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Everything posted by BlueCloud2k2

  1. Q: What makes you think Nintendo has ties to the Mafia? A: Oh. My. God. It smells like sauerkraut in here!
  2. Even over-weight Nerd-boys who hate all things sports-related will be tuning for the Super Bowl.
  3. The Kardashian Siblings have a standing wager to see who can get on the cover of the tabloids the most in a week. Losers have to pay the winner's booze and drugs tab for that week.
  4. Q: What's a subtle sign you really are superman? A: Next time, a little less cayenne. And by a little less, I mean none.
  5. Would that be better or worse than popping a woody?
  6. Q: When is the only time you should use a messenger bike? A: That must have been some taco...
  7. Wouldn't that imply they already had a thing to begin with?
  8. Voldemort: Knock Knock. Harry Potter: Who's There? Voldemort: You Know. Harry Potter: You Know Who? Voldemort: Exactly! Knock, knock. Who's there? Daisy. Daisy who? Daisy me rollin', they hatin'!
  9. Q: Take that mask off! Halloween isn't for another 9 months! A: I'll tear through you faster than a chicken hawk in a coup full of crippled roosters. Stand aside.
  10. Isn't there a surgery for people without things to be given things?
  11. The latest video Al Qaida has uploaded to You Tube NT: Subtle Signs that the world is Going to Hell in a Handbasket
  12. Broken Web-Browser? Works fine on my end. Use Firefox. IE is crap, IMO. And E84 just made the sex-offender registration...
  13. Q: I wonder how the terrorists feel about Superman foiling their attempt on POTUS? A: Two words: Bring Gravy.
  14. Q: What's the down-side to dumping your Mental-Illusion-Projecting girlfriend? A: Just don't light a match.
  15. Bella would've been turned right away and the f***ing vampires wouldn't f***ing sparkle.
  16. Q: What makes you think you've gotten old, Mike? A: I dunno... knock out a couple of walls, put in a skylight, get some fresh carpet down and give everything a fresh coat of paint... and it will still need to be condemned.
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