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Michael Hopcroft

HERO Member
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    Michael Hopcroft got a reaction from Pariah in Answers & Questions   
    Q: I've got some extra sauerkraut-and-toadstool sandwiches with arsenic sauce. Want one?
    A: Maybe thrusting the planet into eternal winter might not be the best way to work off your sister issues after all.
  2. Like
    Michael Hopcroft got a reaction from tkdguy in A Thread for Random Videos   
    Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Spock
    Holiday season has him in shock....
  3. Like
    Michael Hopcroft got a reaction from Pariah in Answers & Questions   
    A: As offensive fouls go, that's about as offensive as you can get.
  4. Like
    Michael Hopcroft got a reaction from Pariah in NGD Scenes from a Hat   
    The Amazing Darkon asked for a helmet that isn't made of cardboard.
    NT: Situations where it might actually benefit you if your helmet is made of cardboard.
  5. Like
    Michael Hopcroft got a reaction from BlueCloud2k2 in NGD Scenes from a Hat   
    Foxbat, wrapped up head to toe in festive green-and-yellow duct tape. That happens to be invulnerable. With just enough spaces left on his head so he can breathe and see.
  6. Like
    Michael Hopcroft got a reaction from Pariah in Answers & Questions   
    Q: What makes you think 73 is a different sort of number from 58,124 and 17,862?
    A: Isocoles Bread buils stong bodies pi ways.
  7. Like
    Michael Hopcroft got a reaction from Pariah in Answers & Questions   
    Ah! I knew you weren't really Devil Bunny!
    Q: Mommy, why does Santa Claus have a barber pole sticking out of his chest?
    A: It should be noted at this time that I did not tell you that throwing live turkeys out of a helicopter from two thousand feet was a good idea.
  8. Like
    Michael Hopcroft got a reaction from Pariah in Answers & Questions   
    Q: What did your PC say when you tried to install Windows 8?
    A: Even Siri thinks you're a jerk.
  9. Like
    Michael Hopcroft got a reaction from BoloOfEarth in NGD Scenes from a Hat   
    It's worse than that, he's pregnant, Jim!
  10. Like
    Michael Hopcroft got a reaction from L. Marcus in NGD Scenes from a Hat   
    I'd suggest Twilight versus Buffy but it would be a very short movie. "Roll opening credits. Buffy stakes Edward and refers Bella to therapy. roll end credits."
  11. Like
    Michael Hopcroft got a reaction from Psybolt in NGD Scenes from a Hat   
    "Ugh! This gin is awful! Did you make it in the bathtub?"
    "No, not the bathtub."
    "Then where?"
    "In the -- um,in the -- Oh, look! the appetizers are ready!"
  12. Like
    Michael Hopcroft reacted to SteveZilla in More space news!   
    I'm blaming Obama for all those people blaming Obama...   Wait... 
  13. Like
    Michael Hopcroft got a reaction from tkdguy in NGD Scenes from a Hat   
    "Ever since Iron Man went public with his identity, not one of the girls I meet will give me the time of day."
  14. Like
    Michael Hopcroft got a reaction from Pariah in NGD Scenes from a Hat   
    "Ever since Iron Man went public with his identity, not one of the girls I meet will give me the time of day."
  15. Like
    Michael Hopcroft reacted to Pariah in NGD Scenes from a Hat   
    "It has no file structure and no external memory connections, and it's $200 more than its competitors, but it's uber-cool because Steve Jobs designed it!"
    New Topic: New ways to blame our personal problems on superheroes and/or supervillains.
  16. Like
    Michael Hopcroft got a reaction from L. Marcus in NGD Scenes from a Hat   
    "What do you mean every player on my roster got suspended?"
    NT: Subtle signs the man selling you your new taablet computer is out of his mind.
  17. Like
    Michael Hopcroft got a reaction from Pariah in NGD Scenes from a Hat   
    "Now that we've passed a ban on illegal drugs and guns, we will outlaw crime!"
    NT: Subtle signs your kid's entire kindergarten class is on steroids.
  18. Like
    Michael Hopcroft got a reaction from Pariah in Answers & Questions   
    Q: What do you mean my new girlfriend built a steam-powered bipedal hunter robot thing in my backyard using only the parts from a pot-bellied stove?
    A: You will understand in due time. Here! Drink this!
  19. Like
    Michael Hopcroft got a reaction from zornwil in NGD Scenes from a Hat   
    Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat

    Sea Slug Man, Sea Slug Man!
    Does Whatever a Sea Slug can!
    Lies around in the drink!
    Doesn't move, doesn't think!
    Please don't step on the Sea Slug Man!

  20. Like
    Michael Hopcroft got a reaction from Threnody in Self Defeating Powers   
    Re: Self Defeating Powers

    And there you have the Tex Avery Uberbabe, wioth the Limitation "Only Against Wolves" (-1).
    What is the game effect of having an extremely high COM (or for that matter an extremely low one)? And wouldn't it be relative anyway? (Miss Gondor with COM 25 would knock Men and Hobbits for a loop, but she'd still be an ugly human to an Orc!)
  21. Like
    Michael Hopcroft got a reaction from death tribble in NGD Scenes from a Hat   
    Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat

    "I can't believe the Bastille is being stormed by mimes."
    "What do they want?"
    "How would I know? They haven't said a word! besides, the guy we sent to negotiate hasn't come back. Wait -- there he is. Captain, we'd better send out a rescue party."
    "Because they've locked him in an invisble box."
  22. Like
    Michael Hopcroft got a reaction from death tribble in NGD Scenes from a Hat   
    Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat

    Fellatia the Extremely Skilled
    NT: "Oh great! A thousand cursed sptings here at Jusenkyo, and I had to pick The Spring Of Drowned _________! I am so screwed!"
  23. Like
    Michael Hopcroft got a reaction from death tribble in NGD Scenes from a Hat   
    Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat

    The entire nation of Paraguay in ruins at my feet? How did that happen? I've never done THAT before!!!!!!
  24. Like
    Michael Hopcroft got a reaction from zornwil in NGD Scenes from a Hat   
    Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat

    So I asked her "Would you have sex with Brad Pitt for a million dollars?" and she said "Sure! Can you arrange it?", and I answered "No, but you can have sex with me for ten bucks if you want!", then she said "WHAT do you think I AM?" and I said "I KNOW what you are -- maybe you want twenty bucks?" -- and that's when she hit me.
  25. Like
    Michael Hopcroft got a reaction from Mister E in NGD Scenes from a Hat   
    Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat

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