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Time Stop the God of Stop Sign Powers


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Hi Everone


Saw Avengers II and was wondering if there was a balanced way to make a Quicksilver character?


I speak of the scene where he speeds to unable to be seen and walks around at his leisure repointing weapons, tying shoes together etc.

and then slows down as everyone in the room attacks each other.  Asimilar power is done in a Star Trek TOS where hyperspeed aliens speech sounds like a whining insect.


You could use the Advanced Players Speed 18 in a game with avg speed 5 but that seems way unbalanced.


Maybe by a normal speed like 4 and purchase another +4 speed with a limitation (only to move or make minor adjustments) -1/2L Cost end =1/2L


He gets his normal 4 speed.  Then if he paid the end at the beginning of the round he can get four phases where he can move where a gun is pointed, move a person's direction, place trash cans in the air in front of somebody etc,

Because he is moving so fast he cant be seen then he cannot attack except maybe once as the contact is too brief, large objects in motion while stopped for the character have inertia.  So a wrecking ball in mid swing might be able to be pushed a few degrees off the front arc as this is with the motion but to push it backward still requires the STR to do so in motion.


Another use of powers is to say buy lightning reflexes up to 50 or so and then buy invisibility to all senses including touch to simulate too fast to move.  The limitation is only on those with Dex less than 1/2 the character.  Thus an 20 Dex brick would not be able to see but if he pushed his Dex 10 points to +5 Dex total hiould s Dex would be 25 and he could see the character to attack him.


What are some ways to make this power in 6e.




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My general answer:


1. The Ultimate Speedster has a whole bunch of great ideas, sample powers, etc. for creating and playing speedster type characters such as you describe. One of them is the "Speed Zone," which essentially allows a character to "compress" more time (and thus Actions) into a given Phase because he's so much faster than everyone else. It's extremely expensive and most GMs will never allow it, but it's there.


1a. The "Speedster Powers" section of Champions Powers has most of the powers discussed in Ultimate Speedster as well, converted to 6E. They're probably your best bet for doing what you want (more or less) in an affordable way.


2. APG2 38-42 has a category of Time Powers -- Time Stop and Replay -- which are optional "stop sign" powers. Time Stop would let you do at least some of what you want to do. It's extremely expensive and most GMs will never allow it, but it's there.

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That entire scene could be handled mechanically as an AoE hand attack (blast vs PD is probably better) combined with ranged deflection (via linked, trigger, or a compound power - maybe multiple attack?).


Basically he runs around the room faster than anyone can see, knocking people out or adjusting things so they knock themselves out (either way it's his transferred velocity that's doing the damage - that's why the guys cheek compressed at a touch, and why people flipped over by hitting themselves in the face).  That's the Blast.  He then Deflected all ranged attacks aimed at his allies.  That's the tricky part to work in but it's possible.  


Coming at it from the other direction might work better.  He used his held action to use the ranged deflection, which has a triggered AoE attached to it.


You might even be able to get away with a Change Environment - penalty to ranged attacks over deflection.  That doesn't even require finding a way to defend and attack in the same segment: he goes first, turns on the 'Running interference' field and gives the guards a huge penalty to hit with ranged attacks, then makes his AoE attack. It's clunky because the guards shot first but that's just dramatic license in the end - mechanically it could be as simple as he really went first and KO'd all the guards with an AoE but the GM thought it was cooler to describe having the guards fire ineffectively due to his interference at the same time.

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First off, both of Quicksilver's scenes are just awful from the perspective of both his power level (he's nowhere near, remotely, in any insanest sense that fast in the comics), and from a physics perspective.


Not only is his period-violating walkman playing music at his speed rather than the real world, but he is doing things that make no sense: turning a man's hand over to his face won't make him punch himself.  You can't launch people hundreds of feet by turning them gently in the air and aiming them at the window.  Its cute to watch but violated every sense of reason and plausibility the films had worked so hard to build up to that point.


But putting that aside: almost all of it can be done with powers that don't look like speed at all, such as DasBroot suggested.  Let's take the bullet deflection: it looks like he's moving the bullets around.  But that's just the special effect of making the bad guys miss, so any number of things can do that, such as just a power that grants allies nearby +DCV to projectiles and melee attacks; Quicksilver runs and deflects them slightly.


Or take the tying shoes together, its just a modified throw, treat it as telekinesis or some change environment-based knockdown power (make a dex roll or fall over).


Hero is about using the powers to simulate the results of the special effect, then defining the special effect the way you want.

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Here are links to my rookie version of The Flash with examples of everything but TimeStop and Enter The Speedforce SpeedZone which would take a little XP to acheive.








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The only time we ever used Time Stop in any of our games, we just handled it as a plot device, ie - "Tell me what you do; ok, you win." IMO it's one of those things that just doesn't work well in an RPG.


(Personally, I don't think it works well in comics either. I've been reading the DC Rebirth Titans series, and while overall it's pretty good* they have this problem with Willy West. The team spends 2 issues getting the crap beat out of them by their evil doppelgangers created by Abra Kadabra. And then Wally decides OK it matters now, and beats all 6 of the bad guys himself between panels. In under 7 seconds, most of which is actually spent running between four different cities because did I mention they're in completely different cities? And yeah, there are consequences: going that fast leaves him trapped in the Speed Force

for almost a whole issue!

, but still.)


PS - welcome aboard indy523!



* And thank you to whoever recommended it to me.

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Hey thanks for the Welcome!


Here is one way to do a Timestop power (naybe) that does not break the game.



Character Rapid x10as a 5 speed and 16M normal walking.  Half move being 8m.

Time Port

Character stops time by stepping perpendicularly sideways to it and can walk around for one turn.  All solid matter is immovable and indestructible since time cannot move forward or backwards.  Therefore pushing o something is no use because Force is mass times acceleration but nothing can accelerate without a time interval.  Device requires a cane OAF-1L Charges bought as Naked advantage though cane a1 75 points


First Power is Teleport 40" Safe Blind, position shift, no relative velocity, aqueous T-port (75)

{40m is five 8m half moves - character walks around and appears five moves later}

limitation:  character must be physically able to walk to end point raised from -1/4L to -1/2L because all solid matter is an immobile barrier.  If a door is closed for instance there is no way into the building, etc.


Second Power Clairsentience Sight Group, Multiple sensors x4  also bought, discriminatory, rapid x10, analysis, bought as a sense.  Also bought retrocognition only the previous last one turn of phases etc.as if id.

Must be physically able to walk to each sensor

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Yeah I've used clairsentience to represent the ability of a speedster to get to a distant location and check it out, then come back before anyone sees them run before.  Just a snapshot, instant and must be able to physically reach the location.  I bought him transform: reassemble or disassemble an item before as well, so he can rapidly put together a puzzle or pull something to pieces and ruin it in an instant.  Little stuff like that.

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