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Posts posted by Beast

  1. Ghost Cat


    Val Char Cost Roll Notes

    55 STR 5 20- Lift 51.2tons; 11d6 [1]

    18 DEX 16 13- OCV: 9/DCV: 7

    25 CON 15 14-

    18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13-

    13 EGO 3 12- ECV: 3 - 3

    18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 3 ½d6


    9 OCV 30

    7 DCV 20

    3 OMCV 0

    3 DMCV 0

    6 SPD 40 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12


    25 PD 13 Total: 25 PD (10 rPD)

    25 ED 13 Total: 25 ED (10 rED)

    15 REC 11

    50 END 6

    10 BODY 0

    60 STUN 20 Total Characteristic Cost: 206


    Movement: Running: 28m/56m

    Leaping: 48m/96m

    Swimming: 4m/8m


    Cost Powers END

    24 Nanite Alien tech body manipulation: Multipower, 30-point reserve, (30 Active Points); all slots Unified Power (-¼)

    1f 1) Fur ball fight: (Total: 30 Active Cost, 13 Real Cost) Stretching 5m (5 Active Points); Only To Cause Damage (-½), no Noncombat Stretching (-¼), No Velocity Damage (-¼) (Real Cost: 2) plus +5 with a large group of attacks (25 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about half of its effectiveness (only to counter act negatives from a sweep maneuver; -1) (Real Cost: 11) 1

    2f 2) Running +16m (28m total), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼), Usable [As Second Mode Of Movement]swimming (+¼) (30 Active Points) 1

    2f 3) Leaping +48m (48m forward, 24m upward), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼) (30 Active Points) 1

    2f 4) Extreme Parcour: Running 6m, x8 Noncombat, Usable [As Second Mode Of Movement]Leaping (+¼), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼) (30 Active Points) 1

    Notes: 144mph ncm phase 0 18m combat Phase 1 of ncm 36mPhase 2 of ncm 54m phase 3 of ncm72 m phase 4 of ncm 90m phase 5 of ncm 108m phase 6 of ncm 126m phase 7 of ncm 144m

    2f 5) Claws: HKA 2d6 (5 ½d6 w/STR) (30 Active Points); Restrainable (-½) 3


    Nanite alien tech enhancements, all slots Unified Power (-¼)

    9 1) Shape Shift (Sight, Hearing and Touch Groups, limited group of shapes), Makeover, Costs END Only To Change Shape (+¼) (35 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Minute, Only to Activate, Character May Take No Other Actions, -1), Increased Endurance Cost (x5 END; -1), Concentration (0 DCV; -½) 15

    8 2) Radar (Radio Group) (15 Active Points); Lockout (Normal vision; -½) 0

    24 3) Resistant Protection (10 PD/10 ED) (30 Active Points) 0

    48 4) +40 STR, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (60 Active Points)

    3 5) HA +1d6+1 (7 Active Points); Restrainable (-½), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-¼) 1

    13 6) Regeneration (1 BODY per Turn) (16 Active Points) 0

    8 7) Clinging (normal STR) (10 Active Points) 0

    11 😎 Life Support (Eating: Character only has to eat once per week; Extended Breathing: 1 END per Turn; Longevity: 400 Years; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Sleeping: Character only has to sleep 8 hours per week) (14 Active Points) 0

    5 9) +2/+2d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all characters) (6 Active Points)





    0 Dex Based Skils

    3 1) Breakfall 13-

    3 2) Stealth 13-

    3 3) Shadowing 13-

    0 Int based skills

    3 1) Deduction 13-

    3 2) Mimicry 13-

    2 3) Navigation (Land) 13-

    3 4) Security Systems 13-

    0 Pre based skills may add +2 for Striking Appearence

    3 1) Acting 13-

    3 2) Conversation 13-

    3 Scholar

    1 1) Law Enforcement procedures: KS (2 Active Points) 11-

    1 2) Super powered world: KS (2 Active Points) 11-

    1 3) KS: Secret Socities (2 Active Points) 11-

    0 Everyman skills

    0 1) Climbing 8-

    0 2) Concealment 8-

    0 3) AK: USA 8-

    0 4) Language: English (idiomatic; literate) (5 Active Points)

    0 5) Paramedics 8-

    0 6) Persuasion 8-

    0 7) TF: Custom Adder, Small Motorized Ground Vehicles


    Total Powers & Skill Cost: 194

    Total Cost: 400


    400+ Matching Complications

    5 Distinctive Features: Nanotech Infused (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable Only By Technology Or Major Effort)

    25 Hunted: Various tech seeking villains Frequently (Mo Pow; NCI; Harshly Punish)

    Notes: Ghost Cat was created using alien(1 of a kind)nanites

    15 Psychological Complication: code vs Killing (Common; Strong)

    10 Physical Complication: partial amnesia (Infrequently; Slightly Impairing)

    Notes: can only remember the past 7 yrs and knows the SD memories are not hers but they are a template that has helped in her learning of the world

    10 Psychological Complication: Striving to Be More Human (Common; Moderate)

    Notes: Because she still learning how to be 'herself', Ghost Cat can sometimes be manipulated by suggesting to her that 'real humans react X way'. This has the potential to lead her into trouble, but it isn't likely to lead her into BAD trouble ...

    10 Physical Complication: Affected as both Human and Machine re: Mental Powers (Infrequently; Slightly Impairing)

    Notes: Due to the fact that she is not just human but also highly infused with nanobots, Ghost Cat can be affected by mental powers that target either humans (her brain), or machines (her nanobots, which then control her brain).


    Total Complications Points: 400


  2. On 4/29/2020 at 12:38 PM, Panpiper said:

    I'm not sure I am clear on the concept of what a "pbem" game is, or how it is actually played. I suppose it could be some sort of shared story writing device, but how the heck do you roll dice, let alone adjudicate a fight? Is there an article or video somewhere I could reference that could give me more of a clue? I do roll play and I can write quite well and easily, but I am more of a wargamer when I play tabletop than I am a role player. I am not sure pbem would be my cup of tea.

    Rpol has a dice roller as it is a play by post(everybody goes to the same website and posts to a common forum that the GM sets up
    It is free

    you will need to use 2nd free website like https://postimages.org/

  3. does it really matter?
    If the GM wants the villain to return  the Villain will return unless the Heroes kill the Villain and keep the body in an extra- dimensional vault
    even then it was an LMD ,clone, new robot body, etc if the GM wants
    So all types are viable, but if the GM wants to bring that Villain back , where there is a will there is a way
    I would take most as a vacation for the villain time will tell

  4. 1 hour ago, steriaca said:

    "Then your basically an organic robot. That is ok. I'm basically a walking anime character. There are stranger things in this world."

    more a cyborg with free will

    and the cyborg parts are nano sized

  5. 18 hours ago, Amorkca said:


    That's tragic, Sorry for your loss!


    My parents suspect but they don't "Know" at least I don't think they do...

    I have most of my mother's memories that go all the way back to the early 1920's ,and my father's genetic material was from a nazi ubermensch project
    add in some alien tech ,set to simmer for 40 some odd yrs with occasional testing and presto changeo BOOM I was born just over 2 yrs ago
    My mother Silk Detective's memories downloaded shortly there afterwards that where only a few months old

  6. 4 hours ago, Mark Rand said:

    "Poverty Gulch isn't the only wealthy neighborhood," Arachne says.  "There's also Brackett Park in the city and Falcon Bluff and Royal Grove in Lakeview.  Both Poverty Gulch and Brackett Park are near University Commons."

    Since there are 4 of us lets do a 1 in Lakeview, 2 in poverty Gulch(Arachne and our fastest flyer) and 1 in Brackett Park
    every few day we swap where our heavy 2 person unit is
    we have radios to call in the others should 1 unit strike gold

    Also maybe it is time we found out how fast you can fly

  7. "I need everybody to get back at least 40 yards, I'm going to push this bus up and out from the front"
    once that is done GC will get in the muck and try and find good footing to push off from
    she will push her strength to 50(5pts) and leap 20m back where the bus came from

  8. 2 hours ago, Mark Rand said:

    "From what we can tell, water eroded the roadbed, causing the pavement to collapse."

    broken water main?
    does it look like there are shorting out of any power lines
    GC says"Call HQ and see if there are any power lines in this area get them turned off(she will spend a minute to give as exact position as possible +3 for time  base Navigation 12-)

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