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Everything posted by concord

  1. Re: Wardens Chronicles / Foundation Chronicles Thanks for the jealousy... PM me and I can arrange visitation rights to the secret campaign site...
  2. Re: Wardens Chronicles / Foundation Chronicles The campaign is going well... sessions have been fairly regular as of late... stories and interactions have blossomed since we setup a forum for the players to use for downtime stuff instead of email like we were using... Here are the latest updates to the Wardens Chronicles site... they bring the campaign up to date as of Session 29... http://wardens.angeva.com/log-updates.asp?Site=W4 Session 28 - Rogue Prime, Part 2 Post-Session 28 - Rogue Prime, Part 2 Story - The Visit - Prime and the Knight Story - Professor Primus: Master of the Nth Dimension Story - Retrospection and Introspection - Prime Story - Prime, President of the United Earth Story - Blood Curdling Screams... Ah, Dreams - Prime Story - When Good Books Go Bad - Prime Story - Prison Food - Prime Session 29 - A Jury of His Peers Post-Session 29 - A Jury of His Peers Story - At the Doctor's Office - Delta-Vee Story - Eternal Torments - Eon Story - Scattered Memories - Eon Story - Prime Volunteers to Help the Military Story - Prime and the Secret Military Laboratory Story - Loose Ends, Stage 1 - Prime Story - Loose Ends, Stage 2 - Prime Story - Kitchen Conundrum - Prime Story - Groceries and Ice Cream - Prime Story - Monthly Status Report - Prime Interlude 25 - May 2006 Interlude 26 - June 2006 As always, your comments are welcome... .
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... The Wardens after they have recovered the rogue Prime and brought him back to Alcatraz... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Lazarus, Amethyst and the Knight while on the way to interview Prime after he went rogue... Lazarus - "Who is going to be the good cop and who is going to be the bad cop?" The Knight - "I am going to be the bad cop and you two will be the silent cops." Delta-Vee and Prime arguing... Prime - "Do you have any evidence that you were not created by the re-animated head of Walt Disney?" Delta-Vee - "No more evidence that you have been controlled by the re-animated head of Walt Disney." Delta-Vee - "Where is the head?" Prime - "Everyone knows that the frozen head of Walt Disney is kept in Cinderella's castle at Disney World" Prime - "Lets get back to the basics, I behaved in a totally responsible manner." Delta-Vee - "Prime in all the time that I have known you, you have never acted responsibly." Delta-Vee - "Why using third person?" Prime - "It gets complicated when talking about multiple dimensions." Delta-Vee - "Just say him." Discussions of what to do with Prime... Delta-Vee - "I would not mind an interview with a competent psychoanalyst." The Knight - "Why would you want to subject the psychoanalyst to that?" Amethyst - "He acts like a child." Delta-Vee - "You have to convince Prime to submit to oversight from a competent scientist." Lazarus - "I can do it." Amethyst - "Bring Johan Doyle in maybe?" Lazarus - "Sure he only has a restraining order against Prime, I am sure he will be glad to help." Amethyst - "Keep your friends close and enemies closer." Lazarus says they need to help Prime grow up... Delta-Vee - "What do you think we have been doing since each of us met him?" Lazarus - "Sticking him in a room with lots of toys and telling him to go play." Delta-Vee - "I am not going to do anything with the Prima Donna" Lazarus - "We have a new member named Prima Donna" Delta-Vee - "Prime Donna if you prefer" Delta-Vee - "You are from what we call a feudal society?" The Knight - "Why do you ask that question?" Delta-Vee - "To establish a common social point of view" The Knight - "Things between Louisiana and California are that different?" Discussion on trust... Delta-Vee - "If someone dangled Mark in front of me, I would throw all of you under the bus." The Knight - "If you have a problem with Mark, please come to us to help you before you give us a ground's eye view of the bus' transmission." Other discussions... Lazarus - "Difficult to maintain touch with your humanity when you are furry and hyper intelligent. You are different." Prime - "Just a little different." Delta-Vee - "Did you ever find the stable where you keep your horse?" The Knight - "Yes?" Delta-Vee - "It has paranormal talents?" The Knight - "I prefer to think of it as God's will." The Knight - "How many totally irresponsible people have you met?" Lazarus - "Many" The Knight - "Interesting, Forrest Gump does shrimp and Lazarus does irresponsible people." Lazarus - "Prime has lost his humanity." Delta-Vee - "Yeah, he thinks he is super-evolved and better than us." Amethyst - "Arrogant, in his own way" Delta-Vee - "Yeah, it will take him into cybernetics." The Knight - "Speak not the name of the demon, lest he appear." Delta-Vee - "When you get ready to bring him to the community center, let me know so I can tell my kids to stay away." Lazarus - "Why? He can teach them to play laser tag." Delta-Vee - "Exactly."
  4. Re: Super Transportation I would like to post more but that effort took me all week... I work way too slow... but I will keep posting as I complete things... I also would like to say I love the pulp and golden age stuff you have been posting... rep would be coming your way except for the "you must spread..." So, thanks for your efforts... maybe some others will become inspired and join the vehicle posting parade, too...
  5. Re: Concord's Plane: Hippogriff Here is the flying pig that I imagined :angel:with SSgt Baloo's words
  6. Re: Concord's Plane: Hippogriff Hippogriff looks good... kind of slim and trim, but not quite... a different vision from mine... I like it none the less... My conception when designing it was a flying pig of a machine... not graceful looking at all... a brute force short hop, flying taxi versus the Pegasus as the pretty aerodynamic long range exec jet... The mapping of the cabin area is based on a Blackhawk helo and the wings are from a Harrier jumpjet... my mind's eye pictured over the fuselage wings with a fat bulbous body beneath... engines under the wings snug to the fuselage with rear exit ramp like a Sea Stallion... Must rep others, etc... oh well... more rep for you when I can... Thank you for all the pics... they will be going up on the Wardens Chronicles website properly credited as soon as I get a chance to post them...
  7. Re: Super Transportation Love the pic... it has the look and feel that I imagined for the Pegasus...
  8. Re: Super Transportation Thanks... still looking it over... looks good so far... more comments to follow...
  9. Re: Super Transportation This is what I have for Pegasus so far... Pegasus VAL...CHA...Cost...Total...Roll......Notes .8....Size....40......8..............Mass 25.6 ton, KB -8 50....STR......0.....50.....19-......HTH Damage 10d6 END [5] 20....DEX.....30.....20.....13-......OCV 7 DCV 2 20....BODY.....2.....20.....13- .4....SPD.....10......4..............Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 .5....RUN.....-2......5".............END [0] .0....SWIM....-2......0".............END [0] .0....LEAP.....0......0".............0" forward, 0" upward CHA Cost: 108 Cost...POWERS .......Propulsion System ..54...1) Mini-High Bypass Turbofan Engines: Flight 30", x16 Noncombat, Sideways ..........Maneuverability half velocity (+1/4), Combat Acceleration/Deceleration ..........(+1/4), Rapid Noncombat Movement (+1/4) (131 Active Points); Fuel Dependent ..........(fuel is Common; must refuel Once per 6 Hours; -1), OIF Bulky (-1) ..........[Notes: (x4 number of items)] - END=0 .......Flight Control Systems ...7...1) Advanced Flight Controls: +3 Skill Levels with Flight (15 Active Points); ..........OIF Bulky (-1) ...7...2) Computer Assisted Evasion System: +3 with DCV (15 Active Points); ..........OIF Bulky (-1) ..20...3) Emergency Autopilot: (Total: 42 Active Cost, 20 Real Cost) ..........Combat Piloting 12- (9 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1), Reduces Vehicle ..........to 1/2 DCV (-1/4), Only to land the Pegasus (-1) (Real Cost: 3) ..........plus ..........Navigation (Air, Land) 12- (9 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1), Only to ..........land the Pegasus (-1) (Real Cost: 3) ..........plus ..........Systems Operation (Global Positioning System, Radar, Terrain Identification ..........Visual Sensors) 12- (9 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1), Only to land the ..........Pegasus (-1) (Real Cost: 3) ..........plus ..........AK: San Francisco (5 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1), Only to land the ..........Pegasus (-1) 12- (Real Cost: 2) ..........plus ..........AK: San Francisco Bay Area (5 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1), Only to land ..........the Pegasus (-1) 12- (Real Cost: 2) ..........plus ..........AK: Northern California (5 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1), Only to land ..........the Pegasus (-1) 12- (Real Cost: 2) ..........[Notes: (x2 number of items) - The emergency autopilot is capable of landing ..........the Pegasus in the event that all skilled pilots onboard are incapacitated. ..........The system is not combat rated and cannot use the aircraft's advanced ..........maneuvering systems (No Noncombat, No Sideways Maneuverability, No Combat ..........Acceleration/Deceleration, No Rapid Noncombat Movement, No Computer Assisted ..........Evasion System). If in a populated area, the emergency autopilot failsafe ..........system requires outside verification of the chosen emergency landing area before ..........attempting to land. If such verification is not given, the emergency autopilot ..........will default to a controlled crash landing at sea.] - END=0 ...7...4) Global Positioning System: Detect: GPS Coordinates 12- (Radio Group), ..........Discriminatory, Rapid: x100 (17 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1), Sense Affected ..........as Sight as Well as Radio Group (-1/2) - END=0 ...1...5) Navigation Instruments: Bump Of Direction (3 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1) ...6...6) Vehicle Diagnostic Sensors: Detect Vehicle Performance and Use Information 14- ..........(Unusual Group), Sense (12 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1) - END=0 .......General Systems ..13...1) Battery: Endurance Reserve (10 END, 10 REC) Reserve: (11 Active Points); ..........OIF Bulky (-1); REC: (10 Active Points); REC Only When Vehicles Engine is ..........Running (-1/4) [Notes: (x2 number of items)] - END=0 ...1...2) Chronometer: Absolute Time Sense (3 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1) ..30...3) Headlights and Floodlamps: Sight Group Images Increased Size (+1/2) (8" Cone; +0), ..........+4 to PER Rolls, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (44 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1), ..........Only To Create Light (-1) [Notes: (x8 number of items)] - END=0 ...6...4) Internal Lights: Sight Group Images Increased Size (+1/2) (4" Any Area; +0), ..........Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (20 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1), Only To Create ..........Light (-1), Self Only (-1/2) - END=0 ...4...5) Signal Lights: Sight Group Images 1" radius, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) ..........(15 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1), Only To Create Specific Types of Light (-1), ..........Self Only (-1/2) - END=0 .......Operation Systems ..10...1) Communication System: HRRP (Radio Group) (12 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1), ..........Sense Affected as Sight and Hearing Group as Well as Radio Group (-1/2) ..........[Notes: (x2 number of items)] - END=0 ..15...2) Radar Array: Radar (Radio Group), Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), ..........Rapid: x100, Telescopic: +7 (30 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1) - END=0 ..26...3) Terrain Identification Visual Sensors: (Total: 42 Active Cost, 26 Real Cost) ..........Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees) with Sight Group (10 Active Points); ..........OIF Bulky (-1) (Real Cost: 5) ..........plus ..........+8 versus Range Modifier for Sight Group (12 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1) ..........(Real Cost: 6) ..........plus ..........Discriminatory with Sight Group (10 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1) (Real Cost: 5) ..........plus ..........Rapid (x100) with Sight Group (10 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1) (Real Cost: 5) ..........[Notes: (x2 number of items)] - END=0 .......Personnel Systems ..14...1) Sealed Environment: LS (Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in ..........Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained ..........Breathing) (19 Active Points); OIF Bulky (-1) ..........[Notes: (x2 number of items)] - END=0 POWERS Cost: 221 Base Pts: 200 Exp Required: 129 Total Exp Available: 0 Exp Unspent: 0 Total Character Cost: 329
  10. Re: Super Transportation The Erne is a vehicle designed for transporting a superhero team... so my rating of the technology would be modern with futuristic elements... I haven't stat'ed it out yet... DEX and SPD would both be human max as the pilots are not 'supers'... if you want to take a crack at it be my guest. The picture it was based on was a concept vehicle that I found on this site http://www.se-technology.com/wig/index.php
  11. Re: Super Transportation Here is the Pegasus and Hippogriff, the Wardens' VTOL aircraft. ..........
  12. Re: Super Transportation This is the Erne (a type of sea eagle), it is the vehicle that the Wardens use to get from Alcatraz island to the mainland and the vehicle picture that was its inspiration. When designing/mapping a vehicle, I usually only work on half of it. Then when that half is completed I mirror it for the opposite half.
  13. Re: Wardens Chronicles / Foundation Chronicles thanks QM... I use to just print out adventure summaries and pass them out before the sessions, but with the website I have been able to give the players ready access to the campaign without having to carry around a notebook full of stories... it has also allowed me to share with them some of the wonderful 'bluebooking' that goes on between sessions... Additionally, the website gives our group the chance to share the adventures of the Wardens with others... it is great to see that someone other that just us is reading the campaign chronicles... .
  14. Re: Wardens Chronicles / Foundation Chronicles The campaign is going well... but sessions have been hit and miss real life is still getting in the way... Here are the latest updates to the Wardens Chronicles site... they bring the campaign up to date as of Session 27... http://wardens.angeva.com/log-updates.asp?Site=W4 Post-Session 25 - The Real Johan Doyle Story - Emails - Prime Clones Story - Sparring - Knight & Lazarus Story - Prime Mistake - Prime Story - The Infirmary - Prime Story - Alt-Prime 1 - Prime Story - Alt-Prime 2 - Prime Story - The Call Home - Prime Session 26 - Here We Go Again Post-Session 26 - Here We Go Again Story - The Sludge Report - Prime Story - The Rise of Lincoln Story - The Shard of Lincoln Session 27 - Rogue Prime, Part 1 Post-Session 27 - Rogue Prime, Part 1 Story - Alt-Prime 3 - Prime Story - Alt-Prime 4 - Prime Story - Strategy Session Interludes 22 - Feb 2006 Interludes 23 - Mar 2006 Interludes 24 - Apr 2006 As always, your comments are welcome... .
  15. Re: Weird villain idea. I need some input on. ding... ding... ding... we have a winner!!!
  16. Re: Egyptian Organisation for Champions (pic and setup help) The mummy sounds like the Pharaoh's "muscle" and needs to be presentable... First presentable... Day/Warm Climates - light colored linen suit and tie, light colored leather gloves, light colored linen full face mask (similar to the question's) and panama style hat... Night/Cool Climates - dark colored light weight wool suit and tie, dark colored leather gloves, dark colored light weight wool full face mask (similar to the question's) and dark colored wide-brimmed hat... Besides the face mask, a little eccentricity for a bodyguard in a world with supers running around, the look is very modern and presentable. Now the "muscle..." demi-brick with a few tricks to throw off the opposition... Reveal True Nature - goes from being an eccentric bodyguard to bandage wrapped mummy... +PRE only for PRE Attacks combined with Flash Attack from the mystic light/force that gets his clothes out of the way (1 Charge, Needs "new outfit" to recharge) Unliving Body - attacks just blown through the mummy without any real effect... Armor/Damage Reduction Hands of Stone - pulls chunks of stone, concrete, etc from environment to aide his attacks... Hand Attack "Live" to Fight Another Day - the mummy falls to dust and a mystic wind scatters the dust to the four winds... mummy's body reforms beside his canopic jar.... Teleport, 1 Floating Location (Spirit Jar) combined with Regeneration Spirit Shadow - mummy's spirit can leave its "body" to follow targets or scout locations - Desolid combined with Flight
  17. Re: champions campaign logs In my case, it is a case of not posting to the forums because I post it to the campaign websites... see signature links... but I do have update threads in the forum...
  18. Re: Blitz's powers Blitz is also the German word for lightning... maybe a Speedster-Blaster combo...
  19. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Some stuff from the last Wardens Chronicles session... The group's teenage member, Miss Majestic in Secret ID, visits a coffee bar. The diminutive Prime offers her a warning... Prime - "Don't drink the coffee, it will stunt your growth." Miss Majestic - "What age did you start drinking coffee?" Prime - "About seven." Miss Majestic - "That explains it all." Prime takes a picture of himself by triggering a photographer's camera with his tail. Amethyst asks the photog for copies of Prime's pic so that he can put it up on his website... Prime - "How do you know about that?" Amethyst - "I stay at the base, I know everything... or Susan, Melinda and Adam do." Prime - "It wasn’t supposed to happen like that... how did they find out, I wasn't at the base." Prime - "Amethyst you should really stop talking about websites and congressional investigations in front of the press." After the photographer leaves in a bit of a rush... Amethyst - "He vamoosed kind of quickly." Prime - "You were kind of intimidating." Prime and Delta-Vee picking at each other... Prime - "When there is a rumbling in the city 'is it an earthquake or Delta-Vee,' people ask these questions." DV - "Are you sure they ask that or do they ask 'is it an earthquake or did Prime blow up another lab'" Prime - "I have only blown up three labs and only two have been associated with the Wardens." Since paranormal involved crimes have been on the wane Prime suggests stopping some regular crimes... Prime - "I have never stopped a mugging before." Delta-Vee - "I have." Amethyst - "So have I." Prime - "How come no one tells me we are supposed to be stopping muggings." Delta-Vee - "We don’t go looking for muggings, we just stop them when we are on patrol." Prime - "We are supposed to be patrolling?" Delta-Vee - "of course we patrol... Mark (Boost) said you went on patrols with him before." Prime - "Oh yeah... didn’t like the cape thing." Delta-Vee - "Besides you have been given a special dispensation from Amethyst as field leader to not have to patrol" Prime - "Oh so I am field leader, now... lets get in the van and patrol." Delta-Vee - "Amethyst is field leader and we don’t have a van with us." Prime - "Lets take one and patrol" Lazarus - "Commandeer a vehicle, I know a sweet 10 speed we can jack." Delta-Vee - "We can just call one." Prime - "Not dramatic enough. Needs more drama we are superheroes, we need drama." Prime Amethyst calls for a van while others carry-on then tells everybody... Delta-Vee - "Miss Majestic, can you provide appropriate pyrotechnics when the van arrives so that Prime can have his drama." The group continues to discuss patrolling and Prime still seems to think that he is field leader... Prime - "Melinda, can you provide the location of any criminal groups operating in or around the city." Lazarus - "Just the police" Delta-Vee - "Prime, you know those weekly meetings we have. We usually go over that kind of stuff then." Prime - "What time in the morning are the meetings?" Delta-Vee - "Three in the afternoon." Prime - "Oh that’s much too early" Delta-Vee has not joined the group in person while they have been talking about patrolling... Prime - "Delta-Vee, what are you doing?" Delta-Vee - "Providing air cover." Prime - After looking up at the sky, Prime says "How come I don’t see you?" Delta-Vee - "If you could see me then I would not be doing a good job of covert air patrol." Prime - "Yeah... Right." The team discusses Prime's new project about sending supplies to the future dimension they keep ending up in... as the conversation is winding down... Prime - "We all agree not to mention the website to anyone in the press." Delta-Vee and Lazarus - "What website?" Amethyst - "I am the only one that knows about it." Delta-Vee - "What website?" Amethyst - "Don’t worry about it" Delta-Vee - "Oh, the websites... you mean the ones that say bad things about Prime." Prime exposes himself to cosmic radiation from one of the crystal shards and is taken over by the Alt-Prime entity in the cosmic computer... after acting strangely, well more strangely than he regularly does... Miss Majestic - "Do you smell something fishy?" Alt-Prime (rather mechanically) - "Oh yes, it was my lunch... I had fish for lunch." Alt-Prime says he needs to go to his hairdresser... he easily bypasses the security systems and steals the Hippogriff... Miss Majestic follows him and warns others that Prime has stolen the Hippogriff... Amethyst calls in Delta-Vee to help stop Prime... when he sees how wobbling Prime's piloting is he asks about his pilot's license and Prime tells him he recently acquired one... Delta-Vee - "You say you have your pilot's license, how come I don’t believe you?" Alt-Prime - "Perhaps you are hungry" Delta-Vee - "I have not been hungry in a week" Alt-Prime - "Perhaps you are thirsty" Delta-Vee - "I haven't been thirsty in a week either." Alt-Prime - "Perhaps you need a kitten." Delta-Vee - "It is not the high holy days." .
  20. Re: Wardens Chronicles / Foundation Chronicles The campaign is going well... but sessions have been hit and miss real life is still getting in the way... Here are the latest updates to the Wardens Chronicles site... they bring the campaign up to date as of Session 25... http://wardens.angeva.com/log-updates.asp?Site=W4 Session 24 - Faith and Order Post-Session 24 Story - The Case of the Missing Sword and Shield Session 25 - The Real Johan Doyle Interlude 17 - Sep 2005 Interlude 18 - Oct 2005 Interlude 19 - Nov 2005 Interlude 20 - Dec 2005 Interlude 21 - Jan 2006 As always, your comments are welcome... .
  21. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Quotes from this week's Wardens' Chronicles session... Delta-Vee talking to Prime about personal responsibility... Delta-Vee - "Prime can you name five things you do that you ever worry about." Prime - "I take into account all of the consequences of all the things I do." During a discussion on dimensions... Prime - "Do you know for sure that apples aren't carnivorous in all dimensions?" Delta-Vee chiding Prime after a lab accident... Delta-Vee - "I figured with his super-evolved intellect that the lab explosion was what he planned." After Prime had teleported the whole team to another dimension... Lazarus - "Successful example of teleporting, good power there Prime" The Knight - "Just take us home" Amethyst - "Yeah, you got us here" Delta-Vee - "Just do what you did in reverse... cancel that nevermind, don’t do anything." Delta-Vee - "Now much experience do you have with dimensional navigation" Prime - "I've never done it before." Review the possibilities and problems that would be inherent in randomly hopping from dimension to dimension. Lazarus - "I would say that he was successful in navigating dimensions" Delta-Vee - "Except he wasn’t trying to navigate to another dimension." Once the Knight realizes where they are he tells the team how they got back home on the previous trip... the team agreees that they do not want Prime to try "teleporting" them again... Prime - "Lets try and find that machine to get us back, I wouldn’t want to abandon you. I've grown quite fond of some of you." The Knight - "You turned a perfectly good wooden practice sword into stone, why?" Prime - "Because he asked?" Prime - "Clearly the best option is to go to the robot, take it apart and see how it works." Amethyst - "Send me back the way you got us here..." Prime perks up. Amethyst - "Nah, just kidding." Delta-Vee - "Prime that didn’t look like a ball of energy." Prime - "No it didn’t" Delta-Vee - "Didn’t you use to, when you wanted to destroy something, shoot it with balls of energy?" Prime - "I cant do that anymore." Delta-Vee - "What happened to your balls of energy" Lazarus - "Isn't that a personal question?" Prime - "I can try to teleport again" Chorus of "No" Prime - "I think I know what I did wrong" Prime - "Can anyone see in the dark?" No one answers. Delta-Vee - "And your glowing balls of energy are also gone" looks at Lazarus "Don’t go there." Prime to Delta-Vee - "Wait a minute you glow now, problem solved." Delta-Vee succeeds in boosting his glow to a level where it can be used as a weak source of light in the dark building. Delta-Vee - "Does anyone have a radiation counter?" Prime - "Why yes I do... little over background." Delta-Vee - "Now that is what you call consideration for others." Prime after the team has returned to their home dimension... Prime - "I have learned a valuable lesson." Delta-Vee - "I have a suggestion" Prime - "No, No, I am sure I have learned the proper lesson."
  22. Re: Train car plans? Try the Bombardier website - they build trains for some European railways Might also want to try here, http://www.railserve.com/Equipment/Manufacturers/
  23. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... A little story and conversation that took place in downtime between a couple of recent sessions... the Knight had just returned from the dead and the pieces of his sword and shield that Judah had collected after the combat in which the Knight died have disappeared... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Judah asks Prime to come to his quarters to help him investigate the disappearance of the Knight's sword and shield. He shows Prime the security camera recordings and the empty shadowbox where the sword and shield were displayed. "Prime, why are those missing?" queries Judah. "Because the Knight is using them?" replies the puzzled Prime. "Are you saying they just magically disappeared?" "Yes, that's probably what happened," says Prime as he concentrates and a small globe of cosmic energy forms in his hand. He uses the energy globe to illuminated the empty shadowbox. "Check, no sign of dimensional energies." Prime steps back and the energy globe fades from existence. The orange furred primate looks at Judah and launches into a diatribe about the Knight. He lays out the facts as he sees them. The Knight came back from the dead and he comes from Louisiana, so he is obviously some kind of voodoo priest. Judah smiles at Prime and motions him closer then says, "Let me let you in on a secret. The Knight was transported from the 12th century to be my bodyguard and valet." Prime steps back and glares at the Knight, "Nah, I don’t buy it… he is a voodoo priest." The two continue to discuss the Knight with Prime's theory going farther and farther into the inane. It the end, Prime concludes that since the Knight had came back from the dead that he will soon start emitting a malodorous air. To remedy the situation Prime determines that he must spray the Knight down with pine air freshener. Judah decides that asking Prime for his assistance might have not been such a good idea and thanks him for his help as he walks him towards the door. .
  24. Re: Some Build Help, Please.
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