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Everything posted by OddHat

  1. I see one; well designed specific settings. GURPS world books almost always do a very good job of describing worlds and campaigns in great detail, and carefully develop logical alternatives for those settings. Look at GURPS Voodoo; you have a clear and well conceived world history, a bunch of alternative campaign ideas, a very flexible magic system, and a few well written examples of play. IMO Hero System: Champions certainly trumps GURPS Supers if you don't want to end up doing a lot of hand waving to keep characters alive or to get just the effect you're looking for, but GURPS Wildcards and IST and their companion books are well done; both make for good sources to adapt to Hero System.
  2. Depends on how your world works, and how goblins work. If they were human they'd need sufficient farmland to keep them all fed, maybe a source of animal protein (lakes, rivers and harbors work well), some livestock, a source of weapons, ore if they have their own smiths...an agricultural or other food surplus always makes for a good source of trade in any pre-industrial society. Wine is a luxury good, and it can generate a fair amount of cash, but they'll need more if your world doesn't have very well established, reliable and guarded trade routes. Land and sea trade routes in general will be important. Magic is another issue. If there are mages around, the goblins will need witches and shamans. If the goblins are as fast breeding as AD&Desque goblins, they'll have quite a population problem fairly quickly. COuld make for a good adventure hook. Bands of predatory human "heroes" breaking into the homes of respectable goblin tradesman, killing them and taking their stuff would make for a great adventure hook. Title: "Who will think of the goblins?" GURPS goblins has a very funny and bizare semi-victorian London world setting for a goblin society. You might be able to steal some ideas from it.
  3. Q: WOW! An autographed coppy of the Saphire issue of playboy! How much do you want for it? A: And that's why Angels Never Cry.
  4. It's not bad, but I really don't see it as that useful in a fantasy hero campaign. If you want to rule that mages don't get to wear armor, or (as Hugh suggested) get a skill roll penalty for wearing it, I'd just build it into the ground rules for the campaign. Your Game Your Rules.
  5. He doesn't have to concentrate throughout the use of each power, only to activate them. This means that he can only activate them one at a time; he can then maintain one while activating another. That is, as far as I can see by reading the second half of the entry, rules legal. Feel free to drop a question to Steve though. As far as I can see, the interpretation you're using would only apply to a "concentration throughout" limitation.
  6. Q: Lady Britania has changed her name to WHAT? A: There were only a few left. I was lucky to get this one.
  7. Q: Bill, guess who just pulled up to the drive thru! A: Don't worry. We can wait a half hour and try again.
  8. Q: So Bio-Girl, what's it like having extruded armor? A: That's why she ate his nose.
  9. Very cool. Have you checked out the Enforcers Inc thread? http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=110110#Kung
  10. Q: Jeez. What was the last email he sent before the murder spree? A: You ... I ... Eh .... Lovely tonight... (whimper)
  11. Q: C'mon Guargantua, you can tell us! Is it ... 1492? A: I'm sorry, I was looking at your costume...
  12. Q: We decided on an image consultant for our hero names. We're a duo of crime fighters who use non-leathal high presure water cannons. Sometimes we add chemicals to the water. What can you come up with? A: Not the face, not the face!
  13. 3 points sounds about right. IIRC, it's the same cost as "member of the lower nobility," which sounds about right for a popular celeb but not quite a superstar.
  14. Q: So Witchcraft, tell me about your dream. A: It must be jelly, because it's made of fruit and sugar with the seeds removed and formed into a sort of gel, then smeared on other foodstuffs for flavor.
  15. (beat me to it) Q: So Captain Citrus, what do you call this new signaling device? A: Three large vegatables and one smaller vegatable.
  16. Q: The cyborgization virus did WHAT to Paradise Island? A: Three large vegetables.
  17. I handled a similar character by giving him an infrequent somewhat impairing physical limitation. No mod for the EB and Gestures for the FW also sounds about right.
  18. 150 Darkness to Hearing , Sight , Mental , Radio , Smell/Taste and Touch Groups 2" radius, Personal Immunity (+1/4), Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2), Invisible Power Effects, Hide effects of Power (Fully Invisible; +2) (150 Active Points) The character creates a sphere of darkness where all perception rolls automatically fail and targetting is impossible, yet no one notices anything unusual about the area. The Character is immune. THe character is effectively fully invisible and all of the character's powers get fully invisible power effects for free, and he can only be attacked by someone with ver rare unusual senses. Drop it down to: 87 Darkness to Hearing , Mental , Sight and Smell/Taste Groups 1" radius, Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2), Invisible Power Effects, Hide effects of Power (Fully Invisible; +2) And now you can have it for under 90 points.
  19. It's just the special effect of a visable Ego Attack or an NND with the limits "Only outside of Actual Combat" (-1), "Only Against Friends" (-0, because some munchkin will then ask for only against foes), and probably charges.
  20. Q: So what's on pay-per-view? A: Yes, the kilt goes with the power armor.
  21. Q: Uncle Leo described himself HOW to the police!?! A: I shall feast on the hearts of mine enemies, and suck the jelley from their eyes! Then, I shall eat little tea cakes.
  22. The optional magic rules. They are, of course, optional. Still, a 350 point Mage built under a given set of optional rules is no longer fully interchangeable with a 350 point mage built "by the book" or under other given sets of optional rules. This is not an attack; I can see why they were suggested. Still, it does make the Hero system a bit less Universal, and that is the same problem GURPS was being called on the mat for. And you can play a perfectly good game of GURPS fantasy with only the core book as well.
  23. Nothing against your idea, but; 1) My players don't get to see npc's stats. If Detective Philips was a high school football star, I'll describe him as having the heavy build of an aging ex-athlete now getting fat. 2) I won't ask my players to build characters that aren't cost effective, and I don't see the need to do it myself. Maybe that's the Gamist in me winning over the Simulationist. However... 3) I have built characters with non-optimized stats that I intended to improve with experience, and I don't sweat over every point. I don't think my players do either. One shot characters or characters meant for tournament games are a different story. Anyway, that's one view. Peace and all that.
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