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Everything posted by Seenar

  1. I may be missing something, but how can you have slot costs of zero? I would think the minimum slot costs would be 1.
  2. Frankly, I like the idea as you presented it. It let's players do both if they choose, but makes it expensive. There is nothing sacred about the rules. Fantasy Hero is full of "off the map" ways to do magic so do what makes sense in your game.
  3. Frankly, I like the idea as you presented it. It let's players do both if they choose, but makes it expensive. There is nothing sacred about the rules. Fantasy Hero is full of "off the map" ways to do magic so do what makes sense in your game.
  4. Seenar

    FH VS FH

    Wow. Are we on the Non-Gaming Boards all of a sudden I think that the Old Man makes a good argument about the sort of steps I would have liked to have seen in Star Hero too. Your basic argument is that "it does not work for you, so why have it". I guess Star Hero was perfect for you and you would make no changes, and Fantasy Hero will be perfect as well with no changes made. If must be nice to have Hero catering to your whims. I think the Old Man (funny I put a "the" there by habit) has every right to state his case for what he would like to see. Just because that may put him in a minority, or not be what Hero is looking to do, does not make his statments "drivel". You should apologize. You don't see Steve on here slamming the Old Man for not thinking Star Hero is perfect, now do you?
  5. Seenar

    FH VS FH

    The whole appeal of Storyteller to me was all the rich source material not its gaming system.
  6. Seenar

    FH VS FH

    See I like Spell Collages
  7. Thanks guys, this is helpful. Man, D, you are not kidding about being fanatics. The 4th Ed link implies that full armor and equipement addes up to 50kg. I am leaning towards around 10-15kg assumption of equipment, depending on the character, but we will see how that adds up when we look at the numbers.
  8. Gee thanks, that's real helpful. I am interested in how others have approached this.
  9. I actually know what Mass is, compared to weight. Since the book used kilograms, I was being precise. I am looking to see if anyone has rough estimates of what basic equipment might mass so I can calculate encumbrance.
  10. Hey, any idea how much one should mass general equipment? How much does a sword mass, anyway? Does anyone have some good rules of thumb on equipment mass?
  11. It depends on the importance of magic. In my FH games, we have used the traditonal system of spell colleges and with a little XP the mages really get powerful. In the modern world, there is alot that can be done with free tech. I suggest looking a some breaks on powers costs if they are easily done with modern tech as well (take a page from a Star hero Approach).
  12. Actually, I have not. This monster really came out of a dream I had. At least how it looks did.
  13. Let me just link to it: drakameleon.pdf
  14. Stats are in process and I will have them up in a cpl of days
  15. Creepy would be a political monster
  16. Here is a new monster I will be introducing to a campaign I am starting up. I am working on exact stats, but this shoudl give y'all the basic idea. Feedback welcome.
  17. Could come in handy to scan the faces of a crowd too, I would think. Or listen to several converstaions at once
  18. There are two people in my Avatar. One of them should be easy enough on 3 pts right now
  19. Now that is a cool idea. It makes there be a reason to go obtain things too. I am adding that the FH game I am about to run.
  20. Triggers and variable special effect are good for potions, and one shot or persistant devices. One thing I had on a spell caster was taking points from somebody else to make magic items. The idea was donated XP from others would build the item. He was an NPC putting a permanent force field over a city, and the inhabitants has to put in mana to make it work. If your mage is making magic for a another player, let the other player pay the XP cost.
  21. I agree with the "each spell" crowd. My experience is that the mages end up plenty powerful as it is buying each "spell" individually. Even a multipower scare the pants off of me. I had to give all sorts of magic items to my loan non-spell slinger in one game, just do he could do more than fence and swing across the room Flynn fashion. Besdies, using the one at a time method, you can pack on the limitations and have uber out of combat spells with powerful effects. Varipools don't let you easily have a spell with 80 active poinst for a mere 13. (Don't botch the skill roll, the side effect is a doosy)
  22. I never liked how easy it was to die in Travaler (or that the best starting characters were old men). I would use the source material for the feel of the universe, and the eyeball everything.
  23. But you can buy it with the inherent Bulky (-1/2) limitation. It is part of the vehicahl dquipment after all.
  24. Change the character of the mental appearance. You could make a human mind look alien.
  25. It is all plot driven. As gamers we have to have things mapped out. Even in B5, JMS said the range of a Star Fury was from the beginning of the plot to the end.
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