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Everything posted by BlueCloud2k2

  1. Very cool stuff. Thanks for sharing!
  2. The trailer is wall to wall explosions. Or is that Micheal Bay?
  3. yeah but wouldn't really be safe for a 3-year-old.
  4. Yes, I have a Mini-Me The world shall fear!
  5. A couple of weeks ago my son wanted to sit with us during our DnD Game, and was having fun playing with his Godmother's dice tower. I decided to make him one, and finally finished it last night. He loves it Gotta get him started early
  6. My son and I were dropping my wife off at work, and he saw an employee with a pallet jack. Rowan: "I wanna ride, daddy! *points at pallet jack*" Me: "Just because it has wheels doesn't mean you can ride it!"
  7. Actually, I'm surprised nobody clued into this muse in response to my pun:
  8. Yeah I've been reading through your Meta Cyber stuff along with what Surbrook has up on his site. This might be getting shelved for a bit until my Pathfinder campaign gets closer to resolving. My players are leaning heavily towards the Age of Worms AP updated to Pathfinder and only my wife is really interested in branching out, Genre wise. Not enough people in my area willing to play anything other DnD/Pathfinder, sadly
  9. Are you bacon for some crime and pun-ishment?
  10. While L. Marcus's childhood was the inspiration for the comic strip, Calvin and Hobbes. He's still toting around that damned tiger, btw. And that, boys and girls, is why L. Marcus can't get a date.
  11. Wouldn't that depend upon the pig infected?
  12. I used to be Mormon. But I'm feeling much better now.
  13. Q: I can't decide which is worse: Getting kicked in the nuts by twelve angry women, or running into a couple of rednecks while Kayaking in the south. A: Banjos... the Horror! The Horror!
  14. Student loans are officially paid off. W00t!
  15. Speak of the devil! Now we really can de-Rail this thread
  16. Cancer once entered a Gillian Anderson look-a-like contest, and beat Gillian Anderson!
  17. Q: How many times to I have to tell you to stop using LSD? Eventually you are going to fry your brain to the point you are no longer interacting with reality. AND WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU STARING AT? A: Sorry, but I think my blood is more valuable to me than yours is to you.
  18. Did you have to bring in Rainbow Dash and his ilk?
  19. Are you implying that being lost and confused is our natural state of being?
  20. Wow, really? I didn't there wasn't anyone over the age of 10 who hasn't seen those. Hey, I liked the sequels.
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