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Everything posted by BlueCloud2k2

  1. Q: Y'know, I get that our war with the Tyranid's has degraded to the point where the Imperium is using stolen Tau tech... but I really wish I could beat up the Tau-tech with a crowbar when the crap refuses to work! *CLANG* At least with Imperium tech, if it don't work, hitting with a hammer won't cause the frackin' thing to explode! I wonder if it's too late to join the heretics? A: So that's when I whipped out my AK-57 uzzie radar lasar triple barrel double scoped heat-seakin shotgun.
  2. Q: What makes you think your presidential candidate has the Midas touch? A: Don't fear the reaper, just kick him in the stones.
  3. Maybe he wants an excuse to do it more than once?
  4. Rotor Baron moonlighted as a Wickerman, once. I hear the scars from the flames are shaped like a smiley-face.
  5. DT is really Guy Fawkes. He had to change his name after he blew his face off during the Gunpowder Treason.
  6. Must you prevent me from targeting L. Marcus for my amusement?
  7. That reminds me of a common scene from my stint in the slammer. In order to watch TV, you had to have a radio so the sound didn't disturb others. So picture (during Superbowl time) a room packed asshole to elbow with hardened criminals all wearing headphones cranked up to full volume and yelling at eachother to talk about the game. I wish I was making this up. How this doesn't disturb the other inmates is beyond me. I found it mildly annoying but highly amusing, as I am sure they didn't realize how stupid and ridiculous they looked. Come see the monkeys. Careful, they bite.
  8. Q: What do you mean The Star Wars Holiday Special Ultra-Special-Edition hasn't sold a single ticket? It's a classic! A: And that's when the Nerd-Rage began.
  9. Because you are a Swede, and thus prone to faulty logic?
  10. Q: What's the Mafia's standing policy on snitches? A: Somehow a guy dressed as Darth Vader but talks with a high-pitched lisp just isn't the least bit awesome.
  11. Maybe they let the bacon/cheese mixture cool? Or the attractive man/woman has 20 points rED vs Heat-Based attacks?
  12. DT invented New Jersey. That's why he's never allowed to set foot in NYC.
  13. Is there anything more awesome that bacon? Other than cheese-covered-bacon?
  14. Wasn't she a 12-year-old girl? Are you a perv or something?
  15. Haven't seen GotG yet. prolly borrow it from a friend.
  16. Q: Somehow I don't think Bahamut and Tiamat shop at Best Buy. Why would they need a PDA anyway? A: Code of the Marauders: Strike fast, strike hard, Leave Chaos in your wake.
  17. RB once tried to have carnal relations with a woman while wearing a chicken suit.
  18. Have you never heard of Encyclopedia Brown?
  19. Cancer just made the Terrorist Watch List and No Fly List with that last post.
  20. DT dated L. Ron Hubbard in college. What nobody knows that the famous author used to a woman named Linda Ronda Hubbard. But nobody knows if the sex change was before, during, or after his/her relationship with DT.
  21. Roter Baron thinks playing the Bag Pipes is a Euphemism for Bedroom Activity.
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