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Santa Claus


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This may be jumping the gun a bit (its not yet Thanksgiving day) but... I did a search on the forum but had no luck finding Santa Claus. Has any body tried to build St. Nick?


He's gotta have a lot of duplication to be in all of the department stores at the same time.


He's gotta have telepathy "only to tell who's been naughty and nice".


He's gotta have some sort of a time stop ability to get all that stuff delivered in only one night.


He's got a hidden base at the north pole with all those elf agents/followers.


Would Mrs. Claus be a follower or a DNPC?


He's got to have some sort of a special power to allow a person of his girth to squeeze down those chimneys.


Do you need Combat Piloting with a sled?


He's gotta have some sort of invisibility to radar because I think the local "weathermen" are lying when they say they've got him on their weather radars. Of course his time stop ability may eliminate the need for such a power.


You get the general idea. Has anybody tried to write up this guy?

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Elven & Reindeer followers.


Mrs. Clause doesn't get involved enough to be a DNPC; and since she feeds his Dependance (The one that causes him to be outrageously big) then she's likely a follower.


Desolodification: Only for use in passing down chimney space (or a Tport that only works from one end to the other of a chimney)


His bag is some sort of extradimensional space in order to hold all those toys.


Maybe his sleigh has a megascale teleport with the "Pass through intervening space" disadvantage in order to get around. Though I guess he'd need some kind of distance related sense in order to safely see his destination.


He's got a weakness for milk & cookies (Must always stop to eat them).


Naturally he's got distinguishing features, noticed and recognizable.


Rivalry: Jesus

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Originally posted by Ghost who Walks

Santa vs. Dr. Destroyer!




heh, funny. I ought to show you a picture I took on Jan 1, 2002 as a squad of Ukranian Army men arrested an unruly and drunk santa on Krashatick Street in Kiev! It's pretty humors as the Sgt. is very dour as he looks over Santa's papers!


Who are Santa's enemies? He doesn't make a particularily good super hero because he never fights anyone. He's more or less the special effect (I admit quite elaborate) for a major transform of thin air to presents, with many limitations and advantages: only on Christmas Eve -2, only when unobserved -1, side effect: coal in stocking if recipient was "bad" that year (GM Call), Focus (milk and cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer team.) Other limitations: works only for christian children. Base effect of the transform is greater depending on the weath of the childs parents. Orphans tend to get fun toys like a ball of string while rich children can end up getting child sized choo-choo trains to ride around the estate. Invisible effect though there are rare reports of Ho-ho'ing, bells, feet stamps and animal snorts.



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Adventurer's Club #22, "The Fright Before Christmas", by Scott Heine.

Santa Claus is corrupted by Coatlicue's Skull Pendant ("To Serve and Protect") and becomes Dark Santa.

Without the battle armor he designed, Santa was 1093 points, 4th Edition. This didn't include Duplication for the Christmas flight since according to the author, under 4th Edition rules it came out to approximately 126,195,000,000 points. 5th Edition would make it much cheaper to have 500 million identical Duplicates.

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The sleigh would be a megascale teleport and would require the reindeer pulling it for it to work at all. They way I see it, the reindeer have the megascale sense that allow them to travel accurately, Santa just tells them where they're going next.


He'd also have Instant Change, in order to alter his costumes to the various ones he wears in various European countries. He doesn't always dress like he does in the States you know.


The reindeer and elves would be followers of course as would Knecht Ruppert and his various forms [he's the dude that travels with Santa in Europe, he punishes the naughty kids.]

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Something just occured to me...


how do we know Santa visits all the Christian houses?


I mean, its just a story about the flying reindeer. He's never been actually seen performing his duty. In fact being seen means he doesn't show up. Sort of the ultimate Hiezenburg Effect.


What if Santa just sits at the Northpole and tosses presents into a giant teleportation system run by the elves???


For all we know, it could be our parents who buy the presents, wrap them and put them under the tree. Naw, forget that. Where would they hide them?



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We may be going the wrong way in trying to write up Santa. Use him as a Patron.


In The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe Santa shows up about three quarters of the way through to hand out Magic Swords and bows to all the little children so they can go whuup all over the Snow Witch and her hordes Werewolves and Evil Gnomes.


Who wouldn't want the jolly one watching his back?

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Originally posted by Jhamin

We may be going the wrong way in trying to write up Santa. Use him as a Patron.


In The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe Santa shows up about three quarters of the way through to hand out Magic Swords and bows to all the little children so they can go whuup all over the Snow Witch and her hordes Werewolves and Evil Gnomes.


Who wouldn't want the jolly one watching his back?


You can make a very good point. With Santa watching your back you'd never have to worry about transportation again and he could always send Knecht Ruppert to give you some back up if he needed it. Heck, if Santa's Elves have the fighting skills of their LOTR cousins, he's got a decent army.

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Jingle Belle


Ever see the graphic novel "Jingle Belle"? The premise is that Santa and the Elf Queen had a daughter who grew up to be the teeny-bopper from Hell. She wants to earn Daddy's respect and goes about it in all the wrong ways. Pretty funny stuff. Think Disney's "Little Mermaid" meets "Ferris Bueller's Day Off."

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More info


Originally posted by Twilight

Heck, if Santa's Elves have the fighting skills of their LOTR cousins, he's got a decent army.


Did some research into this and Santa's Elves are no quite as proficient with Pike, Bow and Sword as their Lothlorian bretheren.


In fact they have all the combat capabilities of The Keebler Elves. However, fear not, their ability to gadget pool stuff is amazing. While the Keebler Elves can bake like no one's business and hide entire factories in forest trees, Santa's Elves, when in their workshop, can produce a very wide variety of toys and, one would presume, other equipment.


Santa relies on mercenaries such as Yukon Cornelius for security purposes it seems.

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Re: More info


Originally posted by CorpCommander

Did some research into this and Santa's Elves are no quite as proficient with Pike, Bow and Sword as their Lothlorian bretheren.


In fact they have all the combat capabilities of The Keebler Elves. However, fear not, their ability to gadget pool stuff is amazing. While the Keebler Elves can bake like no one's business and hide entire factories in forest trees, Santa's Elves, when in their workshop, can produce a very wide variety of toys and, one would presume, other equipment.


Santa relies on mercenaries such as Yukon Cornelius for security purposes it seems.


And don't forget the Bumble Snow Monster!


Also, surely in a pinch Santa could call up the more battle capable elves to protect thier more industrious cousins?

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In the Sluggy Freelance universe, Santa's elves were quite capable of combat performance, especially the group that split off to become Bun-bun's Black Ops Elves.


Of course, Santa himself is a little different than the usual conception at this point...



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Originally posted by CorpCommander

...Who are Santa's enemies? He doesn't make a particularily good super hero because he never fights anyone...




Lies!!! Santa has kicked martian ass:

Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (Pia Zadora's film debut)


and demon ass:

Santa Claus, (Mexico, 1959)


Santa is one tough mother!

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I never knew there was a Santa - Merlin connection! That second movie from mexico shows it to exist however!


You know, I never believed the "Single Swordsman" theory concerning King Arthur Pendragon's death. I mean, one crazy son Mordred was capable of taking down a king weilding excalibur? No way! Perhaps it was Santa on that grassy knoll!

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