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Everything posted by tkdguy

  1. While touching up an old miniature: "Help me, Dark Angels Green; you're my only hope!"
  2. That's a different Snarf. I was talking about Larry Elmore's comic book hero.
  3. A Zeetvah adventurer learns the ways of the Force, but he unfortunately turns to the Dark Side and becomes Snarf Vader
  4. Now available: a must-have in any campaign!
  5. Only if he were talking about the fictional setting. He's talking about the actual filming locations. I once mentioned Seacouver in my Highlander/World of Darkness campaign. My players were confused.
  6. They put lead weights in the fish? Like someone in the comment said, even if the fishermen catch and release the fish, the fish will die from lead poisoning. And if someone catches and eats the fish before they die, the people eating the fish will get lead poisoning. That should be enough for criminal charges.
  7. We discussed AI drones racing against humans a while back. Here's one of the latest developments.
  8. Umm... all of them? Actually, the 3 main branches of Elves and 3 branches of Edain, with a dash of Maiar.
  9. Last night's bizarre dream: I was in a room talking to one of my sisters. I guess it was in the airport, because we were in Sweden. I left and took a long walk until I went into a building. I went up a staircase until I reached a doorway. Beyond the door was Denmark (I know the borders are quite different). I was about to walk through when I noticed I hadn't brought my passport. So I started walking back. I passed a building where some people were leaving; one of them was a woman who I had worked with previously (in the dream, that is). We exchanged pleasantries and hugged (eh stood a full head taller than me). I went inside another building and spoke to a young man before heading off. Then I realized I didn't actually know where I was going and hoped I'd find the airport soon. Another weird dream from a few nights ago: I was standing in a round platform with slender columns. I was unhappy because I had reached maximum level and couldn't earn any more experience points. So there wasn't much point in doing any more quests.
  10. I once knew someone who bought happy meals for the toys. He figured they'd be collectible items someday and were worth investing in.
  11. Me: Half-asleep while watching a YouTube video about worldbuilding. Presenter: How about Kuo-toa? Everyone loves Kuo-toa! Me, thinking: The volcano (Krakatoa)? No thanks!
  12. With the holidays just around the corner, perhaps it's time to bring out this little monster? Or not.
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