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Everything posted by braincraft

  1. Re: Blocking/Counterstriking... Knockback (unrelated) Just because some people misuse a word doesn't mean it shouldn't exist or be used. By your standard, effect and affect shouldn't be words.
  2. Re: Blocking/Counterstriking... Knockback (unrelated) No, the end result = standoff, which is both reasonable and dramatic. Assuming that these aren't the last two people in the universe and that eventually one or both parties will have to eat, sleep, or use the toilet at some point in the future, you can skip ahead to the part where somebody shoots first (Han, dammit). I don't think it's 'complicated' for two evenly-matched opponents to warily circle each other until something happens. Maybe somebody's friends get there. Maybe something nearby explodes and distracts them. Maybe somebody loses his patience and takes his chances. And god forbid you're talking about this happening in the middle of a group melee; if you're standing around in the middle of a fight waiting on everybody else, somebody's going to take the opportunity to take a potshot. And no matter how much you delay, the guy with the better DEX still has the edge in interrupt roll-offs. It's not complicated, just uncertain, and no amount of waiting and seeing is going to grant certainty when the rounds start flying. Anybody who thinks there's a magic trick to initiative is outsmarting himself.
  3. Re: Rail gun damage? I think that once you start getting into superadvanced tech that is completely dissimilar to anything we have today, you may as well start making up ridiculous shit. Maybe we'll go back to chemical propellant because we develop a super-gunpowder that expands at a significant fraction of c, and we contain and direct the blast with a neutron bottle field to launch an ultradense black matter flechette that reverses polarity (antiblack matter?) and releases ten times its weight in radiation. Maybe we'll use shrink rays. Maybe we'll have invincible force fields and have to swordfight with dimensional rift blades to get through them. I don't think that's especially more ridiculous than having to reconstruct the entire firing mechanism of the weapon with every shot.
  4. Re: Blocking/Counterstriking... Knockback (unrelated) You can always delay your action, though. The difference between a high DEX and a low DEX is that the high DEX always has the option of going first or last; the guy with the low DEX only gets to go when the other guy lets him.
  5. I'll be back Phased plasma rifle, forty-watt range.
  6. Re: [Character] Rival.. What am I doing Wrong? Mind Control only really works if the target's powers are controlled by the mind, if you read me. An air elemental won't stop being an air elemental after you drain its powers just because it suddenly wants to stop being a sentient vortex of wind, and Giganto, the Crushinator won't necessarily stop being gigantic and crushing things because you made him stop wanting to be big. Swap it out for a drain or something.
  7. if you have ranged on your missle reflection, you can play ping-pong with yourself I think you need missle reflection for that.
  8. Re: Flying Dodge The smart thing to do is to use your full move to teleport behind the attacker, or to the other side of a wall, or through the roof, or into the sewers. Safe Blind Teleport is just about the most useful little advantage you can pay points for.
  9. Re: Yet Another Build Question: rubber-morph going splat I don't see why not. I've used it myself. Everyone else also has good ideas. In light of the teleportation one, here's something your GM will punch you for: Gliding 1", To reduce falling damage only, does not slow real velocity(-1), 1 active pts, 1 real cost, 0 END
  10. Re: Bandages and such Assuming 10 STR and 2 PD, you haymakered the wall and rolled max BODY. And the wall had a damage shield.
  11. Re: Bandages and such Depends on the type of wound, the size of the body part, the skill of the medic, the type of bandaging used, what other supplies are available (with tape or other fasteners, you need less 'bandage' material proper), and mind you that there are different bandaging techniques used depending on all of these. You don't just wrap up whatever's bleeding like a mummy; you generally put a wad of something on the wound and fasten it down. If there's structural damage, you also need stuff like slings and splints, which require more material on top of the wound dressing. If the patient can't walk, you need a stretcher, or improvised carrying device, or at least someone pretty strong who can carry him where you're going. Different tech levels make this even weirder. If you have, say, a supertech 'skin-in-a-can', you might just spray it on, or you might have a flesh-mender raygun, or a portable regeneration cocoon. I have no idea what you mean by 'average' wound, either. An average nicked finger while cutting vegetables? You need a band-aid, preferably with cartoon characters on it. An average gunshot wound? To the torso? Bandages are only going to slow the bleeding until you get to surgery. An average sword wound? Knife wound? Grenade wound? Laser wound? Average wound from a punch from a troll? Average wound from getting mauled by an animal? Average wound from a car wreck? Plane wreck? Fireball? Magic missle? Sprit drain? Getting bucked by a horse? Arrow wound? It's very complicated, and there's probably not a lot of value in simulating it to a high level of exactitude. Just make shit up. 'Feet' of bandages. Geez.
  12. Re: Question about Nonpersistent Well, you still get your post-12 recovery. You just can't take a recovery action. I like it, since it discourages turtling.
  13. Re: [CHaracter] Shaper He is clearly inferior to Batman. Because my man Bats, he don't shiv.
  14. Re: [Character]: Demon Hero Bishi! I liked the elf in PVC pseudo-Third Reich regalia.
  15. At least he ain't no filthy robo-lover
  16. Re: No robotic love? I hate things like robots, because once you have one, you open the door for lots of others, and then the tech levels in your world start exploding beyond your control. It's easier to scale back on robots and hyper-scientists.
  17. Re: Villain power creation - I'm stuck You could have a multipower with some Summon constructs, for that instant army effect, and a Transform for jacking animal NPCs and high-point targets, like when you need to turn Wonderhound into your slave beast, or an elephant into a mumakil.
  18. Re: [Character] Yttrank 1. I can't believe your GM let you put gadgets in an EC. 2. If 15d6 is about average for your campaign, you're gonna get stunned on an average hit... and your DCV is kinda lukewarm, even for a low-powered campaign. You're pretty much forced to remain invisible to keep from getting blown away, and anyone able to fight invisible opponents (with super-senses or AoE) will find an easy time taking you out with your low CON. Sure, you spent (for some reason) forty points on extra STUN, but that just means you'll be conscious for most of your lengthy beating. 3. Vulnerability to Entangles(?!) and your only halfway useful physical attack is from an accessible focus. Guess what you're gonna be doing all night. 4. For a 600 point character, you have almost nothing in skills, perks, or any other sort of background stuff. If nothing about this guy suggests anything of that sort, he seems a lot more like a faceless thug-pawn. 5. Turning people into pleasure-slaves seems pretty... well, not exactly heroic. 6. Furthermore, his background seems to suggest that his defining personality characteristic is being a prick. 7. You don't need Flight to be Fully Invisible, unless you somehow don't want it to be obvious that he's hovering in midair. Just SFX invisibility will make it emissionless and silent.
  19. Re: How would you build this power? What would you have to cover to blindfold him? What if you covered his whole head? His whole body? What if it was a really, really thick blindfold? If he can see even with very thick barriers in his way, can he see through walls and around corners? If not, what is the greatest thickness of material he can 'see' through? Does it matter what the material is made out of? Does he have to turn his head to look around? Can he see from the back of his head? What's his field of vision if it's not 360 degrees? In other words, what is the actual physical effect at work here? If you're using nonexistent physics, then you need to know how explicitly and specifically how those physics work, because you can't use real physics as a baseline.
  20. Re: How would you build this power? First of all, Daredevil actually does have problems with being blind. He can't see color, for one (which might explain his awful yellow costume), and he can't read print unless he can touch it (his super-sensitive fingers can detect the ink on the paper). On the other hand, he's immune to bright lights and can't be fooled by holograms... and blindfolding him is a waste of time. What about your guy? If someone plugs his ears and covers his eyes, can he still see and hear? That sounds like it could be useful. Eventually.
  21. Re: The Super Darwin Awards The Darwin Award is for removing your stupid genes from the breeding pool. You are disqualified if you are still capable of siring or bearing children, or if you already have children. Technically, you can win by surviving sterilization (bonus points if it's violent and painful). This is also much harder in comic books, because everybody has a shitload of clones and alternate universe doubles.
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