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Everything posted by Martin2

  1. I am trying to find the general rule about equipment in super heroics requiring to be purchased with experience after a scenario has finished. So a 75 point VIPER gun requires an investment of 75 points to use it in the next scenario. This rules is used by most super heroic games and very few GM's say dropped equipment can be picked up and used by any character. I know it is in 6E1, 6E2 or the Champions book as I have read it, but can I find it now! If any one can find me the book and page number so I can show it to one of my players (its not in the general equipment section or experience section). Thanks in advance.
  2. Re: Getting Stronger and Tougher the More I Get Hurt I have experience with an Absorbing player. He has both Energy and Physical going into strength. Which some GM's may not allow. He starts at 20 strength so he suffers from spending a lot of time doing very little damage until he gets up to reasonable levels. But at maximum absorption he sort of goes to silly damage. But the silly damage is to ballance him doing very little to start with. You may have to drop either the increase in strength or making him tougher as this will infact make him more effective to pump the other up. Or you may find that they spend most of their time being low in both strength and defences as the fight starts to compensate for the fact when at full absorption they are above the campaign maximum. Which is not good for brick character . If you are into a "absorption" theme then pick Damage reduction / negation also to simulate "you cannot hurt me". In combination with Absorption it simulated they are hit and some of the damage goes into the "Absorption" but the damage from reduction / negation simulates it being redirected elsewhere. So you could have absorption with resistant protection, other resistant protection to take you to the campaign maximum and damage reduction / negation to give you brick defences and all of the absorption goes into strength. This will mean at least you can soak damage until you get your strength up to good levels.
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Welcome to the board. Yes their GM is better than yours but also the players are also a lot easier on their GM .
  4. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I have a Teleporter in my group (the source of about 95% of inquiries on these forums) so I had to have the one scenario that you always have. The teleportation accident. Background was the group was investigating a source of unusual weather activity for UNTIL. The source was actually a magical summoning (keeping it limited just in case any of them are reading this). The magic interacted with their teleport and the teleport of a similar group in a similar dimension (but slightly different) who were teleporting to the area for a similar mission. I had been planning it for weeks then a player could not make it so I had to quickly rewrite it so I could have maximum confusion. They got the description of a roller coaster ride in 3 dimensions and multi coloured lights and then pain and then blackness. I split the group up and spread them over three caverns under a volcano. I had the first group in the first cavern and sent out all players not in the cavern. The the fun started . First character came to and I got the to roll a hit location and then rolled varying dice for body damage without any defences so straight of the body and indicated broken bones in that hit location. Described it realy hurt and costumes ripped to shreds and pitch black. So a really bad accident. The first player (my wife) found the second moaning person who turned out to be a hero that infact did not teleport with them. This Hero was a player that has a secret identity to the other players. She was the lawyer that currently represents the group. All the players knew she is a hero and went to their last mission but has not declaired herself to the group yet so the characters did not know her (Character is Whiplash a lesbian lawyer / speedster who wears very little but is bondage like and uses a whip, who is played by the wife of one of the other players) . So the first player knows who she is but is thinking she should not be here so why is she here?????? I gave the player of Whiplash her back story of having memories of being in the group for months as she was from the other dimension and it was true. The first player has mind control powers so opens up a telepathy and confirms she is telling the truth but does not dig further. So confusion reigns . Whiplash had a broken leg so she gets strapped up with her own whip . Also I enforce a costume malfunction on her and her bikini top strap has broken (but repaired n comic book fashion). My joke on her as she supplied the Hero machine picture of wearing just a bikini and pants, whip and long leather boots which I did say was not very family friendly and could she change it but she refused . Then they found the first dead "player". The teleporter had a rock in his chest and looked like he had bled out! I had not asked the player in so he would not argue over his very unfair death. I did the same with other "dead" characters. So lots of conversations and things are starting to click so I send them out and got the next group in. The second group similar thing. Everyone knows they have had a teleporter accident and stumble around with broken bones. This group has the group healer so starts healling. He finds a character who looks to be dead but obviously the player is not here so you can not kill a character without the player being there can you?? . "Sorry your healing powers have no effect, she is dead, you can not bring her back, your power has no effect on the dead". Again total shock goes through the group . The healer then turns over the next groaning body to see himself and I explain "OK you turn the groaning body over and you look down on yourself but also you wake up with a splitting head and look up and see yourself standing over yourself!!!!" The penny starts to drop so I get everyone in and have just one player who has been on his own and has no clue what is going on and I ask everyone to go along with it (some of them are totally confused). So the last person wakes up. He finds a dead body. The player who plays this character has just played him a few minutes a go so knows he is not dead but nods and goes along with it . His wife, Whiplash even says "your dead!!!, he killed you!" and the player plays along and nods . The group finally get together and finally works out that the three dead characters are from the alternate dimension so none of the players characters have died. They now have four members of a group that are based on their own characters. They have slightly different builds and I have given them slightly different character traits and they seem to be a lot more like comic books heroes. My group are loose cannons and I am always trying to convince them to be more "heroic". Another joke from me which they have already guessed as they are already saying "are these the heroes which you want us to be" . The final joke was when they telported out to regroup (as usualy not following my obvious tunnel to the summoning area) and actualy returned to the UN food camp they should have landed at and they run into their now new team member Whiplash the lawyer who has just run a few thousand miles (getting slightly lost) as she wanted to maintain her secret identity but wanted to get to the group with her own powers. She was not covered in rock dust and her very limited costume is not ripped to shreds. So we leave two lesbians who are identical and think exactly the same eyeing each other up and thinking "hmmmm the possibilities". The scenario could have gone totally wrong but it actually worked! It was fun for me with the shock and confusion and them slowly putting it together. Splitting them all into the groups worked so well and I wished I could have taped it for the player that missed it as eventually everyone was enjoying the confusion.
  5. Re: Batman and Iron Man 6th with possibly a VPP ~400 points Why do I (or infact my players) pick the most difficult rules builds possible. A cosmic VPP but with limitations of a number of slots is "legal" if you give him infact infinite slots but goes against the SFX. But "illegal" if you limit the slots as it is now mimics a MP! And this is thrown at me 2 hours before the game starts and this player want a character rewrite to this sort of build! Do I go with the game illegal for game simplicity or try and make the MP mimic a VPP which would also be illegal as it will be a MP mimicing a VPP. Why me!!!!
  6. Re: Batman and Iron Man 6th with possibly a VPP ~400 points I have just number crunched 30 active MP with 12 slots with a OIF, restrainable and a +1/2 to simulate a change at base advantage (my own invention not in the rules) and the numbers come up similar for this or the Batman VPP method. So no real difference either way and I will probably still be thinking of how to do it right before he arrives tomorrow.
  7. Re: Batman and Iron Man 6th with possibly a VPP ~400 points True it is the problem I have as well. How much should a gadget pool really cost? The one in this build is cheap and is effectively a cosmic with limited slots to simulate something they can change at base. Or a Multipower with a number of slots but then make them able to change the slots back at base (+1/4 / + 1/2???). Or something else? It has to simulate a room full of gadgets which can change with a little time (out of combat).
  8. Re: Batman and Iron Man 6th with possibly a VPP ~400 points Thanks this is 6th and shows everything I want. You say 12 slots but only have 5 as an example in the printout which will be a bit confusing for my player. I will use something like this and steal examples from the other threads. He may want different kinds. It is also a build by someone other then myself so he may be happier as I can show the code versus killing which he said Batman did not have. But he does not read many comics. Neither did I (I read a lot a long time ago) until I found out our local library has a section of comics novels. The problem now is I have read all the Marvel ones and am just finishing the DC ones and then I have other minor comics and then I have run out.
  9. Re: Knockout Gas I read that as what Christopher meant. If the same running speed person had a speed 4 they will use more endurance per round than a speed 3. So indirectly speed does effect the amount of endurance you use in a round. Then again if you take recoveries it also effects your recovery of endurance as well. Back to the knockout gas. If a speed 12 person chooses to spend all of his phases in an area that effects him on his actions then that is a problem for the character. If he can leave the area effect in one phase and it only effects him on that phase how does this effect him more than a speed 2 person who takes "longer" to get out but only take the same damage? It will only effect them more if they can not get out and can not reduce their speed to 1 to simulate "slow breathing" to reduce the damage. As with all the problems of a gaming system they do not always simulate real life. You can always argue against the logics and come up with a different build which is then logically shot down by another theory. Or is it just my builds and my players?
  10. Re: Batman and Iron Man 6th with possibly a VPP ~400 points Thanks to QM and the people who contributed to the builds and forums. I am basically borrowing as much as possible to get me ready for a character rewrite to include a gadget pool. I would want to give him a MP as it will give him a lot for his investment. I dont want to give him a cosmic VPP with infinite items in it as I think this is not suitable for a gadget VPP. I may give him a VPP instant change with say can only pick from 6 slots at a time and he has to go back to base (which is easy most of the time as he is a teleporter). Thanks again Martin
  11. I have tried to find builds for Batman and Iron Man for 6th at about 400 points by searching the forums but I have not had much luck. I am sure there are lots but there are a lot of forum entries about them. Could anyone point me in the direction of a starting level Batman or Iron Man (or clones) that are built for 6th? A player want to rewrite his character to include gadgets and it would be useful to put these builds under his nose to assist him. I am interested in both MP and VPP verisons to show him how it is done. A non cosmic VPP for Batman would be an excellent example. Thanks in advance.
  12. Re: Teleport and targeting sense Well this is 6th so I do not know if it can be done in 5th. He now has a VPP so he has several different clairsentience powers now. At 5,000km the maximum range I have allowed him to go he has sight only clairsentience. It is targeted like Teleport as in direction and range that way and targeted with a navigaton roll. He then readjusts if he fails or does not get close enough. Out of combat I hand wave it if he has enough time. At 300km he has mobile point with hearing and sight for fine tuning and spying (targetting the same). Also he can make a teleport window for sight and hearing (but no mobile) so people near him can see and hear. You could possibly have a sight only one up to his maximum range but you may have to fuge the numbers. This will allow them to teleport to a clear area. I have fuged the numbers myself as I am sure I have managed to get further then he can for his 60 points but its my game so I am allowed to do that .
  13. Re: Teleport and targeting sense My teleport player has a clairsentience power. He effectively teleports his senses to the point he is aiming for before teleporting. So teleporting takes longer but he gets to see where he is. Out of combat if it takes him minutes to find his spot what does it matter? This can be bought in a MP and sort of fudged so it gets to the range of his maximum teleport range. So an extra slot in an MP.
  14. Re: Help with Adding Damage I was not aware of that rule. But I do not see why Growth and Density increase cannot be bought together. It is probably there for some game ballance I do not understand. But I will choose to ignore that rule if I think it is reasonable build.
  15. Re: Quickchange question Wolverine has been known to id changed people as not who they are by their smell. He has cought a few Skrulls this way (but not all).
  16. Re: Knockout Gas KNOCKOUT GAS GRENADE: Transform XD6, Area of Effect (12m radius; +3/4), Limitaion does not effect Life Support [self-Contained Breathing] or holding one's breath; -Y); OAF (-1), 4 Charges (-1). Transforms person in to a person who is a sleep. Heals back Z minutes after leaving area effect of Knockout Gas Grenade. X, Y, Z Active cost and real cost to be determined by GM.
  17. Re: Quickchange question Christopher is saying some GM's will allow it and some will not. From your SFX some may allow it some may want you to buy shape shift.
  18. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I am running my champions game again I thought I would share this with you. Players are fighting with a super powered villain of my own creation and his sister Black Diamond (changes are she is British and possibly her back story is more mutant related). Black Diamond is keeping a few of the players busy. One of them being a magic based character with desolidification and a MP with lots of blasts. He has been pissing of Black Diamond as everytime she throws a punch he desolidifies and she misses. Giving up on him she decides to pick on a hero that she can hit (firstly by throwing a 5 ton skip of refuse through the desolidifying character at her and he desolidifies again) and then planes to charge through the hero. So a phase or so later he becomes solid and fires at her and misses so is solid when she charges. BD and I expect him to default to defencive and phase so missing another phase but letting BC get closer to another hero. But no! He says: ”I want to feel the effect of Black Diamond doing a mover through attack” So being the girl that she is she does a 15 dice move through attack! BANG the player takes 40 stun AFTER defences and lands on the other hero and spends a phase recovering. You don't often hear players say they want to "feel the effect of a move through" especialy not a blaster characters who can phase out and not take any damge!
  19. Re: Thread on RPG.Net about HERO's complexity I have read the 41 posts and no flames seen. All seemed to be quite pleasent and gave a balanced views with the majority saying what a good game HERO was . So the board must have changed. It seemed very like this one with people giving their opinions but not all agreeing with them.
  20. Re: Building times Do you want to go in that direction? Does the player intend to have this all running as the rest of the group is adventuring? If so he will probbaly have to remove that character from the game and do boring number crunching activities for the both of you. You could hand wave the specifics and just come up with a time frame for the amount of money he puts into it. Early buisnesses do not make money and just absorb money until it gets to a certain point. So take he wants to start building ships. Say in the first year he builds 1-2 basic ships and this costs the value of the ship to buy (due to investments in equipment building it making contracts for future supplies). The next year he can increase it and the costy comes down to 50% of the value of the ships etc. But he will need to plough in a lot of money and not see any profit for a long time. These sort of things don't come along quickly and its more fun making money by adventuring. Handwave it and take lots of money off him and in a year or so of game time tell him the basics of how many ships he has and make a skill roll and base this on if he had a good few years or bad. Roleplay the exploring on the ship and run the game that way and just keep taking the money off him and generalise the rest.
  21. Re: Consuming a defeated Foe to gain his Power; It's the Demon Way.
  22. Re: Consuming a defeated Foe to gain his Power; It's the Demon Way. I have played in a very short "evil" campaign (paladium I think) where everyone played an "evil" race. We had mostly orcs and one ogre and I played a magic using goblin but none of the players knew he could use magic. If they did find out they all hated magic so I would have been killed straight away. Everyone knew it was going to be a short and evil campaign so they played their races and picked on the weakest ones (mostly me). They tended not to help each other out and in a combat they sort of picked on the easy target and did not take on the most threat and did not work together and one player was sacrificed. One of the players said that he would kill my character when the campaign ended and he did. So it was not a game for keep a character that you liked! So playing a group of demons sounds a good thing to do but will depend on your players. If the players can work together it will work well. If your players want to play free willed demons who don't care who they kill to get to the top it may be a lot of bringing in new player characters who are brought in to replace the ones that were killed by other players or sacrificed so that a player gets more powerfull. So your game needs something strong to keep the players from killing each other (in an evil game some players like to do this if the game is not going to be going on for too long ). I would recommend the players being henchmen of a very powerful demon (one that they all can not gang up on and kill in the first session) and make them work for the powerful demon and they get more powerful as their master gets more powerful. This gives them a clear mission and not one that they have to decide what they do next and they decide just to be evil and just start picking fights with the next demon . So lots of chances to be evil. But someone around to stop them just killing the party off.
  23. Re: Building times Do you have a specific thing you want to build? If you start with a list I am sure everyone will sugest a time frame with or without slave labour (both skilled and unskilled slaves). As mentioned it would depend what you want to build and how much money you want to throw at it. Buildings tend to grow over time. Castles can start as only a hill with a fence around it and as then progress to a full blown stone castle over hundreds of years. Simliar sort of things for palaces and churches. They start little and grow and depends on the budget of the builder. Why do you want to know? Are the players trying to make money from a manufacturing industry?
  24. Re: Consuming a defeated Foe to gain his Power; It's the Demon Way. Demons live for thousands of years (the ones that either keep a low profile and keep to a certain level and don't get in the way of the other long lived demons that just kill and plot their way to the top). And I have always imagined that the progression from an "imp" to a greater demon would take hundreds of years with some demons getting killed of and then returning as less then imps and then starting off all over again. So for a roleplaying game its not a very good source for realism and time play. It would take years of game time to progress from imp to the next level of demon. Possibly the same time as a normal Champions game would take at 1 exp per session. But you have set your mind on this sort of game play with a fast track demon progression I would go with as suggested by other people. Each demon they kill they gain EXP. They have to kill similar level demon to get a set amount. If they kill a higher one they get more. If they kill lower demons they don't get any. If you say your players will kill each other what happens when they kill each other? I would suggest no exp for killing players. Also the dead players do they return at the same level or the begining level again?
  25. Re: Are there ANY good plant/wood powers names? Agent Orange (Herbicidal warfare agent used in Vietnam)
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