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Everything posted by Spence

  1. It looks like I gave false impressions. I tend to forget sometimes that terms have shifted over the years I am not one of the "first person" in character role players. I was never able to do that well, I am more of a third person narrator. Which is why I tend to use narrative even though it is not what comes to mind for most people. Sorry about being misleading. The reason I cannot GM remotely is you really can't see the players body language. For me a primary key to running is real time adjustments of the story based on the player reactions. I can't do that watching a thumbnail of each player on my screen. I do have people nearby to roleplay with, but many of them are "old" like me, or have family that fall into the "at risk" category. While I have been going in to work everyday, some of them have not. Many of them teleworked even before C19. But I have been staying away from them because we have a constant turnover of personnel traveling in the US and overseas and I'd rather not share anything I might come across. Most of the gamers I know also are having higher demands of family time and it would be nice to find more players with kids in the same age groupings. I don't have any kids myself but I have started looking into RPG's suitable for short people. Who knows? I started this thread to see if I could find other nearby gamers of similar interest to expand the loose group of table top gamers up here. Friendly Local Game Store. What I still consider the heart of the hobby. Far more people learn to game RPG's by example than by themselves and a colorful product on the shelf tends to say "buy me" to a non-gamer far more than over the internet. Sadly too many people do not realize that FLGS's are to gaming what pubs are to sports and restaurants are to dinner. You can do all of those activities far cheaper yourself at home, but you will not have the atmosphere and social interaction. It is like watching my MLS team. I do watch the game on TV if I have to, but watching the game at the stadium or in my local pub is far more fun because I am watching it with a crowd of fans. The same with gaming, I can run a game on the dining room table and have fun. But I can have a incredible time running the same game at a FLGS with all the regular players plus one or two new people trying it out. If you have a FLGS make a point of supporting it. Buy something there, even if it is just a soda. I made it a point of buying at least one thing a month. Sadly too many people want to use the a GS's tables and space but not spend money there. But I guess that is the world.....
  2. The only statement I'd quibble over... It implies that "editorial leadership" has even existed at DC in the last 20-30 years.
  3. Well, I am an avid reader and for non-fiction, EMMA falls into that category. Magic may not really work, but the beliefs and subjects do exist. But my interests don't come from the normal direction either. For example naval warfare in the Age of Sail is an area I really enjoy and have researched to a great extent. My personal library is far better than the Public Library which is pretty much useless these days. Unless it is a cookbook everything of any use is classified as "reference" and cannot be checked out. Libraries are no longer a quiet area to read, they are community centers. Anyway, I am really interested in the actual tactics and the reasons for them. The equipment and the reasons behind those. I could really care less about who did what. Most of the books on the subject are either transparent copies that simply rearranges the information presented in the other three books with a small opinion piece that makes it "different and new" or is 99% about the who's and their political woes. A book like EMMA that will actually give information on things were believed to work and lexicon they used would be awesome.
  4. And that is a great thing. Everyone's opinion about what they like is equally valid. Because it is their personal opinion of what they personally like
  5. Bingo. Though I was never able to make it through any of the weird nevermind remember any of their titles.
  6. That is why I appreciate the thought, but I have never been able to play a RPG via the computer screen. That is why I was referring to post panic. Right now I'd just like to connect with like minded gamers to talk about what we'd like to do in the near future.
  7. Well.. They did make more than one D&D movie as horrible as they were. So I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
  8. EMMA the second EMMA part two EMMA the return The EMMAnator
  9. Huh? Suicide Squad was in theaters in 2016. Are they making a second with Fillion?
  10. Meh... it's been over 50 years since the character was first printed. No matter how bad the show, you'll be able to find anything to post. The Suicide Squad has only succeeded in destroying the franchise until it can fade into memory and let someone else try.
  11. I never made that connection. That may have been why Batwoman just never seemed to take off for me. I didn't like everything on Gotham, but for every thing that didn't hook me there were 4 or 5 that did. I think if Batwoman had that level of writing and character development I'd still be watching.
  12. I don't know, but I am behind on the series. I stopped watching a while back mostly because the show simply didn't hold my interest. It was basically boring. Any potential was lost by the complete lack of chemistry between the cast. Not to mention the cloying coating of melodrama.
  13. No prob. I have been monitoring mentions of EMMA. Just waiting for the "buy it now" notice.
  14. Sounds like they are swapping from Batwoman to High School Batgirl.
  15. So I picked up the Affinity publisher a little while ago. It has a really reasonable price plus it was on sale. I haven't had time to do much with it yet though.
  16. Same here. We also had Heroes trying to "aim" the target into things with knockback. It's superheroes and the game is supposed t be flexible. We are not playing D&D or worse Pathfinder. Not having a detailed rule doesn't mean it can't happen.
  17. That was odd to me until I thought about it. Then I realized I had noticed that feeling among D&D/Pathfinder players. I haven't been a regular D&D type in decades and PF just makes me nauseous. Most of my players come from games like Call of Cthulhu or GUMSHOE and seem to be much more open to long term development. I don't know how I could run a longer term campaign without a good recurring main villain these days.
  18. Shazam was never my cup of tea so I tend to completely forget that movie. But yes, it easily stands in the upper ranks of superHERO movies. As much as it pained me to admit that
  19. I do as well with my qualifier being "good world building". The vast majority of comics confused that with "grim dark dark grim scuzzy heroes are really villains blood splat blood". Batman was never a hero, he was a vigilante. But DC screwed up by not only trying to portray him as a hero, but grime'ing up all the other actual heroes. Marvel was pretty much the same. You can have a Hero in a bad place, but they are still heroes. But the morons writing them were all about making them "relatable" or "realistic" and ground the whole hero concept right out of them. I read several non-comic graphic novels. They are not superHERO comics. They are graphic novels. I have enjoyed several of the comic based movies as well as one or two of the non-comic based ones. Superman portrays an ideal, not a real person. When a self professed hater of the superhero concept makes a superhero movie, you shouldn't be surprised when Superman becomes indifferent killer man. I actually liked Wonder Woman and Aquaman. The Batman version was not bad. Flash was meh. The actor picked could have played a good Cyborg, but the version they made just pulled a "what the heck" out of me. Overall the DC movies with Superman have gotten worse each time, with Justce League only being dragged back up to the cliff edge overhanging the abyss by Wonder Woman and Aquaman. I really liked Cavill in the part, I would just like the part to be Superman.
  20. 1st, yes. 2nd, Superman is an easy character to make a movie of, but first you have to actually read a Superman comic. Normally I'd say ignore anything after the 80's, but to be safe ignore anything after the 70's. A weak writer slapping together a poor excuse for a story and then pasting a character and calling it Superman does not make a Superman story.
  21. Comics didn't fail because of developing canon. They fails because the creators completely lost sight of what a comic was and spun out into idiot land. For me the Mega cross-over didn't kill my interest in comics, they simply failed to to re-kindle any interest years after P-poor story lines had already made me abandon regular reading. Every once in a while I swing by ye old comic emporium to see if anything appears. So far only disappointment.
  22. Perhaps someone that has actually read a Superman comic from the time they wrote superheroes and not material after they stopped writing comics will direct? The modern graphic novels about indifferent bloodsplaterman have been disappointing at best. But then we are talking follywood and DC movies here....
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