the trim (including a
diamond cutout a
round her navel) and domino mask are red





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This brings back memories. One of the best modules I never got to run as a GM. A well-balanced group of NPC heroes outnumbered and outgunned in serious need of help from more durable, one hopes wiser PC heroes. Oh, and their enemies were so lethal.


It was like every member of both teams had been lovingly crafted by a novelist for story interest, not just a GM for story balance.


And by balance, I mean, how did Freedom Squad survive so long before they lost their first two members? ;)

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One of my favs. I got to play in this one before it saw print. :) I got some extra milage years later when I ran some time travel adventures, so they could meet American Eagle 1, and the Phantom in his prime.


A super heroine got to rescue a little girl, who proclaimed a desire to grow up, and be just like you! (Victrix) fun stuff, written by a top notch writer.

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I like these kind of groups but the costumes never looked right to me for the time frame, other than American Eagle.


Not sure I understand your statement.  American Eagle is definitely Golden Age, but Black Phantom is more of a Silver Age/Sixties Age character, and Jo-tan and Victrix are contemporary for the time the story was written (1980s-90s).  At any rate the costumes hold up quite well, to my mind.

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