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Everything posted by Susano

  1. Re: The Vampire PDF that won't die! Geocities stopped hosting websites.
  2. Re: A Robert E. Howard moment..... In all seriousness? Kull or Conan. Both are huge men, stronger even by Howard standards, and Conan is used to fighting groups (he's really, really fast). For a more flippant answer... "Who ever wins, the bar looses."
  3. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Is that "The Doors" or "The Doctors" or something else?
  4. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Although I've never seen Stop Making Sense (but I do have the album), I recall when it came out and the stir it made. And I have to fess up: "why the big suit" is one of the tag lines on the album (and I recall for the film.)
  5. Re: Heroic v. superheroic genres and the use of powers Don't forget extra meters of Running, Leaping, Swimming, and so on. HSMA, for example, will have a number of Heroic-level Powers in the Realistic Martial Arts section.
  6. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Any way to get these all in one big file?
  7. Re: Scion (White Wolf) Using HERO I list some conversion notes for WW to Hero here: http://surbrook.devermore.net/adaptationsvideogame/videogamechar.html#SF
  8. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Halting State was a really great read. Can't wait to see the sequel. And for those who like trilogies, I found out Elizabeth Moon's going to expand on her Deed of Paksinarrion with a new book due this spring.
  9. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...
  10. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...
  11. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... The epic trilogies comes (I hear) from The Lord of the Rings being so thick that is was cut into three sections of two books each (technically it's one big book, or six smaller ones.)
  12. Re: "Neat" Pictures "Emergence" made with recycled plastics.
  13. Re: Samurai-esque world No.... but that explains a lot. Can you get them in English?
  14. Re: Your "2010" Pet Gaming Projects It's a start at least.
  15. Susano


    Re: "Sam" As a side note Sam and Vincent have almost identical stats... they are very close in physical skills and ability.
  16. Re: Scion (White Wolf) Using HERO It wasn't written by me! That's the work of Bob Harrison... who no longer comes to the boards that I know of.
  17. Re: Scion (White Wolf) Using HERO This might help -- it's WOD to HERO http://surbrook.devermore.net/herosource/other/whitewolf/WODHERO.html
  18. Re: Samurai-esque world I've seen Shinobi and found it to be an excellent, if scaled down, adaptation of Basilisk. And a warning on Jubei Ninpucho -- it's R-rated for a reason!
  19. Re: Announcing Kazei 5, Second Edition Per Dave: The PDF is available right now at http://www.blackwyrm.com and http://www.rpgnow.com. It should get onto the Hero Store fairly soon, once the gang is all back home from DunDraCon and has caught up with shipping out the printed books.
  20. Re: Announcing Kazei 5, Second Edition I thought you were getting yours at Dundracon?
  21. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... That makes a lot of sense... but I'll admit, after reading Chronicles 1-6 so long ago, I never felt strongly about re-reading them... and had no interest in 7-9. However, I will admit it's an interesting world, and ripe for an RPG treatment (there's a lot going in in The Land and it has a distinctive magic system).
  22. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... I liked Soon I Will Be Invincible myself, minding it to be a fun romp. And to be fair, it's also Grossman's first book.
  23. Re: Watched too much DBZ when I was little...FrED
  24. Re: Watched too much DBZ when I was little...FrED
  25. Susano


    Re: "Sam" VINCENT [b]Val CHA Cost Roll Notes[/b] 13 STR 3 12- Lift 151.6 kg; 2 ½d6 HTH Damage [3] 13 DEX 6 12- 15 CON 5 12- 14 INT 4 12- PER Roll 12-/13- 16 EGO 6 12- 15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 5 OCV 10 5 DCV 10 3 OMCV 0 5 DMCV 6 3 SPD 10 Phases: 4, 8, 12 4 PD 2 Total: 4 PD (0 rPD) 3 ED 1 Total: 3 ED (0 rED) 5 REC 1 25 END 1 12 BODY 2 25 STUN 3 [b]Total Characteristic Cost: 75 Movement:[/b] Running: 12m/24m Leaping: 4m/8m Swimming: 4m/8m [b]Cost Powers & Skills[/b] 5 [i]Level-Headed:[/i] +10 PRE; Only To Protect Against Presence Attacks (-1) 10 [i]Double Tap:[/i] Autofire (2 shots; +¼) for up to 60 Active Points of non- Autofire RKA, Both Shots Must Be At The Same Target (-0); OIF (non- Autofire firearm of opportunity; -½) 2 [i]"There They Are": [/i] +1 PER with Sight Group 0 [b]Perks[/b] 3 Well-Connected 9 1) [i]"Of Course. I Can Do Better.":[/i] Contact: Jean-Pierre (Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Very Good relationship with Contact) 14- 20 [i]"I Know A Guy":[/i] Assorted Contacts throughout Paris [b]Talents[/b] 1 [i]Favored Gun: [/i] Lightning Reflexes (+2 DEX to act first with Beretta 92 FS Inox) [b]Skills[/b] 6 [i]Favored Gun:[/i] +2 with Beretta 92 FS Inox 4 [i]Pistolero[/i]: +2 versus Range Modifier with Pistols 4 [i]T-Target Shooting:[/i] +2 versus Hit Location modifiers with Pistols 8 +2 all Interaction Skills 5 [i]"I Am The Tour Guide. Over There Is The Eiffel Tower.":[/i] CK: Paris 14- 2 [i]"Vienna.":[/i] CK: Vienna 11- 3 [i]"If I Was Management, I Wouldn't Have Given You [A] Cigarette":[/i] Charm 12- 7 Combat Driving 14- 3 "I'll Trade You A Favor For A Cigarette": Conversation 12- 2 [i]"Where Do I Know You From?":[/i] KS: The Military/Mercenary/Terrorist World 11- 3 [i]"If It's In Paris, I'll Find It.":[/i] KS: The Paris Underworld 12- 5 Language: English (idiomatic; literate) 0 Language: French (idiomatic; literate) 3 [i]"If It's In Paris, I'll Find It.":[/i] Streetwise 12- 0 TF: Small Motorized Ground Vehicles 3 [i]"I'm Going To Have [The Car] For You By [This] Afternoon.":[/i] Trading 12- 2 WF: Small Arms [b]Total Powers & Skill Cost: 111 Total Cost: 18[/b]5 175+ Matching Complications 15 Psychological Complication: "I'm Getting Paid To Go. It's That Simple." (Common; Strong) 10 Psychological Complication: "[sam] Saved My Life." -- Loyal To His Friends (Common; Moderate) 10 Experience Points [b]Total Complications Points: 185[/b] Background/History: Vincent is a freelance mercenary living in Paris. His past is unknown, but he must have been in Paris for some time, since he seems to know everyone and anyone, and claims to be able to find anything you might need, and often only in a matter of hours. Personality/Motivation: A friendly and engaging fellow, Vincent seems to have a strong work ethic. He walks into a certain trap because “I’m getting paid to.” and later helps his new friend Sam (played by Robert De Niro) because Sam saved his life. Of course, while he does seem to be a genuinely nice guy (or, perhaps, that’s just his public image), he can be quite ruthless when needed, and dispatches a number of people in the film without a second thought. Quote: “No questions. No answers. That's the business we're in. You just accept it and move on. Maybe that's lesson number three.” Powers/Tactics: Aside from his ability to get just about anything, Vincent is shown to be fairly well skilled with his weapon of choice: a stainless steel Beretta 92 FS Inox. Much like everyone else in the film, he rapid fires two shots at most targets (his Double Tap), aims for the chest, and can hit targets a fair distance away. He also seems to be very quick with his pistol, and might have Fast Draw (or a holster that effectively gives him Fast Draw). Appearance: Tall (6’2”) and lean of build, Vincent has a handsome face, close-cropped hair, and salt-and-pepper stubble. Designer’s Notes: Vincent is Jean Reno’s character from the film Ronin. The character sheet is based on his comments and actions seen in the movie. (Vicent created by John Frankenheimer and J.D. Zeik, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook.)
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