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Everything posted by BlueCloud2k2

  1. Live. Die. Repeat: Edge of Tomarrow Godzilla (2014) Both very enjoyable. Though EoT had a blatant plothole: what if Cage (Tom Cruise) dies of natural causes? Does he reset again?
  2. Does anyone else think getting sick is a crappy way to kick off the new year?
  3. That's the problem with Skrulls. You don't know if your friends are really your enemies. Back before 5th ed came out, I played the half-human son of Super-Skrull in a DC/Marvel combined universe. My character only had the powers of the Human Torch, but retained the full shape-shifting powerset. I also managed to con the GM into allowing regeneration on the grounds that I "shape-shifted my wounds away." I was sad the game only lasted four sessions. I was looking forward to the big battle Royal between the Avengers and the Justice League (Thanos and Darkseid tricked the two teams into thinking the other team had been replaced by Skrulls. And this was years before Secret Invasion!)
  4. So apparently the reasoning behind converting solid objects into data-packets and transmitting is that the gravitic tidal forces of the wormhole would rip whatever was in the wormhole to shreds (this was apparently explained in one of the episodes).
  5. Does anyone else think PM's are unfair in this game?
  6. Sorta like some people like Mayonnaise on their cheeseburger and others think it's too much. I can dig it. EDIT: And yes, I just compared wormhole physics to a cheeseburger.
  7. Foxbat stole the stadium. NT: Comic books heroes/villains and their resolutions.
  8. Q: Not bitter over not winning the lottery, are you? A: When I'm done with you, you will eat Danger and s*** Victory! NOW DROP AND GIVE ME FIFTY!
  9. There is are some scenarios where it makes sense: What if it cost less energy to down into energy and transferring that energy through a smaller wormhole and reassembling it on the other side than to create a wormhole big enough to move the object itself? What if creating a wormhole of that size caused the wormhole to be unstable? Especially when your wormhole is across such great distances.
  10. You are tired of waiting for the next person to post in this thread and take another turn. NT: What else is BlueCloud2k2 gonna take when others aren't paying attention?
  11. Q: What makes you think the X-Box One has the same problems as the first generation X-Box 360? A: My doctor just prescribed me some paint pills for my back... now I'm bleeding rainbows and farting out unicorns.
  12. And I just realized that Luke Skywalker looks like Mick Jagger before the drugs.
  13. No no no no NO! There is only one version of Paint it Black https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6d8eKvegLI
  14. A reverend, a rabbi, and an Imam walk into a bar. The bartender looks up at them and says, "What is this? Some kind of joke?"
  15. Reminds me of a DnD session back when 3e first came out. I was playing a half-orc barbarian and we got attacked in the middle of the night. My barbarian had spent some of his loot drinking and whoring with two half-elves and a human lady of the night (I was in highschool) and failed my Listen check to wake up. Our Elven Sorcerer had just hit 6th level and got Lightning Bolt. He was just getting ready for bed and rolled a Nat20 on his Listen check. His door was at the end of the hall and he opened it up and saw a half-dozen men in full-plate armor wearing the colors of the baron we'd just pissed off. He then proceeded to use his surprise round and ambush the attackers with a Lightning Bolt. Then initiative happened and and he rolled another Nat20 on that. So he Bolted them again. That woke my Barbarian up. Me: "I toss the girls off of me and rip the door off of its hinges. "What in Gruumsh's missing testicle is going on out here!?" Brandishing my greataxe and making an intimidation check. DM: "They are all dead." Me: I glare at the elf. "Next time use the Silent Spell feat!" Of course, that started a 40-minute argument on Meta-magic feats. Nevermind that I was making a joke.
  16. Did I really just walk into a bad Star-Trek fanfic?
  17. Watching you eat is like watching Jaba The Hutt eat.. and I'm pretty sure he uses less tongue. Bleck.
  18. Q: So what, does this dragon think it's too good to wander into my tiger-trap or something? A: That is by far the craziest plan in the history of Ever. Let's do it!
  19. Q: Your greatest fear is My Little Pony!? A: Please excuse me while I go into the other room to laugh my ass off. Please ignore my fist pounding on the wall. If you don't hear from me in 5 minutes, you may want to call a paramedic.
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