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Everything posted by Martin2

  1. Martin2

    A Riddle:

    Re: A Riddle: Then why does he go around with a bunch of vicious heroes? He would have to stop the heroes hitting the villains? Sort of powers they could have: Healing all characteristics to some level for his friends (and their victims). Aid Body, Stun, Endurance, PE, ED, for his friends (if he is allowed to assist their violence on others by keeping them up longer). Darkness (it is harder to hit so less violence). Entangles. AOE mind control only to convince peopl enot to be violent (zone of carm)? Would forcing someone to not attack the person they realy want to hit count as an attack?
  2. Re: Needing a Name for a Density Increase Super Heroine How about Pyrities? Derived from Pyrite or fools gold. Possibly better than Plumbum which is the latin name for lead .
  3. Re: Damage Negation! Instead of telling your players that a villain has DN you could say that all dice are thrown where the GM can see them for that villain (or get them to shout the dice out in order) and then just take a high or low dice from the seen dice (random dice for odd). Do this for random villains who do not have DN to keep the players guessing . Follow it up discriptions of if they think it was reduced by defences etc.
  4. Re: My First 6ed (BR) Villian: Doctor Dair (Coments Welcomed) Well my commen is you need a little more for a 6th Character .
  5. Re: Automatic for the people That got me thinking about first aid equipment and base equipment. First aid kit "does not bleed usable on others requires a skill roll". Medical bay same sort of thing + "regeneration points per day , usable on others requires skill roll etc"
  6. Re: Immigration into the USA - legal, or making illegal legal In the island nation of the UK with our "secure" borders we have hundred of thousands of illegal imigrants from non EU countries who have no right to be in the country. They needed documentation to get in and documentation to stay. Some of these people have been here for years and have had "illegal" children born in the country. They stay in the country and work illegaly. It is required by law in the UK that an employer needs to confirm the ability to work in the UK but "good companies" still do not do it all the time and you hear on the news that naother company has been employing illegal immigrants. I assume something like that exists for the USA. Once you are in the country a while people assume you have a right to stay so stop asking. Stay in areas with a mix of the nationality of your character and it is less obvious (Irish American etc). Brush up on a local accent so you do not sound totally foreign etc. Any character can do the same. Once you are in the USA (turist visa, work permit, super movement) you can stay illegally. if you do not want to get caught you can give it a good try. You just pay by cash. Dont go anywhere you need identification. Or get forged identification that will stand up to some scruteny. If you are a hero in a non goverment backed group do you get asked for ID all the time? Or the legal options could be skilled job that gives you a work permit to stay in USA etc. Or marry a local and keep them happy so they do not divorce you . Lots of potential background for a GM and I like those from players
  7. Re: How strong is... Also do you mean 4 x lift strength or 4 x damage from a hit. Str 10 does 2D6 damage. Str 40 does 8D6. So a Str 40 lifts a lot more than 4 men can carry but effectively 4 x the punch of 4 people (but in combat as you take of defences the Str 40 does more damage in one hit then 4 x 10 str would do as the damage comes of each attack). It gets confusing as you have linear and non linear increases in HERO.
  8. Re: Immigration into the USA - legal, or making illegal legal I was more thinking along the lines of a non American working in its related Embassy in America (German, British, Canadian etc) and sneaking out to do hero stuff as the majority of heroes in full time employment seem to do. You could have some diplomatic powers (administration clerk allowed to work in the Embassy and travel in the locals but some clout for speeding fines etc). Or more diplomatic powers (senior clerk with more freedom to move around the country). Or a full diplomat with full diplomatic powers who travels accross America regularly etc. Your country may not know about your powers. If you get identified it could lead to an international incident. But then so could a German citizen who has just been given American citizen / Green card to work in the USA. They could also be deported / lose American citizen ship etc. Lots of background potential for complications and GM story line write ups.
  9. Re: Immigration into the USA - legal, or making illegal legal You don't have to be a citizen. You just have to be able to work there. As mentioned by others you can be employed to work by a multinational company if they can prove that your job can not be done by an American (or somethink like that). A friend of mine was employed like that. He then lost his job but could not stay. If you stay long enough you can get a work visa to work for other companies (or move to another company who will also give you a work permit). How about working at an embassy for your native country? Something low key and not a high diplomat. Or you could sneak in using fly, teleport etc and just survive. Good for a complication or two .
  10. Re: Why is Speed so unpopular? The point I was trying to get across is Batman / Captain America / Dare Devil are Icons on the "perfect" human with "no" super powers. But they can do a shed load of things that super powered individuals can do (and also the stunt doubles in the films require wire work and camera tricks / CGI to reach the level expected and to stop injury). It all Hero games specific. Batman 1 clone in Campaign 1 will have speed 4 because the player / GM thinks that is the maximum human possible and so depicts the Batman they love. Batman 2 clone in Campaign 2 will have speed 7 because the player / GM thinks that is the maximum in relation to the Batman they love (but infact the maximum for humans with no super powers is well below 7 in this campaign). Batman 1 player hates Batman 2 player as they do not have the Batman they love . These characters are loved by lots of people and they will all have different ideas of "normal" characteristics in relation to how they see there favorite character. Some want low speed and some want high speed to bring in what they think is what they want "Batman" / "Conan" / "Elric" / "Frodo" clone to be. That is why these are "bad" examples as the end point for "human maximum" is clouded by a lot of love for their character and no definate bench mark for the human maximum. If we got a poll of 10 Champions games that have a Batman clone and if you take Batmans Speed and the actual human "maximum" speed from the GM I think you may get a good proportion as being a lot higher than the human maximum. Some people do not count Batman as having the speed of the maximum possible without super powers and some do. It is all campaign specific. As we know by this long discusion on speed . I am a scientist. You can not quote a value of a result without the method in which it is measured. Eg. The Speed of sound is not the same going through a gas and a solid. So if you use one value in one experiment it can give you the wrong result in another. Batmans Speed does not equal maximum human potential in all Hero Campaigns.
  11. Re: Why is Speed so unpopular? Is Bat Man a good example of maximum “normal” characteristics? Firstly which Bat Man are we talking about? Recent film incarnations? His 1939 one or one of his many comic book incarnations since? Also these are comic book characters and not limited by character points and can change from issue to issue. Also the speed 7 Bat Man some people want are probably talking about a very experienced Bat Man that is no longer a starting “normal human” with a lot of just escaping from traps and lots of training and poisoning etc which the GM allowed as a reason to up his Speed to 7 with a logical SFX on training and possible mutate? If we are talking about comic book characters these are bad examples for starting point examples as most are decades old and the interpretation of their first outing as a “normal human” who just puts on his suit and fights crime gets lost in the hero worship etc. Different writers will interpret his characteristics slightly differently from comic to comic and are not limited by limits. Every hero has a super power that makes him different and why not a side effect to increase speed etc beyond the normal. Martial artist wants a speed of 6 and the max human is 4 and the GM allows it – SFX his martial arts teacher was a mystic and infused him with mystic energy or could teach him to be faster than your normal human etc. In some comics Bat Man may also have 15, 20, 25 or 30 Strength (backed up with martial arts) to strike down foes. The fact that he doesn’t bench press a proportionate amount does not mean he did not get an equivalent strength for decking a tough villain or breaking out from / restrain a strong villain (Strength +10 only for dice damage and grapples and not lifting strength, limitation-?). I personally limited my non-speedster players to speed 5, and no one picked a speedster SFX. We are having a break and when we restart I will be allowing 2 characters with speed 4 to increase to 5 with EXP and character rewrites (now that I understand limitations etc better) to make the game flow more smoothly. This will be explained away by the slower characters are now more experienced in combat and they have reached the speed of the other character. They are faster than normal humans (Speed 4) as they are heroes (and all are mutants or mutates). The GM should bench mark the speed and the players should fit in with their SFX. Characters brought in blind should be changed up or down to fit the GM's idea of speed not the player.
  12. Re: What Can We Do To Serve HERO? Surgo: Champions Powers appear in the Champions Power book. That is a good book if you are planning to run Champions. It covers a lot of builds for various SFX's. But not so useful if you are playing something else. What also springs to mind is when you buy a scenario you should have all of the main characters in the scenario in their most recent format. I have a number of scenarios where the villains are not in the scenario but are referenced to another book to find their build! Shades of Black - no Black Paladin build and is in another book! The same with other scenarios. Other scenarios could be filled out with totally different villains but Shades of Black is very specific. I am not sure if this is the same for scenarios wrtitten for 6th as I have not bought any yet. Yes it gets more books sold but to the new gamer its another expense. I now have enough books to run the scenario now though.
  13. Re: What Can We Do To Serve HERO? Well at the time I thought my comments were relevant but from another point of view. Obviously as a new GM to Hero I do things differently and have different view points. Buts Lets leave it at that shall we and move on.
  14. Re: What Can We Do To Serve HERO? It happens, some posters apear to be all wize and their opinion is law. You can post something that may be a comment on your point of view to the first comment or comments from someone else in the thread who also brought up their point of view. And some times one or two of the "experienced" HERO players slam you into the dirt with a reply that seems to indicate you are an idiot and why are you commenting as your point of view is irelevant. That nearly stoped me commenting on posts just incase I got a similar reply (or possibly stop reading the forums all together). But I am still here. But others may have left.
  15. Re: Why is Speed so unpopular? As mentioned by others SPD is an important tool in HERO and it can be controlled to make it run smoother. I had a problem with players complaining that they were not getting enough "Face time". This was because I have PC's on SPD 4 and 5 and a SPD 4 player was complaining. So that was simply controlled by allowing him to up his SPD to 5 with the right EXP or character tweek (the same player was also complaining that the speed 6 super villain was acting to many times as well but thats not going to change ) GM's have full control over the game they run so I think it is best to keep the speeds all relative to the players by keeping all the players and villains at the same SPD if they want. "Speedsters" don't have to have a much higher SPD then your average hero (I don't have one so is not a problem for my game). They can just have other powers to simulate the ability to do things faster (high movement m, AOE / autofire attacks to simulate hiting lots of people in a short time, skill levels / powers to reduce time effected events to simulate doing things faster etc). So players who want "high speed" do not have to have a high SPD to keep the game balanced.
  16. Re: Power suit material and weapons
  17. Re: What Can We Do To Serve HERO? How do we serve Hero? We buy stuff. Who buys most of the stuff? The GM does. 6th apparantly is little different from 5th. How many people who up graded from 5th to 6th in Champions and bought the two rule books, champions book, champions background, Champions powers, biestry etc again? How many players would buy beyond the basic rule book? In the current climate of the economy going down hill all over the world who can afford to change from 5th to 6th? How many have possibly bought 6th adventures and backed them to their version number instead of up grading to 6th? I am new to Hero so have spent a lot of money on the main rule books. My players have not. I have bought some 5th (VIPER, UNTIL and 2-3 scenarios) as they are cheaper to make up for the fact that I must have spent $150+ on the main rules plus other supliments. So more people have to convert to 6th and buy books. If the books are not available a list of the people who want the books needs to be made so limited print runs, possibly with less art work to make them cheaper???? How do we get more players to buy more as the GM's are out of money??? Possibly a basic book with more character generation information in it (Call it the Hero Players Handbook so player will buy it instead of thinking it is just a book for the GM)??? Insist our players buy the basic book to support the industry????? Don't buy the basic book as a PDF and circulate it to players???? Charge your players a session fee and when you get to a certain amount you buy another Hero book so keeping money going into the industry (most probably the APGI and APGII)????? It is difficult with roleplaying games. The GM buys most of the stuff and the players buy little. We have to have stuff that can be bought that is useful to the players. Most do not want to buy the rule books as the GM can tell them the rules and not all players want to do the number crunching for the character generation. I do not think bringing out APG I and APG II was a good thing in the current climate. Only GM's will buy it but after spending lots on the main rules I am not going to buy them as they cost too much and I do not know whats in them to justify another few hundred pages of rules I may not use. Just some thoughts from my point of view as a new to Hero GM (be gentle with me if you think I am wrong ).
  18. Re: Rings of Power Why not create your character to the maximum points for the game and post it and we can comment on it? Base it on 400 points and 60 active points maximum. The idea with Hero is you do not pick a description of a monster you like and then try and make a Hero character out if it (99% of your requests are like this). You pick a theme yourself and fill the character with skill and powers etc and then write a description of that character when you finish. As you may not have the points for the monsters you describe and some of the decriptions may not exist as you have to sacrifice them for useful powers. There is no point saying he has "Eleven-inch dagger-shaped teeth" which sounds like a KA when you finaly have a character who has no points for a teeth KA. It is also good to start on one character and finish that character for one game. It just looks like you are trying to create a character based on about 20 monsters and none of them get finshed and you jump onto another monster / devil / evil god etc. These forums are to help you finish off characters or help with a power build not build characters from scratch. You have to build it yourself. What does yout games master think of your previous characters? He may prefer not to have a character that looks so evil if you are playing a hero on the side of good. Also have you played any games of Hero recently with your characters? What did the GM and players think? The GM and players are possibly the best people to help you with this one. Or why don't you pick one of the many premade characters on these forums you like and play one of those. You could make up your own description of the character based on their powers.
  19. Re: Background help please Dear old Dad who you thought was just working down at the local store asks you in for a Father to son chat. Infact he is not a plain old store clerk but "Insert hero name here". Due to old age / an injury he picked up in his last fight with a major villain, he now has to step down from the crime fighting stuff. So he wished to pass on his special suit that gives super powers and mends itself. He will not tell you where he got it from but he want you to carry on the fight for good. You can carry on the name of the old hero or start your own he is not concerned. This gets a possible DNPC and GM back story.
  20. Re: Running and jumping in the same Phase. So in the real world do hurdlers stop running and jump, start running and stop then jump? It looks to be that they are running and jumping at the same time. The reason hurdlers are slower than they can sprint is because in general terms they can run faster than they can jump. In Hero (and the real world) your average human jumping distance is slower than their running speed. So if you spend a proportion of your time jumping you will slow down relative to your full sprint. So the current valid rules of half move each with a half move then half jump for a 12m run 4m jump would be 8m. I would say you could possibly run quater moves and jump quater moves (rounding down in this case). So a hurdler could move 3m jump 1m to clear a 1/2m obstacle, run 3m jump 1m to clear a half meter obstacle (or what ever the leap length to hight is, or more if they have higher run and jump) for net movement 8m away from where you started. In a heroic+ game with a character with the same run as jump there would be no change in velocity. Also when do Parkour move in a straight line? They take the most indirect route just to look good . Again if the Parkour is a jump related skill it would slow down as well.
  21. Re: how to block a teleporter Didnt you see the smiley???????? Must remember to only post only when sober
  22. Re: how to block a teleporter Cancell the game and then at the last minute says it back on and forget to tell the Teleporter player? Tell the Teleporter character he has been called off onto another mission as they have a plane to transport the prisoner so why need a teleporter? He will get to play the prisoner / aircraft crew / agent who is here to make sure the heroes don't screw it up etc for this game session?
  23. Re: Do random power SFX games work? We are currently playing 7th Sea and I was getting ready for the next possible game. We will be going back to the 400point level game I ran earlier in the year.
  24. Re: Do random power SFX games work? The players are not keen on the idea of random SFX so the game is not going ahead anyway
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