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Everything posted by incrdbil

  1. Re: Alternative Combat Orders for Combat Way too random. characters can be left essentially floating, hanging motionless while a slower character gets a lot more actions. Besides all the mechanics and rules problems it brings up, it really makes tactics and team moves difficult, even impossible, and puts too much intothe hands of chance. As a GM, I don't like it, and as I player, I'd definitely hate it, maybe enough not to play.
  2. Re: (Silliness But Interesting Dep't) Build an Alarm Clock! but doesn't it take more willpower to wake up and not just hit the snooze button?
  3. Re: (Silliness But Interesting Dep't) Build an Alarm Clock! Should we add in unluck (alarm fails to go off on very important days?) Or a burnout roll? (Improper setting, hence it doesn't go off), or maybe a skill roll required to change the alarm time? (-1 per 20 points type, its not that hard).
  4. Re: Alternative Combat Orders for Combat I prefer to make my sacrifices elsewhere. I won't allow a speed gap of more than three among PC's. In practice, two is the operating limit. So, for my starting group, the lowest speed is 5, the highest is seven. I'll probably allow the speedster to move up to 8, but thats it. If I'm unhappy with the 3 speed gap from fastest to slowest, I'd be more willing to let others come up to speed 6 (even the brick) that redo the system. I"m not too worried, because the speedster tends to use a deal of those extra actions on aborted dodges after making himself a target, flying dodges, removing innnocents and there is no envy I'm detecting from the slowest character, the Brick, who is left free to pound on others.
  5. Re: (Silliness But Interesting Dep't) Build an Alarm Clock! I'd go another route: The Clock can't make you do anything./ You decided to react. So, for a regualr clock, I'd give it Images vs sound. (triggered) and absolute Time Senses. If electric, I'd give it 0 end on the Images, but a limitation to reflect it must be plugged in. if it has a battery backup, a Hero ID only type limitation (occasionally the batteries run down). Wind Up clock--one continuing charge, lasts 1 day. With radio--radio reception, Triggered. can be flashed as hearing or radio, extra time to change frequencies--modify the images vs sound to include playing the radio loudly in addition to making the alarm noise. Clocks would normally be a fragile OAF. Anything you do in reaction to the clock going off is up to you
  6. Re: What is being asked of new Hero Players? A constructive criticism thread. What are you sking? Am I the new player seeking to find a new game and run it myself? Or am I a new player, aware of what games are out there, and looking to join in. As a new player, Sidekick, and maybe Champions if my group isn't big on helping or sharing is really all I need. As I get into the game, I start grabbing what I like. when I decide to run., I'd likely wouldn't mind CKC. Let's look at some other common games. D&D. Well, to play, I just grab the PHB, in theorey. With d20 glut-itess, who knows what myriad of tomes a group is actually using to make PC's. More Likely, its a PHB, then some specialty book. Then, as I become a more continuos player, their are the official WotC 'omplete books ' fighter, cleric, mage..it goes on and on). The Hero player is laughing at me by this point. then there are the myriad setting books aimed at players. the Players Guide to Faerun. the Silvber Marches..it goes on. Let's say I"m up to DM level. Well, DMG, Monster manual, settign book. Then I notice theirs probably a Magic book for that setting; then a monster ook for that setting. Then the moduules. then all the 'optional' d20 books over specific topics the group wants, and now you have to get familiar with. then someone wants psionics. I then grit my teeth at the thought of 4th edition..and run screaming for Fantasy Hero. Whew. Ok With the d20 spin off games, you add PHB, the spin off rule book, setting book..and all of them seem filled with a myriad of accessory books, so its not quite as involved as D&D, but close. Let's see, Battletech RPG--the Main Book, LostTech (for equipment), the Companion, then a settign book. shadowrun--Main Book, Magic Expansion(s), the decking book, rigger book, Cyberwear/bioware/gear book, maybe a setting book, but they are adding expansion books with timeline driven additions, so there probably more you would wind up adding to have all character options. I don't know how the World of Darkness is, but it used to be Main Book, Sect books (multiple ones you would up needing), then the Clanbooks of the various Clans of your PC's as a minimum..you couldn't keep up with their dreaded splatbooks. Rifts: Buy one bad set of rules, and 5 bajillion sourcebooks. Oh god, i could go on, but I'd really have to care a lot more. Hero's not more burdensome, or less than most games for someone who really gets into it. A game is as expensive, or cheap, as you want it to be, and based on your degree of obsessive completeness.
  7. Re: Is Punisher the problem? (reads stuff about axios, philosophy in gaming) ::zzzzzz:: huh what, boobies? ::zzzzzz:: ok, seriously now--RDU eil, make some form of sticky tab/note--6 months from now, I'd love to hear how this worked for your group.
  8. Re: The Trophy Room err, sorry. My misread--I thought the character would be the items bought from a VPP paid for by the base. As a character concept, the trophy room would substitute as lab. All sorts of fun you can have with it--he runs to the trophy room, needing MegaGun4, (sadly indistinguisable from megagun 1,2, and 3) and finds the auto-robo cleaner has performed spring cleaning and everything is mislabeled. Hope he feels lucky
  9. Re: What was you most powerful Attack vs. Supervillian???
  10. Re: What was you most powerful Attack vs. Supervillian??? lets see--my most damaging attack--cumulative, was a 6d6 hth ka (x10 autofire) that rolled a three (our default rule at the time was a three indicated maximum damage for both dice and stun multiplier, and added one to the number of autofire atatcks that should hit for that number. I had 8 attacks hit IIRC. 36 body, 180 stun each x8= 288 Body1440 Stun. Then the vulnerability kicked in (the target was an unstable clone of my cosmic power pooler who had a vulnerability to hth ka's) 1.5 stun and body. I am not going to coutn that, because vulnerabilities shouldn't count for this thread, but still...ouch. Sure, his defenses were good..but the team mage had just hit with a nasty Supress Resistant PD spell. Zero resistant defense at the time, and his damage reduction was in energy mode at the time. He had a GM addition, a multipower of damage reduction to reflect his ability to resist any attack he was prepared for as an enhancement to the clone, and he picked the wrong mode. Best part, what was left of my power pool went into images to highten the sound effects of the punch. My presence attack afterwards rated high on the violent action modifier. I thinkthe GM's words were like "the minions fall to their knees..some in fear, some in worship of their new master, some are throwing up'. Doesn't matter, none of them are fighting anymore". and some of the other villains chose that moment to reconsider their life options. The folowing doesn't really count, as it was sort of a gM fiat, be it's in the spirit of the thread. --in a high power campaign, their was a missle reflector who had the ability to delay relfection (ie, he could accumulate a variety of shots and fire them back later). The character was put into some strange form of coma by an attack. (He wanted to try another character for a bit) One game, the group captured an artifact that the team scientist figured might affect the comatose body and his power and one day wake him up. So every so often we would open up his stasis chamber, and zap him a few times. He was like a human stress ball/dart board, and a great running gag. We occasionally strung him up in the dangeroom for good luck, or just left him in their with the room running if we were bored. He was hit with about 6 months worth of accumulated attacks. Then we had the adventure against the big bad ingerlactitc entity. Said bad guy who was lured into base to gloat over our feigned defeat, surrender (well, the defeat wasn't so feigned, he was kicking our heinies). The owner of the comatose PC (who had planned to go back to that PC eventually) had an idea. He taunted said entity to unleashing his Bolt of PC frying doom into his current character and fried he was..went right through him to the comatose PC, who the GM in a fit of pity decided the character instantly awoke, and returned the attack. We then asked "hey, what about all the other attacks we were hitting him with". The GM, caught up in the moment, said sure, why not. He said the artifact alllowed the exmeption about holding the attacks. It took a lot of estimating. We even assumed average damage on the normal attacks. Peversely, we rolled most of the killing attacks. (Yes, we shot out comatose friend with Killing attacks. We were just trying to help him ) The GM later admitted he had another session planned where we escaped and found the artifact of entity smashing, but he decided he liked our method just as well. I can't recall the attacks to this day, but it was comprised of hundereds (eac) of energy blasts, killing attacks, NND's, AVLD's, from characters ranging from 500 to 600 points. Plus the bolt of doom, which was absurd. Dr Destroyer on steroids absurd. Tough Superheroes die in one blast absurd. It was very comic-bookish. Not much to do with the rules, but we had a blast. (no pun intended).
  11. Re: The Trophy Room I'd preferably keep 'Trophy room' Items as a plot hook only basis. Still the VPP part is possible, but such items really couldn't be used off the base could they? I'm sort of wondering that all of the limits to prevent such a thing from being abused would make you just want to revert back to the plot hook device level. Or you just give your villains a lot of Independent (-2) Foci, with gradual breakdown rolls that can't be repaired
  12. Re: Is Punisher the problem? In a comic, not every concept is equal in power. But no matter how much we want to simulate a comic, many conventions just don't work out. In a game filled with ordinary humans simulating comic hereoes, there's a very good reason for those characters to be in the same ball park of powers and effectiveness, albeit with their own unique areas of expertise, even dominanace. It does promote fairness, aids in preventing anyone from feeling their character really doesn't contribute anything. Genre often yields to game balance--if you have players you can trust, or even assume, will adhere to genre always despite very available and tempting ways to boost their power/effectiveness being right in front of them, more power to you. The same if your players have no problem with uneven balances of powers between PC's. If you have a group that good that you can move away from some basic safeguard rules, I'm happy for you, and I really hope it makes your game more enjoyable for your PC's. In the end, that's all a GM really has to worry about--trying to make sure everyone leaves with a smile on their face, as often as humanly possible.
  13. Re: Strength Damage: Pathetic or what? Almost any RPG really isn't hot for high realism. Some just try to fake it more than others.
  14. Re: Is Punisher the problem? what type of game are you talking about? If you're talking about a game where significant, meaningful powers are available for purchase, and the 'real world' equipment available in the campaign appraoches the utility of powers that would be purchased, then yes, I'd say that would break the game. A SFX would tun into a huge gain for equipment using characters, and a huge penalty for those that didn't. Pretend I'm Joe Schmo, the average player. I'll just make super gun bunny with wealth and perks, and poor those points jot used on offensive powers into levels, or abilities like find weakness, or max out every other aspect of my character, and pity the poor guy tring to buy his attacks. thats the default reaction you would see--those being nice and not trying to abuse the benefit would be the exception, not the rule.
  15. Re: Is Punisher the problem? All of my comments reflect a 350 point non street level campaign. I comes down to fairness. I'm not going to let characters have free attacks that others have to pay for. I don't care what you say about real world this, real world that--we all know we'd see wonder guy, defense industrialist/mercenray/millionaire popping up the moment the real world equipment floodgates completely open. For whatever fragility they may have, their availability and impact will be significant in what the character can accomplish. (sure, my rifle/pitols are only real world..but that Find Weakness with all firearms) If its combat insiginicant (like a flashlight or a cell phone) thats good. Those items have so many potential limitations limited use that it won't kill a game. A Calculator--well thats ok. Night vision goggles used on a regualr basis--pay for it. If taken OAF, fragile, and all appropriate limitations, it's not going to cost much anyway. But if someone wants to pack around a weapon of combat significance (A 9MM in a 350 supers campaign isn't, an M-60 is) it's going to be careful scrutiny. If its character dressing that rarely comes into play, sure. If the character plans on using the weapon in combat regulalry, prepare to spend points. Laptop with state of the art decryption programs in a high tech campaign where such an item would be very valuable..nope. It's a game balance trumping reality bit. No cash-purchased body armor. If a PC is loaned such a vest just once as part of a deception, more of a costum than protection, thats ok. (I might not even let if have effect on someone with more than double the resistant defenses the vest already has). He starts wearing it on a daily basis..uh uh. If we want to have that type of campaign, then it may as well be a non powers campaign. The innate powers characters will be obsolete compared to the group of rich well connected gunbunnies that will suddenly populate the hero world using 'real world tech'.
  16. Re: 5ER review Nice review, but I see its attracted some of the usual replies fomr the 'hate anything that isn't 20 sided crowd". who can't tolerate a good review of a non d20 product. What really bugs me are the people who present their (almost always incorrect) opinion as fact, or talk about the game like they have a clue about it when it's powerfully obvious they don't.
  17. Re: In Real World Terms... Oh heck, make it easy. Lightsabers are a multipower. Missiel Reflection, killing attack, and about 1" of tunneling vs a very high Defense. now, back to real world things: in the city, their are plenty of hazardous chemicals. Maybe have some liqified oxygen or Nitrogen being transferred ram into the guy. (Move throug damage,the the attack above). Or have him down by the docks and have a LNG ship explode. That should do it. Stolen shipment of c4. Burning Oil refinery. Keep dropping indistrial power cables/transformers on him.
  18. incrdbil

    IHA Help

    Re: IHA Help I'm quickly ramping up the IHA in my campaign--they are soon going to steal/acquire ranged mutant scanning technology, then make the jump up to properly armed super-agents. Besides the terribly cliche giant mutant hunting robots, I'm going to stealanother X-Men bit--brainwashed mutants used as disposable assassains to kill other mutants. Still sortign out the name for the militant group, so many good choices I have now.
  19. Re: This week on "Champions"... (as yet struggling for team name) Having just decided to commit to grouping together as a team to protect Chicago, the heroes find themselves in combat with the deadly Mechassasain and a squad of goons sent to do ARGENTS bidding. what the heroes don't realize is the sinister presence of the IHA is about to make itself known. and after the dust settles, a mysterious benefactor will make the fledgling team a very generous offer, seemingly too good to be true. Wind Shear continues to be fascinated by his new neighbor, a risk assessor for an insurance agency who seems ot have an incredible series of unfortunate incidents that surround her daily. Running total: 18 dead fish, 1 complete china ware setting broken, one fire, one microwave fried, one flooded apartment, 3 calls to the locksmith..and the first date is yet to come. Titan faces problems on the home front: struggling with being a teenager in high school and handling hsi mutant powers, he decided to confide in his parents to get their support and understanding. Just before he could tell his parents about his mutant powers, his dad announced happily his new job doing public relations for a political Action Group--the Institute for Human Advanacement. Hardwire continues to watch the family fortune erode as his spendthrift siblings continue their hedonistic lifestyle; his best chance to restablize finances will mean that he may have to put off indefinitely a much needed upgrade to his power armor suit. What he doesn't know is that one of his self centered spoiled siblings may have discovered his secret identity, and has no problems with using it to blackmail him or make a profit from it. The Inquisitor discovered a book was delivered to the occult bookshop he runs in his secret identity, with his signature on the orer slip--yet he never ordered it. the tome is a lost text on Demonology..and his assistant keeps telling him that the bookstore is haunted. He returned to find the book open, and the pages turning themselves. Even worse, one of his most hated enemies may be in town searching for that same tome. Shadowhawk is enjoying the visit from his sister, but her strange behavior is getting more baffling, not to mention her new found wealth. What he doesn't know is that his sister is is none of other than Lady Blue, and a conflict between the villainess and the semi-reformed vigilante may take sibling rivalry to a new level. Ronin, former bounty hunter turned hero is still trying to create a heroic reputation; he's also found out signs that someone is killing off his former associates one by one, and worse yet, the evidence points to him as the one doing it.
  20. incrdbil

    IHA Help

    Re: IHA Help I'll just take a monet to say..everyone here is great. My only problem is choosing from all the good ideas. (The first tip-toe step of the IHA into the campaign just happened, so this info was needed and everyones timing perfect)
  21. Re: Anybody Ever Get THIS? well, since they play Rifts, go heavy on the 'can do anything, any character' approach--but unlike palladium, the rules actually work. Stress they could still play a RIFTS universe game, just with a more character friendly system.
  22. Re: Ring Ring go away.... Well, since the rings are OIF, the only way he's losing a ring if he is incapitated for a while, so a flat 1-2 across the board, and just ruling it a special effect that each slot is associated with a ring. Or, use oif for the slots, but just give the multipower reserve cost itself only a -1/4 limitation, since the only way to deprive him of the MP is to take all of the rings.
  23. incrdbil

    IHA Help

    Genocide of the past is now thwe IHA--or at least the front publicity organization. The agents and robots, of course, wouldn't use that name, if any name. But every group eventually gets a name--so what would be the name for the front group that carries out the violent anti-mutant activities in secret for the parent iHA organization? Genocide would seem to be traditional, but for a publicity point, too negative. Here;s a few off the top of my head: suggestions welcome, even begged for. Human Liberation Front Humans First! Genetic Purity League (doubtful--too Aryan sounding) Defenders of Humanity ( aspin name, trying to adopt a 'vigilante organization image?)
  24. Re: Power Construction Question my apologies for my contribution to the threadjack back on topic: Mr forget about me--this might be a case where a construct is perhaps too much--if bout always on non selective..I mean, life would be rough. Now if he could make a roll to stop it it might be manageable..but maybe you could rule that he manages to work by telecommuting, and his significant others/family have enough ego to remember him
  25. Re: Power Construction Question So your characters simply don't have psych disadvantages unles they volunteer for it and get no compensation for restricting themselves--hey, whatever makes you happy. I do hope you understand that point limits are the rule of the day--characters can't keep piling on disadvantage points, whatever your limit is, players can't go over that with disadvantages. Well, once they hit the cap, they can keep taking them, they just get zero points. But there's nothing wrong with psych limits--a character who won't break a word of honor definitely is limited more than a character with no problems with lying. I guess you can hopr all your folks voluntarily take on appropriate psych limits and roleplay that way--thouh their is no mechanic to force that, such as a required ego roll for someone breaking a strong psych limitation. Of course, to make up points since they don't get psych limits, they have to be more vulernable/hunted/prone to beserk, as their disadvantages have to come out of the other categories. Psych disadvantages can be a legitimate part of a character creation process, and are not munchkin at all. If anything, they help enforce roleplay.
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