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Matrix Star Hero or Champions


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My opinion is Multiform is too ... unwieldy.


I would go with Extra Dimensional Movement. The living body remains inert, unable to act. You can probably put the power on the vehicle computer, make it useable against others. No need to make the hero pay for it out of personal points since it really is just a side-effect to push the campaign in the right direction.


Then, they would have a series of powers and martial maneuvers that would only work while in the Matrix.


Then you give them a vehicle that has a computer. Said computer can upload programs to the Matrix-bound hero in the form of skills. This can also be used to make guns for the heroes, IIRC.


An interesting twist: You could probably get away, in theme, with using that ship's computer to create followers and maybe even a mobile base within the Matrix.

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I wrote my post all backwords. lol.


I re-read your post. No need to use multiform AND EDM. It's just a waste of points as the SFX can be achieved with EDM alone. Multiform would only be useful if the hero could act in both worlds at the same time.


Some power modifiers:

Can only be used by Free Minds (-1/4 to -0 depending on how little time you spend in the real world)


Usable by other, 4 targets (+3/4)


IIF, bulky, extremely difficult to obtain new focus (-1 3/4 if built as a ship's system)

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I agree about the Vehicles computer being the one that purchases the EDM Usable by Others.


The reason I said to use Multiform was because you can make a character with Multiform that is more powerful than the "Base" character. This way you can have a Skilled or Competent normal (when they're in the real world) who has Multiform, which turns them into a Powerful Heroic level character when in The Matrix.


You are correct though, no need to use Multiform. Merely buy additional skills, characteristics and powers as usable Only While Jacked In (-1) or some such custom limitation. (I'd go with -1/2 if the majority of the adventures were in The Matrix)

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If I were to do Matrix HERO, I'd consider it to be SH, not Champs. I say this because I prefer games that are heavy on the human interaction as opposed to use-of-powers. When I finally saw 'Reloaded', I was impressed with the depiction of Zion and how the characters lived their lives. I would have to go into great detail in making up the 'real' world, just because I find that part the most fascinating in world creation. Not to mention the fact that most of the game session playing time would be spent in the real world. Even if most of the time were spent in the Matrix, I wouldn't base the characters off of 350. I'd do maybe 150 points per PC as recommended for most SH campaigns. I'd also make the Only Usable While In The Matrix limitation at least a -1.


'course....that's just me.

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Personally ... I'm a supporter of the Multiform idea :) When I watch the movies, the characters react differently in the Matrix than they do outside ... this would be all sorts of modifications to stats, skills, powers and even disads ... and I think it'd be easier organization wise to have the realities each have their own characters :)

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I've been toying with the idea as well, and settled on (pseudocoded: )


EDM w/ a sideeffect (Leaves Unconscious Meat Body Behind) and OIF (The plug in the back of the head), Matrix entry or exit points only at "land line" phones.


"Matrix Powers" would all have the -1 Only usable in Matrix Limitation. I was also thinking about putting all the "powers" in an EC framework, aka Matrix Environment Control, but I haven't actually worked out the feasability of it all.


Of course was also making the characters pay for matrix access so YMMV :D I'll re-edit this later on today when I have access to FREd.


Sir "Whoa" Didymus

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Originally posted by NuSoardGraphite

You are correct though, no need to use Multiform. Merely buy additional skills, characteristics and powers as usable Only While Jacked In (-1) or some such custom limitation. (I'd go with -1/2 if the majority of the adventures were in The Matrix)


I would suggest people make their Matrix Characters and then simply define the "dimension" that is reality as reducing characters to X points (I'd reccomend a number like 75 with no points spent on equipment.) As I've discussed with others that it's not clear if the "skill downlaods" are actual skills or if they are simply matrix equivalents of "hot keys" that make the Matrix icon perform a sequence of actions that are percieved as performing the skill. If that's the case then Matrix characters could have a wide variety of skills (powers, talents, perks) that the "real" person can't actually do. Of course this is not the case with Neo; but if your playing a group of Neo characters then it's not really going to be a "Matrix" game for very long before the setting is forced to change, such is the nature of Neo like characters.

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  • 2 weeks later...

EDM:: Move PC to the Matrix


When a character arrives in the Matrix, he assumes the mantle of his (350pt) Matrix character. He retains much of his personality, but presentation can be very different, as a Matrix character is able to achieve some wish fulfillment.


As a special perk, characters may buy a 15 point Talent, Eidetic Reflexes; which allows for download of certain skills from the operator at contact points. These skills will be downloaded at the 'expert' level of a 14- roll, which cannot be modified by character skill levels or bonuses.


There. That should cover it.

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Originally posted by Farkling

EDM:: Move PC to the Matrix


When a character arrives in the Matrix, he assumes the mantle of his (350pt) Matrix character. He retains much of his personality, but presentation can be very different, as a Matrix character is able to achieve some wish fulfillment.


As a special perk, characters may buy a 15 point Talent, Eidetic Reflexes; which allows for download of certain skills from the operator at contact points. These skills will be downloaded at the 'expert' level of a 14- roll, which cannot be modified by character skill levels or bonuses.


There. That should cover it.


I could go with this viewpoint easily if skills could be swapped out ('n around), even within a single gaming session.  Almost like slots (including SSs, PSs, TFs, WFs, AKs, etc).

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I'd say the skill downloads could be handled as a campaign freebie with each person being able to have INT/5 skill downloads available to use at 1 time. Otherwise I'd give the Computer Operator an XD Aid power to give skill lvls (or maybe even skills) to characters in the matrix (RSR: computer programming?) this would emulate a system where the downlaods aren't really how to do the skill so much as a "patch" to do that specific task so the person wouldn't necessarily be able to hotwire a motorcycle so much as they would be able to hotwire that specific motorcycle at that specific time in that specific location. This would open the character of operator to whole new possibilities with a wealth of powers at their disposal all purchased Extra Dimensional with the limitation "only affects Matrix."

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I'd just say to ignore all the point squidgy-ing and just have everybody who goes into the Matrix create a second character sheet. The Matrix character would have a higher point base and a small, skills-only VPP. They'd also have a whopping Physical Limitation "Dies if meat body dies". Since this affects every human in the matrix I would either not charge for it, or give it an arbitrarily large value to represent the higher point total of the en-Matrixed characters.


Keith "Can't decide whether 'squidgy-ing' or 'en-Matrixed' is the most fun to say" Curtis


PS. Wild Martial Arts Ninja Hero. All the Sci-Fi/Superhero stuff is just window dressing.

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