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Posts posted by Beast

  1. Re: Spotter and Laser Designator



    IR Perception (Sight Group), Discriminatory, Analyze, Telescopic: +6, Transmit (20 Active Points)


    guidance package

    Detect IR designator A Single Thing 13- (Sight Group), Discriminatory, Analyze, Telescopic: +30 (28 Active Points)(on bomb)


    gliding 40" x 8 noncombat(on bomb)must go max speed


    flavor with size of bomb of your choice

    250 lb SBD to 30,000 lb MOAB

  2. Re: Five Innovative But Impractical Handguns


    from the replica LeMats I've seen it was a cap and ball pistol

    and they do take time to reload but you can pull the cylinder and replace it fairly quickly(about 3 times the time to replace a clip fed gun)

    you could have pre-loaded cylinders but they will be heavy compared to clips

    and probably need specially made holders for your belt



    I could see the Lemat revolver becoming the favorite of munchkin RPGers in Wild West games--


    THE MUNCHKIN: "It's got a second barrel underneath the barrel for the bullets, and it fires a shotgun shell! I bet the other guys would never see that coming! One shot and BLAMMO! The guy goes down!"


    THE GM: "You do realize that you have to disassemble the gun to reload it, don't you?"


    THE MUNCHKIN: "Disassemble it? Why? Is it broken?"

  3. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far


    in a word yes


    the one basic thing is 1 dc is 5 points

    be it str or eb

    if you pull the figureds from str and add them to body

    the big cost monster is going to be dex

    con is only going to be worth for just that at what level stun done in 1 attack(or coordinated attacks)to daze a target in 6th ed


    ranged attacks are just that they get


    spread for ocv


    set and brace to mod attack

    and damage


    Str gets


    throw(limited damage to objects found if any, limited range compared to same level eb

    and damage


    there is no need to gauge from 1 genre to an other

    points for the genre do that


    the cost difference of figureds vs buying each seperatly has been pointed out by others too many times to be counted here on this forum

    and have been broken down for all to see




    You would have to put a point value to all the ephemeral aspects of characteristics, and that would be a nightmare and impossible to guage accurately from genre to genre and game environ to game environ. How much is CON's ability to resist Stunning worth? STR's ability to Throw or Lift? It is a nice thought to please all of the people some of the time.


    The sellback rule was a patch for a flaw in the system, and making a new edition and retaining a known flaw is just sloppy game design. This has to have bothered a craftsman like Long and I'm sure he savored the chance to eliminate it.


    I do wish people weren't so insistent upon points having any intrinsic worth; they are a fiat system for measuring relative power and not the gold standard. It costs what it costs and, if a 4th Ed character that cost 324 pts cost 362 pts in 5th Ed and will cost 451 pts in Sex Ed, if the game is still fun and everybody is happy then game on! Life's too short to do bookkeeping for fun.

  4. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far


    here is a novel idea

    why not just recost all primary stats so there is no difference with figureds vs buying them seperatly

    yes there will be character point inflation

    but then that happened with 5th ed

    in that way you can do away with the only selling back of 1 figured stat

    the one tweaking would be strength to pull all figureds from it and place them on body

  5. Re: Beating the bell curve


    I would then go with halving the normal world

    a vault door normally has 18 def hardened(hard for a 75 AP cap game to destroy)

    just halve it so it is 9 def it will take some time to bust it down but it will happen


    you could just say all super powers are AP vs the normal world(not including DNPC's)

    and make it a house rule for your universe

    I see it as a waste of points vs objects that are already most likely to fall vs my blows(might take a bit longer ,but not much)

    the only thing that might worry 50 AP cap characters would be the really big stuff(tanks,battleships,155mm and up artillery)

    and this stuff would cause more damage than the supers would


    Two reasons a) I like where the normals are. Although I have considered giving NPCs (but NOT DNPC) Vul 1 1/2 to "super" stuff. B) I'm looking to make super more super without stat inflation. In other words, I'm trying to make say 50 STR more powerful, but keep its upper limit the same.


    On that note though it would be easier to make a +4 HA(for brick lets say) only to "beat the bell curve". So my question is how much of a limitation would it be worth? The limitation is that the extra dice cannot exceed the maximum when added to the base DC. Example max a 10 DC can be rolled is (in theory) 60 Stun and 20 Body. So even with the +4 DC, the result cannot exceed the 60 Stun and 20 Body. I figure -1/2, based off No figured characteristics?


    Thanks for the imput.

  6. Re: Beating the bell curve


    the rules as is work fine for me

    normal walls are 2 def 2 body

    normals have 8 body and 2 def


    10 dc characters are going to trash any normals and normal construction


    if you feel normals are too tough why not just have them at 1/2 a base normal should be

    or up the power level of your game

  7. Re: Fantasy Star Wars.


    the big question is how to represent the Death star

    a huge floating castle in the clouds that can rain down fire and lightning from above



    One key point that leaps out at me is, how are you going to simulate the spaceship battles?


    I would assume either airships or flying mounts. Perhaps a mixture of the two with airships and/or dragons standing in for destroyers and cruisers while gryphons, warhawks etc. stand in for fighters.


    If you go for flying beasts then some kind of magical item which allows the rider to steer telepathically might be a good idea. This leaves the rider free to fire projectile weapons and would explain why Jedi make excellent pilots, their telepathy is stronger.

  8. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far


    everything else has been broken away from strength

    in essence strength is a power that just sits with the rest of the characteristics(like run,swim, leap in how they are presented in HD)

    strength is something a base character can do

    a normal can punch another normal


    if you are proposing that lifting and damage due to strength be seperate things then you are really nerfing bricks

    Steve never said anything like that



    In essence hundred RPGs use some kind of figured stats or derived values.

    IMHO the "you pay for what you get" principle is the very real identity of Hero, the one which protects him from the need to be physicaly accurate. (see for instance Leaping which will no longer be figured from STR. So there is no more need to wonder if it's realistic or nor to be able to leap x meters with STR y. You pay for x meters so you get it, whatever your STR. If you want realism so pay for it. I like this simple idea)


    Thus figured stats and CVs are only artifact of the past, the last who break this principle and it seems logical to get rid of them.


    Then the last artifact will be damage added from STR....

  9. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far


    and the same could have been said for Regeneration and Instant Change, but they got dropped

    could the same happen here



    Well' date=' I think TK exists as a Power simply because it's clearer to people than STR usable at range. It's a part of a lot of Power sets.[/quote']
  10. Re: Divided Skies: Premise and Background


    how fast is travel between stable worm hole points?

    if a ship can traverse the worm hole what about a radio signal?


    lets say that it take a ship 1 week to go 1 parsec(3 lys approx)

    and it takes a radio signal 3 days

    will still need some local authority


    the longer it takes for a reply, the more local control will be needed

    the big questions are

    "How unfriendly is it near the border"

    "How Xenophobic are the religious colonies"(especially to other humans. Did the Taliban move out into space only to build an empire to take earth and kill all the infidels once that grew enough and did not kill them selves off )

  11. Re: Talking hitS


    while you cannot dodge a bullet, you can make it harder for the shooter to be on target


    if you change the rules for heroic level vs other then you just took the being able to play cross genre characters out


    you method might work but it would need to be as a replacement to the current method not just for 1 genre


    if you are going for the ultra realistic DCV mods then the combat should go that way also , so you get ultra long fights or the rise of snipers and baiters



    I agree, but simply halving, or penalising DCV is too simplistic: you might be easier to hit because you are less mobile, but harder to hit because you present a smaller target, even if out in the open. High DCV characters will see much less benefit from crouching or going prone.


    One point I'm pushing is the idea that, for heroic games, with a gritty feel, DCV against firearms should not be calculated from DEX/3 but from target area (against slower attacks where DEX is a factor, DEX/3 for DCV remains)- normal humans can not move fast enough to get out of the way of a bullet, or even think fast enough to perceive it before it hits.

  12. Re: Talking hitS


    kneeling while you are a smaller target yes ,but you are not as mobile

    I would consider this as a form of braced

    you could add the +1 for smaller target, but you are 1/2 DCV due to restricted mobility

    kneeling behind something a wall or such you could go for cover as a head and shoulders exposed but you still are 1/2 DCV





    So, if I'm right so far (and there is room on this pin head) that has some interesting implications for relative position.


    It should mean that turning side on to an attack is worth about +1 DCV, as is kneeling down.



  13. Re: Technomancer


    try this combo of effects

    1 system operations(all types)

    2 N-ray vision (not vs flesh) lots of telescopic

    3 5 str tk indirect(just in case)with fine manipulation to fiddle with what is in side(might want more str


    if it was a computer or AI I would go with Transform(reprograming operating system to have a back door for you to give commands and locking everybody else out)

    heals by reinstalling old operating system

    4 Electronics and computer programing to complement

  14. Re: EGO Attack


    Class of minds was more broadly defined back then, as if it had stun you could affect it


    force wall is so overpriced adding mental defense makes it even more useless


    everything else has been added over time ,but did it take into account what came before

    in that do we have the math of what came before all the extra added



    AVLD mental Defense has the same limitations. The only one we need to tack on is "only vs X Class of Minds".


    Any attack vs Mental Defense is blocked only if the barrier has mental defense. See the writeup of Force Walls. "If you can see, you can hit" is the Line of Sight Range advantage


    When they came up with it, there were no classes of mind, no AVLD advantage and no Range - Line of Sight advantage, so they didn't have all the same tools to map it out with. The Indirect advantage also did not exist yet.

  15. Re: EGO Attack


    you forgot the limitations

    does no body

    does no knock back

    only vs minds


    it also has indirect as if you can see your target you can hit it

    other wise you could not attack that target behind a glass wall/window unless you penetrate the barrier


    what we really need are the notes from George and company on how they came to their conclusions


    Everything that Ego Attack does can be described in terms of Energy Blast plus Advantages. Based On ECV. Invisible Power Effects. Line Of Sight. No Range Penalty.
  16. Re: Zombie Horror Survivor (Left4Dead)?


    the heroes in left for dead are immune to the disease

    they are fast zombies where enough damage will kill

    head shots are just a faster kill


    while a good read WWZ and The Zombie Survival Guide

    Max Brooks does not have a good grasp of tactics or weapon effects

    his preference of the AK-47 over the M-16 is weird as he wants a more accurate rifle

    which the M-16 is

    yes it needs a bit more care but the AK needs care also


    My preference for his slow zombie genre would be the new 9mm carbines that have come out in the past few yrs

    good to 150m to 200m

    same ammo as your back up pistol(some also use the same clips as in the beretta)

    light(1/2 the weight of a AK or M16


    I would be up for a zombie game if you ran it on Hero Central


    Last Night on Earth with Growing Hunger is a great zombie board game

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