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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Have you tried again? I'm not aware of any persistent issues with uploads to the server, but if it happens repeatedly I can certainly look into it. Also: what's the size of the file that's causing the error?
  2. Are we talking "Rockets from the sockets!" eye blasts?
  3. Simon

    HD Update

    Primarily some rather esoteric changes/fixes surrounding fringe builds with Time Limit.
  4. There is nothing simple about Enhanced Senses -- they required a LOT of code in HD to work (above and beyond the template definitions).
  5. So many rules deviations/changes...and for an optional/GM permission only Skill that attempts to replicate a Power. 1. It's not part of the core HERO System rules and is not something that will be included in HD by default. 2. If you want to have HD implement the rules for purchasing it, you'd do that the way you always define rules in HD: a custom template. That said, it will be non-trivial even then as it does not mirror the purchase rules for any other Skill. Your best bet would be to have the player simply define the primary and two secondary methods when purchasing the Skill (simple input field), and then have additional primary and secondary "Adders" available. Having the secondary Adders with a base cost of 0.5 might work...but you're going to run into all sorts of oddities with rounding rules (and when they occur). It's just a messy definition and that's going to be reflected in how it's implemented should you choose to go that route.
  6. Simon

    HD Update

    Nope -- that's been the case for a long time now (and is part of the RAW).
  7. Nothing inherent to HD, but depending on what scripting language(s) your export format supports, you can likely work something out that way. For example: <script> var str = <!--TEXT-->; document.write(str.substring(0,250)); </script>
  8. <!--ATTRIBUTE_VALUE-->getCharacteristicString<!--/ATTRIBUTE_VALUE-->
  9. Moving this to a discussion forum as it’s not really a rules question.
  10. I would recommend going to www.java.com and downloading the default JRE (Java Runtime Environment). It’s the large red button in the center of the main page. At present, that will give you Java 8, which is more than sufficient to run HD.
  11. Pawsplay will no longer be joining this conversation.
  12. That's not how Skill Levels work. If you want a permanent +X to a given Skill, you would buy up that Skill. Skill Levels are applied at game time and are separate from the Skill itself.
  13. Also, just to head off any other misunderstandings: the reason people with weakened immune systems should not be vaccinated is not because they'll catch COVID, or the flu, or whatever the vaccine is looking to prevent (again, that's physically impossible in modern-era vaccines). The vaccine is genetically modified to remove pathogenicity, but to still retain replication abilities -- that's what triggers the body's immune response and trains the immune system to recognize the virus (or bacteria) going forward. If you have a compromised immune system, your body may not be able to keep up with the replication, putting you in a prolonged/continual state of fighting off the non-pathogenic vaccine -- the virus (or bateria) replicates as fast or faster than your body can get rid of it. You're not going to get the virus, but you're going to have those side effects of an immune response on an on-going basis until your body manages to catch up.
  14. It’s important to understand what “attenuated “ means - it’s not a virus that is near death but otherwise normal. It’s a virus that has been genetically modified to replicate its form but to remove pathogenicity - you’re not going to get the flu from the flu vaccine, and you’re not going to get COVID from any of the COVID vaccines (none of which are that form). of the three that are currently approved in the US, two use mRNA (very new tech that teaches the body’s own cells to produce the markers that will create an immune response in the body) and J&J uses genetically modified common cold cells to create non-pathogenic spiked proteins, fulfilling the same purpose. turns out I had a “strong immune response” to J&J - about 12 hours after the shot, body aches, puked up everything I’ve eaten since high school, full body tremors, and (interestingly) pretty strong pain in the sciatic nerve where it runs over the flare of the hip bone (I historically have pain there from scoliosis at L4-L5....the reason I’m a serial kilter and no longer own any pants). Symptoms lasted about 2-3 hours...cleared up entirely by morning (now)
  15. Never any form of active virus...unless you go back to the early 1900s. Modern era vaccines have exactly zero active/actual virus/contagion
  16. Characteristic Maxima are defined under Campaign Rules.
  17. Um...that's not how vaccines work. At all. They are not live versions of the virus. They are not "near dead" versions of the virus. They are utterly benign replicas that teach the immune system. You can have a massive overdose of a vaccine and not contract the virus.
  18. Side effects are based on the body's immune response to the vaccine, so they're not going to necessarily track with physical fitness or age (though the latter may factor in). If someone has had the virus previously or simply has a strong immune response in general, they're going to experience more/stronger side effects. It's why the second shot of the 2 dose vaccines give stronger side effects.
  19. I'm not really sure what you're asking/looking to do....prefabs are just pre-constructed Powers. If you want to present options for the user of the prefab, you simply build the Power multiple times (each way you'd like it to be presented).
  20. "My body is a temple: ancient, crumbling, probably cursed."
  21. Slight change in plans - originally was scheduled in a location about 2 hours from me, but got a call from our local hospital saying that they can get me in on Friday...for the J&J vaccine. That'll get me fully vaccinated about a week ahead of my wife, so I've got that going for me...which is nice.
  22. VPPs are often/frequently handled differently from other Power Frameworks, and there are multiple statements in the rules on VPPs that can be interpreted to indicate that Partially Limiting the VPP itself is not something that should be done (game balance, yadda yadda). There's a reason VPPs have a stop sign. But it's moot. If you want to allow a Partially Limited VPP you build it in HD the EXACT SAME WAY you would build any other Partially Limited Power.
  23. Again, make two VPPs as described above - no different from any other Partially Limited Power, assuming your GM allows it.
  24. Just to head off any misconceptions, I'm not entirely sure that the construct you're after is legal. The Control Cost of a VPP can take on Limitations and those Limitations can apply to all Powers bought through the VPP. So far so good. But I don't believe you can "partially Limit" the Control Cost. Particularly given that if you did so, you'd essentially be looking at two separate VPPs, one with the OAF applied to the Control Cost, and one without...and Powers from two Power Frameworks explicitly cannot modify or apply to each other. If the GM wanted to allow it anyway, you'd need to purchase two VPPs, each with a 38 point Pool and 50 point Control Cost. One of those VPPs would take the OAF limitation on the Control Cost. All Powers purchased through that VPP would similarly gain the OAF limitation.
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