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Everything posted by Simon

  1. Re: downlaod doesnt work Posting this 5+ times will not help. It will just piss off the folks that want to help you. The problem is that your browser has stripped off the .exe extension to the file. Windows does this as part of its internet security. Rename the file to "setup.exe" and you're good to go. The setup file works just fine....all it's lacking is an extension.
  2. Re: Extra time to change slots is a funny case... That is not correct. Extra time to change slots is a Modifier that affects the reserve itself. It is applied to the reserve but not to any of the slots (as it does not affect them....firing off an EB from your MP takes the same amount of time as normal, for example). This specific modifier for MPs has been cited before (by Steve) and, if memory serves, is part of the rules FAQ.
  3. AGAIN: There are some products that provide a maintenance program as part of the purchase of the product. There are many others (the majority) that do not. Try going to a store and buying a copy of Quake (yes, you can still buy them). Now contact ID and tell them that you want to get a discount on Quake III Arena and see how far you get. HD has never been sold with a maintenance contract, so any arguments you have about free upgrades are utterly baseless. We have been more than forthcoming with all plans.....oftentimes to the detriment of sales. HDv1 sales have tailed off to almost nill over the past month because of our repeated announcements of v2 being released on Dec. 1. I never argued that there are not programs out there that are sold with a maintenance contract. I stated (and continue to state) that HD has never been one of these. Nor has anyone ever been mislead into thinking that it was. Your peceptions of the industry continue to be skewed.
  4. I say again: you are sadly mistaken about there being any such "industry standard". There is not. I don't care if you want to talk about gaming software, productivity/office software, or operating systems. In all cases, you pay for an upgrade to a new version regardless of when you purchase the software. The only exception to this is software that comes with maintenance contracts --- i.e. "free upgrades for one year" or whatever. This type of product is by no means the norm for the industry. Hero Designer follows a policy of providing free updates for the product. Updates include bug fixes as well as feature enhancements (there are a huge number of differences between 1.0 and 1.47). Upgrades (major version changes) have always been stated as being a purchased product. This has been the case since v1 was first announced a year and a half ago. I honestly don't know where you get your information from on "industry standards". Frankly, folks don't even need to be in the industry to know that you're way off base: they just need to have purchased software.
  5. You just don't get it, Catseye. I'm not sure what more you would like for Hero Games to have done. The plans for v2 were announced pretty much since the inception of v1. I believe that the first metion of v2 as an officially planned product occurred even before the final release of v1. Since June, v1 has been under a code freeze while I concentrated on developing v2. Throughout this time, I have stated that v2 would be going up for sale in December and that the upgrade would be something that you paid for. For the past month, the date for release of v2 has been stated in numerous locations as December 1. Are you suggesting that we should have stopped sales of v1 before the release of v2? If so, you're dead wrong. There have been numerous users who have purchased v1 and are quite happy with it. Many of them likely won't even bother to upgrade....they have all that they need in v1. If you're suggesting that anyone who purchased v1 within the last XX days be given a free upgrade,then you're completely out of touch with the industry and with business practices in general. You paid for Hero Designer version 1. That's what you got. It's abilities aren't any more limited now that v2 has come out. It is no less supported now that v2 has come out. It is exactly what eveyone else has paid for over the course of the past year. If you want to return the copy that you ordered, that is between you and your FLGS. There will not be any "free upgrades" to v2. Nor should there be.
  6. I don't know where you get your information from, but there is no such standard. Take Windows for an example (since most folks are rather familiar with the endless cycled of upgrades on it): You can purchase previous versions of Windows well after the latest version is _released_ much less announced. This is true of just about any software product that I am aware of. I can still go out there and buy a copy of Quake in the stores....even though Quake III has been out for well over a year now. Is Quake reduced in price? Yeah...demand dictates that. Will HDv1 start appearing for a reduced price in FLGS? I have no idea....that's up to them. If you purchase v1 right now, you will get exactly what you pay for. We're not discontinuing support for v1. Nor are we requiring that you upgrade to v2. You can happily plug away at v1 for as long as you like. The choice is yours as to upgrading to v2. If you are dead set and determined to have the latest and greatest and find that you've just purchased an outdated version, then you will need to spend the money to upgrade to v2. If you don't care that much about it, then you can use v1 for a while and then decide whether you want to upgrade or not later.
  7. The prices are all listed in the Online Store. HDv2 is not a new development....it has been in open testing for several months now and was announced as a project well before that.
  8. The upgrade to v2 is not free. The upgrade costs $20 (in the online store). Since v2 was just released in the past hour or so, I suspect that the copy that you ordered through your FLGS is HDv1.
  9. Close.. The Advantages should be used to determine the amount of STR necessary to add 1 DC (something that HDv2 is not doing....yet -- I've got it added in for the final release). However, they do not affect the amount that the HKA can be increased to. A 1 1/2d6 HKA with +2 Stun Multiplier can still only reach 3d6+1 max damage. At least, that's the way things were explained to me the last time I talked to Steve about it....
  10. A 1 1/2d6 HKA is 5 damage classes. Doubling that gives you 10 damage classes. 10 damage classes = 3d6+1. A 1 1/2d6 HKA does a maximum of 3d6+1 in damage. Similarly, a 1d6+1 HKA is 4 DC. 4 DC doubles to 8 DC. 8 DC = 2 1/2d6 HKA.
  11. The Damage Reduction is legal in the EC. It's a Standard/Defense Power and has been purchased with Costs END. That fulfills the requirements for placement in an EC....unless there's something I'm missing....
  12. Just re-download the issue. You don't need to purchase it again. Once an issue has been purchased by a particular account, it remains on that account (and available). Just login under the account that you used to purchase the issue and you're good to go.
  13. 5.9742 × 1024 kilograms which is roughly 76 doublings.
  14. Telepathy would work, but I definitely wouldn't give it any limitation. All you're doing is redefining the "class of minds" that the ability acts against. Redefining the class of minds from human to machine/computer doesn't cost you anything (it's part of the definition of the Power, not a Modifier or Adder). The only point at which you need to pay extra for it is if you want to affect more than one class of minds. Look up my namesake on page 141 of CKC for an example.
  15. If you want to talk dragging weight, dogs are insanely strong. I've got a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog (still just a pup). At seven months, this "little" guy can already pull me off my feet....and I'm not that slight of a guy. I'm no longer able to beat him at tug of war competitions. A full grown Swissy is capable of pulling upwards of 3000 pounds uphill (they often do in weight-pulling competitions). Just as an FYI, the Swissy is the ancestor of the Rottweiler....they were used to create the breed. They were also used to create St. Bernards (and others). Normally, the males get to about 120-140 pounds....our guy is looking to be a LARGE Swissy....at 7 months, he's weighing in at 100 pounds. He'll continue to grow in height up through the 1 year mark, and then he'll start to fill out in muscle. He's looking to top 150 or 160 by the time all is said and done.
  16. Frankly, allowing a 3d6 RKA to do damage to a tank with the frequency of rolling a natural 18 is not that extraordinary. You're not necessarily puncturing the tank's armor...you can explain it away as that "lucky shot" that happened to ricochet behind one of the treads and puncture a hydrolic line. If you're adamant about the tank not being able to be affected in any way by a 3d6 RKA, then buy up the tank's DEF to 18. A 3d6 RKA is NOT a handgun. It is substantially more powerful than a .50 cal machine gun (which _can_ damage a tank....not likely and will normally just impact on the armor, but it is possible to damage a tank with one). It's pretty much directly between a .50 cal machine gun and light anti-tank weapon in terms of the damage inflicted. A light anti-tank weapon (a weapon _designed_ to take out a tank) does 4d6 killing damage. A .50 cal does 2d6+1. I don't see a problem with a 3d6 RKA having the possiblity of doing damage to a tank. If you do, then buy up the tank's DEF accordingly..... What you are looking to do with forcing Standard Effect onto attacks that didn't take that as part of their construction is in no way supported by the rules and is contrary to the way things are intended to work. It is also contrary to reality, which would appear to be what you are trying to mimic.
  17. Because allowing your attack to always be "average" (actually, slightly less than average) is a case of you modifying your own attack. Like my saying that my attack will always cost 2x END to fire off (so I take the Increased END Limitation). Stating that your armor will always take "average damage" is you affecting other's abilities. You are imposing an Adder on others. This would be the same as you imposing any other Adder or Modifier on others: you need to use the appropriate Adjustment Power....you can't "just do it". The same way you can't just say that anyone that attacks you is going to pay 2x END for all of their attacks. No modifier that you place on your own defenses would (or should) have that effect. You need to construct your "defenses" in a completely different way (like making a bizarre form of Damage Shield).
  18. If what you're looking to do is to have your armor automatically make any attack against it be "standard effect", I would never allow it (personally). You're looking to change the nature of the attack itself. If you want to do that, you shouldn't do it with armor, you should do it (most likely) with an odd sort of Transform Damage Shield, or some such. Armor acts against the damage that hits it. Standard Effect simply "standardizes" the damage of an attack, removing the random component. The two should not be combined.
  19. To what purpose? Standard Effect doesn't mean that that much damage gets through the target's defenses....it simply means that, rather than a random roll of the dice to determine the strength of the attack, the attack does a fixed amount of damage each time (slightly less than the average roll of the equivalent number of dice).
  20. I don't take this one often (so far, I've only worked it onto one character that I play), but it is by far my favorite: "Firmly believes XXX to be his sidekick" (replace XXX with one of the other PCs). Much, much fun to play.....especially when you pick some stuffy or grumpy super as your patsy.
  21. Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Challenge to the staff of hero games I wouldn't worry too much about him....he'd still have to deal with me (CKC pg 141). Before he knew it, his post total (and, therefore, character points) would be dropped to 2 with some simple hacking. A few "alterations" to the Department of Defense and FBI systems and he'd no longer be a concern... ;-)
  22. He's not leaving it "fuzzy". There is no such thing as fractional SPD for anything except for buying up your SPD to the next level as a Characteristic. If you have a 27 DEX character and do nothing with his SPD (leaving him at a 3 SPD), when he is hit by a Drain, the Drain needs to do 10 points of affect to the character before he loses a point of SPD. Likewise, if you hit that character with an Aid, the Aid needs to do 10 points of affect to the character before he gains a point of SPD.
  23. Well there you go. I've apparently been playing it wrong for quite some time (on multiple levels). Though, thankfully, this has only come up rarely (extremely rarely).
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