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Everything posted by tkdguy

  1. tkdguy

    Ships' Crews

    Very cool. Thank you.
  2. tkdguy

    TV Superheroes

    How about The Rat Patrol? Those guys were such great marksmen they never missed. Someone shoots three rounds, three German soldiers die. The squad fires fifty rounds, fifty Germans die. Not a single bullet was wasted with these guys. Very economical chaps, eh?
  3. tkdguy

    TV Superheroes

    Okay, I went into IMDB. The movie is "The Specials." Rob Lowe's character is The Weevil. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0181836
  4. tkdguy

    TV Superheroes

    I'd like to see Exo Man again. I only saw it a couple of times in the 70's. I only remember him because I thought it was a cool idea to have someone who was crippled find a way to figh crime. Also I saw a movie about a superhero group. I can't remember the name of that movie. Rob Lowe was in it.
  5. Thanks for the suggestions, Space Cadet. I am going to revise it so that Kate will be mentioned. I had originally written it up for 4th edition, and I didn't like the thought of Duncan having married. I thought the producers contradicted themselves, since a gypsy said Duncan would "bury many women, but marry none of them." (In "The Darkness," the episode where Tessa dies) I hadn't thought of putting Grayson in there, as the write-up already took up six pages in Microsoft Word, but i can add that too. I am revising the write-up, when I can find the CD where I kept the thing. Unfortunately, my old computer died, and much of my stuff died with it. I will keep at it, as it remains a work in progress. I will post my write-up of Methos as well.
  6. tkdguy

    TV Superheroes

    I'd like to see a write-up of the Mantis. I don't remember all the things his exoskeleton could do, so I'm the wrong guy to do it.
  7. tkdguy

    TV Superheroes

    Actually, the movie Immortal was Connor MacLeod. Duncan was created for the TV series. I wrote him up in the Other Genres forum. Wow! I thought I was the only one who remembered Exo-man. And it's Electrowoman, not Ultrawoman.
  8. Interesting. Have you playtested it yet?
  9. A few examples Here are some spells and items with subtle magical powers: Amulet of Protection Michelle hurried on the way back from the market. She never enjoyed going to that part of town; there were too many scoundrels in that area. But her lady wanted strawberries and cream for dessert tonight, so she had no choice but to head to market. She was thankful she wore her medallion of St. Michael; she always felt the archangel was protecting her in times of trouble. As she walked past the stalls, a group of young urchins threw stones at her. She somehow managed to dodge every projectile aimed at her. She chuckled as angry merchants chased the scoundrels away, but she inwardly shuddered and silently muttered a prayer of thanks to St. Michael. Power: +3 DCV. Active Cost: 15. Limitations: IAF Necklace (-1/2). Real Cost: 10 “Unbreakable†Glass Sir Charles Radcliff reached for his wine glass as he paused in his studies. He accidentally knocked it over, sending it straight onto the bare floor. He cursed as the wine spilled all over the floor, but he noticed the glass had miraculously survived the fall unscathed. Power: Armor, 2 PD. Advantages: Hardened (+1/4). Active Cost: 4. Real Cost: 4. Laying of Hands. Father Etienne gently placed his hands on the dying man’s brow and prayed for his soul. He beseeched God to let him survive the sickness if it was His divine will, and to forgive his sins and bring him to Heaven if not. As Father Etienne prayed, the man’s fever broke. He would be bedridden for a while, but he would live. The parish priest thanked God for his mercy. Power: 1d6 Healing. Active Cost: 10. Limitations: Extra Time: 1 minute (-1½), Gestures: laying of hands; constant, needs both hands (-3/4), Incantations, constant (-1/2). Real Cost: 3. Warriors’ Drink Robert Buchanan was a prize fighter known for fighting like a demon. His opponents often complained that he seemed to try to kill them. Perhaps it was because of the dram of whiskey he always took to bolster his courage before the fight. Power: Aid STR 3d6. Active Cost: 30. Limitations: 1 Charge (-2), Gestures: drink whiskey (-1/4), Side Effects: Enraged 14- whenever going into combat, recover 8-; character is enraged whenever the Aid takes effect (-1). Real Cost: 7.
  10. Here's a write-up of Duncan MacLeod, the character played by Adrian Paul in Highlander: The Series. I originall wrote up the character for 4th Edition and updated it to 5th Edition. If you think of a way I can improve the write-up, please let me know. Duncan MacLeod Val Char Cost Roll Notes 20 STR 10 13- Lift: 400 kg, 4d6 HTH damage 20 DEX 30 13- OCV: 7/DCV: 7 20 CON 20 13- 22 BODY 28 13- 18 INT 8 13- PER Roll: 13- 18 EGO 16 13- ECV: 7 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 18 COM 4 13- 10 PD 8 Total: 10 PD (3 rPD) 10 ED 8 Total: 10 ED (3 rED) 5 SPD 30 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 12 REC 12 60 END 15 60 STUN 28 Total Characteristics Cost: 227 Movement: Run: 6"/12", Swim: 2"/4", Leap: 4" Cost Powers END/Roll 5 Immunity to aging 10 Immunity to disease 40 Regeneration: 1 BODY per Turn, resurrection (may be stopped by beheading), reduced endurance (0 END, +1/2), persistent (+1/2), self only (-1/2) 15 Does not bleed 7 The Buzz: Danger Sense, functions as a sense, out of combat, Only works against Immortals and pre-Immortals (-2) 13 The Quickening: 1d6 Aid, applied to any Characteristic or power (+2), Fade rate 1 century (+3 1/4), Takes 1 Turn (-1 1/4), Self only (-1/2), Only by beheading another Immortal (-2) Martial Arts: Boxing, Fencing, Jujutsu, Karate, Kenjutsu, Kung Fu Cost Maneuver OCV DCV Damage/Effect 4 Choke Hold -2 +0 Grab a limb, 2d6 NND(2) 5 Defensive Strike +1 +3 4d6 strike 3 Defensive Throw +1 +1 Block, target falls 4 Killing Strike -2 +0 HKA 1/2d6 (2DC) 4 Martial Block +2 +2 Block, abort 4 Martial Disarm -1 -1 Disarm, 30 STR 4 Martial Dodge -- +5 Dodge all attacks 4 Martial Escape +0 +0 35 STR vs. all grabs 4 Martial Grab -1 -1 Grab 2 limbs, 30 STR 4 Martial Strike +0 +2 6d6 strike 3 Martial Throw +0 +1 4d6 + v/5, target falls 5 Offensive Strike -2 +1 8d6 strike 3 Takedown +1 +1 4d6 strike, target falls Cost Skills, Talents, Perks Roll 5 Acrobatics 14- 5 Breakfall 14- 3 Combat Driving 13- 6 Combat Luck (+3 rPD/+3 rED) 5 Concealment 14- 5 Contact: Joe Dawson 9 Fast Draw 16- 5 High Society 13- 3 KS: Other Immortals 12- 3 Linguist 0 Scots Gaelic (native) 4 English 2 Arabic 4 French 3 German 3 Italian 3 Japanese 3 Lakota Sioux 2 Mandarin 3 Mongolian 3 Romany 2 Russian 2 Spanish 2 Turkish 3 Navigation 11- 3 PS: Antiques Dealer 12- 2 PS: Dancer 11- 2 PS: Journalist 11- 3 Riding 13- 5 Seduction 14- 9 Shadowing 14- 5 Stealth 14- 1 Transport Fam: Planes 8- 1 Transport Fam: Ships 8- 3 Traveler 1 AK: London 11- 4 AK: Paris 14- 4 AK: Seacouver, WA 14- 1 AK: Glen Finnan 11- 10 Wealthy 2 WF: Small Arms 1 WF: Staff 2 WF: Common Melee Weapons 24 +3 levels on all OCV 10 +3 levels with swords 12 +4 levels with katana 15 +3 levels on DCV 2 KS: Boxing 11- 2 KS: Fencing 11- 2 KS: Jujutsu 11- 2 KS: Kenjutsu 11- 2 KS: Karate 11- 2 KS: Kung Fu 11- Total Skills and Powers Cost: 363 Total Cost: 590 250+ Disadvantages 10 Distinctive Feature: Immortal (Not concealable, Detectable only by other Immortals) 10 Hunted 11- by other Immortals 10 Hunted 8- by renegade Watchers (NCI) 10 Observed 14- by Watcher Organization (NCI) 15 Physical Limitation: Can't fight on holy ground 20 Normal Characteristic Maxima 0 Physical Limitation: Cannot have children 20 Psychological Limitation: Code of honor 15 Psychological Limitation: Judgmental 15 Psychological Limitation: Must fight duels one-on-one 15 Secret ID: Immortal 200 Experience Total Disadvantages Cost: 590 Background: Duncan MacLeod was born in Glen Finnan, Scotland on the Winter Solstice (Dec. 21) in the year 1592. He was a foundling, taken in as an infant by Ian MacLeod, the clan chieftain, and his wife Mary. The couple raised Duncan as their own son. When Duncan became a young man, he fell in love with Debra Campbell, who returned his love. Unfortunately, Debra was betrothed to Duncan's cousin Robert. Enraged, Robert challenged Duncan to a duel, and Duncan was forced to kill his kinsman. Debra died soon after the incident, falling from a great height. Thus, the union between the MacLeods and Campbells would never come to pass. Duncan was mortally wounded in a skirmish with the Clan Campbell in 1622. He died in his father's house, but returned to life shortly thereafter. He thought a miracle had taken place, but the rest of the clan suspected him of practicing witchcraft. His own father denounced and banished him. Distraught, Duncan left his home. He encountered Ian soon after his banishment. The elder MacLeod again rejected his son, revealing the fact that Duncan was in fact a foundling. Duncan saw his family once more two years later. An Immortal marauder named Kanwulf raided Duncan's village with his men and personally killed Ian MacLeod. Duncan tracked down Kanwulf and defeated him. But Duncan still had not learned about the Game and failed to take Kanwulf's head. In 1625, Duncan fought in a battle at Glen Fruin. Although he was cut down, he recovered from his wounds. A man came to him and introduced himself as Connor MacLeod, who lived in Glen Finnan generations before Duncan was born. Like Duncan, Connor had recovered from a mortal wound and was cast out of the clan. Connor revealed that they were Immortal and taught Duncan the rules of the Game. The two clansmen became good friends and had many adventures together. Duncan wandered throughout the world in the 1600s and 1700s. He saw many things and learned many skills. In Renaissance Italy, he learned how to read and write. In Mongolia, he learned the martial arts. He traveled far and wide, growing in experience and wisdom. He made many friends and many enemies. In 1635, Duncan first met Amanda, a beautiful Immortal thief. The two became friends and eventually lovers. Their on again, off again relationship would continue for centuries. Two years later, he met another Immortal named Hugh Fitzcairn, who became one of his closest friends. In 1658, Duncan, weary of the world, took refuge in a monastery that sheltered Immortals. He met Kalas, a talented scribe and singer. Duncan soon learned that Kalas secretly waylaid departing Immortals and took their heads. Duncan exposed Kalas' treachery and had him expelled from the Monastery. Kalas left, swearing vengeance on Duncan MacLeod. In 1745, Duncan fought under the banner of Bonnie Prince Charlie. The Scots fought bravely, but they were no match for the English soldiers. Duncan helped smuggle the Prince to France, then he returned to Scotland to protect his people from the depredations of the English occupying force. After he had tired of killing English soldiers, Duncan rejoined Connor in Ireland. Duncan met a pre-Immortal named Kate, eventually falling in love with her. The two married, but Duncan stabbed his bride on their wedding night to grant her Immortality. Kate was horrified by the prospect and ran off into the night. In 1778, Duncan was shipwrecked in Japan. He was rescued and befriended by a samurai named Hideo Koto. The samurai sheltered Duncan and taught him jujutsu and the use of the katana. But Hideo Koto knew he was breaking the law by harboring a foreigner. His lord allowed him to commit seppuku to atone. He bequeathed his katana to Duncan, who used it as his sword thereafter. In 1815, while serving in the Napoleonic Wars under Lord Wellington, Duncan met an Immortal named Darius. Darius had once been a ruthless warlord, but he had reformed and was now living as a Catholic priest. Darius taught Duncan the way of peace, and the two Immortals became good friends. Duncan traveled to the United States, where he worked as a journalist. He also took part in the Civil War. He first fought in the Union army; then he worked in the Underground Railroad. After the Civil War, Duncan settled down with the Lakota Sioux. He fell in love with a woman who had a son, and he took them as his own family. He lived happily until 1872. One day, the tribe was wiped out by American soldiers. An Immortal named Kern was working with the army. Mad with grief, Duncan searched for Kern, but he never found him. Instead, he ran into Koltec, an Immortal shaman who helped Duncan come to terms with his grief. Duncan was active in both World Wars. In World War I, Duncan served in both the French and British armies as a medic. In World War II, he fought in the French Resistance and later worked for British Intelligence. In 1944, he took part in an unsuccessful plot to kill Adolph Hitler. In 1980, Duncan met Tessa Noel, a beautiful artist. They fell in love and lived together for twelve years. Ducan revealed his Immortality to Tessa, and she accepted him for who he was. Duncan and Tessa lived in Paris and in Seacouver, where they opened an antiques shop. In 1992, a young thief named Richie Ryan tried to break into the shop. He was discovered by Duncan. Realizing that the young man was also going to be Immortal one day, Duncan took Richie under his wing. Richie lived with Duncan and Tessa, first in Seacouver, then in Paris. Later that year, Darius sent word to Duncan, warning him about an evil Immortal named Grayson. Grayson was once Darius' second in command and hated the priest for turning his back on his martial practices. Grayson attempted to kill Darius' mortal protege, Victor Paulus. Duncan stopped Grayson and took his head. Duncan then flew to Paris, where he had sent Tessa and Richie. In 1993, Duncan and Fitzcairn found Darius' headless body inside his own church. They tracked down the killers, but the leader escaped. Duncan ran into him upon his return to Seacouver. He also learned about the Watchers, a secret group of mortals dedicated to observing and recording Immortal lives, but never interfering. A group of Watchers had betrayed their oath and started hunting down Immortals. Duncan fought the leader of these renegades, James Horton, and left him for dead. He also met a Watcher named Joe Dawson, who later became his friend. Soon after these events, Tessa and Richie were shot by a mugger. They died, but Richie came back to life and learned that he too was Immortal. Duncan began to train Richie. The young Immortal showed great promise, and he soon became a skilled fighter. During the next few years, Duncan fought many Immortals. He again crossed paths with Kalas, Kern, and Kanwulf. Duncan eventually defeated these opponents. However, he also lost several friends including Fitzcairn, who was killed by Kalas. In 1996, Duncan met Adam Pierson, who turned out to be Methos, the oldest living Immortal. Methos had been alive for over 5000 years. The ancient Immortal had retired from the game and was posing as a Watcher. He proved to be a good ally for Duncan, once helping Duncan get rid of the effects of a Dark Quickening. But Methos had a dark side too. Thousands of years ago, he was one of the Four Horsemen, a group of Immortals who spread terror throughout the known world. Methos was forced by Kronos, another of the Horsemen, to reunite the group. He pretended to go along, but he secretly enlisted the aid of Duncan MacLeod. Together, Duncan and Methos put an end to the Horsemen. In 1998, the demon Ahriman returned to Earth after a thousand years. Having the ability to appear in any form, Ahriman tricked Duncan into killing Richie. Grieving, Duncan hid himself in a monastery for a year to meditate and form a plan to defeat Ahriman. He learned that that the way to defeat the demon was not to use force, but to meditate and suppress the evil eithin one's self. Duncan defeated Ahriman and banished him from the Earth. In 2000, Duncan came to Connor's aid. Connor had earned the enmity of Jacob Kell, a powerful Immortal. Kell was too strong to overcome alone. Connor, in despair, challenged Duncan and forced his student to take his head. Empowered by Connor's Quickening, Duncan killed Jacob Kell. Kate, now calling herself Faith, was working for Kell. She was still angry with Duncan for what he did. After Duncan had defeated Kell, however, she and Duncan were able to reconcile. Height: 183 cm (6'1"), Weight: 98 kg (215 lbs), Sex: male, Race: Immortal Appearance: Duncan is tall and has a muscular build. He has short black hair and brown eyes. He is usually dressed casually, but he almost always wears a trench coat to conceal his katana. He is quite charming and often attracts women.
  11. How about having a few magic systems in the world: 1. Priestly magic (PhilFleischmann's idea). It's based on faith. Of course, given the religious intolerance of the era, most people would consider miracle workers not of their faith to be "the devil's disciple," while the of their own clergymen "comes from God." The Enlightened thinkers may challenge this idea. 2. Alchemy (assault's idea). Various potions would be created as medicines or other products, such as rust removers or potions of youth (pardon the cliche). 3. Enchantment. Craftsmen could endow the items they create with a magical ability or two. 4. Divination. Seers, astrologers, and others would be able to predict the future with some accuracy. 5. Hedge Magic. Everyone knows a charm or two. It's often used to ward off evil, heal the sick, or make someone fall in love with you. Markdoc has the right idea about keeping the power level relatively low and making magic somewhat unreliable as well. That would encourage technological progress. Perhaps the effects are very subtle as well. The enchanted smallsword isn't considered to be magical; it's justknown to be very well-balanced (+1 OCV) and extremely sharp (+2 DC). The silver urn that has been a family heirloom for three generations never seems to tarnish (Change Environment, maybe?). The priest's healing spell could come in the form of a prayer or blessing. Even with just those five types, that's plenty of magic already.
  12. Guess what I got! A RED Dragon Lies Beneath! My inner dragon is the most vile and crafty of all dragons. Remember Smaug? He was a red dragon, just like me! And just in case that's not cool enough for you, reds are Fire Elemental dragons, too. Click the image to try the Inner Dragon Online Quiz for yourself.
  13. http://www.liquidgeneration.com/quiz/superhero_quiz.asp
  14. Here's my recommended reading list: The Book of the Sword by Sir Richard F. Burton. Old Sword Play: Techniques of the Great Masters by Capt. Alfred Hutton. The Secret Hisory of the Sword by J. Christoph Amberger. By the Sword by Richard Cohen. Schools and Masters of Fencing from the Middle Ages to the Eighteenth Century by Egerton Castle. And if you can find this out-of-print book: Savate by Bruce Tegner. Just in case you want some unarmed styles in your game.
  15. I also recommend GURPS Swashbucklers if you can find a copy. And the Castle Falkenstein RPG has some interesting orders of wizards. You may need to change the history of some of them, though. I don't have FH Grimoire just yet. But that would probably have something for your campaign.
  16. I don't know if there would be another religious war. Enlightened thinkers were critical of the Church, among other organizatons. And they were criticized as being anti-Christian in turn. It looks more like a job for the Jesuits, since they were formed to counter the Protestant Refrmation. They were also used to counter the "heretical" ideas of the Enlightened scholars. That's why Voltaire once half-jokingly commented, "Let's eat a Jesuit." As for magic being part of science, I can see that. Alchemy was considered a science then, even if we see alchemists more as magicians. And while Newton indeed studied mysticism, he also made great strides in physics, astronomy, and mathematics. Please, let's not debate on who (Newton or Leibnitz) developed calculus first!
  17. That's a lot like my campaign, which I posted under the thread "The Wronged." The difference is, my campaign doesn't have magic. It does, however, combine rapier-play with kung fu (or rather, a version of it). Fencing is the MA of choice for your PCs. Small swords would fall under the French school (albeit that comes in the last third of the 17th century). The Italian and Spanish schools still use rapiers, if I remember correctly. The English eventually accept the Italian style, although the Masters of Defence may still teach the side sword (use broad sword or short sword stats) depending on time of your campaign. You can also use other MA styles for your players. Ancient boxing, wrestling, and savate (actually called chausson then) would be good choices. As for magic, it depends how it is viewed by the Churches. Religion is still a touchy subject at the time. Perhaps the Catholic Church would want all magicians to be under their control, while the Protestants condemn magic outright. Someone with more expertise in theology could better answer this question. I think it would be better for magic to be subtle rather than flashy, especially if the Churches condemn all magical practices. Also, since the Enlightenment was also a time of scientific progress, magic should be more subtle and low-powered. Potions, charms, and maybe even an enchanted weapon or two would work. I do have a few notes I took while researching the era, mostly on society. Nothing extensive; just some ideas to get the campaign going. PM me if you'd like me to share them.
  18. A flea collar? Just don't tell him what it is, or he really will rip your arms off. Make up some lame explanation as to what it's supposed to be.
  19. Do you know what I REALLY hate? I hate hearing people describe their martial arts style as an "eclectic blend" of styles x, y, and z. I don't mind mixing styles; I hate the words "eclectic blend" used to describe them. It sounds like you're making coffee. Whenever I hear someone describe his style as an "eclectic blend" (or any kind of blend, for that matter), I want to say, "Where the hell do you train anyway? Starbucks?"
  20. Unfortunately, I'd stopped watching Cheers regularly by the time Lilith showed up, so I'm not too familiar with her. But if anyone is up to the task, go for it.
  21. Some superheroes wouldn't even need to lift a finger. Forget "HULK SMASH!" Think "Why funny little man faint when Hulk look at him?"
  22. It takes a CHAMPIONS character THREE PHASES to kick FRASIER CRANE'S ass? Are you playing on the low end of the power spectrum?
  23. I already AM a fantasy character. Seriously, I could write myself up as as an elf or half-elf (well, not really, but this is a FANTASY thread, right?), with the light fighter and martial artist packages.
  24. Okay, I fixed the write-up, and I added a few things to give him an even hundred points. Thanks for the suggestions, guys. But I don't know why he would need Damage Reduction, so I held off for now.
  25. tkdguy

    The Wronged

    I think they'd be called the heavy fighters and guys with extra running (+1" or +2" max). But hey, if you like this campaign, and you want them there, go for it. I just removed the powers so that the players would get the hang of the HERO system first. I remember being confused as a newbie, so I want them to get the hang of how the rules work first, especially combat.
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