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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Why is it that Ric "I get winded running down the entry way" Flair wrestles more then Triple H. Flair is past his prime. This is not marginalizing his previous contributions to wrestling, but the man needs to wear shirt. Besides he has a greater chance for injury and it will take him longer to recover. Retire, become a manager for Evolution, do the Steve Austin where you hit someone once or twice and then scream 'whooo,' but those wrestlin' shorts do nothing for you.


On the other hand, glad to see Evolution lose the tag team title. I stopped watching after the tag team title, anyone else watch, what happened during the rest of the evening? On the other hand the announcers are idiots (though I know they play it up, a bit of a statement on 'its okay for your champ to cheat, but if anyone else cheats they stole the title').


After a cheap shot by Flair:

JR: A low blow by the dirtiest player in the game.

'The King': Well that's the way the game is played.

After RVD(non-legal man) does a five star splash:

JR: RVD takes advantage of the five second rule.

'The King': I can't believe RVD and Booker T could win by cheating like that.


And one more random thought on wrestling. This really bothered me when Goldberg was going for the title. Goldberg would soundly thrash Triple H, or Flair and Orten one week. The next week all three would gang stomp him, and then brag about how he is nothing. Nothing?!?!?! it took three people to beat him down, and even then you had to use a chair over the head to take him out. If he's 'nothing' face him one on one.

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This just in...


The Red Sox owner is a giant pansy.


"I didn't want to pay enough money to hang with Steinbrenner, so I'm going to cry."




How much do you want to bet that if he'd had the money to buy A-Rod, he'd have taken it and Salary Cap be damned.


He lost. Now he's whinging about it.


It's no wonder your teams can't win the big games. they're doing just like the owner.





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Why is today that my new work PC decides to throw a funny ?


You can see the links but you can't use them. I could log into the local domain but not the Office Admin system. Xcopy how I do love thee. Copied everything over for me that I had not already got on CD.


PC now rebuilt and working. Favourites showed two links I use but not the forums. However when I access the forum I get in under my login ID. Weird no ?


Phew !

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I'm so proud!


My brothers's band's latest demo EP came in the mail today. Damn, it's fine music! Don't know how to tag it, but it's some kinda rock . . . :D


They've got a homepage: Johnny Rocket & The Broncos. The long-haired freak on vocals and the blond basist -- the Stenbergs -- are me bros . . . :)


They even made a video! Jeebus, it's ugly! But there ain't nothing wrong with the song . . . :D

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What were they thinking? Part 2


::deep sigh::


Up at 5 am on Tuesday to be at work at 7:30 am. Then ther eis this alleged "2 hour" meeting after-hours at 4:30pm. We had a server rebuilt and we are consolodating the data from two servers into the one. Plus we had to test Active Directory, reconfigure DNS and DHCP, tried to instal Veritas on a third server we were leaving alone, but couldn;t work on as it was almost out of storage space.


Turns out the genius who said "2 hours" was a sales-rep for the company and NOT a computer guy. Had I known the full scope of what we were to do, I could have told anybody we would be there for the long haul (I didn;t get to leave til 9:45pm). Oh yeah, since the building is secure, and lowly contractors like me don;t get our own key cards, I was locked in until we were ready to leave - which means I didn''t get any dinner (I was told thos would take only 2 hours, remember?)


And because this was a server migration... I had to be in again at my usual time, even though I didn't fall asleep till after midnight. Sure enough, lots of folks had to have drives re-mapped, printers re-set, and so on.


I left at 11:30 this afternoon. I made sure they understood that unless I have my own key card for getting back into the building, I am simply NOT available to work late like that any more.


At least I can still leave 3 hours early one more time this week.

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Guest Worldmaker

Karl Rove's strategic offensive has always been so good the country has never had the chance to see how he plays on defense when the heat is on.


Me, I think he probably sucks at it. Historically, Republicans have never been any good at playing defense. Their strength lies in tearing down their opponent at every turn. The problem is, this time around its been Bush who's suffering the tearing, and with some justification.


Can Karl Rove play defense? Somehow I think that we are about to find out.

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Guest Worldmaker

Anyone else seen this story in the news?


"Ousted Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore is focused on trying to get his job back but will not rule out a third-party run for the presidency that could threaten President Bush's re-election chances."


Hell, I'd pay 100% of his filing fees were he to actually decide to run...

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Guest Worldmaker
Originally posted by Rachel

When I'm bored and can't sleep, the boards seem to die. :(


I've got an idea! I can direct an accurate criticism at another female who's doing something unethical, criminal, or just plain evil and then we can watch Annarie go into a meltdown over my "misogyny" again!

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Originally posted by Worldmaker

I've got an idea! I can direct an accurate criticism at another female who's doing something unethical, criminal, or just plain evil and then we can watch Annarie go into a meltdown over my "misogyny" again!

Only if I get to sharpen my knives and come after both of you. ;) She went away so quickly! I was disappointed.

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The 19th of Febraury -- The Bombing of Darwin


Today I'd like to thank America for sending your sons (Armed Forces) over to Australia and help defend the North during WW2. It was on this day 62 years ago that the Japanese force that attacked Pearl Harbour attacked Darwin -- my home town -- an thus Australian soil faced war for the very first time. The day by all accounts was brutal and overall double the bombs that fell on Pearl Harbour was being dropped on Darwin. Over 200 people died (not all Americans), thus cementing a bond between the US and Australia that continues to this day. Lest we forget the fallen.


:takes hat off and salutes:

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Guest Worldmaker

You know what sucks? Insomnia. Having only enjoyed 18 hours of sleep in the last week, I'm here to tell you that being on the edge of utter exhaustive collapse really is uncool.

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