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Everything posted by concord

  1. Re: Super Team Logo This one was for the team in the east, Toronto, ON...
  2. Re: Super Team Logo This is one from a previous campaign where the group was based in Vancouver, BC...
  3. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Karex the Watcher (L to R) Interview Clothes (quotes from the session with his 'interview' http://www.herogames.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1769828&postcount=7017), Wardens Uniform
  4. Re: Superhero Images The Wardens (L to R) Knight of Saint Michael, Eon, Karex, Delta-Vee, Amethyst
  5. Re: Like a Multiform... but not? Here is an example of a similar concept... http://redbook.angeva.com/characters/Wardens/kitsune-1.asp
  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Negative, she is not named Ambergris... Karex is an alien and misinterpreted the Wardens' names... Ambergris = Amethyst Sir White = Sir Knight as in the Knight of St Michael Neon = Eon and unpronounceable = Delta-Vee Karex's player, Mark, tends to provide the strange and inexplicable to the campaign... Everyone had a good laugh at his first 'address' as the 'Yric Ambassador to Earth'...
  7. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... From the Wardens Chronicles a few sessions back... ++++++++++ Eon - "We wield abilities far beyond normal people, so what is wrong with the government doing due diligence." ++++++++++ The discussion is interrupted by security reporting the arrival of small dragon in strange attire at the tourist launch dock. The security camera shows a three foot tall gold-scaled dragon sporting an orange straw coolie hat, a neon yellow and green floral-print Hawaiian shirt with buttons the size of silver dollars, purple parachute pants and a pair of sandals that he seemed barely able to keep of his taloned feet. Eon - "He looks like he is a little too loud to be a mole" Delta-Vee - "Unless that is what they want you to think." Knight - "A knight meeting a dragon, who would have thought" ++++++++++ Karex walks over to the small podium and delivers a speech. "Greetings, Earth humans." "On behalf of the Yric confederacy, I exchange pleasant courtesies to the locally known examples of deviant development identified as Ambergris, the human female with the strength of a mighty whale; Sir White, the antique android; Neon, the courageous medical assistant and Earth human with unpronounceable identifier who travels at great velocity." "I politely suggest empathic feelings for the disappearance of your tribe member identified by mathematic notation Prime. While it is unfortunate that his publication coincided with an information transfer to the Yric High Council of Earth documents covering propaganda efforts of Earth human culture known as 'Nazis' and the Earth human entertainment, 'Starship Troopers,' I express belief in improbable juxtaposition of unrelated events and voice public opinion that Earth humans do not plan harm towards my peaceful people." "Informal dictates of outdated but societal-integrated code of personal honor dictate I assist Wardens in investigating Prime disappearance and temporarily perform Prime’s tribal functions until true violator of Earth human collective’s cultural customs can be publicly verified." "Review of records indicate tribal function consisted of traveling with pack and hurling various substances containing high levels of kinetic energy at violators of cultural norms until Alpha dominance of pack established. Also performing dangerous and ill-advised experiments near large masses of dominant human subspecies. Unfortunately, Yric societal custom prevents the needless endangerment of innocent sentients, so Prime’s tribal function may only be partly performed. My apologies." Knight - "The performance of dangerous and ill advised experiments will not be continued" Karex asking about 'Sir White' the 'antique android' "how is he powered by the way... rubber bands, clockwork, perhaps even a marvelously primitive fission reactor?" ++++++++++ Eon - "The ACLU can sue for alien access, after all they will be visiting in large numbers." Karex - "No conquest is planned, but if so we would talk to the dolphins first." ++++++++++ Karex - "If it helps you to know, humans are the most violent race we have ever encountered" ++++++++++ Karex talking about his art collection - "some of the greatest artworks of your civilization." Delta-Vee - "Reproductions or originals?" Karex - "Originals" Delta-Vee - "You have the Mona Lisa?" Karex - "Oh no, not by your tastes but ours" ++++++++++ Karex speaking of his Earth history studies, "We studied them thorough readily available methods." Delta-Vee - "Written or broadcast transmissions?" Karex - "Broadcast transmissions" Delta-Vee - "You do realize that a lot of those are not real accounts?" Karex - "Oh yes, that is why the council depends on my interpretations of them" ++++++++++ Karex when asked if his uses his teeth in combat "You mean biting them? That seems dreadfully unsanitary" ++++++++++ Delta-Vee - "Have you had interactions with normal people?" Karex - "I've been to several sci-fi conventions" Delta-Vee - "I said normal people" ++++++++++ Delta-Vee speaking about introducing the cheer team he coaches to Karex "They're used to seeing my glowing ass... let me rephrase that."
  8. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine done...
  9. Re: War of the Worlds tripods Storn did a pic of the 'old' and 'new' tripods from War of the Worlds... http://www.herogames.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1608840&postcount=3081
  10. Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread Excellent... truly excellent!!!
  11. Re: Super Transportation Taking SSgt Baloo's new design from here http://www.herogames.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1644513&postcount=25 and a little fiddling on my part has yielded the final design for the Pegasus...
  12. Re: New to Hero System - kind of... Poison - If your imac can run the latest versions of Java then it can run Hero Designer as it is a Java application... It is very good for checking your math...
  13. Re: Super Transportation Taking SSgt Baloo's new design from here http://www.herogames.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1644513&postcount=17 and combining it with the flying pig that I had imagined here http://www.herogames.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1652946&postcount=40 has yielded the final design for the Hippogriff...
  14. Re: Super Transportation Thanks again for all of your work on these!!!
  15. concord


    Re: Thor? there was this thread of Thor tributes... http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=40132
  16. Re: Civilians Miniatures? Superfigs has three different packs of civilians - 10 figs in each... http://www.superfigs.net/ click on catalog then pull-down box to civilians.
  17. Re: Have you ever built a powered armor character... There are/have been several characters (PC and NPC) in the Wardens Chronicles campaign that have electro-magnetic powers and use them to power armored battlesuits. Shockwave is one of them... http://redbook.angeva.com/characters/Wardens/Shockwave2.asp .
  18. Re: Wardens Chronicles / Foundation Chronicles The campaign is going well... still lots of 'bluebooking' on the forums for the campaign... we have a couple of more sessions before our annual holiday break... Here are the latest updates to the Wardens Chronicles site... they bring the campaign up to date as of Session 33... http://wardens.angeva.com/log-updates.asp?Site=W4 Session 30 - In the Court of Public Opinion Post-Session 30 - In the Court of Public Opinion Story - Delta-Vee After Action Report 1 Story - A Second Opinion Story - Red, White and Blue Press Conference Story - Meeting with Security Story - Meeting of Minds Story - Red, White, and Green Story - The Long Walk From Home Story - At the BayCoMa Festival Story - The Good of the Many... Session 31 - Visiting Hours Post-Session 31 - Visiting Hours Story - Eon in the Hospital Story - Games for Tommy Story - Innocence Lost, Part 1 Story - Innocence Lost, Part 2 Story - Prime, Public Relations and... Pizza Story - Prime's Monthly Status Report 2 Story - Stairway to Hell Story - Gifts for Tommy Story - A Father's Resolve Story - A Kiss from a Rose Story - Good Friday? Story - Orlando and the Community Center Session 32 - Child's Play Post-Session 32 - Child's Play Story - Awakening with a New Face... Story - Trip to the Bank Story - Letters to a Doctor, a Detective and a General Story - A Night with a Friend Story - A Morning with the Mayor Story - Building Alien Traps Story - False Vision Session 33 - Prime Evidence Post-Session 33 - Prime Evidence Story - Delta-Vee After Action Report 1 Story - Tommy's Parents Story - Email to Dr. Kensington Story - Revelations of Slander Most Vile Story - Karex Reminisces Story - The Drop Off Story - Briefing from OPO Story - Setting up a Meeting with Orlando Story - Visiting the Wardens Interludes 27 - July 2006 Interludes 28 - August 2006 .
  19. Re: Quotes of the Week from my gaming group... A couple sessions ago in the Wardens Chronicles... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Eon/Lazarus in his latest incarnation has metallic blue hair... he is greeted as he arrives at a training session... Randy (Delta-Vee) - "Hello Smurfette." ++++++++++ After being told Prime is doing biology experiments... The Knight - "First he was a superior intellect then he was a superior being and now he is trying to create a superior fungus?" ++++++++++ Eon/Lazarus visits Prime in the lab... Prime - "This is not about the alien space ship." Eon/Lazarus - "No, it is about the hair sample I gave you." Prime - "It is very useful, I will be able to study and try to figure out how to re-energize your powers." Eon/Lazarus - "No other experiments just analyze." Prime - "You can trust me." Eon/Lazarus - "No other experiments with the genetic sample" more discussion... Eon/Lazarus - "No blue haired poodles." Prime - "That would be weird" Eon/Lazarus - "No experiments" Prime - "Maybe we can start small with a kitten." Eon/Lazarus - "I don’t need a kitten." Prime - "Besides there is no need to clone you, you keep coming back anyway. It's like you have a warranty." start discussing apocalyptic visions and dreams... Prime - "The Grand Empire is a danger they have the technology to destroy the world as they have the cosmic crystals. I could have done so too when I had the cosmic crystals but I am ethical." back to the hair sample... Eon/Lazarus - "No experiments just analyze, then return the sample. How long will it take?" Prime - "About a month." Eon/Lazarus - "But you are Prime." Prime - "And I am very busy, I will get to it as time allows." ++++++++++ Discussing ramifications of losing their Radley-Gold charter... Prime - "I would be fine." Amethyst - "Why, Prime?" Prime - "I will just join the military." when told the team would have a full time FSS liaison at the base... Eon/Lazarus - "Can you cook?" ++++++++++ Delta-Vee - "Dimensional ship, what Dimensional ship?" Prime - "The one near the ballpark" Delta-Vee - "You mean the dimensional energy door that you detected." Delta-Vee - "So how long did it take you to build that little dimensional fold." Prime - "I didn’t build it, but it was a good idea." Delta-Vee - "How do you know you didn’t, you done things before that you don’t remember." ++++++++++ Prime - "The Knight was the one that did not report things to the FSS. It is his fault, so I understand how you feel." Prime - "I have been perfectly honest and ethical in my dealings with the duly elected government." Delta-Vee - "How come your blackouts were not reported?" Prime - "They were reported to the military, I revealed all I know about the crystals and the energy being in them. They are now classified." Prime - "Sounds like you have trust issues." Delta-Vee - "We have already discussed this Prime. I trust you about as far as I can throw this island." Trust is a two-way street... Delta-Vee mentions looking for his boyfriend for last year and Prime not helping... Eon/Lazarus - "Prime you don’t need to help me look for my boyfriend." Prime - "Only the best and brightest get elected." Prime - "I do not care how much you advocate this, I will not support the Wardens bid to take over the US government. I am shocked that you are doing this." Delta-Vee - "So am I." Prime - "I will not help the Wardens by building mind control devices to control the government." Delta-Vee - "No, I wanted you to give it to the President." Prime - "Didn’t you what me to mind control the President?" Delta-Vee - "No I wanted you to give it to him, who would be better to decide what is best that the President." Prime - "I wholeheartedly agree." Prime packs up his stuff to leave the base, The Knight returning meets him at the Wardens vehicle hangar... Prime - "I can no longer trust the Wardens and their desire to provide mind control technology to the President and annex other countries." The Knight - "You spoke English, it was grammatically correct but it makes no sense." The Knight - "Can someone explain to me why I am being confronted by a small primate with suitcases trying to leave." Laz asks about his hair, checks the lab. It is not there Laz returns ask Prime for his hair. Prime 'finds' it in his suitcase "How can you question others' morals and ethics? You lying little orange furred snake!!!" Eon ++++++++++ Prime blasts anomaly a couple of time then disappears... Delta-Vee - "Can I say it now?" Discussing where Prime went and who got him... Delta-Vee - "They can send him back in about 20 minutes." Eon/Lazarus - "Or they can make him a deity depending on how twisted the dimension." Delta-Vee - "Oh god... please... don't... let... them... have... wings." Knight talks to Pierce and asks for his observations... FSS Special Agent Pierce - "I have read Prime's file... it was a good thing that he was placed with people who could watch him." The FSS arrives and the Wardens return to base... Delta-Vee - "Now that Pierce is gone, can I say it?" The Knight nods... Delta-Vee - "I told you so!"
  20. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... A few sessions ago in the Wardens Chronicles... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Knight - "We need to get our house in order" Prime - "Our house is in order, I don’t see any aliens invading." Prime mentions his 'Space Prime: Secrets of the Galaxy Role Playing Game' where 'All aliens are based on actual alien races that have enslaved or exterminated humanity in nearby alternate dimensions.' The Knight - "We need to talk about that" Prime - "How else are they going to learn about the possible alien threats to Earth." Prime talking about a toy utility belt he has built for a boy the Wardens are helping. Prime - "Mined from the finest toys from over thirty different dimensions" The Knight - "Have the toys been tested?" Prime - "I have thoroughly tested them." The Knight - "You saying that you have tested them thoroughly, makes me paranoid." Prime mentions that he has turned over some designs to the military that way the President and Joint Chiefs can decide what to do with them. Prime - "They are the most knowledgeable and ethical men I know, that is why they have their positions." The FSS and a police detective come to meet with the Wardens. Amethyst - "What did you do now Prime?" Prime - "I didn’t do anything, I'm not the one that made the Mayor mad." Prime The police detective asks about Johan Doyle. Prime - "Me or the alien shapeshifter" SFPD Detective - "The alien shapeshifter?" Amethyst - "The one that works at the college?" Prime - "Yes, that's him." Amethyst - "Maybe Johan has dimensional abilities" SFPD Detective - "Johan is not a paranormal" Prime - "Yes, he is." Prime - "They're the police we are supposed to be open and honest with them. They are the guardians of order." Prime tells Amethyst that the Knight is receiving extra-dimensional message and does not know he is under their influence. Amethyst - "How come the Knight doesn't know this?" Prime - "He is not familiar with modern technology. He uses chainmail instead of high tech polymers and attacks his enemies with a sharpened metal stick." At the hospital visiting Tommy, the boy the Wardens are helping. Amethyst - "Why is Prime adamant about Tommy being a protégé or sidekick, we don’t need a sidekick. We have Prime, he is our sidekick doesn't he know that?" Amethyst and Prime are about to go into Tommy's room. Prime keeps question Amethyst about going in. Amethyst - "You are not trying to get rid of me, are you?" Prime - "No just wanted to make sure you had permission." The Knight talking to Janelle, Tommy's mother. The Knight - "What does he want to do?" Janelle - "He wants to be a superhero, like the comic books." The Knight - "How do you feel about that?" Janelle - "If the Lord chooses to bless him, then it is the Lord's will." The Knight - "It is good to follow God's will." The Knight talking to Tommy. Tommy - "Taking the high road" The Knight asks Tommy what he wants to be when he grows up. Tommy - "If I get paranormal abilities I want to be one of the good guys. If not, I want to study science so I can help the good guys." Prime talks to Janelle about Tommy and studying science. He says Tommy can visit his lab. Amethyst - "Prime your lab is off limits to the public." Prime - "It is completely safe when it is not in use." Amethyst - "We will see." Amethyst - "Weren't you a ten year old once, oh you still are." Prime - "No, I am 25, thank you." .
  21. Re: Super Transportation Sorry, I am not much of a 'gearhead' I don't have any real details... beyond the little blurb in my last post, I haven't put any work into the Anhinga... it has not been close to being in a combat, so I never really stat'ed it out... in the campaign, the Wardens have used it mostly to come and go without anyone being able to observe them... I have been fascinated with underwater 'flying' vehicles since watching the Sealab 2020 cartoon when I was a kid and came back to the idea after watching some pop science shows on television... the ability for a vehicle to operate underwater using 'aerodynamic' principles rather than ballast tanks was what inspired the Anhinga... Using my Google-Fu, I came across some concept art from the guy in this interview http://nexus404.com/Blog/2007/03/28/concept-submersibles/ and used it as the basis for the 'floorplan' of the vehicle. Most of the Wardens vehicles I imagine as just a couple of steps beyond current vehicles... not really 'super' vehicles other than super materials, super electronics and miniaturized power systems with the same or more output than their modern larger sized counterparts... mix in a little 'super' physics and the vehicles become super.
  22. Re: Super Transportation Nope... it just uses it "wings" and "flaps" to maneuver underwater... It's ballast tanks are very small and are used for the most part to maintain neutral buoyancy... If all ballast is blown, the craft will float... But hey, it is a super team's vehicle... if someone wants to make it fly then more power to 'em
  23. Re: Super Transportation This is the Anhinga (a type of diving bird). It is the Wardens' submersible.
  24. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... A few sessions ago in the Wardens Chronicles... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Knight "How typical, he tells us he is going to the local coffee shop in a town filled with coffee shops." + Prime asks the Knight if he has turned the cosmic crystals into the government. The Knight says that he is working on it. Prime - "We probably should have turned them in six months... or maybe even a year ago. They will probably forgive us though." + The Knight - "So he did want he normally does, he tried to heal everyone at the scene and succeeded." + The team in the ICU waiting room. Prime "I wonder if I'll need to treat him" The Knight "I'm sure that that will not be necessary." Delta-Vee "You may want to make sure Prime doesn't try to 'improve' any equipment on the fly." The Knight "Good idea, you're faster than him so keep an eye on him" Delta-Vee "I told you, he isn't my problem. You watch him." Prime "You're sure you don’t want me to transform him." Chorus of Teammates "No" Prime - "It might work" Delta-Vee "You might turn him turn him into something from a dimension where slugs are the sentient species" Amethyst - "Why did the wounds not kill him, so that he can heal." + Prime and the Knight in the hospital chapel. Prime - "Are you feeling alright Knight, you have been acting weirdly lately." The Knight - "I have just been doing my job as the security officer." Prime - "I don't know who Johan Doyle is now, he is probably a shapeshifting alien, very small chance I am one, too." Prime "I have read over two hundred versions of the Bible. In one, Jesus took over the Roman Empire. You would be surprised at what he could have done if he had not been crucified." + Hospital volunteer in ICU waiting room to Prime - "Sorry no children allowed" Prime - "I am not a child, I am a compact superhero" Hospital volunteer - "Oh, my apologies, you are a little person." Prime makes several rude comments even including telling the Knight to tip her Volunteers switch shift - "Watch out for the orange one, he is very rude." + Prime - "Did he completely drain his powers to heal others" Amethyst - "Yes" Prime - "It is very simple them. He feels on others pain and uses it to heal himself and others. We just need to find a psionic to feed 'pain energy' into him and he will heal." Delta-Vee - "He might have a point there." Prime - "Well, we can try the easy obvious solution or just leave him to die." + Someone mentions getting extra-dimensional spam emails... Delta-Vee "Yes that explains it, I must be getting email from a dimension where I am straight. That is why I get emails from women wanting to show me their private parts." + Prime, Delta-Vee and The Knight discuss Prime researching how to cure Eon Delta-Vee "Prime, that is not its extra dimensional equivalent, is it. Or are any of these other books." Prime - "No, that is what we have the sphere for back at the base, in case a book is radioactive or explodes." + Prime - "Is he in a coma, which is where the vengeful evil spirit would come from." + Prime mentions electro-shock therapy as a treatment option... The Knight - "Who do you think you are, Dr. Frankenstein." Prime - "It is a possible option" The Knight - "Amputation with a rusty saw is an option, but we are not going to use it." + Delta-Vee "It's Prime-a Donna, if it needs to be done then he needs to be doing it."
  25. Re: Theron's Bay City Mash-Up Thanks for the campaign session summary... it is nice to see what others are doing in there campaigns...
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