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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Oooo. A position opened up here in Oregon.

Couple of the qualifications:

Seven Years Linux Admin

Three years Senior AIX Admin.


Technically, I'm qualified since I was the only person who installed AIX systems over a four year period for one company and I've been doing Linux stuff since '94.


Can't hurt to apply. :D

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How do you get to Heaven?


I was testing the children in my Sunday school class to see

if they understood the concept of getting to heaven.


I asked them, "If I sold my house and my car, had a big

garage sale and gave all my money to the church, would

that get me into Heaven?"


"NO!" the children answered.


"If I cleaned the church every day, mowed the yard, and

kept everything neat and tidy, would that get me into Heaven?"


Again, the answer was, "NO!"


By now I was starting to smile. Hey, this was fun!

"Well, then, if I was kind to animals and gave candy to

all the children, and loved my husband, would that get me

into Heaven?" I asked them again.


Again, they all answered, "NO!"


I was just bursting with pride for them.

Well, I continued, "then how can I get into Heaven?"


A five-year-old boy shouted out,


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Driving one of my old friends home tonight, we started talking about the Star Wars prequels and how they illustrated the various problems with the Jedi and Republic that allowed them to be killed off.


Like, a multiplanetary government that had even less military force than the UN.

The friend wondered how the Republic could last as long as it did without any real law enforcement arm or defense force. I figured that everyone was just that impressed by the Jedi Knights. As Mace said, "we're keepers of the peace, not soldiers." (And in Episode I, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan were handling the Trade Federation all by themselves until they rolled in the Destroyer Droids.)


So he asked me, "that being the case, why didn't every planetary governor have his own domestic Jedi training academy so that he'd have his own squad of Jedi on his payroll?" And I said, "Because the Jedi were so influential, they were able to prevent that. And it was implied in Episode II that there never were that many Force sensitives to go around, at least not those powerful enough to be Jedi. Something like thousands in a galaxy of billions on billions."


So he then asks me, "if THAT's the case, why is it that in almost every Star Wars game I'm in, 90% of the group is Jedi PCs?"


And I said, "for the same reason that in almost every D&D game I see, 90% of the PCs are Elves."


(or Ninja)



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I just got "The Amazing Spider-Man #505" in the mail today. The logical side of my brain informs me that even subscription discounts are over priced etc, and that I will rarely come back to read it over and over again. That side got ignored as I opened the comic cover, and saw Peter and MJ in a cab together again as a couple... and smiled.


Sap attacks are scary.

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Ugh. Jenn got nailed with a flu bug a couple days ago that seemed to be worse last night.

I woke up with it this morning. Crawled into work anyway just to spread the love. Actually, I had something that needed to be setup to run over the weekend, so took care of that.

Next stop was the shelter. I needed to go say goodbye to Lola. Her kidneys have failed and she doesn't have much time. She was always the greeter in the Leukemia room and either demanding a lap or crawling into a backpack tossing out whatever was in there.

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With all this gay marriage strife, I thought I would just remind people of Billy Bragg's "Sexuality", in my opinion one of the best, if not the best, pop song of the 1990s. (Oh, yeah, a "B", forgot to nominate, oh well). Now, admittedly, this reads pretty flat on a page, but I still think the words have weight, and moreso I'd encourage people just listen to the song itself. Why am I musing on this and why is this a musing rather than its own thread or an exhortation? Because I was just thinking about that song, and I was thinking how the message is simple, beautiful, even noble. It does not talk about "sex", it talks about human sexuality, yet without any details as such. It's merely a reasonable celebration of this thing we all share - no matter who we are, no matter what our sexual preference. We are all the same in a few fundamental ways, even if we diverge greatly after that. And I think this is an important message for us, particularly now, it helps us not get into gay-bashing or hetero-hatred. And my "you" up above? Really, it's "you the world". I would like to teach the world to sing this. So this is truly a musing, a thought. I don't care if anyone board does anything with this - well, yes, I do, but I suppose what I mean is that I don't want to really discuss it per se, and I don't want to harp. It's just on my mind and I have to put it down somewhere.


Oh, I should modify what I said above, it is more political/more socially-conscious than I remembered, but I think it is expressed well, and I think where he touches on those common points ("Sexuality - Strong and warm and wild and free", "I'm sure that everybody knows how much my body hates me, It lets me down most every time and makes me rash and hasty, I feel a total jerk before your naked body of work" - don't we all feel that way sometime, gay/straight/bi/transgendered? Surely we do!


And why should any of us have to suffer for that? Why? It isn't right. No, not one bit, and I don't care who tries to make it right.


Ah well, enough of this musing, on to the words. As you can see, my emotional, personal, subjective thoughts are more strident than my reasoned, objective, logical, philosophically-consistent (or intended so) ones.


Billy Bragg, "Sexuality" -


I've had relations with girls from many nations

I've made passes at women of all classes

And just because you're gay I won't turn you away

If you stick around I'm sure that we can find some common ground



Sexuality - Strong and warm and wild and free

Sexuality - Your laws do not apply to me


A nuclear submarine sinks off the coast of Sweden

Headlines give me headaches when I read them

I had an uncle who once played for Red Star Belgrade

He said some things are really left best unspoken

But I prefer it all to be out in the open


Sexuality - Strong and warm and wild and free

Sexuality - Your laws do not apply to me

Sexuality - Don't threaten me with misery

Sexuality - I demand equality


I'm sure that everybody knows how much my body hates me

It lets me down most every time and makes me rash and hasty

I feel a total jerk before your naked body of work


I'm getting weighed down with all this information

Safe sex doesn't mean no sex it just means use your imagination

Stop playing with yourselves in hard currency hotels

I look like Robert De Niro, I drive a Mitsubishi Zero


Sexuality - Strong and warm and wild and free

Sexuality - Your laws do not apply to me

Sexuality - Come eat and drink and sleep with me

Sexuality - We can be what we want to be


- that's the end - I just had to add, I like how he wraps it up. I like the whole last verse and chorus especially as he now breaks away completely into how things should be but in a very non-strident and friendly way.


We can be what we want to be.

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I really like the balance in the NGD that the Random Musings and Musings About Random Musings has brought. I think it has improved the quality of discourse here, because it gives a place for people to just think aloud without fear of being jumped all over, although the thread About this has run very well as both a safety-valve for an occasional needed reaction and a place to just express sympathy or ask a question. Also, the About thread has remained a very scattered, whimsical thing because there are so many different ideas being responded to and thrown about, so the thread seems to stay relatively defused.


In the old days people would always, necessarily, post random thoughts they wanted to be "heard" but weren't necessarily looking for response or validation into a thread, and that often guaranteed contentiousness if the subject were contentious. This way, we have avoided at least some of that.


Yes, this is a good thing.

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