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Everything posted by tkdguy

  1. Well, there was that time he physically threw a guy out of a cafe. He and Niles had reserved the seat, and the guy took it. When he wouldn't give it up, Frasier picked him up by the neck and threw him out.
  2. Dr. Frasier Crane Val CHA Cost Roll Notes 10 STR 0 11- Lift 100 kg; 2d6 HTH Damage 10 DEX 0 11- OCV: 3 / DCV: 3 10 CON 0 11- 10 BODY 0 11- 20 INT 10 11- PER Roll 13- 20 EGO 20 11- ECV: 3 20 PRE 10 11- PRE Attack: 4d6 10 COM 0 11- 2 PD 0 Total: 2 PD (0 rPD) 2 ED 0 Total: 2 ED (0 rED) 2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12 4 REC 0 20 END 0 20 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 50 Movement: Running: 6" / 12" Swimming: 2" / 4" Cost Powers & Skills Perks: 1 License to practice psychiatry 2 Money: Well-off ($200,000 a year or less) Skills: 3 AK: Seattle 12- 2 AK: Boston 11- 0 Climbing 8- 0 Concealment 8- 3 Conversation 12- 0 Deduction 8- 3 High Society 12- 5 KS: “The finer things in life†14- 0 Language: English (native) 3 Language: French (fluent, with accent) 5 Oratory 14- 5 Paramedic 14- 5 PS: Psychiatrist 14- 2 PS: Radio talk show host 11- 5 Science Skill: General Medicine 14- 5 Science Skill: Psychiatry 14- 0 Shadowing 8- 0 Stealth 8- 1 TF: Small motorized ground vehicles 11- 50 Total Powers & Skills Cost 100 Total Character Cost 25+ Disadvantages 0 DNPC: Father (Martin Crane) 11- (as powerful, useful skills) 15 Enraged 15- when someone says his French is bad (recover 14-) 5 Hunted: Ex-wife (Lilith) 8- (as powerful, mildly punish) 15 Psychological Limitation: Glory Hound (uncommon, total) 15 Psychological Limitation: Effete snob (uncommon, total) 5 Reputation: Pompous ass 8- 5 Rivalry: Random antagonist or romantic foil of the week 15 Unluck: 3d6 100 Total Disadvantage Points Background/History: Frasier is a native of Seattle. He practiced his trade for a time in Boston, often frequenting the tavern Cheers. It was in Boston where he met his now-estranged wife Lilith, with whom he had a son, Frederic. Upon moving back to Seattle, he took a job at a local radio station giving advice to callers. His father, a retired policeman, moved in with him. Personality/Motivation: Frasier is full of himself. He prides himself on his education and genteel upbringing. Unfortunately, his pride invariably causes to act pretentiously, even embarking on projects he has no idea how to manage (such as producing a play or running a restaurant). Of course, his plans always backfire, and he ends up making a complete fool of himself. His younger brother Niles often joins in on his schemes, as well as his fate. Powers/Tactics: Frasier is quick to jump to conclusions. He thinks his intelligence and breeding will always see him through to the end. However, he is usually wrong in that respect, as his poor judgment often overshadows his intelligence. Sadly, he never seems to learn from his mistakes. Appearance: Frasier is an average-looking man with balding brown hair. He is always well dressed. Frasier has a baritone voice and always sounds self-assured until his schemes fall apart. Then he sounds downright pathetic. Designer's Notes: I was sorely tempted to give Dr. Crane the Hunted disadvantage (Hunted 14- by God). But that fate should be reserved for truly hapless characters such as Basil Fawlty and Edmund Blackadder. I had to take a guess on his income level. He can afford a large apartment and support his father, but I doubt the radio station where he works pays him too much. Many thanks to Michael Surbrook for creating the character sheet.
  3. tkdguy

    Mana Organs

    Exactly what effect do you get? The write-up depends on the effect. If, for example, you gain courage for eating a brave man's heart, you could write it up as an increase to Presence and/or a resistance to Presence attacks. If you gain martial prowess, you get an OCV bonus.
  4. May I suggest you divulge where you find your conclusions. I've researched into this matter for a while. Where are you getting your stuff?
  5. Okay, here's a summary of the fantasy campaign I've been working on and asked for advice on since I joined the boards. I had originally expected my players to be involved in courtly intrigue, but nobody wanted to do that, preferring to be outlaws instead. So here's my campaign for you to enjoy (and use, if you wish): CAMPAIGN: THE WRONGED INTRODUCTION Swashbuckling swordplay and unarmed martial arts mix with political intrigue in this fantasy version of Europe. Heroic deeds and romantic liaisons are everyday occurrences in the seventeenth century. The heroes have become outcasts for one reason or another, usually as a result of having fallen victim to a villain’s schemes. IMPORTANCE OF THE PLAYER CHARACTERS The player characters are somewhat important. They are not major players on the grand scheme of things, but they have powerful enemies who will stop at nothing to see them dead. CAMPAIGN TONE Morality: There is some crossover between good and bad. Corruption is everywhere, and even “good†people have hidden agendas. The player characters themselves occasionally do things that are morally ambiguous. Realism: The campaign is realistic. The characters may do a few cinematic stunts in the swashbuckler vein, but they cannot perform deeds that are normally impossible. Even though this is a fantasy campaign, there is no magic in this world. While Eastern-style martial arts are a staple of this campaign, nobody has any chi powers. The players are allowed, however, to pick almost any armed or unarmed style presented in The Ultimate Martial Artist and Fantasy HERO. Outlook: Some things work out; others do not. Nothing is guaranteed, although the characters should always have a good chance to escape any given dilemma. Seriousness: The campaign is more serious than lighthearted. The world is often a dangerous place, and enemies often lurk in the shadows. Continuity: There are some long stories and some episodic ones. However, the characters’ actions will always have consequences, be they benevolent or otherwise. SETTING Physical World: The world is similar to Earth, with a similar (although not identical) history and geography. The campaign begins in the year 1670 in the Church Reckoning. Scope: The continent of Europa will be the backdrop of the campaign. The actual extent of the characters’ travels depends on their decisions. Technology Level: The technology in Europa is analogous to that of seventeenth-century Europe. Muskets and cannons are used by soldiers. The smallsword is beginning to replace the rapier among duelists. Printing is available, but the lower classes largely remain illiterate. Medicine is crude, and chemistry is still little more than alchemy. There have been many advances in astronomy and physics, however. Character Building Guidelines •Starting Points for PCs: 75 •Maximum Disadvantage Points for PCs: 75 •Maximum Points for any One Disadvantage: 25 •All characters have normal characteristic maxima. •All characters must be hunted by a more powerful enemy. •Characters can have normal items without paying any points. Power Levels OCV/DCV: start at 5-8, max is 10 Speed: start at 3-4, max is 4 DEF: start at 0-2, max is 4 Skill Rolls: start at 11- to 14-, max is 17 CAMPAIGN RULES Knockdown and bleeding rules are used. NOTE: I am doing lots of revisions to this world, so I'll post more info later.
  6. Okay, looking at the Bayeux Tapestry, it seems that there are riders using stirrups, so my original source must have been mistaken. But you still can't joust without them. You can still do a cavalry charge (I never disputed that), just not the way knights did at the lists.
  7. Wasn't that line from "Zorro the Gay Blade"?
  8. It seems I'm always showing off my middle finger during the Christmas holiday.
  9. Knowing Batman, he'd do research on Moon Knight before engaging him in combat. Then he'll learn about Moon Knight being at his peak during the full moon. Then Bats will wait until the next new moon before proceeding to humiliate Moon Knight.
  10. True, but what will the burgers actually be made of? Now we know why the orcs were beaten back in Minas Tirith. High cholesterol count and cardiac arrest. And Sauron was never had a good healthcare package in his army. I guess that explains why the Nazgul couldn't catch Frodo and Sam in time. Ronald McDonald, an unsung hero in the War of the Ring. Who would've guessed?
  11. It seems that whether the Normans had stirrups or not is debatable. I've heard sources claiming they didn't. In any case nobody claimed lancer cavalry hasn't been around for a long time. The issue is their technique. If you read it carefully, you'd understand that. But please feel free to prove me wrong. Show me someone who can do a lance charge the way a medieval knight did without stirrups and keep himself from falling. That was my main point after all, right?
  12. Don't count stirrups out though. You wouldn't have jousting without them. The Normans didn't have stirrups when they conquered England, so true, cavalry didn't *absolutely* need them. But the Normans wielded their lances in the Roman style (raised above their heads). They didn't tuck their lances under their armpits like you see in the documentaries so often. Anyone who tried a lance charge that way without stirrups would have been knocked off his horse upon impact. If you look closely in the movie "Gladiator," you'll see the riders using stirrups. The reason for this is that they tried not to use them, but everyone was riding crooked (or so I heard). So that historical inaccuracy was a necessary evil.
  13. I do remember the Royal Flush Gang back in the 70's, when they went up against the Joker and lost. BTW, this was the Joker comic book (I guess he got so popular, he got his own show), so the Joker didn't lose very often. I think it was issue #5. Anyway, I do remember the gang had just switched their logo from clubs to spades, because spades were "...the symbol of treachery. And tonight, we're going to be treacherous." It's scary I can recall that line verbatim from over twenty years ago. This was the only time that I saw this gang, and I never saw the other gang. But yes, they actually do exist in the DCU. And I think they just might make a cameo in my next campaign. Or rather, characters based on them, to avoid any problems with copyright.
  14. I'm all in favor of having a series. Here's what I'd like to see: 1. Armed martial arts, both eastern and western 2. Unarmed styles from other parts of the world
  15. Thank you for bringing it back. It's a great resource.
  16. These movies are more properly classified as martial arts films rather than sword & sorcery films, but they qualify for the worst list: Fist of the North Star: Some of the action was all right, but the rest of it was BAD. I don't remember most of the cast, except for one Costas Mandelor (sp?), who played the villain. Hey, how can you forget that name? Circle of Iron: Miles O'Keefe and David Carradine played multiple characters in this turkey. Either the filmmakers had a tight budget, or most actors had the sense (or weren't desperate enough) to stay out of this one.
  17. I would have liked to see more science myself, but I enjoyed the show as well. It's a great show to introduce your players to martial arts if you're playing that genre. I'm the only martial artist in my group, and I'm the GM in the game. So I want to get my players to say more than "I punch/kick him." Not that I may be successful. I have a friend who describes his combat simply as punch/kick, despite having black belts in karate and kendo. The reason I play HERO is that it has so many nifty maneuvers you don't get in most other games. So I like good description when it comes to combat.
  18. tkdguy


    According to the History Channel website, Conquest will show again on Dec. 18, 11 pm ET/PT.
  19. tkdguy


    Is the History Channel still showing it? I can never find it on the listings. Too bad, I love that show. Maybe I'll check out the History Channel website.
  20. Thanks for the input. And thanks for reminding me about the search button too. I used to use it before. I guess I've just learned to ignore it. But that will change.
  21. tkdguy


    BTW, the issue of Dragon is #289 (Nov. 2001). The article is "Playful Phoenix Fist vs. Four Scholars Boxing." The article also has information about ninjas and wuxia movies that you can incorporate into your anime campaign.
  22. Has anyone translated Warhammer FRPG into HERO? I'm thinking of doing it, and I'd appreciate any advice.
  23. I thought it was "Absence makes the nose grow longer."
  24. tkdguy


    I'm starting a BESM campaign, hopefully soon. Here's my list of essentials: 1. Pictures, lots of them. Anime needs visualization. 2. Anime cliches: Boys get nosebleeds when sexually aroused; People develop a single gigantic bead of sweat when uncomfortable; People's heads get ten times bigger when they're yelling at someone, etc. 3. Action, of course. Since my campaign will be heavy on combat, I've given the characters some combat skills free. Of course, they have to yell out their special attacks. An old issue of Dragon magazine had a random name generator for martial arts maneuvers. That would work well here.
  25. The funny thing is, my dad taught me that one too. No kidding. We're not related, are we?
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