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Agent X

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Everything posted by Agent X

  1. Re: Why exponential progression doesn't work for damage I think you need to move on or I'm going to report this post and two or three more from you. You are definitely violating the rules concerning conduct.
  2. Re: DC's turn toward the dark You weren't reading the Silver Age if what you said in bold was true. Darker isn't More Realistic. Let's not confuse the two. And what concerns some of us is that "darker" is a reflection of a value system that is less than laudable, more relativistic trash and an opportunity for folks to develop even better skills in attempting to "rationalize" any action as just. My son won't be reading these "darker" comics. It's a real shame. I enjoyed the "less dark" comics of old as a child and as an adult. It doesn't appear he will have the same opportunity.
  3. Re: DC's turn toward the dark Well put.
  4. Re: Ww 219 / Omac 4 -- Spoilers!
  5. Re: Background You could try concept mapping. Write down aspects of your character on paper in "clumps" then draw lines between the clumps that have something to do with each other. Write over the lines why they have something to do with each other. Oh, and for practice you might want to start off with an established, published character that you know quite a bit about. Maybe writing up a background for such a character that has oodles and oodles of little details that you know about from being entertained by him/her/it will help you understand how to frame your own character's background. That Why thing is definitely important but the trick is to know what the "Whys" are. One of the things that will help out in writing background is if you nail down what your character's supporting cast looks like. Enemies, Allies, Friends, Family, Rivals, Co-Workers and the like are part of your character's background. If you write down a small paragraph description of each and what their function(s) are in telling the character's story then you have done a great deal to establish a background with great depth.
  6. Re: Dr. Doom vs Iron Man That's right.
  7. Re: RANT: Astral Projection Sometimes the best way a power is constructed is campaign specific. What does astral projection mean in your world? The answer will help you find the best way.
  8. Re: Marvel Character Hero System Writeups He was. I don't really read the comics anymore. I occasionally hear what horrible things they are doing to their characters though. He also appeared in what? Issues #95 and #96, I think, of the Uncanny X-Men and is tied into Thunderbird's death. I should go look it up but I won't. (Yes, I have those issues and much, much more. )
  9. Re: Marvel Character Hero System Writeups
  10. Re: Announcing — DIME HERO ADVENTURES! As long as the price is reasonable, I will very enthusiastically purchase these adventures.
  11. Re: Building "Chain Lightning Storm" I'd probably use the area affect non-selective route myself.
  12. Re: A embaresing request Did you lose a bet?
  13. Re: Lack of Fully Developed Worlds What HERO can do for me is give me tons of character books with interesting adventure locales - Modules. They've been striking out of late with their additions to the CU for my taste. I utterly loathe their take on mystics and the mystic world and that has infected far too much of the books that have come out. They pushed Dark Champions, not very interesting for me. I don't really need super pretty maps. Some of the old modules for Champions didn't have super pretty maps. And with mapping software out now, anybody can beat those old maps. I would think professional gamers could too. Yep, I'd like some adventures. Why? Because I'm busy. Instead I get an offer to buy mystic or street stuff I'm not interested in and an equipment book that I don't need. Villainy Amok and Hidden Lands are the only things that have come out for quite some time that garner any interest from me.
  14. Re: What kinds of abilities should my charater have? To steal some inspiration from a 4th edition character, it stands to reason that precognitive abilities would be especially handy for someone who studied aikido or some art with a similar principle. Imagine the martial throws this character should be capable of. Precognitive Martial Arts Martial Throw Martial Dodge Flying Dodge Takedown etc.
  15. Re: Old Time Gamer You're welcome.
  16. Re: Old Time Gamer Go here and you can find Lord Liaden's list of sites that are helpful for converting from one thing or another to HERO. http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=23298
  17. Re: Old Time Gamer There are some places to look out on the web. There is the Great Net Book of Heroes for one. Just do a Google search for that or "Sam Bell" or "marvel dc champions conversions" and you will find a ton of Marvel and DC characters and different takes on how to build them. Also, I would compare the benchmarks the various games have. For example, MSHRPG's superhuman strength was remarkable, HERO's superhuman strength is a 30, and Mayfair DC's superhuman strength was a 5 (although Batman and Joker were allowed to break that barrier). And I would ignore the tonnage lists for the MSHRPG as they don't make any sense when you've read the actual comics. P.S. Lord Liaden, a regular poster, should be along any time now to give you a host of links.
  18. Re: Steriaca's Version Of Terror Incorprated. I bought the old Enemies books too. I can use them. Steve Long may not be able to use all of that stuff in published works but I can darn well use them in my game. So can you.
  19. Re: Tacky, tacky, tacky !!!!
  20. Agent X

    Comic books

    Re: Comic books Champions Universe and Freedom City touch on this. Champions Universe has comics that include a version of the Champions with Seeker and Freedom City has Castle Comics.
  21. Re: Does Seeker still suck? I thought that was weapon familiarity. It would be sort of weird for Nighthawk to be able to use his martial arts with his club but no other, wouldn't it? (It's kind of weird that he'd suffer a penalty of any sort with some other club anyway.)
  22. Re: New Global Guardians PBEM Campaign Looking For Players If you go to the globalguardians website you can see some of the other characters for other Global Guardians teams. They appear to be build on 350 base with 150 disads.
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