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Everything posted by Seenar

  1. Re: Multipower active points vs. reserve points: why? Going by the rules means you don't get to use active points you don't pay for. Your system, Phil basically means I can spend 5 points on an ultra-slot and then spend a Day, X10 End, Incantaions, Gestures, ODCV, and 13- to create a 50d6 EB, Area of Effect, with a 110" Diameter, Personal Immunity. Meanwhile the poor soul not using a multipower is stuck with 50 points just sitting there doing nothing unless he activates that one power. The 5 points of the ultra slot do not offset the effect of the power. (I know this example is exteme, but I am using it to make a point)
  2. Re: Zeppelin versus Pterodactyls Pirates would win! What? Oh, sorry, wrong battle.
  3. Has anyone ever done anything around the Age of Sail. I am thinking the Age of Exploration all the way up to Waterloo.
  4. Re: SciFi Colonists Thanks. The MBA program has been a killer.
  5. Re: A *very* different magic system
  6. Re: SciFi Colonists Men need to go along to be expendable labor. In the modern world we forget how important physical strenght is in a primative setting. Sperm banks cannot dig ditches.
  7. Re: SciFi Colonists Well, I would say that it has worked for 80,000 years, why tamper with sucess.
  8. Re: How to use the President I have had the POTUS award the Presidential Medal of Freedom to the group after they had saved the world from NeoVIPER (This was set in 2080).
  9. Re: Multipower active points vs. reserve points: why? One can, of course, have a bigger reserve that is partially limited. For instance you can have 50 Real/ 50 Active Reserve + 25 Real/ 50 Active Reseve, Full Phase (-1/2), OIF (-1/2). A power using 50 active points or less, has no limitations forced on it. A power using between 51 and 100 active points must use the OIF and take a full Phase. Slots could be 5u 10d6 EB 5u 5d6 Drain 7u 20dr EB (OIF, Full Phase) 10m 8d6 EB 1/2 end 15m 10d6 Entangle (OIF, Full Phase)
  10. Re: What was your first character like? My first Character was Krypton, a Level 1 D&D figheter as I learned the system. I left him by the wayside for my second Character, Seenar (spelled Seener then, but people kept messing up the pronucation) a Magic User. Seenar has since made the trip into a game of Mystic Masters (gained a new wife. The first one had to die for the sake of the story, poor thing) so he is in Champs now. My first Champs character was a Alien from a gas giant that looked like a 3 meter silver disk. He was called "Blackstar" (though his real name was Astwulf), and he had gravity control powers, with 3rd Ed Teke. Man, those old end rules were a killer for him.
  11. Re: [Magic System]Thematis Magica I am a bit confused. The base is 10 points active. There is not a lot you can do with that. 5" Flight, or +5 " running or a 2d6 EB. It seems to be effective your mage is going to be bonkers. Am I missing something?
  12. Re: SciFi Colonists Of course, people need to want to go, don't they? I figure that people wanting to leave Earth and go far away forever are going to self-select themseleves, instead of being picked. Unless things are really bad at home, most people won't want to go anyway.
  13. Re: System Generation Wow this looks impressive
  14. Re: Map Software Thanks guys! This is what I need.
  15. Does anyone know of a program I could nab that would use the 5th Ed Star Hero tables to generate systems randomlly?
  16. I am looking to build a map of a world. Anyone have any ideas on software that would let you build a world map to scale?
  17. Re: Multiform costs Thanks all for the clarification.
  18. Re: Multiform costs What if my true form is the most expensive, and the one form I turn into is less expensive. IE I have a 350 pt true form, and I can turn into a 50 point other form? It seems unreasonable to expect that I pay 70 points for the multiform to turn into a 50 point creature.
  19. Re: Multiform costs It seems unreasonable to pay all sorts of point for my base form just to turn into a lessor form. The problem is, the wording in 5th Ed is not clear. It says for the most expensive form, and then goes on to make a big deal about the base form paying for everything. Frankly, I am tending towards Edsel because that makes sense.
  20. When Buying Multiform, if the base form is the most expensive, do I use that to calculate the cost?
  21. Re: Adult themes in gaming, a rant of sorts Let me second that. I met my wife in a Champions game. It was over the course of that game we feel in love.
  22. Re: Focus = Too Great a Price Break? OAF is pretty darn limiting. Let me give a case in point: I had a character with lots of OAF foci, which included a nasty rifle. He had a cool helmet with lots of bonus to hit. The works. He was doing great. Well, great until I hit him with a one hex AOE RKA. Suddenly, all his OAF devices took body and broke (too bad a multipower is only one power). Even is OIF armor was penetrated, and lost its ability to fly. He was not in good shape at all. Meanwhile, his buddy standing next to him, with powers all natural, turned and just kept fighting.
  23. Re: I just bought Hero 5th Edition Revised instead of GURPS 4th Edition. Welcome to the most flexible system ever
  24. Re: Focus = Too Great a Price Break? That is a good way to put it
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