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L. Marcus

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Everything posted by L. Marcus

  1. Re: Moreau Techniques Right, here's my Moreau-ed Gorilla. Something went . . . Not exactly to plan when the 'Rilla was given Human-level intelligence: The species received a tendency to go berserk when really stressed out -- an unwanted trait in a species that can kill a grown man with a single blow of a fist. Since long-duration transport seems to pe particularly traumatic and upsetting, 'Rillas on trains, planes and spacecraft are usually doped up to their eyeballs. No, they're not based on B. A. Baracus -- I just realized the similarity just now. Mea culpa. Moreau 'Rilla Package Deal Cost Ability 10 +10 STR 16 +8 CON 6 +3 BODY -2 -2 INT -4 -2 EGO 3 +3 PRE 7 Arm Swing: HA +2d6; Hand-to-Hand Attack (-1/2) 8 Bite: HKA 1/2d6; Reduced Penetration (-1/4) 4 Roar: +10 PRE; Only For Fear-Based Presence Attacks (-1); Incantations (must roar; -1/4) 1 Thick Skin: Damage Resistance (1 PD/1 ED) 3 Ape Senses: +1 PER with all Sense Groups -2 Slow: Running -1" -2 Poor Swimmer: -2" Disadvantages 5 Stress Atavism: Accidental Change 8- (receives the PhysLim Disads Near-Human Intelligence and No Speech in extremely stressful situations; Common) 20 Aggressive Tendencies: Enraged when under Stress Atavism (Common), go 8-, recover 8-
  2. Re: Daily Art Findings Bah. I'm wearing my bogu -- do your worst! . . . What? An ESPer Weapon? Bah. Life is no biggie . . .
  3. Re: Daily Art Findings What, to learn from his mistakes? . . . I don't like Frazetta much . . .
  4. Re: Making colonization attractive? . . . If we're talking true colonies here, and not just outposts, I'd doubt you'd lack for volunteers -- an ethiopian peasant, whose land has turned into a dustbowl, or an indian farmer's second through fifth sons who stands no chance of inheriting any lands. Plus, wealthies nations do have people who "just want to get away from it all, really." Then there's people in the world's cities slums, who don't stand a good chance of surviving their fortieth birthday, what with the dysentery and cholera and all, and would really approve a change of venue. Then take the world fifty years into the future, with eleven billion people, sea levels rising ten, twenty meters, hurricanes that make Katrina look like someone sneezed . . . I'd volunteer to be off.
  5. Re: Making colonization attractive? Remember Bladerunner: ". . . A golden land of opportunity and adventure!" I always wondered how bad the off-world colonies were, but it won't matter -- make the situaiton down here bad enough, people will want to leave. Plus, you can sell anything with enough advertising.
  6. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER . . . The paid overtime will transmogrify into the other kind . . .
  7. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER . . . I just work here . . .
  8. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER . . . There's too much of it, I say.
  9. Re: Something for your lost world... Inferior gut.
  10. Re: Something for your lost world... . . . Gut reaction says "Orca" . . .
  11. Re: Complicate the Person Above Enforcer can strain plankton outta thin air through his moustache. Quite a feat!
  12. Re: Musings on Random Musings Not to me, it doesn't, unless the meat has started to spoil. Comes from my job, I guess.
  13. Re: Musings on Random Musings . . . Not touching this conversation with a ten-foot stick . . .
  14. Re: The Last Word . . . Damn lines. Always teasing . . .
  15. Re: Future Tech Links It sounds like this is the cover story of this week's New Scientist . . . I'm gonna check it out once it crosses over the Atlantic.
  16. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Grmblgrmblgrmbl!
  17. Re: The Last Word . . . I'm all fuzzy-wuzzy too . . .
  18. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER . . . Grmblgrmbl . . .
  19. Re: The cranky thread Diff'rent strokes . . .
  20. Re: Moreau Techniques . . . Depending on the setting, that might be very appropriate . . . I'm thinking of adding a PsychLim, though: Cannot Harm Human Being (common, total).
  21. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Not in Base-16.
  22. Re: A Thread for Random Musings . . . Actually . . . My page count reads 180 right now . . . Y'all's jus' chasing a dream, peoples.
  23. Re: The Last Word "Hair today gone tomorrow" -- the signature of MPB.
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