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Everything posted by Rapier

  1. Re: Shapeshifting See, I disagree. One of the main points of SS is that you can look like something other than yourself. For me, Invis is "I don't see anything"...SS is "I don't see anything that look like Bob the Robot." But I agree. SS is not very all encompassing. Any SSer worth his salt is also going to have an MP or points in Desol, Stretching, Growth, Clinging, Attacks, etc. SS is almost like only the first step on the path....
  2. Re: Fantasy Hero Campaign (ala. Space Opera) I love the flying galleon idea. It is one I'm particularly fond of. One of the great stumbling blocks for fantasy games is the fact that travel can be hideously boring. If you need to get from the home city to the evil wizard lair, this journey can take 4 months of travel. Long distance travel is the bane of GMs everywhere. Either you concentrate on ho hum camping or all they get is the three random encounters on the way. Of course there is a middle ground...but it tends to be a lot of work for very little bang. The flying galleon (or large chariot or whatever) is actually a nice middle ground. For FH games I usually go with the "Knights" instead of troopers: Doom Knights, Blood Knights (with obligatory red armour), Shadow Knights, etc. Troopers is just to modern for me. On the whole though, Star Wars is nothing more than Space Western. A western campaign is fairly generic and works good in almost any setting. A Fantasy Western campaign would be LOTS of fun. Its not like Western and Fantasy are that different in genre. All the best, and it sounds like a great time.
  3. Re: MultiMagic in FH WOW. You rock, man. That is the kind of detail I have put into my Champs and Hero campaigns. Our FH campaign is not even really a campaign. Its more really like minor adventures with the same cast (episodic semi-related adventures...more like a Star Trek FH than a real campaign). I'm workin now and trying to develop a FH campaign. It would be a lot easier for me (and more fun for my players) if I could coalesce (sp?) things into a contiguous campaign. It would also give me the potential to drop a FH game in the midst of our Champs or Hero games to break up the monotony. Would you be at all upset if I stole some of that (giving all due props to the Shrike along the way)?
  4. Re: How much are these limits worth? Hmm. I was thinking of coordinated attacks. If not coordinated, you are correct. Defsnive Power altering affects occur after damage. The only question is whether CON is a Defensive "power." Eh. Actually turns out I was more incorrect. Ah well. This is what happens when you don't have your books handy. Well, I tried. Back to the drawing board.
  5. Re: Haymaker or mere Push? I couldn't necessarily think of an example either, however I am entirely willing to admit that there is, most likely, an example or three out there. Especially since the SFX of the two attacks are very different. In my mind a Haymaker is more of an "overcharging" effect, be it winding up etc; a Push is increasing an exertion (gettin a couple extra STR to pick a car off a child etc). They are both similar, but different. I agree almost totally with you, but my dramatic sense won't allow me to rule it out, out of hand. In certain cases, darn near anything is possible.
  6. Re: hanging PCs together - Prison Break - Innocent Bystanders (wizard hops in and blasts apart a player's farm or takes his sister hostage) - The DRAFT (kingdom on war footing and the king starts drafting soldiers) - All the PCs live in the same town/village that is overrun/attacked by monsters - Want Ad (WANTED: Adventurers to kill evil guy, enquire after sundown at the Fluffy Marmot Inn - FYI there has been a Fluffy Marmot Inn in every single campaign I have ever run and all the patrons are pretty much the same). Thats all I can think of off the top of my head.
  7. Re: Haymaker or mere Push? SFX. I would have to say it all comes down to SFX. If the character wants to throw a Haymaker Punch to get out of an entangle defined as a blob of superstick bubblegum, I would say no. If the character wants to throw a Haymaker EB to bust up some handcuffs, I would say yes. If the character wants to throw a Haymaker with his WoodAxe when encased in an entangle defined as a 1" globe of yellow force, I would say yes. Some things to remember: - Haymaker doesn't always mean a punch. - Some attacks can't be pushed, but they can be haymakered. - Some attacks can't be haymakered, but they can be pushed. - ANYTHING can happen if dramatic sense, SFX and furthering the story require it. In this case, if the Little GM with the Halo (the one that sits on the left shoulder) is telling you that there is something funky going on, go with it. Chances are if your GM-Sense is going off...there is a good reason.
  8. Just got my books today (YEAH UPS GUY!). I was reading/skimming through FH. I've been considering putting more effort into my FH campaign...making things a little more concrete and making it an actual campaign instead of episodic adventures loosely linked together. I was looking through the Magic section right now, and I have been thinking that it would be really cool if there was more than one kind of magic in the realms. Runic, Sorcery, Elemental etc. This is more similar to how our heroic (and even superheroic) campaign runs magic, and we really like the effects. Has anyone used multiple magic systems (or maybe I should say multiple magical SFX) in a campaign? Any suggestions? I was thinking that if I define spell cost as AP / 5 (or 3...whatever the book suggests), I think that the style of magic (runic vs sorcery vs druidic etc) would fairly balance out the rest of the system. - Runic takes more time, complicated, limited effects but pretty powerful. - Sorcery is quick, easy, large effects but low in power. - Druidic is sometimes quick, sometimes ritualistic, VERY powerful, but requires good circumstances (weather, seasons, moon position etc). Thanks.
  9. Re: Batman's two-wall jump I'm thinking an Acrobatics roll for each bounce. A bounce will happen every 1", possibly every 2" (every other "). That makes it good for small walls, but would require an actual power for large walls which I think is appropriate for the utility (climbing up a 4 story building etc). Besides, it is necessarily dramatic and quite nifty. Of course, provided it is a fence wall (as opposed to a buidling wall), coming off the other side is where the Breakfall would come in.
  10. Re: Goodbye Washington DC There is a book...either Tom Clancy or Dale Brown (perhaps both) that posits just such a thing. The impact of such an thing will also greatly depend on the campaign scope. Most government benefits would most or less cease (I'm sure the VA would still treat people, but no checks). World financial ruin is very possible as the value of the dollar would plummet to make me consider converting all my cash to pesos. If this took place in the 80s, Russia would be sorely tempted to attempt an invasion. It is entirely within reason that the federal government could collapse, being that there wasn't enough infrastructure left to support itself. If the federal government would/is about to collapse certain states could very easily seccede (sp? god my brain just totally shut down), most likely Texas, California and New York City (not a state but still possible). Also consider that NYC isn't far from DC. If NYC gets hit with enough fallout or gets evacced etc, the catastrophe would be compounded as the major financial markets stop functioning. It's hard to encompass, intellectually, the ripple effect but I could see something like this being the pivot point that would plunge the earth into a cyberpunks worst nightmare. Wide spread, large scale war, rioting, poverty, starvation, famine...everything. If noone is keeping up the roads, those areas that are heaviy dependent on importing goods would be in serious jeopardy (most large cities have to get their food from somewhere).
  11. Re: Ranged OK for HKA, not for HA Wow. That deserves a Rep but it's too soon. Now that you explained it like that (which makes PERFECT sense) it all clicks into place. This also clears up the whole STR at range is Stretching argument too. It also expalins something I've never really considered before...the way that HA is always listed as +xd6 HA and HKA are always listed straight out. With these insights, it's almost like you know someone.
  12. Not a rules question, per se, and I couldn't find an errata for DC... On page 204 of DC (bottom of column 1) there is a construct "For Firearms whose base attack is less than 80 AP" and a construct (top of column 2) "For Firearms whose base attack is greater than 80 active points." I've looked at them half a dozen times now and can't seem to find anything different with the constructs. I'm assuming there must be some difference around the 80 AP point, perhaps some side effect (since SE is closely related to AP cost)? I probably missed something along the way (DC arrived today - YEAH UPS MAN - and I'm still skimming), and if so...apologies!
  13. Re: When Worlds Collide: ideas for universe crossovers
  14. Re: When Worlds Collide: ideas for universe crossovers She must get cold.
  15. Re: Proper use of Hardened & Defenses Acutally, I have to make a small correction. I believed that HD would apply the hardened cost to the underlying PD. It appears as if it does not. There is a setting on Characteristics bought as Powers that allows you to apply the modifier to the base characteristic, apparently Damage Resistance does not have that ability. That being the case, you must purchase the hardened (separately) for both the PD and rPD to get any effect.
  16. Re: Proper use of Hardened & Defenses As I stated above, both rPD and PD will protect against the STUN of ANY attack (with the caveat that you must have at least 1rPD to get any effect of DEF against the STUN of a killing attack). The only difference between rPD and PD is that one (rPD) is the only thing that will protect against the BODY of a Killing Attack. You have 20rPD Hardened. This will provide 20 DEF against ANY attack (for both BODY and STUN), and will neutralise one level of AP, Penetrating or Indirect.
  17. Re: Proper use of Hardened & Defenses Actually, I did. rPD protects against the STUN of a killing attack. Since the rPD is hardened it will neutralise one level of AP, Indirect or Penetrating.
  18. Re: Proper use of Hardened & Defenses Check out my post above. The rPD will protect against STUN from a killing attack since you have some resistant defence. It doesn't make much sense to purchase hardened for just your PD. Purchase it for the rPD instead (Tony 3). Besides it would be hard to concept why the PD would be hardened and not the rPD since you purchased Damage Resistance (which makes the defences one and the same).
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