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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Re: UOO Math Check The cost is correct as originally calculated: (Total: 45 Active Cost, 25 Real Cost) EB 6d6, Area Of Effect (7" Cone; +1) (60 Active Points); No Range (-1/2) (Real Cost: 40) plus Naked Modifier: Usable By Other (+1/4); Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) for up to 40 Active Points (-15 Active Points) (Real Cost: -15)
  2. Re: A Thread for Random Videos King Without a Crown: http://link.brightcove.com/services/link/Matisyahu_Matisyahu+%22King+Without+A+Crown%22/bcpid14289522/bclid14270485/bctid5743543
  3. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.alaric.ws/junk/omgwtf.swf Just barely qualifies....but strangely addictive (make sure you have sound on or are using headphones). Work-safe.
  4. Re: Humorous: Broken arithmetic in system. You're not very wrong, you're obsinately wrong. Pretty danged clear. About as explicit as they come....black background, large, bold, white text. Stands out on the page. If it's not listed with a negative sign, it's not a Limitation. Charges become an Advantage after a certain number have been taken (as stated explicitly in the text). When Charges become an Advantage, they go into the Active Cost calculation. Stop being obstinate. Listen to what people are trying to explain to you.
  5. Re: Humorous: Broken arithmetic in system. Completely non-funny response follows: Rule the first: The value for a Limitation is a positive value. 1/4, 1, etc. It is represented as "-1/4" to denote that it is a Limitation (and not an Advantage). Note that Limitation and Advantage are not mathematical terms. Rule the second: The minimum value for a Limitation is 0. The same is true for Advantages. Rule the third: There are rare cases of Modifiers (such as Charges) which can change from being a Limitation to being an Advantage. When this happens, the Modifier is not a Limitation -- it's an Advantage (and shown with a "+" sign to denote same). Generally, Limitations will not do this, as there is rarely an Advantage to be gained from having it on your Power.....but Charges is nine kinds of screwed up and runs by its own rules. Rule the fourth: When calculating the cost of a Power, you take the total of the Advantages (note that anything with a "+" sign in its display is an Advantage....they are always positive numbers), add them together, add 1 to the total and multiply the real cost by this value. You cannot have a total in Advantages of less than 0 (there is no such thing as a negative value), so this will always give a minimum value of 1*(Real Cost). You take the Active Cost of the ability and divide by (1+Limitation total). Since the minimum value for a Limitation is 0, this means that you will never divide by less than 1. If you want to talk about "broken math" you're far better off picking on the Hero System rounding rules, which are rather painful for anyone who has owned a calculator.
  6. Re: Martial Arts END Costs? You pay END for STR only once for a given segment/action. This means that you may or may not pay END for the STR on a Martial Strike (for example). If you have done nothing else during your action (no movement, etc.) and just use a Martial Strike Maneuver, then you would pay END for as much STR as you wanted to put into it (but no END for the Martial Strike itself). If, however, you had already used your STR to leap into position (for example), you would not have to pay any END at all for the attack.
  7. Re: Martial Arts END Costs? As others have stated: Martial maneuvers do not cost END. If you're getting complicated, however, and have applied Advantages to your martial maneuvers, the Advantages cost END (they are, effectively, Naked Advantages).
  8. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Old but good: Dance Competition: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSoVKUVOnfQ&feature=Favorites&page=1&t=t&f=b
  9. Re: Musings on Random Musings Yup....who woulda thought that "Don't like it? Then ban me." would not be an acceptable response to a moderator.....
  10. Re: Musings on Random Musings Please stop looking at my bulge....
  11. Re: A Thread for Random Videos German Coast Guard: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6077326441742307086
  12. Re: RPGnow categories Umm...correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't that be something that RPGNow would have to fix? I don't think that DOJ has anything to do with their online store apart from selling them the product. How RPGNow wants to order/sort things within their own online store is up to them.
  13. Re: Making sense Normal Vision does not have Discriminatory by default. You would need to purchase that Sense Modifier if you wanted it. That said, Normal Vision is commonly defined as having discriminatory capabilities (note the lower-case "d")....judged primarily by common sense and real-world knowledge/experience.
  14. Re: Making sense Only if the sense is attached to the Hearing Group. Sonar is (by default) in the Hearing Group, but doesn't have to be...presumably, you would change the name if you assigned it to the Sight Group (or whatever)....but that doesn't affect the build in any way. A "white noise emitter" would block sonar if and only if the white noise emitter were constructed as a Flash (or Darkness or other Sense-blocking ability) against the Hearing Group and the particular build of Sonar was placed in the Hearing Group.
  15. Re: Senses Targetting and Nontargetting Better than my rambling
  16. Re: Senses Targetting and Nontargetting No, Flash vs. a Nontargeting Sense Group would affect any targetting senses in that group normally. For example: If you have a Flash vs. the Hearing Group and use it on someone with Sonar (defined as a Targetting sense in the Hearing Group), their sonar will be knocked out by the Flash. As LL stated, the cost of Flash is based off of the default targeting nature of the Sense Group. By default, only the Sight Group is considered targeting.
  17. Re: The COH Costume Creator (Official) No, you're not allowed to post anything of dubious legality. Consider: Pretty much all applications (CoH included) have you accept a legal disclaimer prior to download. Linking directly to a download (bypassing the legal disclaimer) is ILLEGAL. The site that you linked to is in Korean. Whether it is an official CoH distribution or not, they quite clearly are not ready to distribute the application to an American/Western market (by FAR, their majority audience). So you are bypassing the company's wishes and trying to distribute an application WHICH THEY OWN without their permission. When CoH is ready to distribute their drawing application as freeware in the States, I'm quite sure that they will have no problem advertising that fact. You are extremely lucky to still be allowed on this server -- you were told explicitly after you first posted not to post the link again....and yet you did. I must be getting soft in my old age.
  18. Re: Is Hero too preditable? Errr.... The per-die average is close to 3.5 the more dice you roll. The actual total will vary by an ever-increasing number the more dice you roll. Roll 10d6 for a while....let us know how many times you roll 35. Your rolls will average around 35, but will vary in both directions.
  19. Re: The cranky thread Ummm...that's not entirely accurate. I've worked with a lot of the "old guard" masters -- Ming Lum, Wally Jay, Ji Han Jae, In Sun Seo, Mike Young...to name a few -- while there are certainly some that behave in the way you describe, the majority of them had more respect for their art than that. Yes, they would beat on your both physically and mentally (the good ones still do ), but there was always respect involved. Both ways. Very much like a father-son relationship...albeit a very, very strict father. They lead by example. If they say they will be somewhere, they are there. No excuses. We have a fairly odd mix of old and new in our school -- both masters were brought up very much in the old school (they've been studying about 40 years apiece) and their teaching styles reflect that. But they also view each of us (especially those of us that have been with them a while) as friends. We hang out, go drinking after class, etc. Our TKD master is an extremely old-school Korean stylist. If you go to the kukkiwon in Korea, hiis picture will be one of the few sets of blue eyes on the wall. He trains very hard (even with cancer, freshly-rebuilt shoulders, and any number of other issues) and expects us to follow. There is never any disrespect involved. Part of the training is supposed to be making you strong enough to avoid that kind of thing.
  20. Re: The cranky thread Sure... long milliseconds = d2.getTime() - d1.getTime(); double seconds = milliseconds/1000d; double minutes = seconds/60d; double hours = minutes/60d; double days = hours/24d; double weeks = days/7d; ...and so on... Whatever units you need...
  21. Re: The cranky thread Java SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); Date d1 = formatter.parse("12/01/2001"); Date d2 = formatter.parse("12/25/2005"); . . .
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