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Posts posted by Beast

  1. On 9/22/2019 at 6:32 PM, Pariah said:

    I would like to see a remake of Starship Troopers that wasn't a complete middle finger to the original book.


    As far as The Princess Bride is concerned, I think anyone who suggests a remake should be put into the Zoo of Death.


    (It's possible that I'm a little opinionated where these movies are concerned.)

    I could see a cgi of the RUS and that is about it

  2. On 9/22/2019 at 12:44 PM, death tribble said:

    I am one of those awful people who like Starship Troopers. But then I like the director. I have read the book and I understand why they did the film in the way they did. You can't show a lot of emotion if you have your actors covered in armour. I can and have watched the film multiple times. Would you like to know more ?

    Just do what they did with RDJ in the Iron Man flicks
    and if you cannot act with your ,voice you cannot act

  3. 2 minutes ago, Sketchpad said:


    I apologize, Beast. I must've misinterpreted. However, I would still avoid a boxed version of a core book these days. They work better as introductory sets, particularly if you can keep them inexpensive. The Essentials Kit is only $25, which is a great price these days for a printed box set.


    Wildstrike was a cheap intro to Fusion that now could be done as a free pdf
    then a boxed version of CC would be the 2nd step of bringing more into the fold
    as it would have more inhand support than having to download and print

  4. 12 minutes ago, Sketchpad said:

    If you're looking at a starter kit of some kind, I would leave Champions Complete out of it. The idea for most beginner boxes is to create sales for core products. For such a product, I would include a limited version of Sidekick that covers the basics and maybe gives a handful of templates to play with. Then include an adventure book, a flip map, some standees (or pawns), a good set of 12mm d6s, and a pad of simple character sheets. I would really recommend looking at the D&D 5e Essentials Kit as an example of how to do such a product.

    Sketchpad, you took me out of context as I started by using a version of Wildstrike as an intro to Hero system, THEN a boxed version of CC

  5. 1 minute ago, Spence said:


    Put a copy of CC in the box.

    A pregenerated superhero team in the box.

    A "lets learn to play Champions" short adventure that does a quick demo of skill resolution, movement and combat.

    A short three or for chapter mini-campaign.

    Maps for the above

    and a few hero dice.


    And there it is. 

    The Champions Starter box. 

    there needs to be a starter setup that is about 20 pages including 10 starting heroes and maybe 1 Boss encounter

  6. On 7/14/2019 at 11:26 AM, dmjalund said:

    what we need is a Champions Starter Box

    not a starter box but a free pdf of an updated Wildstrike and Hero system in 2 pages
    with a bit of exp spending
    then Champions Complete in a starter box or as a starter pdf package


  7. On 7/10/2019 at 7:33 AM, BoloOfEarth said:

    Or am I overthinking this and should I just make it a very broad Change Environment?  For example, Change Environment (5 TK STR), Varying Combat Effects, AoE (256m Radius; +1 3/4), Varying Effect (Limited machinery haywire effects; +1/2), 0 END (+1/2); No Range (-1/2), No Conscious Control (-2).  And then handwave / wing it with the actual effects?  ("Joe, your IR goggles seem to be fritzing out, make a PER roll at -2.  Dana, your jetpack seems to be acting up, make a DEX roll at -1 to maintain control.")

    I would go with the 6e CE Stunning adder but go vs Int or an Int drain vs machines

  8. 2 hours ago, Lord Liaden said:


    Known to the people who live on it. Who haven't even set foot on other planets. Life elsewhere in the universe might consider that a rather provincial perspective. ;)


    But I stand by my statement: as a celestial body the Earth is unimpressive.

    we have landed people on the moon
    and have sent out at least 2 address adverts inviting any who could read our address for naked hot tubbing party

  9. 1 hour ago, Lord Liaden said:

    I got the impression from Thor: The Dark World that Loki was closer to Frigga than to Odin. A free Loki might rescue Frigga from Malekith, only to sacrifice her to obtain the Soul Stone. IMO that would pretty much cement Loki's path to pure evil.


    2 hours ago, dmjalund said:

    who would Loki sacrifice to get the Soul stone? I'm thinking Odin

    Problem is Loki's love of himself out weights his love if any for anybody else

  10. Just now, Toxxus said:


    In this particular case I believe the issue is that the rule for recovering from being stunned is unnecessarily punitive and leads to some pretty anti-heroic scenarios.


    I've beat this horse into a fine red puree by now, but taking damage shouldn't stop you from recovering from being stunned unless it is sufficient to stun you again.


    The rules aren't even consistent with themselves:

    1-  If you have a lower DEX than your attacker then you can recover from being stunned in the same segment despite having taking sufficient damage to stun you in the same segment.

    2-  If you hold your action - You lose it and cannot recover from being stunned.  Now you're effectively stunned for 2 phases (current phase & next phase to recover - maybe).

    3-  If you have a higher DEX than your attacker then you can recover from being stunned ONLY if you don't take any damage at all in the next segment you have a Phase in until your DEX arrives.  Any damage at all stun-locks you - indefinitely.


    Situation 1 makes sense to me.

    Situation 2 I don't like as much.

    Situation 3 I have to house rule so I can continue to have players and not have my boss monsters stun-locked by a single critical hit.

    I've seen the stun lock scenario in plenty of movies and comics(hero might feign being dead or KO'ed then surprise attack the villain)

    It is the GM's choice to use it or not
    The Team needs to keep and eye on each others 6 o'clock and bail them out if possible
    a possible out is to either target the agent with a full power attack(most will fold) or wait till the bottom of the phase and have a ranged attacker haymaker vs the super power level stun locker and reverse  the scenario

    you phase lasts from when do something with your full move(this can be broken up into many actions percieve1/2 move ,percieve  other 1/2 move or attack) till the start of your NEXT phase

    a speed 6 character has a phase every 2 seconds and his full move takes 2 seconds it is just done as a if it is instant otherwise we would be playing Starfleet Battles where each movement is 10kkm/1m when your phase comes up

  11. 20180805 is what I have(going to check for an update
    if you cannot access your purchase(store/client area/purchases)you will need to repurchase or prove to Dan you bought it  
    there was there was a big revamp of the website back in 2017

    where there was no way to transfer over previous purchases
    it was a 4 month process so everybody was warned to back up your downloads
    HD3/6 was the only thing Dan could extend  yo the new system but you had to contact him ,so he could manually

  12. yes this stun lock is something that a GM could do
    WTH is the rest of the TEAM doing
    Team means you help out you TEAMMATE if the are in trouble
    a TEAMMATE in trouble might mean grabbing your fallen and REGROUPING and reassessing who engages who

    Going solo invites this action and means a deathtrap for the solo or a reason for the team to regroup and come up with a new plan to engage the villain and rescue the solo

  13. On 6/11/2019 at 8:42 PM, Christopher R Taylor said:

    Related, I use a house rule where knockout levels are dependent on your CON.  Its a subtle change, but it helps make CON matter more and fits in my mind


    So instead of 


    0 to -10 stun = recover per phase

    -11 to -20 stun = recover every post 12 phase

    -21 to -30 stun = Recover per minute



    Its now


    0 to -CON in stun = recover per phase

    -CON+1 to -CONx2 = recover every post 12 phase



    Basically the hardier you are, the more abuse you can sustain before it puts you down long term.  This applies only for PCs, of course.

    the old CalTech game I was in for 25 yrs used body for the break points so near death could have you in a very long coma time if no healing was availible(could mean a quest for the rest of the team and maybe something like visiting the pearly gates)


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